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File metadata and controls

900 lines (641 loc) · 25.7 KB

Implementation Spec

June 2023

The Nuggets game requires two standalone programs: a client and a server. Our implementation also includes player, grid, and gridcell modules. We describe each program and module separately. We do not describe the support library nor the modules that enable features that go beyond the spec. We avoid repeating information that is provided in the requirements spec.

Bonus Functionality

As a non-spectator player of the game, if you "step" on top of another player's character, you steal 10% of their gold that they have, none if they have no gold. It also displays a message to both the theif and the victim, detailing how much gold was stolen, and their remaining total gold.

The modules that are affected are the server module, and the client module.

Functions affected:

The static bool moveOnMap(player_t* player, int newX, int newY) function within the server module has added logic that checks whether another player has been stepped on, and if so, calculates 10% of the other player's gold and transfers it to the player doing the motion.



if player is active
   get player coordinates
   get gridcell player is in (curCell) and gridcell of cell they are trying to move to (newCell)
   get the player's character
   if both cells are not null
       get char of newCell(newChar)
       if newChar is an uppercase letter
           swap the letters in newCell and curCell
           give 10% of gold from player stepped on to mover
           return true
       else if newChar is '*'
           get amount of gold in pile
           add gold amount to player's score
           subtract gold in pile from game's remaining gold
           move player to new position
           change char in old position to '.' or '*'
           send GOLD message to player
           return true
       else if newChar is '.' or '*'
           move player to new position
           change char in old position to '.' or '*'
           return true
return false


Data structures

bool* boolGrid boolGrid is a 1d array of booleans aligning with the main map, where each boolean is true if the corresponding character on the map has been seen by the player, false otherwise

struct grid_t Grid_t contains a 1d array of gridcells, each representing a character on the map that the players move on.

Definition of function prototypes

The player module implements several functions.

player_new creates a new player

player_playerVisibility updates a player's visibility grid (boolGrid) based on the main grid after each player moves.

player_get_string takes the current grid and print out the string map that the specific player sees themselves.

player_delete deletes a player_t struct.

Then, the module implements a series of getters and setters for various members of the player_t struct, which are:

  • player_get_addr
  • player_get_boolGrid
  • player_get_c
  • player_get_name
  • player_get_score
  • player_get_x
  • player_get_y
  • player_is_active
  • player_set_c
  • player_set_name
  • player_set_score
  • player_set_boolGrid
  • player_set_x
  • player_set_y
  • player_deactivate

Function prototypes:

player_t* player_new(char c, const char* name, const addr_t addr, int NR, int NC);
void player_delete(player_t* player);
void player_playerVisibility(player_t* player, grid_t* grid);
addr_t player_get_addr(player_t* player);
bool player_get_boolGrid(player_t* player, int index);
char player_get_c(player_t* player);
const char* player_get_name(player_t* player);
int player_get_score(player_t* player);
int player_get_x(player_t* player);
int player_get_y(player_t* player);
bool player_is_active(player_t* player);
void player_set_c(player_t* player, char c);
void player_set_name(player_t* player, char* name);
void player_set_score(player_t* player, int score);
void player_set_boolGrid(player_t* player, int index, bool visible);
void player_set_x(player_t* player, int x);
void player_set_y(player_t* player, int y);
void player_deactivate(player_t* player);
char* player_get_string(player_t* player, grid_t* grid);

Detailed pseudo code


allocate for player
allocate for boolGrid
for each index in boolGrid
   set to false
initialize each member of player
return the player


for each gridcell in the main map grid
   checks if each cell is visable from the player's current position
   if yes, mark that index as true
   if not, mark as false


free the boolGrid
free the player struct


for each gridcell in the main map grid
   if the gridcell is visible to player
       if it is gold
           if the player can currently seen it
               show the gold
           otherwise show it as an empty room space
       else if it is the player's character
           show it as @ symbol
       otherwise, print the gridcell as it comes


Definition of function prototypes

grid implements several functions in grid.c:

grid_new, creates a new grid_t struct.

grid_get_NR returns the number of rows.

grid_get_NC returns the number of columns.

grid_get_gridarray returns the gridcell in the gridarray at a specified index.

grid_get_map returns the map, a char* string in the grid that holds the map.

grid_load loads a grid from a file specified by the path name. The file represents a grid where each character in the file corresponds to a cell in the grid.

grid_update_map updates the map string after it has changed, when a player has moved

grid_set changes the character at a certain location in the grid. grid_print prints the char* map of the grid. This is mostly used for testing/debugging purposes. For the game, we have more sophisticated get_string methods.

grid_iterate iterates over all the gridcells in the grid.

grid_isVisible is the base visibility function for the game. It determines whether a target gridcell is visible from a player gridcell.

grid_generateGold creates a random number of gold piles in a grid, between minPiles and maxPiles.

grid_delete deletes the grid_t struct.

grid_t* grid_new();
void grid_load(grid_t* grid, char* pathName);
int grid_get_NR(grid_t* grid);
int grid_get_NC(grid_t* grid);
gridcell_t* grid_get_gridarray(grid_t* grid, int idx);
char* grid_get_map(grid_t* grid);
void grid_set(grid_t* grid, int x, int y, char c);
void grid_print(grid_t* grid);
void grid_update_map(grid_t* grid);
void grid_iterate(grid_t* grid, void* arg, void (*itemfunc)(void* arg, void* item));
bool grid_isVisible(grid_t* grid, gridcell_t* player, gridcell_t* target);
void grid_generateGold(grid_t* grid, int minPiles, int maxPiles, int goldTotal);
void grid_delete(grid_t* grid );

Detailed pseudo code


Check for null arguments
Allocate memory for new grid struct
Return the grid


Check for null arguments
Return the number of rows


Check for null arguments
Return the number of columns


Check for null arguments
Return grid->gridarray


Check for null arguments
Return grid->map


Check for null arguments
open file
get number of lines (rows)
get number of columns (length of first line)
for each line in file
   for each character in line
       Concatenate it to the map string
       create new gridcell
       if it is a wall, set wall=true
       if it is a room, set room=true
   Put a newline character onto the map string


Check for null arguments
Calculate the index in gridarray that corresponds to the x,y position
Gridcell_set that gridcell to the corresponding character
Change the character at the map’s corresponding index


Check if grid, player, or target is null
If player and target are the same point, return true
If they are on a vertical line (dx == 0)
   Loop over y values in between
       If there is a wall
           Return false
If they are on a horizontal line (dy == 0)
   Loop over x values in between
       If there is a wall
           Return false

Set the incrementation value for x and y (if x is moving up/down, increment negative/positive)
Loop over all the integer x values from player_getX to target_getX
   At each integer x value, calculate the corresponding y value
   Take the floor and the ceiling of each y value
   Get the gridcells at (x, underY) and (x, overY)
   If either is a wall
       Return false
Loop over all the integer y values from player_getY to target_getY
   At each integer y value, calculate the corresponding x value
   Take the floor and the ceiling of each x value
   Get the gridcells at (underX, y) and (overX, y)
   If either is a wall
       Return false

Return true


check for null arguments
calculate index from x,y position
return gridcell at that index


check for null argument
call gridcell_delete to free each gridcell in gridarray
free the map
free the gridarray
free the grid

Data Structures


The grid_t struct also uses gridcell_t, a struct that represents one specific cell in the grid. The gridcell struct holds certain members in it, which include:

typedef struct gridcell {
 char c;                       // actual makeup of cell
 int x;                        // x position in grid
 int y;                        // y position in grid
 int gold;                     // amount of gold in place, 0 if none
 bool show;                    // if cell can be seen by player or not
 bool room;                    // is the gridcell is a room?
 bool isWall;                  // is the gridcell a wall?
} gridcell_t;

The struct also implements getter and setter functions for each of these members.


Data structures

gameData is a local structure used to store game data, including the master grid, array of players, number of players, the address of the spectator, a boolean of whether or not there is a spectator, the number of remaining gold, the number of rows, the number of columns, and the address of the player that just found gold. An instance of gameData is created as a global variable.

struct gameData {
   grid_t* map;
   player_t* allPlayers[26];
   addr_t spect;
   bool hasSpect;
   int numPlayers;
   int numGold;
   int numRows;
   int numCols;
   addr_t justFoundGold;

Within gameData, the structures grid_t, player_t, and addr_t are also used. The grid is used to store the game map, the player is used to create the player array, and address is used to store the addresses of players/spectator. More details about grid and player can be found above. addr_t was provided in the message module in the support library.

Definition of function prototypes

main accepts command-line arguments, initializes global gameData variable, initializes the message module, and calls the message_loop function.

parseArgs parses and validates the command-line arguments, extracting the map file name and seed if given.

handleMessage handles incoming messages from clients and calls appropriate methods based on game logic.

addPlayer creates a new player and adds them to the player array in the global gameData struct.

addSpectator creates a spectator and stores their client address in the global gameData struct.

handleKey uses switch cases to pass appropriate parameters to moveOnMap based on which key player presses and where they want to move.

moveOnMap changes the game map based on parameters passed to it by handleKey.

handleQuit deactivates a player or spectator if they press the "Q" key.

dropGold drops a random number of gold piles (between minimum and maximum number of gold piles) in the map.

updatePlayers sends GOLD and DISPLAY messages to the clients of all the players.

updateSpectator sends GOLD and DISPLAY messages to the spectator if there is one.

gameOver creates the game summary and sends it as a message to all clients.

Function prototypes:

int main (const int argc, char* argv[]);
static bool handleMessage(void* arg, const addr_t from, const char* message);
static void parseArgs(const int argc, char* argv[], char** mapFileName, int* seed);
static void addPlayer(addr_t from, const char* name);
static void addSpectator(addr_t from);
static void handleKey(player_t* player, const char* key);
static bool moveOnMap(player_t* player, int newX, int newY);
static void handleQuit(player_t* player);
static void dropGold();
static void updatePlayers();
static void updateSpectator();
static void gameOver();

Detailed pseudo code

For each function write pseudocode indented by a tab, which in Markdown will cause it to be rendered in literal form (like a code block). Much easier than writing as a bulleted list! For example:


call parseArgs
get number of rows and columns in map by looping through the map file
initialize gameData variable using map file and default values
intialize the message module
call message_loop and pass handleMessage as a parameter to accept and process messages from clients
shut down message module
clear memory for grid and players


check if there are 2 or 3 arguments, otherwise log error
check if map file opens properly
if given, check if seed is a valid integer


if message begins with "PLAY "
   parse player name
   call addPlayer
else if message begins with "SPECTATE "
   call addSpectator
else if message begins with "KEY "
   parse keystroke
   if client address if not spectator
       use address to identify player that sent message by looping through player array
       call handleKey, passing the moving player and keystroke
       update player's visibility
       check if keystroke is "Q" for quit
       handle quit for spectator


if number of players exceeds max
   send QUIT message
else if name is empty
   send QUIT message
   ensure name length is within bounds and replace invalid characters
   get character for player
   create new player
   if player is not null
       add player to player array
       increment number of plaers
       send OK message to client
       send GRID message to client
       drop player in randomly generated room location in map
   update player visibility


if there is already a spectator
   send QUIT message to existing spectator
set game's spectator address to given address
set game's hasSpect boolean to true
send GRID message to new spectator client


switch cases for every possible keystroke
   if h, l, j, k, y, u, b,  or n
       call moveOnMap with appropriate position change
   if capital letters
       while moveOnMap returns true
           update player visibility
   if Q
       call handleQuit
       log error for unknown keystroke
       send error message to client


if player is active
   get player coordinates
   get gridcell player is in (curCell) and gridcell of cell they are trying to move to (newCell)
   get the player's character
   if both cells are not null
       get char of newCell(newChar)
       if newChar is an uppercase letter
           swap the letters in newCell and curCell
           return true
       else if newChar is '*'
           get amount of gold in pile
           add gold amount to player's score
           subtract gold in pile from game's remaining gold
           move player to new position
           change char in old position to '.' or '*'
           send GOLD message to player
           return true
       else if newChar is '.' or '*'
           move player to new position
           change char in old position to '.' or '*'
           return true
return false


if player's address matches spectator's address
   change hasSpect boolean to false
   send QUIT message to spectator
   remove player's symbol from map
   deactivate player
   send QUIT message to player


generate a random number of piles between min and max number of piles
keep variable to track remaining gold to drop
keep variable for upper bound of amount of gold in each pile
for loop to drop generated number of piles
   generate random number of gold in one pile
   boolean dropped is false
   while not dropped
       generate random map coordinates
       if map location is a room spot
       set the location in map to a gold pile with the generated number of gold
   subtract number of gold in the pile from the remaining amount to be dropped
drop any left over gold in random room spot


for loop through all players
   if player is not the one that just found gold
       send GOLD message
   send DISPLAY message


if game has a spectator
   send GOLD message
   send DISPLAY message


create game over message
send game over message to all players
send game over message to spectator


Data structures

For each new data structure, describe it briefly and provide a code block listing the struct definition(s). No need to provide struct for existing CS50 data structures like hashtable.

The client uses one data structure that is used as a static global variable, the data struct, that is used for convenience to store game critical information only received once from the server. The data construct contains three variables, int NROWS and int NCOLS that store the required window size passed from the server and char player which is a flag to indicate spectator functionality if zero and an alphabetical character if storing player’s tag as seen by the server otherwise.

The client also uses the addr_t struct declared by message.h in the support module.

Definition of function prototypes

For function, provide a brief description and then a code block with its function prototype. For example:

stdin has input ready (cbreak mode), reads a char and sends it to the server. Returns true if the message loop should exit, such as during an error, and otherwise returns false.

static bool handleInput(void* arg);

Receive datagrams from server at addr_t from, message is parsed with the use of helper functions

static bool handleMessage(void* arg, const addr_t from, const char* message);

Fills data’s player field with value depending on player or spectator response type from server

handleOK(const char* message);
```                      */
Parses message from server expecting GRID %d %d syntax, verifies that CURSES window is at least the required size, prompting the user to resize if not.
static bool handleGRID(const char* message);

Parses message of type GOLD %d %d %d, displays gold values in the topline of CURSES window. If the display line is longer than the window, it is cropped.

static bool handleGOLD(const char* message);

Parses message from server of the type DISPLAY\nstring, displays the chars following '\n' character in a CURSES window.

static void handleDISPLAY(const char* message);

Initializes curses, creating window, gathering window size, and setting terminal to appropriate settings

static void initialize_curses(); // CURSES

Fills ncurses screen with bank character ' '

static void init_map();

Display the map (char* display) into CURSES screen

static void display_map(char* display);

display temp status message to the right of the gold status message

static void display_temp_message(const char* temp);

clears temp status message to the right of the gold status message

static void clear_temp_message();

allocates memory for data struct, initializes to default values

static data_t* data_new();

Detailed pseudo code

For each function write pseudocode indented by a tab, which in Markdown will cause it to be rendered in literal form (like a code block). Much easier than writing as a bulleted list! For example:


validate arguments Check message type: if of type “OK”: evokes handleOK if hadnleOK fails, clear memory and quit if of type “GRID”: evoke handleGRID if handleGRID fails, clear memory and quit if of type “GOLD”: evoke handleGOLD if of type “DISPLAY”: evoke handleDISPLAY if of type “QUIT”: exit curses print quit message to stdout return true if of type “ERROR”: print error message to stderr Display error in CURSES window else print the malformed message to stderr return false


validate arguments in case of errors, print to stderr and terminate loop get char from stdin form a message string of form “KEY “ + char clear temporary statuses with clear_temp_message return false


Initialize screen Get number of rows and columns in screen Pass this to NROWS and NCOLS data fields in data Set stdin to cbreak mode Set typed characters to not show Set cursor to be invisible Set desired display settings and color attributes


Gets max number of rows and columns from CURSES screen Fill entire CURSES screen with blank character ‘ ‘ Call refresh


Iterate through every row in screen while row is less than value stored in data For every row, iterate through every column while less than value in data Move to the coordinate defined by row and column, skipping the very first (occupied by status message) if flattened 1d coordinate from row and column is within range of char* display, add the char at the flattened coordinate to teh screen at the 2d location else, fill the cooridante with an empty character ‘ ‘ Evoke refresh


Gets max number of columns from CURSES screen Iterate through top row of CURSES screen until char on screen matches ‘.’, marking end of the gold status message Break loop to save this index ensure new temporary message is not null Print temporary message to the right of the found index on CURSES screen evoke refresh


Gets max number of columns from CURSES screen Iterate through top row of CURSES screen until char on screen matches ‘.’, marking end of the gold status message Break loop to save this index replace every character on screen with ‘ ‘ to the right of the found index evoke refresh


Set player field of data to 0 if message is not null if sscanf is of format “OK %c” Set player field of data to %c instead else return false evoke initialize_curses evoke init_map return true


if message not fo form “GRID %d %d” Log error to stderr return false else read the trailing ints into nrows and ncols respectively while CURSES screen is not at least nrows+1 in height and at least ncols in width close curses window Open new clear CURSES window print error message to stderr inform user on screen to resize window Await input char from user if input is of type ‘\n’ Close window Create new window with initialize_curses else continue loop Set NROWS data field of data to nros+1 Set NCOLS data field of data to ncols Return true


if message in format “GOLD %d %d %d” Read trailing ints to gold_collected, gold_purse, gold_left Get width of CURSES screen Starting from 0 to the width of the screen, loop and replace every Index at row 0 on screen with a blank char ‘ ‘ if player field in data is 0 Fill string buffer with spectator status message else fill buffer with gold status message if gold_collected is non-zero Append to buffer temporary gold collected message print string buffer to CURSES screen at position 0, 0, reading up to width of screen characters from buffer evoke refresh return true else Log malformed string error to stderr Return false


Using length of “DISPLAY\n”, read characters following the length of that string into a buffer Pass the buffer string into display_map function call


Allocate memory for data_t struct type if memory allocation failed (data is NULL) exit(3) else Set NROWS field of data to -1 Set NCOLS field of data to -1 Set player field of data to 0 return data

Testing plan

unit testing

We tested the modules in the ‘player’ library. We implemented a ‘gridtest.c’ file, whose output is documented in ‘gridtest.out’, which tests the loading and printing of various grids. We also implemented a ‘visibilitytest.c’, whose output is documented in ‘visibilitytest.out’, which tests the functionality of visibility in the ‘grid’ module. It loads the ‘visdemo’ grid and creates various gridcells, testing visibility between them. To run both testing files with Val grind, run ‘make test’ in the player directory.

integration testing

We will test the complete main programs by first connecting our server with the given client code, then debugging with the correct client so we know the issues lie within the server. Once we have the server up to specs, we will use the given server to debug our client code, starting with sending simple messages between our client and their server.

Our client was tested by connecting it to the example server provided to us. We also tested it by hand by playing the game with valgrind evoked from the command line. No memory leaks were found except for those created by NCURSES.

system testing

Once both our server and client are up to specs, we will run the server and connect our own version of the client to it. We will play the game and locate and fix any errors.