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Basic Usage

Vitor Oriel edited this page Jun 4, 2021 · 20 revisions

Note: If you installed the app via pip, just replace the ./ to FuzzingTool

The Result class

The FuzzingTool result class contains the base result information, and also can handle custom information from the plugins.

class Result:
    """The FuzzingTool result handler

        index: The index of the result (same as the request index)
        payload: The payload used in the request
        url: The requested target URL
        method: The method used in the request
        RTT: The elapsed time on both request and response
        requestTime: The elapsed time only for the request
        responseTime: The elapsed time only for the response
        status: The response HTTP status code
        length: The length of the response body content
        words: The quantitty of words in the response body
        lines: The quantity of lines in the response body
        custom: A dictionary to store custom data from the plugins
        response: The raw response object

Matching results

Every scanner does a match analysis on FuzzingTool result before any other specific scan. You can match results based on response: status code -Mc, length -Ms and elapsed time -Mt.

Match by status code: Set a single, a list, or a range of status code to match.

-Mc 500 # Set only status code 500
-Mc 200,301,302 # Set a list of status codes; including 200, 301 and 302
-Mc 500-600 # Set a range of status codes; 500 <= status <= 600
-Mc 200,301,302,500-600 # Combination of the previous examples

Match by length: Set a length to match (in bytes)

-Ms 1000 # Set the response size to match greater than 1000 bytes

Match by elapsed time: Set a time (RTT) to match (in seconds)

-Mt 30 # Set the request+response elapsed time to match greater than 30 seconds

Combine match options to perform a precise analysis.

$ ./ -u -w ~/wordlists/sqli.txt -Mc 500 -Mt 20 -t 50

Blacklisting status codes

With setting a status code to blacklist, you avoid the FuzzingTool to keep doing fuzzing tests when a unwanted status is detected.

--blacklist-status STATUS:ACTION
# Available actions: skip | wait
--blacklist-status STATUS:skip # Skips the current target
--blacklist-status STATUS:wait=SECONDS # Pause the app for some seconds

For example, if you don't want to stress the server or cause internal errors, just skip the current target when detecting code 500:

--blacklist-status 500:skip

Another example, if the server rejects your requests (status 429) you can pause the app for some seconds:

--blacklist-status 429:wait=300 # Will wait for 5 minutes before resume the app

For multiple status codes, just separate them with a comma:

--blacklist-status 429,500:skip

Default scanners


The DataScanner is the default scanner for DataFuzzing type of fuzzing. This scanner add the payload length attribute for the result:

result._custom['PayloadLength'] = payloadLength


The PathScanner is the default scanner for URL PathFuzzing type of fuzzing. This scanner add the redirected attribute for the result:

result._custom['redirected'] = redirected


The SubdomainScanner is the default scanner for URL SubdomainFuzzing type of fuzzing. This scanner add the target ip attribute for the result:

result._custom['ip'] =  targetIp

Default Dictionaries


The file dictionary build the wordlist based on a file.

-w ~/example/directory/wordlist.txt


./ -u https://$ -w ~/wordlists/subdomains.csv


The list dictionary build the wordlist based on a payload list gived in the terminal.

-w [payload1,payload2,...]


./ -u https://$ -w [cpanel,admin,wp-admin,mail]

You can set a range (integer or alphabet) inside or outside of a payload. Only accepts one range per payload. For example:

-w [0-10] # Produces [0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 10]
-w [a-z] # Produces [a, b, c, d, ..., z]
-w [PAY0-10LOAD] # Produces [PAY0LOAD, PAY1LOAD, PAY2LOAD, ..., PAY10LOAD]
-w ['PAY\-LOAD'] # Produces [PAY-LOAD]
-w [init, 0-10, end1, end2] # Produces [init, 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 10, end1, end2]
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