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98 lines (57 loc) · 7.25 KB

File metadata and controls

98 lines (57 loc) · 7.25 KB


Hello and welcome! 🌟

First of all, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your interest in contributing to this project. Open source thrives on the collaborative efforts of individuals like you, and we're excited to have you. Your contributions, big or small, help us improve this project and make it more beneficial for everyone.

Building simulator panels can be a rewarding challenge, and we hope this library will make you more productive when building your sim-panel PCBs with KiCad.

Before you dive into contributing, please take a moment to read through this guide. It outlines our expectations and provides important information about the contribution process. Following these guidelines will help us review and merge your contributions more efficiently.

Contributing to this project assumes you have some basic understanding of the KiCad Library Convention (KLC). If not, don't fret! You can gain some useful insight into your symbols and footprints' KLC compliance by adding your changes to a local instance of this repository and executing the modified KLC Compliance Checks, described in further detail below.

Symbol Naming Strategy

If the component has an LCSC part number available, include a field in the symbol that uses the Name LCSC Part # and indicate the part number in the corresponding value.

Fully Specified Symbols

Fully specified symbols should be named after the NPM (manufacturer part number) and include the functional portion of the part number. See KLC S2.2

Component Variants

If a component has multiple variants that use the same symbol, create the common symbol first, using a naming convention that generalizes the part number, then create derived symbols that are named after the full part number.

Often, generalizing the part number can be achieved by simply including a subset of the name (starting with the first character). For example, derived parts TL6275A and TL6275B both share the same parent part, named TL6275, from which they are derived. This shortened name used for parent symbol, will often match the "series" naming convention used by the manufacturer.

Alternatively, lowercase 'x' characters can be used in as placeholders in the parent symbol if an appropriate substring isn't readily available. e.g. A parent symbol could be named ABC-1X55 if has the derived parts of ABC-1055, ABC-1155, ABC-1255, etc.


Datasheet references in symbols should point to the manufacturer's URL when available.

In some instances, parts are purchased from a vendor that provides little information regarding the original manufacturer and will provide their own version of the component datasheet. In these instances, the datasheet file should be added to the /datasheets folder in this repository. The symbol should then reference the datasheet using the ${KICAD_SIMPANEL_DIR}/ prefix.

Footprint Requirements

See the KiCad Library Convention (KLC), noting the KLC Compliance Check Modifications listed below.

Source files for 3D Models

When submitting 3D models, include the source file from which the .step or .wrl file was derived in the SimPanel.3dshapesSource folder. The source file should use the exact name as the KiCad 3D model (except for the extension) and provided in the native format of the application from which the 3D model was derived (e.g. .fcstd for Freecad or .f3d for Fusion 360). This allows ongoing modifications or corrections to the model without compromising its integrity.

Please provide both the .wrl and .step versions of the model, and use the .wrl version as a reference in the footprint. If you can only provide one, either a .wrl or .step, then reference that particular version in the footprint.

Submitting Changes

Changes to this library can be requested by creating a pull request.

Prior to creating a pull request, please execute the modified KLC Compliance Checks (included in this repository) in your local environment. Additional details on how to execute these checks are described below.

When creating a pull request, GitHub will execute the modified KLC Compliance Checks. If any checks produce an error or warning, the GitHub action will indicate failure.

⚠️ Important: If you receive an error in the automated compliance check on GitHub: Error: The head commit for this pull_request event is not ahead of the base commit, you need to ensure your current feature branch referenced in the Pull Request is up-to-date. Either rebase or merge origin main changes into your feature branch, then push the updates to fix this issue.

KLC Compliance Checks

Python scripts are included in this repository to check symbols and footprints for compliance with a modified version the KiCad Library Convention (KLC).

A few checks are modified or disabled, typically because they conflict with a strategy implemented by the components in this repo. A full listing of the KLC rule exclusions and their reasoning is listed below.

KLC Compliance Check Modifications

Rule Subsection Type (Modified/Excluded) Rationale
F9.3 7 Modified Model paths must start with ${KICAD_SIMPANEL_DIR}/ in lieu of ${KICAD7_3DMODEL_DIR}/ since they are intended for local use
F9.3 8 Modified 3D model file type can be in either .wrl or .step. Unlike the standard KLC, which requires .wrl, the .step format can be used exclusively as the AP214 STEP format includes both geometry and color infomation.
S6.2 4 Modified Since derived symbols inherit fields unless overridden, it is acceptable to populate a common datasheet in the parent symbol and leave derived symbols empty
F7.3 Excluded Only relevant for symmetrical footprints

Executing KLC Compliance Checks


  • python3
  • VS Code (optional)

Using VS Code

  • Open the project folder
  • Open the Command Pallete (Ctrl+Shift+P or F1)
  • Select Tasks: Run Tasks
  • Select KLC - Check All

Using Python

In your terminal:

  • Change directory to the root of your local instance of this repo.
  • To execute the symbol check, run:
python .\library-utils\klc-check\ .\SimPanel.kicad_sym -vv
  • To execute the footprint check, run:
python .\library-utils\klc-check\ .\SimPanel.pretty\\* -vv