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This is a most popular repository list for CoffeeScript sorted by number of stars

14721 1970 32 coffeescript Unfancy JavaScript
9314 1618 80 SwitchyOmega Manage and switch between multiple proxies quickly & easily.
8961 1118 476 vimium The hacker's browser.
8838 565 64 zxcvbn Low-Budget Password Strength Estimation
8649 432 49 trix A rich text editor for everyday writing
6848 384 7 dynamics.js Javascript library to create physics-based animations
6760 1214 307 morris.js Pretty time-series line graphs
6717 376 134 marp Markdown presentation writer, powered by Electron.
6265 377 129 turbolinks Turbolinks makes navigating your web application faster
6232 3167 363 codecombat Game for learning how to code.
5899 339 51 bacon.js FRP (functional reactive programming) library for Javascript
5211 207 626 cypress Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.
5127 371 17 chroma.js JavaScript library for all kinds of color manipulations
4922 600 166 sharelatex A web-based collaborative LaTeX editor
4850 637 134 At.js Add Github like mentions autocomplete to your application.
4284 183 2 vibrant.js Extract prominent colors from an image. JS port of Android's Palette.
4063 851 139 bootstrap-tour Quick and easy product tours with Twitter Bootstrap Popovers
3917 551 220 pdfkit A JavaScript PDF generation library for Node and the browser
3916 606 12 chinese-copywriting-guidelines Chinese copywriting guidelines for better written communication/中文文案排版指北
3751 382 132 aglio An API Blueprint renderer with theme support that outputs static HTML
3692 701 0 jquery.payment [DEPRECATED] A general purpose library for building credit card forms, validating inputs and formatting numbers.
3623 558 84 Real-time log monitoring in your browser
3620 467 45 turbolinks-classic Classic version of Turbolinks. Now deprecated in favor of Turbolinks 5.
3490 1997 0 hubot-scripts DEPRECATED, see github/hubot-scripts#1113 for details - optional scripts for hubot, opt in via hubot-scripts.json
3470 456 34 activate-power-mode Atom package - Activate POWER MODE to write your code in style.
3458 260 122 pow Zero-configuration Rack server for Mac OS X
3342 284 103 yakyak Desktop chat client for Google Hangouts
3334 339 34 wintersmith A flexible static site generator
3154 375 157 node-xml2js XML to JavaScript object converter.
3143 322 26 Keypress A keyboard input capturing utility in which any key can be a modifier key.
2965 252 187 docpad Empower your website frontends with layouts, meta-data, pre-processors (markdown, jade, coffeescript, etc.), partials, skeletons, file watching, querying, and an amazing plugin system. DocPad will streamline your web development process allowing you to craft full-featured websites quicker than ever before.
2955 254 48 chaplin HTML5 application architecture using Backbone.js
2895 163 42 dispatch-proxy Combine internet connections, increase your download speed
2894 105 22 mapscii 🗺 MapSCII is a Braille & ASCII world map renderer for your console - enter => telnet <= on Mac and Linux, connect with PuTTY if you're using Windows
2865 599 227 taiga-front Project management web application with scrum in mind! Built on top of Django and AngularJS (Front)
2786 711 125 pivottable Open-source Javascript Pivot Table (aka Pivot Grid, Pivot Chart, Cross-Tab) implementation with drag'n'drop.
2761 515 155 sticky-kit A jQuery plugin for creating smart sticky elements
2661 850 9 talk-os Open source version of
2597 1112 333 angular-google-maps AngularJS directives for the Google Maps Javascript API
2544 642 235 instafeed.js A simple Instagram javascript plugin
2479 352 103 hallo Simple rich text editor (contentEditable) for jQuery UI
2477 205 19 noflo Flow-based programming for JavaScript
2363 251 67 butterfly A web terminal based on websocket and tornado
2320 219 18 cloudtunes Web-based music player for the cloud ☁️ 🎶
2318 203 9 oriDomi Fold up DOM elements like paper
2100 279 25 QuoJS Micro #JavaScript Library for Mobile Devices
2045 582 25 hubot-slack Slack Developer Kit for Hubot
2042 209 90 js2coffee Compile JavaScript to CoffeeScript
1876 261 105 ng-token-auth Token based authentication module for angular.js.
1874 118 105 CoffeeScriptRedux 😓 rewrite of the CoffeeScript compiler with proper compiler design principles and a focus on robustness and extensibility
1855 304 10 foaas FOAAS (Fuck Off As A Service) provides a modern, RESTful, scalable solution to the common problem of telling people to fuck off.
1841 1292 2 shadowsocks-gui Shadowsocks GUI client
1783 288 0 vim-mode Next generation vim support for atom
1770 69 33 eco Embedded CoffeeScript templates
1737 100 20 BuckyClient Collect performance data from the client
1718 353 87 jquery.shapeshift A dynamic grid system with drag and drop functionality.
1639 149 44 dnschain A blockchain-based DNS + HTTP server that fixes HTTPS security, and more!
1601 102 2 visibilityjs Wrapper for the Page Visibility API
1598 152 16 ifvisible.js [TypeScript port available in beta] Crossbrowser & lightweight way to check if user is looking at the page or interacting with it.
1554 140 3 please-wait A simple library to show your users a beautiful splash page while your application loads.
1542 257 29 sockjs-node WebSocket emulation - Node.js server
1517 240 35 kartograph.js Open source JavaScript renderer for Kartograph SVG maps
1512 220 30 oauthd oauthd - The OAuth Daemon is the open source version of the core
1489 133 56 roots a toolkit for rapid advanced front-end development
1436 90 11 cyclotron A web platform for constructing dashboards.
1391 201 5 VimFx Vim keyboard shortcuts for Firefox
1387 230 86 dropbox-js Deprecated JS library for API v1. Use our v2 SDK instead:
1386 91 4 gulp-cheatsheet A cheatsheet for gulp.js
1361 95 7 local_time Rails engine for cache-friendly, client-side local time
1340 222 1 Online REPL for 15+ languages.
1295 90 40 coffeekup Markup as CoffeeScript.
1282 42 11 caniuse-cmd Caniuse command line tool
1251 177 96 squel 🏢 SQL query string builder for Javascript
1244 404 177 atom-beautify 💄 Universal beautification package for Atom editor
1239 120 21 mondrian Web-based vector graphics editor
1224 108 14 tourist Simple, flexible tours for your app
1212 89 30 lineman Lineman helps you build fat-client JavaScript apps. It produces happiness by building assets, mocking servers, running specs on every file change
1193 138 18 atom-simplified-chinese-menu Atom 的简体中文汉化扩展,目前最全的汉化包。包含菜单汉化、右键菜单汉化以及设置汉化
1171 181 76 psd.js A Photoshop PSD file parser for NodeJS and browsers
1159 84 78 atom-vim-mode-plus vim-mode improved
1146 243 54 angular-masonry An AngularJS directive for Masonry.
1134 159 47 greenscreen None
1131 381 22 qqbot 基于WebQQ协议的QQ机器人。命令行工具,Hubot支持!
1126 190 13 camo 🔒 an http proxy to route images through SSL
1114 50 9 cson CoffeeScript-Object-Notation. Same as JSON but for CoffeeScript objects.
1111 72 3 Heyoffline Warn your users when their network goes down. Make sure they don't lose anything.
1104 778 4 shadowsocks-nodejs None
1099 245 170 apm Atom Package Manager
1093 43 32 git-time-machine Atom package that allows you to travel back in commit history
1090 173 7 buckets [DEPRECATED] Manage content better.
1087 399 11 tacofancy community-driven taco repo. stars stars stars.
1085 38 0 hubble A dashboard that displays in the terminal
1080 84 32 stitch Stitch your CommonJS modules together for the browser
1070 305 150 markdown-preview 📝 Markdown preview in Atom
1063 111 55 sync-settings Synchronize all your settings and packages across atom instances
1051 95 8 Coffee-Physics A simple, lightweight physics engine written in CoffeeScript
1050 62 19 jquery.turbolinks 💀 Deprecated ⚠️ jQuery plugin for drop-in fix binded events problem caused by Turbolinks
1044 111 47 aurora.js JavaScript audio decoding framework
1020 215 58 pushd Blazing fast multi-protocol mobile and web push notification service
1003 172 83 coffeelint Lint your CoffeeScript.
987 87 35 zappa Node development for the lazy.
955 86 41 node-slug slugifies even utf-8 chars!
949 78 61 dploy An FTP/SFTP deployment tool built in node.js.
936 142 46 node-neo4j [RETIRED] Neo4j graph database driver (REST API client) for Node.js
915 32 16 pretty-error See node.js errors with less clutter
912 209 24 octonode github api v3 in nodejs
865 53 9 pt An experimental library on point, form, and space.
846 186 28 jquery-endless-scroll Endless/infinite scrolling/pagination.
844 264 178 meteor-admin A complete admin dashboard solution
827 108 134 houston A zero-config, Django Admin-like admin for Meteor
822 538 27 badges 🎴 Readme Badges – Gotta catch 'em all
816 195 5 meshblu Meshblu is a cross-protocol IoT machine-to-machine messaging system.
802 116 9 webgl-heatmap A high performance WebGL/JS heatmap display library
800 44 27 apparatus A hybrid graphics editor and programming environment for creating interactive diagrams.
799 52 7 Realtime HTML5 Framework
792 135 74 Atraci Free music streaming player
786 201 24 oauth-js OAuth that just works ! This is the JavaScript SDK for
784 236 69 literallycanvas A canvas in your browser. Literally.
748 185 22 image-picker Image Picker is a simple jQuery plugin that transforms a select element into a more user friendly graphical interface.
746 60 29 backbone-offline [Deprecated] Allows your Backbone.js app to work offline
737 55 13 rsmq Redis Simple Message Queue
729 58 13 jscpd Copy/paste detector for programming source code.
726 40 2 reactor.js Javascript reactive programming library
715 159 273 emmet-atom Emmet support for Atom
704 18 8 omelette Omelette is a simple, template based autocompletion tool for Node projects with super easy API. (For Bash, Zsh and Fish)
702 155 4 AngularFun AngularJS Reference Architecture
697 223 94 karma-coverage A Karma plugin. Generate code coverage.
693 188 56 node-rtsp-rtmp-server RTSP/RTMP/HTTP hybrid server
693 76 10 minimongo Client-side in-memory mongodb backed by localstorage with server sync over http
691 327 72 angular-bootstrap-nav-tree An AngularJS directive that creates a Tree based on a Bootstrap "nav" list.
690 49 16 popularconvention analyzing code convention from github commits for Github data challenge II
689 274 42 hubot-hipchat HipChat adapter for GitHub's Hubot
672 43 16 messenger.js Insanely Fast Communication Library For Node.js Services
670 32 32 Algebrite Computer Algebra System in Javascript (Coffeescript)
665 67 30 swag Swag is a growing collection of helpers for handlebars templates.
655 113 6 express-coffee A Template for NodeJs Application using Express, CoffeeScript, Jade, Stylus, Nib
652 41 17 longjohn Long stack traces for node.js inspired by
650 61 24 sloc simple tool to count SLOC (source lines of code)
646 241 12 buttercoin Opensource Bitcoin Exchange Software
640 92 16 codo CoffeeScript API documentation generator. It's like YARD but for CoffeeScript!
612 109 92 vrome Vrome: Bringing Vim elegance to Chrome
609 77 13 Smooth-CoffeeScript A book on functional programming in CoffeeScript
607 44 0 space-pen A simple and powerful client-side view framework that works in zero-gravity, no longer maintained.
606 62 10 xipd None
603 82 39 yaml.js Standalone JavaScript YAML 1.2 Parser & Encoder. Works under node.js and all major browsers. Also brings command line YAML/JSON conversion tools.
593 39 3 signet Display a unique seal in the developer console of your page
587 346 57 angular-form-builder Drag and drop to build bootstrap forms in AngularJS.
587 134 28 pasteboard Clipboard and drag & drop image sharing web app
586 65 75 notes Awesome note taking.
584 117 30 gulp-connect Gulp plugin to run a webserver (with LiveReload)
584 56 22 nodecache a node internal caching module
583 21 26 vim-mode Experimental next generation vim support for atom. This project needs a new home!
579 141 25 bootstrap-tags Bootstrap-themed jquery tag interface
578 149 79 groc Documentation generation, in the spirit of literate programming.
577 40 3 BankersBox redis-like wrapper for javascript storage
573 62 13 Pick colours based on hsl. Scheme-mode with monochromatic, analogic, complement, triad and quad colours.
572 31 3 core-lib A port of the Ruby 1.9.3 corelib to coffeescript/javascript/node that conforms to
568 96 0 iphone-style-checkboxes Turn your checkboxes into iOS-style binary switches
567 112 18 jq-console Feature complete web terminal
565 113 50 plunker front-end and backend
561 46 6 coffee-resque None
557 71 13 xmlbuilder-js An XML builder for node.js
554 929 1 global.hackathon Welcome to the World’s First Global Virtual Hackathon!
553 37 7 bozon Scaffold, Run, Test and Package Electron application with ease
548 43 65 pioneer Integration Testing
546 76 36 meteor-user-status Track user connection state and inactivity in Meteor.
544 72 0 electron-starter Example Electron app
537 28 14 serenade.js Client side MVC framework
530 89 115 meteor-restivus REST APIs for the Best of Us! - A Meteor 0.9+ package for building REST APIs
528 24 0 CoffeeDrop CoffeeDrop is an open-source, roll your own, Dropbox-like clone written in CoffeeScript. Currently not working and under heavy development.
520 103 751 cocalc CoCalc: Collaborative Calculation in the Cloud
519 615 9 shadowsocks-chromeapp Chrome client for shadowsocks
516 152 184 pimatic A home automation server and framework for the raspberry pi running on node.js
512 159 90 git-plus vim-fugitive like package for atom. make commits and other git things without the terminal
512 47 111 proto-repl A Clojure Development Environment package for the Atom editor
511 60 22 node-auto-launch Launch applications or executables at login (Mac, Windows, and Linux)
506 53 21 highlights Syntax highlighter
501 352 161 angular-daterangepicker Angular.js wrapper for dangrossman/bootstrap-daterangepicker
494 59 71 atom-pigments An Atom package to display colors in project and files.
493 25 0 Framer-Snippets-Library A library of Framer snippets to help speed up your workflow
492 277 28 social-share-button Helper for add social share feature in your Rails app. Twitter, Facebook, Weibo, Douban ...
479 8 3 databound Provides Javascript a simple API to the Ruby on Rails CRUD.
479 80 110 atom-react ReactJS Support for atom (syntax, snippets)
472 12 2 ace Sinatra for Node
472 124 21 pokemon-go-mitm 🎁 Pokemon Go MITM Proxy - Intercepts the traffic between your Pokemon Go app and their servers, decodes the protocol and gives you a handy tool to enrich your own game experience on the fly.
471 18 1 Awkward A NodeJS based shell. Everything is an Object!
470 16 6 grunt-pagespeed Grunt plugin to run Google PageSpeed Insights as part of CI
468 69 18 box2d-jquery convert your DOM into physical objects using this awesome jQuery wrapper around box2d-web
465 16 5 TheatreJS A high-performance animation editor for the web.
461 51 9 haml-coffee Haml templates where you can write inline CoffeeScript.
459 166 373 terminal-plus A terminal package for Atom, complete with themes and more.
457 303 245 tree-view 🌳 Explore and open project files in Atom
455 42 8 harvey Adding a second face to your application's JavaScript
449 40 16 parallelshell Run multiple shell commands in parallel
449 45 68 merge-conflicts Resolve git merge conflicts in Atom
443 167 1 coffeescript-koans Koans: learn CoffeeScript by doing it
442 49 16 Griddify A tiny Photoshop panel to make guides and grids
441 95 6 journo A quick-and-dirty (literate) blogging engine
437 25 5 Smooth.js Turn arrays into smooth functions.
436 56 24 coffee-react-transform DEPRECATED – Provides React JSX support for Coffeescript
435 66 0 github-buttons :octocat: Unofficial github:buttons.
433 160 49 meteor-starter Kickstart your meteor projects
429 34 9 fattable Javascript Library to create scrollable table with infinite rows and columns.
429 39 9 ViewController-for-Framer Multi step user flows in Framer.js
427 27 11 coffee-react DEPRECATED – Unfancy JavaScript with React JSX markup
424 85 11 hubot-deploy 🚀 GitHub Flow via hubot
420 75 8 language-babel ES2017, flow, React JSX and GraphQL grammar and transpilation for ATOM
418 56 6 generator-reveal Yeoman generator for Reveal.js
416 189 67 Alchemy None
412 165 44 ajax-chosen A complement to the jQuery library Chosen that adds ajax autocomplete
412 94 40 adbkit A pure Node.js client for the Android Debug Bridge.
410 94 76 meteor-pages State of the art, out of the box Meteor pagination
406 96 11 natal Bootstrap ClojureScript React Native apps
401 5 0 Shem The compiler of the programming language Shem
400 118 15 jquery-jsonview [UNMAINTAINED]View JSON in a more readable format
395 57 63 echoplexus powered chat, JavaScript REPL, whiteboard, and WebRTC calls
392 33 5 backbone_query A lightweight query api for Backbone Collections
390 65 5 Comprehensive interactive map of the world's major operating and planned submarine cable systems and landing stations, updated frequently.
390 64 752 4chan-x Adds various features to 4chan.
389 24 3 atom-dash Dash documentation integration with Atom
382 115 30 node-csv-parse CSV parsing implementing the Node.js stream.Transform API
379 11 5 jadelet Pure and simple clientside templates
377 57 71 meteor-job-collection A persistent and reactive job queue for Meteor, supporting distributed workers that can run anywhere.
376 137 69 ngQuickDate An Angular.js Date/Time picker directive that stresses speed of data entry and configuration
374 27 5 kart 🎮 Frontend for RetroArch
371 31 11 i3-style Make your i3 config a little more stylish.
370 46 16 json-diff Structural diff for JSON files
368 152 6 slip.js 移动端跟随手指滑动组件,零依赖。
365 23 8 url-pattern easier than regex string matching patterns for urls and other strings. turn strings into data or data into strings.
358 18 30 meteor-blaze-components Reusable components for Blaze
356 43 0 task_list GitHub flavor Markdown Task List feature components
355 56 10 A curated showcase of creative coding sketches
354 54 34 redditmusicplayer 🎵 A free and open-source streaming music web player using data from Reddit
350 106 72 meteor-autocomplete Client/server autocompletion designed for Meteor's collections and reactivity.
349 60 9 paste.js read image/text data from clipboard (cross-browser)
348 163 8 angular-table Angular directive which allows to declare sortable tables and to add pagination with very little effort.
347 41 1 js-patterns-sublime-snippets 🎓 JavaScript Patterns snippets for Sublime Text
346 32 5 gitspective A different github timeline
345 52 6 scaleApp scaleApp is a JavaScript framework for scalable and maintainable One-Page-Applications
341 70 20 png.js A (animated) PNG decoder in JavaScript for the HTML5 canvas element and Node.js
339 16 2 rockets Streams new posts and comments as they are created on
338 31 20 query-engine Query Engine allows you to perform advanced queries, filters, searching and paging for javascript arrays and objects as well as Backbone.js Collections
338 46 1 ColorTunes HTML5 version of the iTunes 11 album view
335 57 52 asset-rack Static Web Framework for Nodejs
333 59 41 abao REST API automated testing tool based on RAML
332 69 5 deploy-robot GitHub 自动部署机器人
329 21 0 fusker Fusker is a static HTTP server that provides optional security features for HTTP/
328 51 3 twix.js ↔️ A date range plugin for moment.js
328 44 11 payform 💳 A library for building credit card forms, validating inputs, and formatting numbers.
326 14 12 hearthdash Hearthstone tracker
326 31 0 Input-Framer Framer module to add inputs to your prototypes and easily turn your designs inputs into real inputs
325 37 4 phearjs PhearJS - render dynamic Javascript webpages to JSON with PhantomJS
323 68 461 steroids CLI for AppGyver Steroids tooling
322 48 17 jumly Rendering engine for UML diagrams in JavaScript
319 45 5 jquery.mobilePhoneNumber A general purpose library for validating and formatting mobile phone numbers.
318 29 10 Typist Elegant automated typing, for your text rotation needs
318 204 122 accounts-entry Meteor sign up and sign in pages
317 27 9 joosy Joosy is a browser applications framework. That is based on Rails, CoffeeScript and love.
311 23 3 filr Store files in your Flickr account
309 104 183 swarm Swarm Simulator Javascript/browser client.
308 132 15 hubot-irc IRC adapter for Hubot
308 36 8 testium integration test library for Node.js that hooks into mocha (and others) to provide a sync api for controlling browsers
305 20 4 gleemail Making email template development fun! Sort of!
304 33 74 node-client CLI for written in/for Node.js
304 27 7 jwalk command-line json inspector
302 29 13 vimtronner A multi-player Vim trainer.
302 91 13 restify-oauth2 A simple OAuth 2 endpoint for Restify
301 56 31 instagram-node-lib The Instagram Node Lib is a helper library for node that makes communicating with the Instagram API easy.
300 38 3 subtle-patterns-bookmarklet SubtlePatterns Bookmarklet
300 55 20 AngularJS-Atom An AngularJS package for Github's Atom editor
299 94 32 amazon-product-api 💳 Amazon Product Advertising API client
299 83 23 Hubot-WeChat This is weixin/wechat adapter for hubot.
297 89 8 guillotine jQuery plugin to crop images within an area (fully responsive), allowing to drag (touch support), zoom and rotate.
295 115 42 sketch.js A jQuery plugin for dead simple Canvas-based drawing.
295 13 9 gulp-sketch A SketchTool plugin for gulp
293 14 0 ready.js OBSOLETE - continuous javascript integration
293 58 37 StreamMachine An experiment in next-generation streaming audio infrastructure for radio stations.
293 54 8 HyperDown.js None
292 77 4 brunch-with-chaplin Boilerplate application for Brunch with Chaplin framework included.
291 67 1 Base64.js Polyfill for browsers which don't provide window.btoa and window.atob
287 98 24 payment 💰 A jQuery-free general purpose library for building credit card forms, validating inputs and formatting numbers.
281 18 7 atom-wakatime Atom plugin for automatic time tracking and metrics generated from your programming activity.
279 93 72 plunker_www The public-facing website for
278 74 7 apiaxle The apiaxle project
277 6 4 unregistered ®️ Best Atom plugin for sublime text users
276 67 139 connect A modern authorization server built to authenticate your users and protect your APIs
275 40 7 node-browserchannel An implementation of a google browserchannel server in node.js
275 23 3 violin Violin
274 66 23 jpeg_camera JpegCamera – JavaScript webcam image capture library
274 20 0 rails-behaviors Rails UJS Behaviors for jQuery and Zepto
273 20 5 ghostbuster Integration testing ftw
273 10 2 scientist A Node.js library for carefully refactoring critical paths in production
272 11 7 async-profile Asynchronous CPU profiling for node
271 54 26 beautiful-docs A beautiful way to read documentation
270 26 1 linear-partition Linear partition in Coffeescript (Javascript)
270 79 59 S3 A simple helper for easily uploading files to Amazon S3 from Meteor. This package will also make Knox available server-side.
269 70 51 atom-runner This package will run various script files inside of Atom. It currently supports JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Ruby, and Python. You can add more.
269 28 32 neovim-e Electron UI for Neovim
268 27 30 nesh An enhanced, extensible interactive shell for Node.js and CoffeeScript
267 42 23 md-writer ✒️ Make Atom a better Markdown/AsciiDoc editor for writers and bloggers
265 115 78 karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor A Karma plugin. Compile AngularJS 1.x and 2.x templates to JavaScript on the fly.
264 35 74 atom-node-debugger A Nodejs Debugger For Atom
264 30 9 ger Good Enough Recommendation (GER) Engine
262 22 21 uRequire The Ultimate JavaScript Module Builder & Automagical Task Runner. Convert AMD & CommonJS/NodeJS modules to UMD, AMD, CommonJS or bundle them as combined.js (rjs & almond, AMDclean soon) & automagically run/test/watch them on nodejs, Web/AMD or Web/Script. Declarative & DRY config with inheritance. Manipulate & inject dependencies, module code, banners, version etc while building with a single line. Support two kinds of plugins, ResourceConverter (i.e file level) and AfterBuilder (i.e the whole bundle). Transparent support for Coffeescript, IcedCoffeescript, Coco, LiveScript – they’re just JavaScript :-)
262 28 13 textLayer-for-Framer Framer.js module that simplifies the process of adding text to your prototypes.
260 43 33 angular-light Alight is a library for building interactive MVVM web interfaces/applications.
259 46 17 ostio-chaplin Your open-source talks place.
258 66 7 jquery.qeditor This is a simple WYSIWYG editor with jQuery.
256 41 9 coffee-react-quickstart Quickstart for building React single page apps using Coffeescript, Gulp, Webpack, and React-Router
256 14 41 php-ide-serenata Atom IDE package that integrates the Serenata server to provide PHP code assistance
256 39 14 shred A Node.js HTTP Client
256 205 57 angular-slider (DEPRECATED) Slider directive implementation for AngularJS, without jQuery dependencies
255 48 3 youtube-video A Javascript library to access webm, mp4 sources for Youtube Videos.
254 22 21 Thera Thera is an integrated development environment(IDE) powered by aimed for improving mobile hybrid solution develop experience, such as weex, luaview, react native.
253 32 88 mathdown Collaborative markdown with math
252 38 6 node-di Dependency Injection framework for Node.js
249 34 43 cartjs A Javascript library to power cart management for Shopify themes.
247 51 42 color-picker A color picker for the Atom Editor. Right click a color and select color picker to open it.
247 78 34 rivescript-js A RiveScript interpreter for JavaScript. RiveScript is a scripting language for chatterbots.
245 73 2 derby-examples Example applications for the Derby framework
244 24 9 fuzzaldrin Fuzzy filtering and string scoring
244 33 7 orona Bolo, a game of tank warfare, rewritten for modern browsers.
243 876 0 shadowsocks-heroku 本项目已删除
243 68 0 knowledge Front-end knowledge hierarchy
242 12 2 unpoly Unobtrusive Javascript Framework for server-side applications
242 54 9 jQuery.PrettyTextDiff A wrapper around Google's diff_match_patch library, to make life easy
241 21 18 meteor-phonegap Meteor app to a Phonegap app [REDUNDANT]
241 50 7 ipaddr.js IP address manipulation library in JavaScript (CoffeeScript, actually)
240 17 28 backbone-orm A polystore ORM for Node.js and the browser
239 47 15 node-tail Nodejs module for tailing a file
238 119 23 fekit FE Toolkit
238 47 29 ViChrome vi like key binds for Google Chrome
235 52 10 pyregex pyregex is a Python Regular Expression Online Tester
232 17 0 fangle fangle creates interactive pages from plain text
231 61 32 daterangepicker Date range picker component for the modern web
231 35 35 terminal Atom Terminal package - not currently maintained
231 14 1 skeleton Express 3.0 framework-less app structure generator
228 17 10 jsog JavaScript Object Graph
225 108 13 uebersicht-widgets A collection of community widgets for Übersicht
225 12 0 iconathon An icon task runner that convert Sketch files to mobile and web formats.
224 45 361 peerlibrary Facilitating the global conversation on academic literature
224 18 3 fresh-url Drop this script on your page and enjoy the freshest of URLs
224 110 19 slither An open source implementation of the server
224 19 1 csmazes Maze algorithms implemented in CoffeeScript, with an eye toward demonstrating how the algorithms work by animating them.
223 81 53 force The website:
223 29 8 locale Browser locale negotiation for node.js
223 51 6 mongoose-redis-cache Cache your Mongoose MongoDB query results with Redis. 300% faster queries FTW!
222 22 3 framer-viewNavigationController A simple controller for FramerJS that allows you to transition between views with just a couple lines of code.
222 32 43 angular-cached-resource An AngularJS module to interact with RESTful resources, even when browser is offline
221 45 37 atom-sublime-select Enable 'sublime style' multiline selection boxes to Atom editor
220 79 120 atom-git-control Provides a GUI interface to manage all commonly-used git commands.
219 15 3 framer-Firebase The Firebase module allows your Framer prototype to load, save and sync data effortlessly between multiple sessions and devices.
218 72 139 remote-sync Upload your files to remote host after every change. Both SCP/SFTP and FTP are supported.
218 14 5 arda Meta-Flux Framework
217 8 1 somewhere.js Small in-memory database for Node.js that persists on disk
217 18 4 Alike A simple-but-useful kNN library for NodeJS, comparing JSON Objects using Euclidean distances
216 28 1 color-scheme-js Generate pleasant color schemes in JavaScript
216 47 61 livecodelab a web based livecoding environment
215 30 10 dependable A minimalist dependency injection framework for node.js
215 11 1 イラストに「命」を吹き込むソフトウェア
214 12 3 buildr The (Java
213 110 39 cloudinary_npm Cloudinary NPM for node.js integration
213 76 12 Sankey A javascript library for drawing sankey / flow diagrams
213 35 5 electron-superkit ⚡ An Electron starter kit with super powers. ⚡
212 42 7 hubot-cron Crontab like scheduling messages for Hubot
212 47 20 node-etcd 📡 Etcd client for nodejs
210 26 41 github-notifications A client for reading GitHub notifications
210 51 17 mongodb-migrations A Node.js migration framework for MongoDB
209 38 27 hangupsjs google hangouts client library for nodejs
208 15 12 piping Keep your code piping hot! Live code reloading without additional binaries
207 61 3 atomic-emacs An atomic implementation of emacs keybindings for the Atom text editor.
207 3 8 derulo Derulo is a tool for building and manipulating JSON files.
206 50 54 ms-seo A seo helper package for meteor.js
205 28 23 atom-regex-railroad-diagrams display regex as railroad diagram, if cursor moves to it
205 39 25 liquid-node Port of the Liquid template engine to Node.js (with support for asynchrony through Promises)
205 18 16 viewmodel MVVM for Meteor
205 56 11 film_roll A lightweight jQuery carousel that centers one item at a time on the page.
204 44 26 seasponge 🍍 SeaSponge is an accessible threat modelling tool from Mozilla
204 17 51 imdone-atom A kanban board with an invisible user interface. It's cards and lists are made from TODOs in your code, markdown and text files.
203 15 3 alac.js ALAC decoder, but in Coffeescript
203 100 47 genieacs A fast and lightweight TR-069 Auto Configuration Server (ACS)
203 18 22 iectrl Command line interface and Node module for managing ievms virtual machines
202 38 6 noflo-jekyll Flow-based reimplementation of the Jekyll static site generator
202 140 13 vast-client-js VAST 3.0 client library for JavaScript
202 36 22 coffeecup keeping the project alive with this clone of mauricemach/coffeekup
201 39 0 node-http-status Utility to interact with HTTP status code in Node.js
200 52 10 pongstgrm jquery plugin that displays your instagram media to your web page
199 53 1 top-github-users GitHub top-1000 generation script
199 54 45 highlight-selected Highlights the current word selected when double clicking
198 12 1 singool Backbone.js based framework for developing single-page web applications
197 27 12 aliasify Rewrite require calls in browserify modules.
197 52 4 AmaranJS Nice, sleek and stylish notifications.
196 49 13 slim_text Slim Text Editor
196 13 4 Milk Milk is Mustache in CoffeeScript -- great with your browser or NodeJS!
193 10 0 kobito-oss Markdown Processor built on Electron based on kobito-for-windows
193 111 42 angular-flexslider AngularJS directive to use Woothemes' FlexSlider jQuery plugin.
193 36 14 BuckyServer Node server that receives metric data over HTTP & forwards to your service of choice
192 109 28 spotify-playlist-downloader Download an entire spotify playlist ( FROM SPOTIFY at 160kpbs ) to your local machine.
191 60 16 node-hbase Asynchronous HBase client for NodeJs using REST
190 43 5 hubot-heroku-keepalive A hubot script that keeps the hubot Heroko web dyno alive
190 50 8 react-credit-card React port of the display part of Card by @jessepollak
189 10 8 YouAreDaChef Coffeescript/Javascript method combinations for Underscore projects
189 11 5 metajs Visualize your Javascript with a CPS metacircular interpreter.
189 77 9 honeymap Real-time websocket stream of GPS events on a fancy SVG world map
189 23 1 coffeedoc An API documentation generator for CoffeeScript
188 61 7 spine.contacts Spine demo contact manager
188 18 20 turbograft Hard fork of turbolinks, adding partial page replacement strategies, and utilities.
188 20 3 chocolatejs Chocolate - Full stack and isomorphic Node.js web framework and online ide
187 29 9 jotgit Git-backed real time collaborative editor built with meteor.
187 19 12 markdown-img-paste 一个可以快速粘贴剪贴板里的照片到markdown的插件,并且可以设置使用七牛存储照片。
187 39 31 superagent-bluebird-promise Add promise support to superagent using Bluebird
186 28 8 lethargy Distinguish between scroll events initiated by the user, and those by inertial scrolling
186 49 13 Zen Distraction free writing for Atom.
186 25 9 viff Viff Testing Framework. Find visual differences between web pages in different environments(developing, staging, production) and browsers.
186 46 119 4chan-x Cross-browser extension for productive lurking on 4chan.
186 20 8 node-localstorage A drop-in substitute for the browser native localStorage API that runs on node.js.
185 15 4 itunes-colors Porting Panic's iTunes album art color algortithm ( to JavaScript
184 21 6 fibrous Easily mix asynchronous and synchronous programming styles in node.js.
183 26 19 atom-todo-show Atom package that shows a list of todos from your project.
182 16 12 autocode spec-driven code generator
182 63 34 grunt-phonegap A Grunt plugin to provide local build tasks for Phonegap applications
181 59 26 angular-contenteditable angular model for the "contenteditable" attribute
181 43 7 language-elixir Elixir language support for the Atom editor.
180 6 9 Katy CoffeeScript and JavaScript Combinators
180 25 16 node-datapumps Node.js ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) toolkit for easy data import, export or transfer between systems.
180 14 7 invisible Invisible.js: Reusable models for the client and the server
180 54 8 CamanJS-Plugins Plugins for CamanJS, a Javascript image manipulation library
179 15 2 zui53 ZUI53 is a JavaScript Library to create powerfull webbased Zoomable User Interfaces (ZUIs) with new technologies like HTML5 and CSS3.
179 10 0 triangular.js A natural fusion between d3 and angular.js. See for more information
179 36 2 MMD.js MikuMikuDance on WebGL
178 26 11 node-tumblr A node.js wrapper for the Tumblr API
178 6 0 nack Node powered Rack server
178 11 0 VRComponent A virtual reality component for Framer.
177 76 36 livereload-extensions LiveReload Browser Extensions
177 78 61 snippets Atom snippets package
177 19 2 node-shell Nice looking shell applications with pluggable middlewares for Node.js
177 25 1 revolver A javascript library for building your own content slider.
176 48 30 wiki Federated Wiki - node server as npm package
175 35 3 react-starter-template React (reactjs), Gulp, Webpack, Bootstrap, LiveReload, all tied up in a bow.
175 39 62 atom-julia-client Juno a good IDE?
175 103 20 hubot-xmpp XMPP adapter for Hubot
174 9 6 jquery.fillwidth Line up images to the edge of their container (like google images) without cropping
173 9 6 eventric Minimalist JavaScript framework to build applications based on DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing.
173 23 2 workflow.js JS-based Finite State Machine for Backbone.js
173 20 17 hexo-math A hexo plugin that uses MathJax to render math equations.
172 21 4 typetype human typing with jQuery
172 38 13 uber-juno Installer package for the Juno IDE
172 30 13 jasmine-given Like rspec-given, but for jasmine
172 48 1 heartbot A shot of love for your favorite chat client.
171 26 50 microflo Live dataflow programming for microcontrollers and embedded
171 22 6 legacy Active route helpers for the most popular routers in Meteor
171 36 29 Paparazzo.js A high performance web proxy for serving MJPG streams to the masses.
170 17 5 FramerModules Modules that extend Framer.js
170 46 27 OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier-Leaflet Deals with overlapping markers in the Leaflet maps API, Google Earth-style
170 102 63 msexcel-builder A simple and fast library to create MS Office Excel(>2007) xlsx files.
170 18 15 FairyDict FairyDict, a dictionary, a chrome extension
169 37 3 json2json Transform (reformat) JSON structures from one to another using JavaScript
169 41 15 angular-pouchdb Angular wrapper for PouchDB, making sure that callbacks are called within $rootScope.$apply(), and using $q promises instead of callbacks. On top of that, it supports an ng-repeat-alike directive for traversing the contents of your database.
169 114 2 flappy flappy bird in html5
168 19 0 react-reflux-boilerplate-with-webpack React + Reflux + CoffeeScript + Stylus Boilerplate with Webpack
168 43 12 e2d3 E2D3 is JavaScript library for using D3.js on Excel.
167 51 23 angular-validator AngularJS form validation.
167 32 16 meteor-publish-with-relations Meteor.js SmartPackage to publish associated collections at once.
167 20 8 slack-notify A Node.js wrapper around the Slack Webhook API.
166 7 4 vue-materialize materialize - done in vue
166 30 36 amd-optimize An AMD (RequireJS) optimizer that's stream-friendly. Made for gulp.
165 19 1 rnn-writer Package for the Atom text editor that provides responsive, inline "autocomplete" powered by a recurrent neural network.
165 25 4 deprecated-flexible-nav NOT MAINTAINED – Improve your navigation experience - this jQuery lib improves a webpage navigation and helps to visualize different sections. of a document, an article,.. any web page.
165 14 44 inventaire a libre collaborative resource mapper powered by open-knowledge, starting with books! 📚
163 28 16 grunt-angular-phonegap Combine yeoman/generator-angular and phonegap
162 34 9 Jitter A simple CoffeeScript compilation utility
162 37 0 starry 完成一个故事
161 32 55 meteor-file-collection Extends Meteor Collections to handle file data using MongoDB gridFS.
160 58 0 nerdbar.widget Übersicht system information bar for use with kwm window manager (or without).
160 38 5 angular-d3 AngularJS directives for declaratively using D3
160 47 13 ngOnboarding A tooltip-tutorial / onboarding framework for Angular.js
158 54 51 ex-mode Ex mode for Atom
158 16 16 jsck JSON Schema Compiled checK
158 26 2 Kosmos A virtual 3D universe in your web browser.
157 21 15 commonjs-everywhere 🌈 minimal CommonJS browser bundler with aliasing, extensibility, and source maps
157 196 74 language-javascript JavaScript language package for Atom
156 23 3 tutor JavaScript interface for the Gatherer card database
156 34 0 windows-framer-toolkit Windows 10 UWP framer prototyping toolkit.
154 11 1 jade-react Compile Jade templates to React.DOM expressions
154 42 6 iap_verifier Node.js implementation of iOS In App Purchase receipt verification
154 23 13 iron-router-progress Progressbar for iron-router
154 22 40 atomatigit Atom-ati-Git. Git intergration for, in the style of Magit. CURRENTLY SEEKING NEW MAINTAINER!
153 24 1 supersonic JavaScript framework for hybrid apps, including native UI, navigation, data, device access and more
153 23 6 difflib.js Text diff library in JavaScript, ported from Python's difflib module.
153 24 1 piler Deprecated Asset Manager for Node.js
153 18 17 gulp-order This gulp plugin allows you to reorder a stream of files via globs.
152 17 21 ship ⛔️ currently unmaintained ⛔️
151 40 0 atom-keyboard-localization [DEPRECATED] Keyboard localization package for non US-Keyboard Layouts
151 33 7 slack-node-sdk, slack, node sdk
151 22 16 formstamp Pure AngularJS widgets
150 30 2 yayson A library for serializing and reading JSON API data in JavaScript.
150 35 9 css-selector-generator JavaScript object that creates unique CSS selector for given object.
150 15 16 meteor-partitioner Transparently divide a single meteor app into several different instances shared between different groups of users.
150 39 7 jquery.ns-autogrow Automatically adjust textarea width/height based on user input. Non-sucking version.
150 39 7 jquery.ns-autogrow Automatically adjust textarea width/height based on user input. Non-sucking version.
150 27 6 offCanvasMenu A jQuery/Zepto plugin that provides an easy way to implement an off-canvas toggling menu, a navigation metaphor made popular by mobile applications.
149 20 15 docopt - A command line option parser that will make you smile.
149 42 19 instagram-screen-scrape scrape public instagram data w/out API access
149 42 6 node-stanford-simple-nlp A simple node.js wrapper for stanford-core-nlp.
148 9 0 galley Orchestrator for local Docker containers
148 62 0 slick-lightbox A lightbox wrapper for Ken's amazing slick carousel.
148 108 34 language-python Python package for Atom
148 34 16 bitrated Bitrated v1
147 34 0 meteor-bbs A Clone of Project Babel 3 in Meteor
147 8 3 nubnub Node.js PubSubHubbub client/server implementation
147 9 0 ultra-tiny-compiler Ultra Tiny Compiler
147 78 85 spell-check Spell check Atom package
146 13 15 fuzz-aldrin-plus Sublime text like fuzzy filtering - compatible with atom/fuzzaldrin
146 13 3 gulp-tap Easily tap into a gulp pipeline without creating a plugin.
146 65 19 ionic-rating An angularjs directive that take care of visualising a star rating bar
145 17 5 Framer-AudioPlayer AudioPlayer Module for Framer. See the new, Design-compatible Audio module here:
145 10 3 bumped 📦 Makes easy release software
145 47 5 RootPanel A pluggable PaaS service development framework.
145 30 7 wiki-server Federated Wiki client and server in Node.js
145 22 7 manager-for-upyun 又拍云资源管理器
145 17 2 framer-path Create custom svg shapes and animate each point individually in Framer JS.
145 16 0 shaky Converted dart shaky boxes demo to coffeescript
145 79 14 number-polyfill A polyfill for implementing the HTML5 element in browsers that do not currently support it.
144 20 4 angular-bacon Angular-bacon.js bindings
144 19 8 presentz.js A js library to show synchronized video and slides presentations, powering
144 13 0 meteor-any-db A database API for Meteor
144 17 5 clabot A bot to take the pain out of Contributor License Agreements
143 15 32 deprecated-buddycloud-server A buddycloud server written in Node.
142 6 1 lottie-framer A Framer module that uses AirBnb's Lottie-Web to render animations exported from After Effects (JSON files)
142 9 3 rel Arel ported to node js — with some changes
142 31 27 treema jQuery plugin that generates HTML interfaces to edit JSON data defined by json-schema.
142 25 30 pm2-meteor Simplest way to deploy, scale and run Meteor Apps with PM2.
142 21 9 syno Simple Node.js wrapper and CLI for Synology DSM REST API 5.x and 6.x.
142 16 93 policeman Firefox extention for cross-site requests control (kind of RequestPolicy clone)
141 27 19 atom-tasks Handle tasks/todo files in atom
141 12 0 alephbet AlephBet is a pure-javascript A/B (multivariate) testing framework for developers.
141 60 172 appchan-x The most comprehensive, feature filled 4chan userscript.
141 939 4 shadowsocks-dotcloud a port of shadowsocks via websockets protocol, able to tunnel through HTTP proxy
141 29 15 hogan-express Mustache template engine for express 3.x. Support partials and layout
140 56 85 remote-edit remote-edit
140 16 2 client Trailbot tracks files and logs in your servers and triggers Smart Policies upon unwanted modification.
140 30 45 ensime-atom ENSIME Atom plugin for Scala developers
140 28 20 coffee-coverage Istanbul and JSCoverage-style instrumentation for CoffeeScript files.
140 32 101 atom-autocomplete-php Autocomplete for PHP in atom editor
139 14 1 vue-mixins A collection of mixins in vue
139 40 7 facewall Grid visualization of Gravatars for an organization
139 26 2 simply-deferred A deferred library for Node.js and the browser with a jQuery compatible API
139 22 9 json0 Version 0 of the JSON OT type
138 14 1 FlappyTube Crazy H5 Game which Tube kill birds
137 48 7 hubot-skype Skype adapter for hubot
136 2 2 atom-redux-devtools Redux DevTools Atom package
136 46 15 MavensMate-Atom MavensMate plugin for building applications inside GitHub's Atom text editor
136 41 10 getmac Get the mac address of the current machine you are on via Node.js
136 25 5 shortly Shortly: a Serverless Pastebin Service - All Data is Stored in the URL
135 13 10 messenger Unofficial Facebook Mesenger for Mac
135 10 2 react-sparkline React component for rendering simple sparklines
135 36 4 oculus-drone Oculus Rift + AR Drone 2.0 controller with live video feed and head-motion controller.
134 45 20 dynasty Dynasty - Promise-based, clean DynamoDB API
134 32 24 cm Google Chrome extension ContextMenus
133 70 8 mini-breakpad-server Minimum breakpad crash reports collecting server
133 30 4 inbox-scaffold-html5 The Inbox HTML5 App Scaffold - a foundation for building great mail apps.
133 17 9 bot-brother Node.js framework for telegram bots
133 29 34 accord a unified interface for compiled languages and templates in javascript
132 8 1 backbone.statemanager Backbone module for adding states to objects
132 16 10 DVL Dynamic Visualization LEGO
132 20 1 tapas-with-ember 🚫 UNMAINTAINED: A Brunch skeleton for rapid Ember development. Including Ember installation scripts, environment-specific JS builds, generators, and Ember.vim support.
132 49 9 hubot-auth Assign roles to users and restrict command access in other scripts
131 36 12 hubot-telegram Hubot adapter for Telegram
131 27 3 hexaflip Visualizes arrays as cube interfaces
131 13 9 node-vortex None
131 64 93 atom-html-preview Atom HTML Live Preview Package
131 21 29 atom-tablr Edit CSV files using a table editor
130 7 11 pry.js 🔬 A REPL for Node.
129 19 9 meteor-flow-router-helpers Template helpers for meteorhacks:flow-router, pathFor, subsReady, urlFor, queryParam
129 19 5 crispyfi Makes music. Loud.
129 15 0 tumbler A simple physics simulation/meditation/relaxation experiment.
129 34 5 accept-bitcoin Accept bitcoin payments using Node.js
129 30 12 oskar Oskar is a Slackbot that tracks how happy people are at work and helps remote teams to prevent isolation
129 53 27 saml2 Node module to abstract away the complexities of the SAML protocol behind an easy to use interface.
128 105 79 bracket-matcher Jump to brackets
128 9 5 gsap-react-plugin A GSAP plugin for tweening React.js component state.
128 31 13 mail-listener Mail listener library for node.js. Get notification when new email arrived.
127 13 1 gearsketch GearSketch sandbox in CoffeeScript
127 18 0 node-coffee-project Node.js project template (CoffeeScript + Docco + nodeunit)
127 68 7 s3upload-coffee-javascript Client Side S3 CORS Upload for Amazon S3 - CoffeeScript and JavaScript Class
126 29 20 docco-husky A fork of docco for generating documentation for a whole project
126 2 11 hanzo.js 🚀 Hanzo JavaScript SDK. Develop cutting-edge decentralized applications.
126 7 7 mocha-cakes (inactive) BDD mocha test framework add-on, stories with Cucumber style Given/When/Then syntax for Node.js
126 7 9 glist Taking notes with :octocat: Gist from Atom
125 26 8 chai-webdriver Build more expressive integration tests with webdriver sugar for chai.js
125 88 1 gates_bubbles animated bubble charts in D3
125 25 0 react-express-template Full stack web app starter template using React, ES6, CoffeeScript, Express, and more
125 13 9 mongofb MongoFirebase - MongoDB + Firebase security/updates
124 14 15 meteor-peerdb Reactive database layer with references, generators, triggers, migrations, etc.
124 9 5 Paige Super simple project page generation
124 34 11 request-json Http Client to deal easily with JSON API
124 13 1 TuringType Simple human typing effect
124 15 8 JSCPP A simple C++ interpreter written in JavaScript
123 11 15 FramerInput Design with Inputs in Framer.
123 20 2 component-store-example An example of the topics covered in Building for Plugins with React & Flux
123 22 12 node-mocks Suite of mocks for node.js (fs, http) + some testing utils...
123 10 12 method-combinators None
123 25 34 atom-racer Intelligent code completion for Rust in the Atom Editor. Requires Racer.
123 27 0 jquery-responsive-text Make your text sizing responsive!
122 11 0 Slash Read your documents cross platform.
122 42 10 snockets Sprockets-style script concatenation for Node
122 9 1 maskew Add some diagonal rhythm to your elements
122 34 38 atom-asciidoc-preview ⚛ AsciiDoc preview for the Atom editor.
121 22 1 atoms Atomic development
121 34 5 nap Compile, manage, & package stylesheets, javascripts, and javascript templates for node.js
121 12 3 locallydb An easy-to-use and lightweight local storage database for node.js and node-webkit
120 28 13 svg-input-elements A JavaScript implementation of an SVG textarea. WIP.
120 35 67 atom-lint Obsolete: Generic code linting support for Atom
119 11 8 grunt-build-atom-shell Grunt task to build Electron and rebuild node modules
119 65 15 react-countdown-clock HTML5 canvas countdown clock React component
119 52 10 ngModal Very basic modal dialog directive for Angular.js
119 17 3 brunch-with-hipsters Brunch with Hipsters is a rad Brunch app skeleton that comes with unicorns out of the box.
119 7 29 node-installer An installer/updater for the node client.
119 22 7 teacup Teacup is templates in CoffeeScript
119 33 0 gedit-coffeescript gedit Syntax Highlighting for CoffeeScript files
118 7 2 react-universal-router React router for your web, electron or nw.js app.
118 48 7 hubot-matteruser Hubot adapter for Mattermost using Web API and Websockets
118 28 0 Plasmatic-Isosurface A 2 dimensional plasma simulation running on the GPU, written in GLSL and CoffeeScript and rendered with WebGL.
118 7 4 dynasaur DynamoDB ORM for Node.js
118 18 1 moment-countdown Use Countdown.js from Moment.js
118 5 1 lodis LOcal Dictionary Server
118 16 2 cherry Home automation nerve center (not maintained)
117 11 0 luca A UI / Component Framework and Application Architecture for Backbone.js which uses twitter's bootstrap for styling
117 13 3 parsec-coffee-script None
117 27 8 hapiger HapiGer is an http-wrapper around the Good Enough Recommendation engine using the Hapi.js framework
117 21 12 Ask-Stack-Atom Ask Stack Overflow for Atom
117 49 37 sharelatex-docker-image A Dockerfile for building the official ShareLaTeX Community Edition docker image
117 25 14 papercut node module to resize and crop image
117 14 2 stack-up.js Create fixed width, variable height grid layouts.
116 8 0 backbone.projections backbone.projections is a set of projections for Backbone.Collection
115 49 19 jquery-infinite-pages Simple infinitely scrolling pages for jQuery, gemified for Rails
115 13 17 observatory Powerful, yet easy to use, logging, monitoring and application management package for Meteor framework. Some docs below, for details -
115 19 13 performance-now Implements (based on process.hrtime).
115 24 4 hoardd Hoardd is extensible daemon designed to collect server data and inject into Graphite/Carbon
115 13 1 fontBomb An html 5 experiment where you can destroy any webpage with bombs!
113 9 18 meteor-offline-data Meteor offline data project.
113 32 32 wifi-control-node A NodeJS module that allows you to scan for, connect to and disconnect from wireless access points near the server. Great for offline or local apps.
113 15 8 genesis-skeleton Modern, opinionated, full-stack starter kit for rapid, streamlined application development.
112 24 2 monocle Build Awesome CoffeeScript MVC Applications
112 31 33 atom-language-rust Rust language support in Atom
112 17 9 dockerlint Linting tool for Dockerfiles
112 28 19 epub-gen Generate EPUB books from HTML with simple API in Node.js.
111 2 1 fluid-framer Adds ability to dynamically scale and float elements in the browser window to Framer.js Layers.
111 39 2 noreferrer Cross-browser support for HTML5's noreferrer link type.
111 18 19 youtube5 Safari extension that converts YouTube videos on any site into HTML5 video tags
111 10 3 radian A scalable AngularJS framework
111 13 3 lsd LSD - line-square-dot: an addicting game
111 14 1 clientside-haml-js Haml compiler for client side javascript view templates
110 7 2 RenderKid Stylish console.log for node
110 13 3 angular-adaptive-backgrounds 🌄 Surround a picture with its dominant color using a simple directive
110 41 17 ngGAPI AngularJS Google API Client
110 38 12 jqapi Home of the new jQAPI.
110 3 2 chromatic-sass Advanced color manipulation for node sass
109 24 6 node-hipchat simple node.js library for communicating with hipchat's rest api
109 16 9 electron-cookies Adds support for cookies in Electron. Cookies are persisted through localStorage.
109 43 7 htmldiff.js Diff algorithm that understands HTML, in the browser.
109 6 4 meteor-reactive-publish Reactive publish endpoints
109 6 0 googcms Google Drive CMS
109 72 10 hubot-google-images A hubot script that interacts with the Google Images API
109 19 13 rizzoma Code that powers Rizzoma collaboration platform
109 11 6 react-markdown-textarea Component for React to create textareas for entering Markdown with built-in preview inspired by Github's design
108 22 7 node-netmask Parse and lookup IP network blocks
108 18 18 biscotto UNMAINTAINED. CoffeeScript API documentation tool that uses TomDoc notation.
108 31 2 gulp-webpack-react-bootstrap-sass-template Web App Client Template: React. Sass, Coffee, JSX. Bootstrap for Sass. Compiled with Gulp and Webpack.
108 36 10 mongoose-encryption Simple encryption and authentication plugin for Mongoose
107 31 8 node-whois A simple WHOIS client for NodeJS
107 20 2 wysiwyg None
107 8 14 coffeetable A drop-in workbench for experimentation, CoffeeTable is a CoffeeScript-fluent browser console.
107 33 39 git-diff Diff markers in Atom's gutter
107 23 1 brauhausjs A beer recipe calculator for homebrewing on servers and in browsers
106 11 6 safarikai Safari extension for translating Japanese words.
106 54 0 mint.js NO LONGER SUPPORTED
106 18 2 knockout-rails KnockoutJS for Rails with Sweetness
106 23 23 node-tds Pure JS implementation of TDS protocol for Microsoft SQL Server
105 20 12 meteor-tutorials Create super cool animated tutorials for your Meteor app.
105 91 33 language-php PHP package for Atom
105 2 0 webnull web/null eats your HTTP
105 54 5 ksp Kerbal Space Program Mission Plotter
104 14 15 jumpy An Atom package that creates dynamic hot keys to jump around files and across visible panes.
104 36 24 jquery-mentions Adds mentioning support to your text fields.
104 22 7 pixel-editor It edits pixels
104 15 1 OrientationEvents Module for Framer Studio to handle device orientation events.
103 8 3 chromatist A JavaScript library for working with colors and color spaces
103 2 1 catenary Concatenative programming for Javascript
103 48 128 symbols-tree-view A symbols view like taglist for
103 14 11 s3-streaming-upload s3-streaming-upload is node.js library that listens to your stream and upload its data to Amazon S3 using ManagedUpload API.
103 14 0 responsImg jQuery plugin to make images load the smallest possible version of itself required for the current viewport size. See it as media queries for img tags.
103 8 55 msgflo Distributed Flow-Based Programming via message queues
103 103 17 ynab-csv Tool for making your CSV files ready to import into YNAB
103 12 4 vm.js Javascript bytecode compiler and VM implemented in pure coffeescript
102 62 0 d3examples Examples of interactive graphics using d3.js
102 11 5 react-micro-bar-chart React component for micro bar-charts rendered with D3
102 28 8 minimongoid Mongoid inspired model architecture for your Meteor apps.
102 41 11 atom-turbo-javascript Commands and snippets for faster Javascript and Typescript with the Atom Editor
102 6 0 sake-cli 🍶 Sake is a build tool for JavaScript.
102 136 2 graph-api-webhooks-samples These are sample clients for Facebook's Graph API Webhooks and Instagram's Real-time Photo Updates API.
101 13 2 domcom the web framework to provide dom component
101 38 78 autocomplete-clang None
101 20 3 GED-VIZ None
101 5 2 Look-Alike A simple-yet-powerful KD-tree library for NodeJS, with support for lightning-fast k-Nearest Neighbour queries.
101 15 1 revocable-self-signed-tls-certificates-hack As a proof-of-concept, we will show how easy it is to revoke a self-signed certificate using the bitcoin blockchain. This will also demonstrate how we may be able to use similar approaches for more advanced capabilities that current X.509 infrastructure do not.
101 5 1 gulpsmith Use gulp plugins in Metalsmith, or Metalsmith plugins in gulp
101 6 2 relativeDate Angular.js service providing auto-updating, relative time labels like "about 1 minute ago"
101 12 9 react-google-analytics Google analytics component
101 22 5 ionic-cordova-gulp-seed Ionic & Cordova & Gulp combo-seed - perfect for starting with Ionic framework!
101 35 7 githubot Github API access, tailored for Hubot
101 62 13 jquery-dialogextend jQuery DialogExtend Plugin - Maximize and Minimize Buttons for UI Dialog
100 5 4 meteor-animate Easily perform CSS3 animations and transitions in Meteor.
100 7 0 StickyHeaders-for-Framer A module to create scroll components with sticky headers in Framer.
100 6 0 vuejs-book This book is vue.js guide book.
100 13 0 realistic-typewriter.js A library for simulating typewriter effect in the browser
100 33 2 kd UI Framework for web applications.
100 5 1 skrap Easily scrap web pages by providing json recipes
100 18 12 atom-firepad Collaborative code editing with Atom + Firepad
100 108 43 meteor-autoform-file Upload and manage files with #autoForm
100 6 0 node-pullquoter Automatically pull interesting quotes out of an article.
99 12 1 datamock.js Adds mock data to your mockups
99 91 23 coursera-downloader Coursera Videos Downloader Chrome Plugin
99 31 52 autoclose-html Autoclose html tags in atom
99 48 28 sensu-dashboard A dashboard for Sensu, for displaying & managing events & clients.
99 31 25 meteor-jquery-datatables Sort, page, and filter millions of records reactively.
98 10 2 konfig Config loader module for Node.js. Automatic, environment specific and dynamic.
98 8 2 essential.js Essential JS - Functional JavaScript "the right way"
98 13 3 angular-persian 🌏 Persian tools for angular.js
98 67 13 uploadcare-widget The Uploadcare Widget
98 15 2 mongo-watch Watches for changes in MongoDB replication log.
98 17 3 coffeescript-concat A utility that preprocesses and concatenates CoffeeScript source files
97 30 11 atom-language-swift Swift language support for the Atom editor
97 21 9 Paraxify.js Progressive enhancement on parallax inspired by Spotify's
97 8 2 phantom-cluster Provides a cluster of phantomjs-backed workers
97 11 4 linter-write-good An Atom linter interface for write-good.
97 18 4 node-fv A node.js library for extracting data from scanned forms.
97 13 6 bliss Template Engine for Node.js, inspired by .NET Razor and Play! Scala Templates
97 32 54 fhirbase-plv8 Fhirbase 2.0 is an FHIR relational storage
97 12 6 backbone.hal Hypermedia for Backbone.js
96 38 11 moment.twitter A Twitter-like date formatter for moment.js
96 2 3 swagger-dsl A CoffeeScript-based domain-specific language for generating JSON documents for Swagger.
96 16 4 steroids-js Steroids JavaScript Library
96 16 4 node-sidekiq Enqueue jobs to sidekiq from your node apps. Closely mirrors the official ruby sidekiq interface and supports job scheduling.
95 146 0 habitrpg-shared Shared resources useful for multiple HabitRPG repositories. Assets (sprites, imgs, etc), CSS, algorithms, and more.
95 45 52 cloudinary None
95 45 31 atom-keymap Atom's selector-based keymap system
95 44 6 jquery-bootstrap-pagination None
95 36 27 browser-plus Browser For Atom
95 4 0 meteor-bender Animations in page transitions
95 13 0 express-cluster None
94 11 3 gmailui A GMail user interface library
94 49 2 plunker_api The public API off of which Plunker runs
94 34 2 snippets Amaze UI Snippets for Editor/IDE
94 28 0 slackbot-tutorial Tutorial on how to write slack bots and scripts
94 71 133 xwing Squad builder for the X-Wing Miniatures game by Fantasy Flight Games.
94 24 22 fabricjs-viewport allows zooming and viewport manipulation in fabricjs
94 5 4 node-rus-diff JSON diff
94 15 1 hubot-sushiyuki None
94 10 2 CrowdMapper Real-time collaborative application for tagging streams of geospatial data, built on top of the Meteor Javascript platform. Built with the humanitarian goal of crisis mapping in mind.
94 49 14 language-go Go language package for Atom
94 49 12 butter-desktop-angular Angular version of butter-desktop
94 33 8 microphone Microphone in the browser using WebRTC and WebSockets
94 19 1 A mobile application for sharing trip expenses with friends. Made with Meteor.
93 17 1 node-tldr Node module summarizing web-articles using a naive algorithm.
93 13 9 react-retina-image React component for serving high-resolution images to devices with retina displays
93 24 5 hubot-standup Agile style standup bot with hubot, ala tender
93 14 15 schematic-ipsum A simple service that generates fake JSON data in accordance with a JSON Schema
93 3 0 parrotjs Browser features today. High-level wrapper for browser features.
93 83 52 fuckr Desktop Grindr™ client
93 8 1 sel Sel is a tiny selector engine that has all of the power of Sizzle in about half the code size.
93 22 0 d3.js-boilerplate Boilerplate to help speed up d3.js development
92 8 4 fortnight A scoped, heatmapping, load-balancing todo list.
92 17 12 organized Outlining, scheduling, and todos inside of the Atom Editor
91 30 463 atom-terminal-panel Advanced terminal interface for Atom editor
91 10 8 react-responsive-grid Power tools for building responsive layouts with React
90 8 12 atom-swift-debugger None
90 9 0 jose-vs-oss I'm here to help @josevalim fight Gihub issues
90 2 6 mixen Combine Javascript classes on the fly
90 14 2 japanese-wrap Atom package extend word wrap for Japanese text.
90 17 6 node-sprite A CSS Sprite Generation Library with Stylus and Retina Support.
90 8 0 toa シンプルで可愛いミュージックプレイヤー「兎亜」
90 7 2 react-droparea Drag and Drop library for React
89 10 0 angular-webpack-example This is sort of a shrine to what was cutting edge front-end in 2014. Simple template with webpack (run from gulp) that supports angular (from bower), with some common settings.
89 57 18 hubot-flowdock Flowdock adapter for Hubot chat bot
89 8 1 atom-rdio Adds Rdio controls to Atom and displays the currently playing song in the status bar
89 15 4 node-feedly Node API for Feedly
89 5 10 enfield [Not Maintained!] Jekyll-like static site generator for node.js
89 46 2 tabcordion A jQuery plugin that transforms Bootstrap tabs to an accordion and vice versa. Useful for responsive mobile sites.
89 35 4 node-csv-stringify CSV stringifier implementing the Node.js stream.Transform API
89 18 52 tent-status Microblogging powered by Tent
89 14 4 compass.js Compass.js allow you to get compass heading in JavaScript by PhoneGap, iOS API or GPS hack.
89 32 1 cakefile-template This is a cakefile template for coffeescript, docco and mocha
89 17 21 jax Framework for creating rich WebGL-enabled applications using JavaScript and Ruby
88 4 2 birch-outline Cross-platform scripting for TaskPaper
88 5 2 nerdbar.widget Customizable bar(s) for OSX.
88 29 10 hubot-grafana 📈🤖 Query Grafana dashboards
88 26 399 markdown-scroll-sync Auto-scroll markdown-preview tab to match markdown source
88 6 6 atom-expand-region expanding selection
88 4 1 node-index Append-only B+ Tree index for node.js
88 28 5 fs-plus node's fs module with some helpful additions
88 43 29 atom-bootstrap3 Twitter Bootstrap 3 Snippets for Atom
88 25 1 atom a game framework that does as little as possible
88 42 17 hubot-twitter Twitter adapter for Hubot
88 29 12 jquery-fullsizable Take advantage of full available browser space to display images!
88 50 3 hubot-business-cat Business cat is summoned when business jargon is used
88 6 1 domo Domo the incredible irc-bot
87 7 2 node-osc-min Open Sound Control utilities for node.js
87 3 2 framer-Symbols A module to create symbols in Framer
87 5 11 twine Twine is a minimalistic two-way binding system
87 30 20 agentscript0 Minimalist Agent Based Modeling (ABM) framework based on NetLogo
87 20 0 socket-pipe None
87 7 0 ng-drum AngularJS drum machine
87 7 2 gotcha Turn your Framer prototype into its own live developer spec.
87 16 7 gridwax None
86 67 1 bubble_cloud None
86 25 2 redis-sessions An advanced session store for NodeJS and Redis
86 22 3 semver range resolution as a service
86 13 34 chai-things Chai support for assertions on array elements
86 8 7 morpher-js JavaScript image morphing library
86 19 10 kleks Kleks - Pure CouchDB based CMS as a Couch App using Kanso with CoffeeScript and Stylus. Supports multi-site setup and Markdown authoring.
86 61 27 status-bar Status bar for Atom
86 18 12 atomic-chrome-atom Edit Chrome textareas in Atom
86 19 17 grunt-ftpush Grunt task for incremental code deployment over ftp
85 36 25 walma Collaborative Whiteboard
85 50 5 ingress-exporter Export all portals, links, fields and system broadcasts in a specific area.
85 14 20 nvatom nvatom (unpublished from
85 26 41 roots-contentful A roots extension to work with data from Contentful's API.
85 8 2 SVGCircle-Module-for-FramerJS Animate Circles (Strokes) easily.
85 25 4 ember-brunch None
84 17 2 mikes-modal-library This is a library for creating a facebook like modal box to be used. It features an image on the left and content on the right. The image scales to the largest size possible while still fiting in your monitors resultion
84 18 3 node-backbone-skeleton A skeleton project for creating applications that use node.js server-side, backbone.js client-side, underscore.js templates, CoffeeScript as a JS pre-processor and Compass/SASS as a CSS pre-processor..
84 40 10 node-scoped-http-client Unmaintained. Free push/npm access to anyone interested.
84 3 0 mixin Mixin.js is the 'reuse more' Javascript nano-framework. Stay DRY...mixin!
84 14 5 underscore-query MongoDB like query api for JavaScript Arrays
84 44 6 node-pagseguro Integração ao Pagseguro para sistemas usando o Node.js
84 117 17 language-html HTML package for Atom
84 6 10 itad_importer A userscript helper for importing game collections into
84 106 62 language-gfm GitHub Flavored Markdown in Atom
84 16 24 atom-ide-flow Atom IDE support for Flow
84 11 2 photoslog A simple page to show a log of your photos.
84 2 8 distribute-layers Distribute an array of layers in Framer.js
84 7 0 css-terminal CSS Terminal is a bookmarklet for rapid CSS development, prototyping and debugging.
83 48 23 node-spritesheet Sprite sheet generator for node.js and task for grunt.js
83 26 8 hubot-fb A Hubot adapter for the Facebook Messenger Platform
83 13 10 rsmq-worker Helper to simply implement a worker around RSMQ ( Redis Simple Message Queue )
83 88 74 tabs Tabs in Atom
83 10 6 react-layout Dynamic subview layout for React
83 31 13 hubot-natural Natural Language Processing Chatbot for RocketChat
82 121 67 language-c C support in Atom
82 14 10 group-css-media-queries CSS postprocessing: group media queries. Useful for postprocessing preprocessed CSS files.
82 18 6 bibviz Website and Scripts
82 28 4 ngRepeatReorder None
82 6 2 gap 🔩 Fix default Google Analytics tracking methodologies and track micro user behaviors.
82 12 8 vue-icons webpack based - load only what you need - svg inline icons
82 23 11 Spine Mobile Framework
82 20 11 untv a cross-platform drm-free media center for home theater computers
82 52 26 ims-lti A node.js library implementing the IMS LTI tool providers' standards
82 10 6 node-chain-gang None
82 44 17 rets-client Node.js RETS Client (Real Estate Transaction Standard)
82 3 0 backbone-bind-to Backbone.js extension for automatic binding and unbinding of model events to views.
82 16 1 chaplin-boilerplate Boilerplate application for the Chaplin.js library
82 20 34 turkserver-meteor Web-based, real-time behavioral studies and experiments using Meteor
82 20 3 offline-leaflet-map Offline maps in Leaflet using IndexedDb to store tiles
81 8 10 meteor-transitioner Meteor page transitions integrated with Iron Router.
81 38 26 angular-mighty-datepicker None
81 4 0 sake-core Sake's core interface.
81 6 4 EasyWebWorker Easy Communication Protocol For Web Workers
81 40 25 node-pathwatcher Path Watcher Node Module
81 3 3 jray realtime javascript code coverage
81 9 0 urlon JSON-like object notation that can be embedded in URLs
81 4 7 chainy The chainy core + autoloader plugin
81 36 8 authy-form-helpers Authy javascripts and css file to help create quick forms for the authy api
81 12 1 egghead-downloader downloads egghead
81 9 0 hubot-mysql-chatops ChatOps for MySQL.
80 5 13 draughtsman Transparent compilation of templates and stylesheets for prototyping HTML interfaces. Also live reloading.
80 15 3 node-colour-extractor Extract colour palettes from images
80 6 4 react-component-gallery React component for creating an evenly spaced gallery of children components
80 31 0 html5-template-engine html5 template engine with CoffeeScript, Compass, RequireJS.
80 3 3 otter A server that runs your client-side apps.
80 23 19 facebook-export Tools to help administer your Facebook groups
79 6 4 node-llvm LLVM bindings for Node.JS
79 21 3 grunt-lesslint Lint LESS files with Grunt
79 21 57 atom-language-idris A Idris Mode for
79 9 0 backbone-handlebars Mixing Backbone and Handlebars
79 6 9 base Foundation for Modular Application Architecture in Meteor.
79 10 1 cosmos-browserify Browserify npm modules for client side in Meteor packages
79 17 6 meteor-webrtc WebRTC signalling for Meteor
79 84 11 gift A simple Node.js wrapper for the Git CLI.
78 8 16 meteor-workers Spawn headless worker meteor processes to work on async jobs.
78 5 0 guides.js When designing and developing for the web, it's sometimes difficult to follow baselines and precisely align content. Instead of guessing, use guides.js overlay a grid over you HTML while you're working so that you can visually check that everything is aligned perfectly.
78 7 2 node-linq LINQ for node
78 5 2 array-future A collection of Array prototypes prollyfills as proposition for ECMAScript 7.
78 31 4 bubbles little unfinished particles game - MIT license
78 15 0 citygen Procedural city generation demo
78 3 5 division Simple yet powerful wrapper over node.js cluster API.
78 12 1 seoserver A PhantomjS-based SEO server that serves pages of JavaScript apps to search engine robots like the Googlebot.
78 9 3 casper-chai Extends Chai with assertions for the CasperJS/PhantomJS headless browser.
77 13 12 jinora Slack webhook app to create anonymous public channels
77 9 14 wait-on-lib Use Iron-Router waitOn to load external javascript libraries
77 11 58 path-menu Path 2.0 Flyout Menu using CSS (Less), contrib to Path (iOS app) by Tunghsiao Liu
77 3 0 hamsa A dead simple, data-binding & observable model.
77 9 23 polvo Polyvalent cephalopod mollusc.
77 2 2 tokoro 住所緯度経度変換ライブラリ (ジオコーディング)
77 15 5 heap.js A binary heap implementation in CoffeeScript/JavaScript.
77 10 4 season CSON Node Module
77 7 7 crudify Mongoose CRUD generator
76 12 1 hubot-minecraft A Minecraft hubot adapter
76 42 8 hubot-gitter2 Hubot adapter for Gitter
76 13 0 proudify jQuery plugin to display your GitHub projects and Coderwall badges
76 58 18 angular-date-range-picker Pure Angular date range picker, no jQuery
76 33 0 karma-browserify [deprecated] Browserify for Karma
76 6 21 atom-color-highlight Highlights color declarations in files
76 13 2 kyou With Kyou, have a better knowledge of yourself
76 91 4 meteor-accounts-t9n Translations for meteor account's error messages
75 5 3 babar CLI bar charts for node.js
75 8 9 atom-rubymotion RubyMotion support in Atom
75 37 8 node-rtsp-stream Stream any RTSP stream and output to websocket for consumption by jsmpeg ( HTML5 streaming video! Requires ffmpeg.
75 9 8 americano Make Express.js more opinioniated about configuration
75 4 2 CameraLayer Framer layer displaying image from a camera device
75 20 1 session-mongoose connect Mongoose session store
75 6 1 movel Móvel - Dashboard for Raspberry pi car computer
75 17 3 Backbone.TableView Backbone View to render collections as tables
74 8 5 atom-wrap-in-tag Simplest package for Atom editor that wraps HTML tag around selection
74 29 17 karma-html2js-preprocessor A Karma plugin. Convert HTML files into JS strings to serve them in a script tag.
74 7 0 dict A lightweight but safe dictionary, for when Object won't cut it
74 16 4 stljs Read and write STL (3D printable model) files to your heart's content
74 18 5 gratefulplace2 None
74 6 5 spectacular Advanced BDD framework for CoffeeScript and JavaScript
74 45 0 toptal-recommengine Prototype recommendation engine built to accompany an article on Toptal Blog
74 10 4 hotnode Hot code loading for node.js
74 10 2 karma-fixture A plugin for the Karma test runner that loads .html and .json fixtures
73 47 28 language-latex Syntax highlighting for LaTeX for Atom.
73 23 10 hubot-mattermost A hubot adapter for Mattermost
73 13 2 mongraph Mongraph combines documentstorage database with graph-database relations. Build on NodeJS.
73 4 2 node-unused-deps Report unused npm packages in node, es6, babel or coffee project.
73 16 3 angular-grunt-coffeescript Seed project for large CoffeeScript AngularJS projects
73 15 1 angular-better-placeholders Angular directive for enhanced placeholders that easily integrate with Bootstrap form fields.
72 7 19 atom-supercollider SuperCollider development environment for
72 11 2 maestro 🎧 BREAK OUT THE JAMS
72 0 0 dash.js ⚒️ Reactive UI components and framework for modular dashboards.
72 22 11 leapjs-rigged-hand Control hand models with the Leap Motion
72 3 2 Coffee-Filter A collection of coffeescript helpers that I've used across projects
72 6 0 boilerplate Application boilerplate for something
72 16 0 hubot-reviewer-lotto A reviewer lottery script for Hubot
71 26 47 atom-terminal Atom package to open terminal on current file's directory with "ctrl-shift-t"
71 7 5 node-bufferstream painless stream buffering, cutting and piping
71 5 0 an.hour.ago A small utility which enables wonderfully expressive date and time manipulation in JavaScript
71 11 1 liv3c0der liv3c0der lives! see halfbyte/liv3c0der-mk2
71 6 3 gitwalk Bulk processing of git repositories
71 2 1 mitm-omegle Watch strangers talk on Omegle (man in the middle attack)
71 43 10 simple-uploader A HTML5 upload component without UI
71 2 4 iocat 🔧 & WebSocket netcat-like utility
70 13 18 ng-cli Build and scaffolding tool for your next angular js app
70 2 0 wakaba PC画面上にコメントが流せるデスクトップアプリ「若葉」
70 8 6 ircv IRC inna Chrome app
70 35 41 meteor-autoform-modals Adds modals to insert/update/delete Meteor collections
70 10 3 wikidata-graph-builder Visualize Wikidata items using d3.js
70 4 0 marionette-behaviors a collection of useful marionette behaviors
70 10 0 Framer-VideoPlayer A video player module for Framer Studio and Framer.js.
70 11 2 jq-clipthru None
70 23 4 Programming-In-CoffeeScript Source code for the Programming in CoffeeScript book.
70 33 37 notifications User notifications
70 7 0 chip None
70 22 5 amqp-coffee An AMQP 0.9.1 client for Node.js.
70 23 19 jira-cli Simple Command Line Jira Client in Node.js
70 4 0 tobopomo.js A simple and easy plugin for convert string to Bopomo script and Chinese Characters.
70 8 13 remote-atom rmate for atom
69 15 4 esutils utility box for ECMAScript language tools
69 12 0 nutcracker-web Web interface plugin for nutcracker-ruby ( Twemproxy )
69 0 0 vows-bdd A BDD wrapper for Vows, allowing for easy writing of tests in a given-when-then format
69 2 4 atom-bezier-curve-editor None
69 12 17 mantrajs-atom-package Mantra JS - Package for Atom
69 12 1 node-slackr A simple node.js library for send notifications to Slack via Incoming WebHooks.
69 15 0 js-chart-widgets None
69 15 4 linode-api Linode API client for Node.js
69 20 4 excel-as-json npm package that converts excel data to json
69 2 0 autocomplete See for the package currently bundled with Atom
69 19 0 anvil Generic build server
68 25 75 scribeAPI scribe API
68 10 26 swackets Empowers your brackets with colours.
68 37 10 flow-db-admin Meteor Database Admin package for use with Flow Router
68 12 16 atom-markdown-mindmap Visualize markdown files as mindmaps in Atom editor
68 11 4 Pik7 HTML5 presentation framework
68 11 2 mosho HTML5/CSS3/JS Presentation Framework
68 2 11 zorium (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ The CoffeeScript Web Framework
68 5 2 html5edit Lightweight R&D project surrounding HTML5's contenteditable feature
68 13 4 cake-flour Javascript build tools
68 6 7 less2stylus [NOT MAINTAINED] LESS to Stylus source to source convertor capable of translating Bootstrap
68 16 13 node-xhr2 XMLHttpRequest emulator for node.js
68 5 1 meteor-postgresql A postgreSQL connector for meteor
68 14 4 puppeteer Web development stack. With Backbone, Marionette, CoffeeScript, Mocha, Chai, Bower, Grunt…
68 28 10 formrenderer-base Screendoor's client-side form rendering code.
67 9 13 atom-ungit Atom plugin for Ungit project
67 9 0 river Unbounded stream processing in node.js
67 5 3 nice-index Atom package to rename index.js files to their parent directory names
67 19 40 mindbender Tools for iterative knowledge base development with DeepDive
67 17 42 save-session An Atom package to restore your session.
67 5 2 ios-11-gui-for-framer Components that make it easy for designers to quickly prototype native-feeling iOS 11 interactions in Framer