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Assignment 3: Build a Single Page Application (20 Points)

Due Sep 19 (Tuesday) at 11:58pm

This assignment is the first step towards building a functional application for receipt tracking and cataloging service. The goal of this assignment is to build a working HTML, CSS + Java Script single-page application that uses the REST server you built in the last homework.

You will need to write and test the application, and ultimately deploy the application to the cloud.

No additional PR's are necessary unless you change your server url.

To complete the assignment you must complete the following:

  1. Build a SPA (Single Page Application) that conforms to the UI Spec
  2. Integrate your SPA into your Server
  3. Deploy the API to AWS

Do NOT use page auto-reload(e.g., using location.reload()) to refresh the changes. You are supposed to update the DOM elements on the fly using Javascript.

Important: Modern browser security restricts scripts running on particular domains to that domain only. If you are developing and encounter errors regarding Mixed Media or Same-origin policy, you can cautiously consider disabling security in your browser for development purposes. To do this on OSX, you must quit Chrome completely and then start Chrome from the command-line with special flags:

 /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --allow-running-insecure-content --args --disable-web-security --user-data-dir

If you have Firefox, you can use CORS plugin, that will allow to evade the browser security checks. Once installed you have to activate it by clicking the small plugin icon on the status bar (top right, probably). Remember to disable it when you are not testing your app---the security checks in the browser are there for good reason and disabling them with this plugin might be problematic. So use it carefully.

1. Building the SPA

Your assignment is to create a Single-Page Application that uses the API you created in Assignment A2 to store and retrieve receipts, and add and delete tags.

To make the assignment to be auto-grade-able, you must follow specific conventions outlined in this document with respect to the structure of your HTML and the use of class and id attributes in specific locations.

Beyond these simple constraints, you are free to style and compose your application as you see fit:

Initial Sate

When your application opens, your application should query and display all receipts in the database. Fields for Time, Merchant, Amount and tags are required.

  1. All receipts should be under a DIV with the id receiptList. E.g., <DIV id='receiptList'...</DIV> node.

  2. Every receipt must be represented by a single element of the form <DIV class="receipt">...</DIV>. The receipt element may have any internal structure you desire. Receipts must be selectable using $('.receipt').

  3. Every receipt must have the following fields available: merchant, amount and tags.

    • The merchant must be selectable using the following JQuery selector: $('.merchant', $('.receipt')[0]).text().
    • The amount must be selectable using the following JQuery selector: $('.amount', $('.receipt')[0]).text(). Don't add any '$' or white spaces around the amounts in the column.
    • The tags must be selectable using the following JQuery selector: $('.tags', $('.receipt')[0]).text().

Add New Receipt

Clicking on the ‘add receipt’ button should add a receipt-entry node to the DOM that allows the user to enter a new receipt with merchant (required) and amount (optional) values. Hitting ‘save’ will POST to the /receipts endpoint of your API. Hitting cancel will close the form and discard any values entered. Errors from the server should appear somewhere in the receipt-entry node so the user can understand and correct any problems.

  1. The add button for receipts MUST have id add-receipt and be selectable via $('#add-receipt'). A click event fired on the element should show the add-receipt dialogue box.

  2. You must use INPUT elements for the ‘merchant’ and ‘amount’ entry, and the INPUT elements must have id's #merchant and #amount.

  3. The save and cancel button must have ids save-receipt and cancel-receipt and respond to click events.

Add Tags to Existing Receipts

The application supports the tagging of receipts with arbitrary user-defined tags.

  • Every receipt row must have a button with class add-tag that responds to click events. When clicked, an INPUT element with class tag_input must be added to the DOM as a child of the receipt row upon which add-tag was clicked and should be selectable by JQuery using $('INPUT.tag_input', receiptNode). The input element should execute a PUT request against your PUT /tags/{tag} API when the user strikes the Enter key in the INPUT element.

  • The result of a successful PUT operation is the removal of the tag_input element from the DOM, and the addition of an element displaying the name of the tag now associated with the receipt.

  • Tag elements must have a tagValue class attribute, and the value of the tags for a particular receipt must be selectable via e.g. $('.tagValue', receiptNode)

  • Tag elements must respond to click events which execute a PUT request against your API to dissociate the receipt from the tag that was clicked.

2. Integrate the SPA into your Server

Adam will provide a snippet of code to support you in this regard. Update your Skeleton code from Adam's repo, and look at this commit.

3. Deploy to AWS

Exactly the same as we did in Assignment 02.

Testing UI requires some extra maneuvers! We will use Selenium with Firefox browser to automate the testing.
For this you have to do two things.

  1. install Python selenium library (pip install selenium),
  2. download Firefox web driver from, extract it, and copy the binary to your PATH. For Linux/OSX move that binary to `/usr/local/bin/'. For windows follow the detailed instruction given in

After this, run the auto-grader script as,

$ python <your-url> 

E.g., python http://localhost:8080

Let me know if you find issues in the code. Make sure your server is running! I used Python 3.6 to test the script in my machine.