From 9cf3e5f6ee35f0cf59e4be094c30c337d944af83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hidaba Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2023 11:53:31 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/9] Create common.json --- locales/it_IT/common.json | 1184 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 1184 insertions(+) create mode 100644 locales/it_IT/common.json diff --git a/locales/it_IT/common.json b/locales/it_IT/common.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b9eb3b757 --- /dev/null +++ b/locales/it_IT/common.json @@ -0,0 +1,1184 @@ +{ + "mailtrain2": "Mailtrain 2", + "build": "Build", + "personalAccessToken": "Personal access token", + "accessTokenNotYetGenerated": "Access token not yet generated", + "api": "API", + "resetAccessToken": "Reset Access Token", + "generateAccessToken": "Generate Access Token", + "notesAboutTheApi": "Notes about the API", + "getSubscribers": "Get subscribers", + "queryParams": "Query params", + "yourPersonalAccessToken": "your personal access token", + "startPosition": "Start position", + "optionalDefault0": "optional, default 0", + "limitEmailsCountInResponse": "limit emails count in response", + "optionalDefault10000": "optional, default 10000", + "example": "Example", + "addSubscription": "Add subscription", + "thisApiCallEitherInsertsANewSubscription": "This API call either inserts a new subscription or updates existing. Fields not included are left as is, so if you update only LAST_NAME value, then FIRST_NAME is kept untouched for an existing subscription.", + "arguments": "arguments", + "subscribersEmailAddress": "subscriber's email address", + "required": "required", + "subscribersFirstName": "subscriber's first name", + "subscribersLastName": "subscriber's last name", + "subscribersTimezoneEgEuropeTallinnPstOr": "subscriber's timezone (eg. \"Europe/Tallinn\", \"PST\" or \"UTC\"). If not set defaults to \"UTC\"", + "customFieldValueUseYesnoForOptionGroup": "custom field value. Use yes/no for option group values (checkboxes, radios, drop downs)", + "additionalPostArguments": "Additional POST arguments", + "setToYesIfYouWantToMakeSureTheEmailIs": "set to \"yes\" if you want to make sure the email is marked as subscribed even if it was previously marked as unsubscribed. If the email was already unsubscribed/blocked then subscription status is not changed", + "setToYesIfYouWantToSendConfirmationEmail": "set to \"yes\" if you want to send confirmation email to the subscriber before actually marking as subscribed", + "responseExample": "Response example", + "removeSubscription": "Remove subscription", + "thisApiCallMarksASubscriptionAs": "This API call marks a subscription as unsubscribed", + "deleteSubscription": "Delete subscription", + "thisApiCallDeletesASubscription": "This API call deletes a subscription", + "addNewCustomField": "Add new custom field", + "thisApiCallCreatesANewCustomFieldForA": "This API call creates a new custom field for a list.", + "fieldName": "field name", + "oneOfTheFollowingTypes": "one of the following types:", + "ifTheTypeIsOptionThenYouAlsoNeedTo": "If the type is 'option' then you also need to specify the parent element ID", + "templateForTheGroupElementIfNotSetThen": "Template for the group element. If not set, then values of the elements are joined with commas", + "ifNotVisibleThenTheSubscriberCanNotView": "if not visible then the subscriber can not view or modify this value at the profile page", + "getListOfBlacklistedEmails": "Get list of blacklisted emails", + "thisApiCallGetListOfBlacklistedEmails": "This API call get list of blacklisted emails.", + "filterByPartOfEmail": "filter by part of email", + "optionalDefault": "optional, default \"\"", + "addEmailToBlacklist": "Add email to blacklist", + "thisApiCallEitherAddEmailsToBlacklist": "This API call either add emails to blacklist", + "emailAddress": "email address", + "deleteEmailFromBlacklist": "Delete email from blacklist", + "thisApiCallEitherDeleteEmailsFrom": "This API call either delete emails from blacklist", + "getTheListsAUserHasSubscribedTo": "Get the lists a user has subscribed to", + "retrieveTheListsThatTheUserWithEmailHas": "Retrieve the lists that the user with :email has subscribed to.", + "getTheListsInANamespace": "Get the lists in a namespace", + "retrieveTheListsThatTheNamespaceWith": "Retrieve the lists that the namespace with :namespaceId has.", + "createList": "Create List", + "createsANewListOfSubscribers": "Creates a new list of subscribers.", + "namespace": "Namespace", + "namespace_plural": "Namespaces", + "unsubscription": "Unsubscription", + "onestepIeNoEmailWithConfirmationLink": "One-step (i.e. no email with confirmation link)", + "onestepWithUnsubscriptionFormIeNoEmail": "One-step with unsubscription form (i.e. no email with confirmation link)", + "twostepIeAnEmailWithConfirmationLinkWill": "Two-step (i.e. an email with confirmation link will be sent)", + "twostepWithUnsubscriptionFormIeAnEmail": "Two-step with unsubscription form (i.e. an email with confirmation link will be sent)", + "manualIeUnsubscriptionHasToBePerformedBy": "Manual (i.e. unsubscription has to be performed by the list administrator)", + "name": "Name", + "description": "Description", + "homepage": "Homepage", + "contactEmail": "Contact email", + "webAndEmailFormsAndTemplatesUsedIn": "Web and email forms and templates used in subscription management process.", + "representationOfSubscribersName": "Representation of subscriber's name", + "emptyCustomNoFields": "Empty / Custom (no fields)", + "nameOneField": "Name (one field)", + "firstNameAndLastNameTwoFields": "First name and Last name (two fields)", + "recipientsNameTemplate": "Recipients name template", + "doNotSendListUnsubscribeHeaders": "Do not send List-Unsubscribe headers", + "allowPublicUsersToSubscribeThemselves": "Allow public users to subscribe themselves", + "sendConfiguration": "send configuration", + "deleteList": "Delete List", + "deletesAListOfSubscribers": "Deletes a list of subscribers.", + "emptyObject": "Empty object", + "triggerFetchOfACampaign": "Trigger fetch of a campaign", + "forcesTheRssFeedCheckToImmediatelyCheck": "Forces the RSS feed check to immediately check the campaign with the given CID (in :campaignCid). It works only for RSS campaigns.", + "sendTransactionalEmail": "Send transactional email", + "sendSingleEmailByTemplateWithGiven": "Send single email by template with given templateId", + "idOfConfigurationUsedToCreateMailer": "ID of configuration used to create mailer instance. If omitted, the default system send configuration is used.", + "subject": "Subject", + "mapOfTemplateVariablesToReplace": "Map of template variables to replace", + "attachmentsFormatAsConsumedByNodemailer": "Attachments (format as consumed by nodemailer)", + "apiResponseIsAJsonStructureWithErrorAnd": "API response is a JSON structure with <1>error and <3>data properties. If the response <5>error has a value set then the request failed.", + "youNeedToDefineProperContentTypeWhen": "You need to define proper <1>Content-Type when making a request. You can either use <3>application/x-www-form-urlencoded for normal form data or <5>application/json for a JSON payload. Using <7>multipart/form-data is not supported.", + "emailMustNotBeEmpty": "Email must not be empty.", + "invalidEmailAddress": "Invalid email address.", + "theEmailIsAlreadyAssociatedWithAnother": "The email is already associated with another user in the system.", + "validationIsInProgress": "Validation is in progress...", + "fullNameMustNotBeEmpty": "Full name must not be empty", + "currentPasswordMustNotBeEmpty": "Current password must not be empty.", + "incorrectPassword": "Incorrect password.", + "passwordsMustMatch": "Passwords must match", + "updatingUserProfile": "Updating user profile ...", + "userProfileUpdated": "User profile updated", + "thereAreErrorsInTheFormPleaseFixThemAnd": "There are errors in the form. Please fix them and submit again.", + "yourUpdatesCannotBeSaved": "Your updates cannot be saved.", + "thePasswordIsIncorrectPossiblyJust": "The password is incorrect (possibly just changed in another window / session). Enter correct password and try again.", + "theEmailIsAlreadyAssignedToAnotherUser": "The email is already assigned to another user. Enter another email and try again.", + "account": "Account", + "generalSettings": "General Settings", + "fullName": "Full Name", + "email": "Email", + "thisAddressIsUsedForAccountRecoveryIn": "This address is used for account recovery in case you loose your password", + "passwordChange": "Password Change", + "youOnlyNeedToFillOutThisFormIfYouWantTo": "You only need to fill out this form if you want to change your current password", + "currentPassword": "Current Password", + "newPassword": "New Password", + "confirmPassword": "Confirm Password", + "update": "Update", + "accountManagementIsNotPossibleBecause": "Account management is not possible because Mailtrain is configured to use externally managed users.", + "ifYouWantToChangeThePasswordUseThisLink": "If you want to change the password, use <1>this link.", + "emailMustNotBeEmpty-1": "Email must not be empty", + "theEmailIsAlreadyOnBlacklist": "The email is already on blacklist.", + "saving": "Saving ...", + "thereAreErrorsInTheFormPleaseFixThemAnd-1": "There are errors in the form. Please fix them and try again.", + "removeFromBlacklist": "Remove from blacklist", + "confirmRemovalFromBlacklist": "Confirm Removal From Blacklist", + "areYouSureYouWantToRemoveEmailFromThe": "Are you sure you want to remove {{email}} from the blacklist?", + "removingEmailFromTheBlacklist": "Removing {{email}} from the blacklist", + "emailRemovedFromTheBlacklist": "{{email}} removed from the blacklist", + "blacklist": "Blacklist", + "addEmailToBlacklist-1": "Add Email to Blacklist", + "addToBlacklist": "Add to Blacklist", + "blacklistedEmails": "Blacklisted Emails", + "createRegularCampaign": "Create Regular Campaign", + "createRssCampaign": "Create RSS Campaign", + "createTriggeredCampaign": "Create Triggered Campaign", + "editRegularCampaign": "Edit Regular Campaign", + "editRssCampaign": "Edit RSS Campaign", + "editTriggeredCampaign": "Edit Triggered Campaign", + "customContent": "Custom content", + "customContentClonedFromAnotherCampaign": "Custom content cloned from another campaign", + "template": "Template", + "template_plural": "Templates", + "customContentClonedFromTemplate": "Custom content cloned from template", + "url": "URL", + "nameMustNotBeEmpty": "Name must not be empty", + "subjectLineMustNotBeEmpty": "\"Subject\" line must not be empty\"", + "sendConfigurationMustBeSelected": "Send configuration must be selected", + "fromEmailMustNotBeEmpty": "\"From\" email must not be empty", + "templateMustBeSelected": "Template must be selected", + "campaignMustBeSelected": "Campaign must be selected", + "typeMustBeSelected": "Type must be selected", + "tagLanguageMustBeSelected": "Tag language must be selected", + "urlMustNotBeEmpty": "URL must not be empty", + "rssFeedUrlMustBeGiven": "RSS feed URL must be given", + "campaignUpdated": "Campaign updated", + "campaignCreated": "Campaign created", + "rssFeedUrl": "RSS Feed Url", + "id": "ID", + "type": "Type", + "override": "Override", + "fromName": "\"From\" name", + "fromEmailAddress": "\"From\" email address", + "replytoEmailAddress": "\"Reply-to\" email address", + "loadingSendConfiguration": "Loading send configuration ...", + "contentSource": "Content source", + "created": "Created", + "selectingATemplateCreatesACampaign": "Selecting a template creates a campaign specific copy from it.", + "campaign": "Campaign", + "campaign_plural": "Campaigns", + "contentOfTheSelectedCampaignWillBeCopied": "Content of the selected campaign will be copied into this campaign.", + "tagLanguage": "Tag language", + "renderUrl": "Render URL", + "ifAMessageIsSentThenThisUrlWillBePosTed": "If a message is sent then this URL will be POSTed to using Merge Tags as POST body. Use this if you want to generate the HTML message yourself. Example:", + "deletingCampaign": "Deleting campaign ...", + "campaignDeleted": "Campaign deleted", + "formCannotBeEditedBecauseTheCampaignIs": "Form cannot be edited because the campaign is currently being sent out. Wait till the sending is finished and refresh.", + "thisIsTheCampaignIdDisplayedToThe": "This is the campaign ID displayed to the subscribers", + "channel": "Channel", + "sendSettings": "Send settings", + "sendConfiguration-1": "Send configuration", + "sendConfiguration-1_plural": "Send configurations", + "subjectLine": "\"Subject\" line", + "customUnsubscribeUrl": "Custom unsubscribe URL", + "tracking": "Tracking", + "disableOpenedTracking": "Disable opened tracking", + "disableClickedTracking": "Disable clicked tracking", + "saveAndEditContent": "Save and edit content", + "save": "Save", + "saveAndLeave": "Save and leave", + "saveAndGoToStatus": "Save and go to status", + "delete": "Delete", + "warning!YouDoNotHaveNecessaryPermissions": "<0>Warning! You do not have necessary permissions to edit this campaign. Any changes that you perform here will be lost.", + "selectCampaignToBeCloned": "Select campaign to be cloned.", + "createCampaign": "Create Campaign", + "next": "Next", + "editCustomContent": "Edit Custom Content", + "customTemplateEditor": "Custom template editor", + "testSend": "Test send", + "status": "Status", + "sendingScheduled": "Sending scheduled", + "sending": "Sending", + "statistics": "Statistics", + "edit": "Edit", + "content": "Content", + "files": "Files", + "attachments": "Attachments", + "triggers": "Triggers", + "share": "Share", + "cloneCampaign": "Clone Campaign", + "regular": "Regular", + "rss": "RSS", + "triggered": "Triggered", + "campaigns": "Campaigns", + "campaignStatistics": "Campaign Statistics", + "total": "Total", + "delivered": "Delivered", + "blacklisted": "Blacklisted", + "bounced": "Bounced", + "complaints": "Complaints", + "unsubscribed": "Unsubscribed", + "opened": "Opened", + "clicked": "Clicked", + "quickReports": "Quick Reports", + "belowYouCanDownloadPremadeReportsRelated": "Below, you can download pre-made reports related to this campaign. Each link generates a CSV file that can be viewed in a spreadsheet editor. Custom reports and reports that cover more than one campaign can be created through <1>Reports functionality of Mailtrain.", + "uniqueVisitors": "Unique visitors", + "totalClicks": "Total clicks", + "campaignLinks": "Campaign links", + "subscriptionId": "Subscription ID", + "listId": "List ID", + "list": "List", + "list_plural": "Lists", + "listNamespace": "List namespace", + "opensCount": "Opens count", + "countries": "Countries", + "devices": "Devices", + "desktop": "Desktop", + "tv": "TV", + "tablet": "Tablet", + "phone": "Phone", + "bot": "Bot", + "car": "Car", + "console": "Console", + "distributionByDeviceType": "Distribution by device type", + "loadingChart": "Loading chart", + "deviceType": "Device type", + "count": "Count", + "unknown": "Unknown", + "distributionByCountry": "Distribution by country", + "country": "Country", + "detailedStatistics": "Detailed Statistics", + "listOfSubscribersThatOpenedTheCampaign": "List of subscribers that opened the campaign", + "subscriptionHasToBeSelectedToShowThe": "Subscription has to be selected to show the campaign for a test user.", + "previewCampaign": "Preview Campaign", + "preview": "Preview", + "close": "Close", + "previewAs": "Preview as", + "dateMustNotBeEmpty": "Date must not be empty", + "dateIsInvalid": "Date is invalid", + "timeMustNotBeEmpty": "Time must not be empty", + "timeIsInvalid": "Time is invalid", + "timezoneMustBeSelected": "Timezone must be selected", + "confirmLaunch": "Confirm launch", + "doYouWantToLaunchTheCampaign?": "Do you want to launch the campaign?", + "doYouWantToScheduleTheCampaignForLaunch?": "Do you want to schedule the campaign for launch?", + "confirmReset": "Confirm reset", + "doYouWantToResetTheCampaign?All": "Do you want to reset the campaign? All statistics and the track of delivered messages will be lost.", + "no": "No", + "yes": "Yes", + "sendStatus": "Send status", + "campaignIsScheduledForDelivery": "Campaign is scheduled for delivery.", + "campaignIsReadyToBeSentOut": "Campaign is ready to be sent out.", + "campaignIsBeingPausedPleaseWait": "Campaign is being paused. Please wait.", + "campaignIsBeingSentOut": "Campaign is being sent out.", + "allMessagesSent!HitContinueIfYouWantTo": "All messages sent! Hit \"Continue\" if you want to send this campaign to new subscribers.", + "allMessagesSent!": "All messages sent!", + "yourCampaignIsCurrentlyDisabledClick": "Your campaign is currently disabled. Click Enable button to start enable it.", + "yourCampaignIsCurrentlyDisabled": "Your campaign is currently disabled.", + "yourCampaignIsEnabledAndSendingMessages": "Your campaign is enabled and sending messages.", + "timezone": "Timezone", + "selectDateTimeAndATimezoneToDisplayThe": "Select date, time and a timezone to display the date and time with offset", + "scheduledDatetimeSeemsToBeInThePastIfYou": "Scheduled date/time seems to be in the past. If you schedule the send, campaign will be sent immediately.", + "sendLater": "Send later", + "scheduleDeliveryAtAParticularDatetime": "Schedule delivery at a particular date/time", + "date": "Date", + "time": "Time", + "enter24HourTimeInFormatHhmmEg1348": "Enter 24-hour time in format HH:MM (e.g. 13:48)", + "rescheduleSend": "Reschedule send", + "scheduleSend": "Schedule send", + "send": "Send", + "cancelScheduling": "Cancel scheduling", + "reset": "Reset", + "viewStatistics": "View statistics", + "pausing": "Pausing", + "pause": "Pause", + "continue": "Continue", + "enable": "Enable", + "disable": "Disable", + "segment": "Segment", + "campaignStatus": "Campaign Status", + "sent": "Sent", + "targetListssegments": "Target lists/segments", + "ifANewEntryIsFoundFromCampaignFeedANew": "If a new entry is found from campaign feed a new subcampaign is created of that entry and it will be listed here", + "test": " [Test]", + "sendingTestEmail": "Sending test email", + "listHasToBeSelected": "List has to be selected.", + "sendConfigurationHasToBeSelected": "Send configuration has to be selected.", + "subscriptionHasToBeSelected": "Subscription has to be selected.", + "listMustBeSelected": "List must be selected", + "segmentMustBeSelected": "Segment must be selected", + "singleTestUserOfTheCampaign": "Single test user of the campaign", + "allTestUsersOfTheCampaign": "All test users of the campaign", + "singleTestUserFromAList": "Single test user from a list", + "allTestUsersFromAListsegment": "All test users from a list/segment", + "selectToWhereYouWantToSendTheTest": "Select to where you want to send the test", + "subscribers": "Subscribers", + "subscription": "Subscription", + "useAParticularSegment": "Use a particular segment", + "prependToSubject": "Prepend to subject", + "appendToSubject": "Append to subject", + "sendTestEmail": "Send Test Email", + "idle": "Idle", + "scheduled": "Scheduled", + "paused": "Paused", + "finished": "Finished", + "inactive": "Inactive", + "active": "Active", + "remove": "Remove", + "insertNewEntryBeforeThisOne": "Insert new entry before this one", + "moveUp": "Move up", + "moveDown": "Move down", + "lists": "Lists", + "addList": "Add list", + "campaignName": "Campaign \"{{name}}\"", + "deliveredEmails": "Delivered Emails", + "complained": "Complained", + "subscribersThatComplained": "Subscribers that Complained", + "emailsThatBounced": "Emails that Bounced", + "subscribersThatUnsubscribed": "Subscribers that Unsubscribed", + "clicks": "Clicks", + "theseFilesArePubliclyAvailableViaHttpSo": "These files are publicly available via HTTP so that they can be linked to from the content of the campaign.", + "theseFilesWillBeAttachedToTheCampaign": "These files will be attached to the campaign emails as proper attachments. This means they count towards to the eventual size of the email.", + "triggerName": "Trigger \"{{name}}\"", + "create": "Create", + "valuesMustNotBeEmpty": "Values must not be empty", + "valueMustBeANonnegativeNumber": "Value must be a non-negative number", + "sourceCampaignMustNotBeEmpty": "Source campaign must not be empty", + "triggerUpdated": "Trigger updated", + "triggerCreated": "Trigger created", + "deletingTrigger": "Deleting trigger ...", + "triggerDeleted": "Trigger deleted", + "editTrigger": "Edit Trigger", + "createTrigger": "Create Trigger", + "entity": "Entity", + "selectTheTypeOfTheTriggerRule": "Select the type of the trigger rule.", + "triggerFires": "Trigger fires", + "event": "Event", + "selectTheEventThatTriggersSendingThe": "Select the event that triggers sending the campaign.", + "enabled": "Enabled", + "daysAfter": "Days after", + "updated": "Updated", + "latestOpen": "Latest open", + "latestClick": "Latest click", + "notOpened": "Not opened", + "notClicked": "Not clicked", + "channelUpdated": "Channel updated", + "channelCreated": "Channel created", + "deletingChannel": "Deleting channel ...", + "channelDeleted": "Channel deleted", + "editChannel": "Edit Channel", + "createChannel": "Create Channel", + "campaignDefaults": "Campaign defaults", + "campaignName-1": "Campaign name", + "campaignDescription": "Campaign description", + "warning!YouDoNotHaveNecessaryPermissions-1": "<0>Warning! You do not have necessary permissions to edit this channel. Any changes that you perform here will be lost.", + "channels": "Channels", + "channelName": "Channel \"{{name}}\"", + "countFileAdded": "{{count}} file added", + "countFileAdded_plural": "{{count}} files added", + "countFileReplaced": "{{count}} file replaced", + "countFileReplaced_plural": "{{count}} files replaced", + "countFileIgnored": "{{count}} file ignored", + "countFileIgnored_plural": "{{count}} files ignored", + "countFileUploaded": "{{count}} file uploaded", + "countFileUploaded_plural": "{{count}} files uploaded", + "uploadingCountFile": "Uploading {{count}} file", + "uploadingCountFile_plural": "Uploading {{count}} files", + "fileUploadFailed": "File upload failed:", + "noFilesToUpload": "No files to upload", + "deletingFile": "Deleting file ...", + "fileDeleted": "File deleted", + "deleteFileFailed": "Delete file failed:", + "size": "Size", + "download": "Download", + "confirmFileDeletion": "Confirm file deletion", + "areYouSureYouWantToDeleteTheFile?": "Are you sure you want to delete the file?", + "dropCountFile": "Drop {{count}} file", + "dropCountFile_plural": "Drop {{count}} files", + "dropFilesHere": "Drop files here", + "loading": "Loading ...", + "hints": "Hints", + "h": "h", + "min": "min", + "sec": "sec", + "openCalendar": "Open calendar", + "select": "Select", + "clear": "Clear", + "someoneElseHasIntroducedModificationIn": "Someone else has introduced modification in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew with fresh data. Please note that your changes will be lost.", + "itSeemsThatSomeoneElseHasDeletedThe": "It seems that someone else has deleted the target namespace in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew with fresh data. Please note that your changes will be lost.", + "itSeemsThatSomeoneElseHasDeletedThe-1": "It seems that someone else has deleted the entity in the meantime.", + "customForms": "Custom forms", + "report": "Report", + "report_plural": "Reports", + "reportTemplate": "Report template", + "reportTemplate_plural": "Report templates", + "mosaicoTemplate": "Mosaico template", + "mosaicoTemplate_plural": "Mosaico templates", + "user": "User", + "cannoteDeleteNameDueToTheFollowing": "Cannote delete \"{{name}}\" due to the following dependencies:", + "andMore": "... and more", + "cannotDeleteNameDueToHiddenDependencies": "Cannot delete {{name}} due to hidden dependencies", + "confirmDeletion": "Confirm Deletion", + "areYouSureYouWantToDeleteName?": "Are you sure you want to delete \"{{name}}\"?", + "namespaceMustBeSelected": "Namespace must be selected", + "sourceOnGitHub": "Source on GitHub", + "authenticationSuccessful": "Authentication successful", + "logoutSuccessful": "Logout successful", + "authenticationFailed": "Authentication failed", + "sendTestEmail-1": "Send test e-mail", + "showHtml": "Show HTML", + "maximizeEditor": "Maximize editor", + "mjml": "MJML", + "html": "HTML", + "disableWordWrap": "Disable word wrap", + "enableWordWrap": "Enable word wrap", + "hidePreview": "Hide preview", + "showPreview": "Show preview", + "showMjml": "Show MJML", + "countEntriesSelected": "{{ count }} entries selected.", + "noDataAvailableInTable": "No data available in table", + "showingStartToEndOfTotalEntries": "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries", + "showing0To0Of0Entries": "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries", + "filteredFromMaxTotalEntries": "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)", + "": "", + "-1": ",", + "showMenuEntries": "Show _MENU_ entries", + "loading-1": "Loading...", + "processing": "Processing...", + "search": "Search:", + "noMatchingRecordsFound": "No matching records found", + "firs": "Firs", + "last": "Last", + "previous": "Previous", + "activateToSortColumnAscending": ": activate to sort column ascending", + "activateToSortColumnDescending": ": activate to sort column descending", + "customFormMustBeSelected": "Custom form must be selected", + "listUpdated": "List updated", + "listCreated": "List created", + "defaultMailtrainForms": "Default Mailtrain Forms", + "customFormsSelectFormBelow": "Custom Forms (select form below)", + "specifyUsingMergeTagsOfThisListHowTo": "Specify using merge tags of this list how to construct full name of the recipient. This full name is used as \"To\" header when sending emails.", + "selectHowTheNameOfASubscriberWillBe": "Select how the name of a subscriber will be represented. The fields in list will be created accordingly. You can always adjust the choice later by editing the list fields. If you select \"Empty / Custom\", provide a template below in \"Recipients name template\" that will be used as subscriber's name as it will appear in the emails' \"To\" field.", + "deletingList": "Deleting list ...", + "listDeleted": "List deleted", + "editList": "Edit List", + "thisIsTheListIdDisplayedToTheSubscribers": "This is the list ID displayed to the subscribers", + "contactEmailUsedInSubscriptionFormsAnd": "Contact email used in subscription forms and emails that are sent out. If not filled in, the admin email from the global settings will be used.", + "homepageUrlUsedInSubscriptionFormsAnd": "Homepage URL used in subscription forms and emails that are sent out. If not filled in, the default homepage from global settings will be used.", + "sendConfigurationThatWillBeUsedFor": "Send configuration that will be used for sending out subscription-related emails.", + "forms": "Forms", + "selectHowAnUnsuscriptionRequestBy": "Select how an unsuscription request by subscriber is handled.", + "unsubscribeHeader": "Unsubscribe header", + "theCustomFormUsedForThisListYouCanCreate": "The custom form used for this list. You can create a form <1>here.", + "fields": "Fields", + "segments": "Segments", + "imports": "Imports", + "customForms-1": "Custom Forms", + "mergeTagIsInvalidMayMustBeUppercaseAnd": "Merge tag is invalid. May must be uppercase and contain only characters A-Z, 0-9, _. It must start with a letter.", + "anotherFieldWithTheSameMergeTagExists": "Another field with the same merge tag exists. Please choose another merge tag.", + "groupHasToBeSelected": "Group has to be selected", + "defaultValueIsNotIntegerNumber": "Default value is not integer number", + "defaultValueIsNotAProperlyFormattedDate": "Default value is not a properly formatted date", + "defaultValueIsNotAProperlyFormatted": "Default value is not a properly formatted birthday date", + "defaultValueIsNotOneOfTheAllowedOptions": "Default value is not one of the allowed options", + "errorOnLineLine": "Error on line {{ line }}", + "fieldUpdated": "Field updated", + "fieldCreated": "Field created", + "notVisible": "not visible", + "beforeNameType": "before {{name}} ({{type}})", + "atEndOfList": "at end of list", + "fieldSettings": "Field settings", + "defaultValue": "Default value", + "defaultValueUsedWhenTheFieldIsEmpty": "Default value used when the field is empty.", + "options": "Options", + "dateFormat": "Date format", + "mmddyyyy": "MM/DD/YYYY", + "ddmmyyyy": "DD/MM/YYYY", + "yyyymmdd": "YYYY-MM-DD", + "mmdd": "MM/DD", + "ddmm": "DD/MM", + "mergeTag": "Merge Tag", + "group": "Group", + "belongsToCheckboxDropdownRadioGroup": "Belongs to checkbox / dropdown / radio group", + "containingGroup": "Containing group", + "selectGroupToWhichTheOptionsShouldBelong": "Select group to which the options should belong.", + "checkedLabel": "Checked label", + "labelThatWillBeDisplayedInListAnd": "Label that will be displayed in list and subscription when the option is checked", + "uncheckedLabel": "Unchecked label", + "labelThatWillBeDisplayedInListAnd-1": "Label that will be displayed in list and subscription when the option is unchecked", + "deletingField": "Deleting field ...", + "fieldDeleted": "Field deleted", + "editField": "Edit Field", + "createField": "Create Field", + "mergeTag-1": "Merge tag", + "helpText": "Help text", + "requiredClientsideValidationOnly": "Required (client-side validation only)", + "fieldOrder": "Field order", + "listings": "Listings", + "selectTheFieldBeforeWhichThisFieldShould": "Select the field before which this field should appear in listings. To exclude the field from listings, select \"Not visible\".", + "subscriptionForm": "Subscription form", + "selectTheFieldBeforeWhichThisFieldShould-1": "Select the field before which this field should appear in new subscription form. To exclude the field from the new subscription form, select \"Not visible\".", + "managementForm": "Management form", + "selectTheFieldBeforeWhichThisFieldShould-2": "Select the field before which this field should appear in subscription management. To exclude the field from the subscription management form, select \"Not visible\".", + "youCanControlTheAppearanceOfTheMergeTag": "You can control the appearance of the merge tag with this template. The template\n uses handlebars syntax and you can find all values from <1>{'{{values}}'} array, for\n example <3>{'{{#each values}} {{this}} {{/each}}'}. If template is not defined then\n multiple values are joined with commas.", + "specifyTheOptionsToSelectFromInThe": "<0>Specify the options to select from in the following format:<1>key|label. For example:\n <2><0>au|Australia<3><0>at|Austria", + "defaultKeyEgAuUsedWhenTheFieldIsEmpty": "Default key (e.g. <1>au used when the field is empty.')", + "youCanControlTheAppearanceOfTheMergeTag-1": "You can control the appearance of the merge tag with this template. The template\n uses handlebars syntax and you can find all values from <1>{'{{values}}'} array.\n Each entry in the array is an object with attributes <3>key and <5>label.\n For example <7>{'{{#each values}} {{this.value}} {{/each}}'}. If template is not defined then\n multiple values are joined with commas.", + "youCanUseThisTemplateToRenderJsonValues": "You can use this template to render JSON values (if the JSON is an array then the array is\n exposed as <1>values, otherwise you can access the JSON keys directly).", + "text": "Text", + "website": "Website", + "multilineText": "Multi-line text", + "gpgPublicKey": "GPG Public Key", + "number": "Number", + "checkboxesFromOptionFields": "Checkboxes (from option fields)", + "radioButtonsFromOptionFields": "Radio Buttons (from option fields)", + "dropDownFromOptionFields": "Drop Down (from option fields)", + "radioButtonsEnumerated": "Radio Buttons (enumerated)", + "dropDownEnumerated": "Drop Down (enumerated)", + "birthday": "Birthday", + "jsonValueForCustomRendering": "JSON value for custom rendering", + "option": "Option", + "thePlaintextVersionForThisEmail": "The plaintext version for this email", + "layout": "Layout", + "formInputStyle": "Form Input Style", + "thisCssStylesheetDefinesTheAppearanceOf": "This CSS stylesheet defines the appearance of form input elements and alerts", + "webSubscribe": "Web - Subscribe", + "webConfirmSubscriptionNotice": "Web - Confirm Subscription Notice", + "mailConfirmSubscriptionMjml": "Mail - Confirm Subscription (MJML)", + "mailConfirmSubscriptionText": "Mail - Confirm Subscription (Text)", + "mailAlreadySubscribedMjml": "Mail - Already Subscribed (MJML)", + "mailAlreadySubscribedText": "Mail - Already Subscribed (Text)", + "webSubscribedNotice": "Web - Subscribed Notice", + "mailSubscriptionConfirmedMjml": "Mail - Subscription Confirmed (MJML)", + "mailSubscriptionConfirmedText": "Mail - Subscription Confirmed (Text)", + "webManagePreferences": "Web - Manage Preferences", + "webManageAddress": "Web - Manage Address", + "mailConfirmAddressChangeMjml": "Mail - Confirm Address Change (MJML)", + "mailConfirmAddressChangeText": "Mail - Confirm Address Change (Text)", + "webUpdatedNotice": "Web - Updated Notice", + "webUnsubscribe": "Web - Unsubscribe", + "webConfirmUnsubscriptionNotice": "Web - Confirm Unsubscription Notice", + "mailConfirmUnsubscriptionMjml": "Mail - Confirm Unsubscription (MJML)", + "mailConfirmUnsubscriptionText": "Mail - Confirm Unsubscription (Text)", + "webUnsubscribedNotice": "Web - Unsubscribed Notice", + "mailUnsubscriptionConfirmedMjml": "Mail - Unsubscription Confirmed (MJML)", + "mailUnsubscriptionConfirmedText": "Mail - Unsubscription Confirmed (Text)", + "webManualUnsubscribeNotice": "Web - Manual Unsubscribe Notice", + "privacyPolicy": "Privacy policy", + "general": "General", + "subscribe": "Subscribe", + "manage": "Manage", + "unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe", + "dataProtection": "Data protection", + "sourceCustomFormsMustNotBeEmpty": "sourceCustomFormsMustNotBeEmpty", + "listOfErrorsInTemplates": "List of errors in templates", + "customFormsUpdated": "Custom forms updated", + "customFormsCreated": "Custom forms created", + "deletingForm": "Deleting form ...", + "formDeleted": "Form deleted", + "editCustomForms": "Edit Custom Forms", + "createCustomForms": "Create Custom Forms", + "cloneFromExistingCustomForms": "Clone from existing custom forms", + "sourceCustomForms": "Source custom forms", + "formsPreview": "Forms Preview", + "listToPreviewOn": "List To Preview On", + "selectListWhoseFieldsWillBeUsedToPreview": "Select list whose fields will be used to preview the forms.", + "noteTheseLinksAreSolelyForAQuickPreview": "Note: These links are solely for a quick preview. To get the address of the subscription form, go to the list's subscribers and click on \"Subscription Form\".", + "formPreview": "Form preview:", + "refresh": "Refresh", + "closePreview": "Close preview", + "templates": "Templates", + "customFormsUseMjmlForFormattingSeeThe": "Custom forms use MJML for formatting. See the MJML documentation <1>here", + "createCustomForm": "Create Custom Form", + "fileMustBeSelected": "File must be selected", + "csvDelimiterMustNotBeEmpty": "CSV delimiter must not be empty", + "emailMappingHasToBeProvided": "Email mapping has to be provided", + "importSaved": "Import saved", + "file": "File", + "delimiter": "Delimiter", + "preparationInProgressPleaseWaitTillItIs": "Preparation in progress. Please wait till it is done or visit this page later.", + "––Select ––": "–– Select ––", + "eg": "e.g.:", + "checkImportedEmails": "Check imported emails", + "mapping": "Mapping", + "saveAndEditSettings": "Save and edit settings", + "saveAndRun": "Save and Run", + "deletingImport": "Deleting import ...", + "importDeleted": "Import deleted", + "editImport": "Edit Import", + "createImport": "Create Import", + "source": "Source", + "lastRun": "Last run", + "never": "never", + "detailedStatus": "Detailed status", + "row": "Row", + "reason": "Reason", + "importRunStatus": "Import Run Status", + "importName": "Import name", + "importSource": "Import source", + "runStarted": "Run started", + "runFinished": "Run finished", + "runStatus": "Run status", + "processedEntries": "Processed entries", + "newEntries": "New entries", + "failedEntries": "Failed entries", + "error": "Error", + "failedRows": "Failed Rows", + "started": "Started", + "processed": "Processed", + "new": "New", + "failed": "Failed", + "importStatus": "Import Status", + "actions": "Actions", + "start": "Start", + "stop": "Stop", + "importRuns": "Import Runs", + "csvFile": "CSV file", + "preparing": "Preparing", + "stopping": "Stopping", + "ready": "Ready", + "preparationFailed": "Preparation failed", + "running": "Running", + "starting": "Starting", + "basicImportOfSubscribers": "Basic import of subscribers", + "unsubscribeEmails": "Unsubscribe emails", + "listName": "List \"{{name}}\"", + "fieldName-1": "Field \"{{name}}\"", + "segmentName": "Segment \"{{name}}\"", + "importName-1": "Import \"{{name}}\"", + "run": "Run", + "customFormsName": "Custom Forms \"{{name}}\"", + "newRule": "New rule", + "segmentUpdated": "Segment updated", + "segmentCreated": "Segment created", + "deletingSegment": "Deleting segment ...", + "segmentDeleted": "Segment deleted", + "editSegment": "Edit Segment", + "createSegment": "Create Segment", + "segmentOptions": "Segment Options", + "toplevelMatchType": "Toplevel match type", + "addCompositeRule": "Add Composite Rule", + "addRule": "Add Rule", + "rules": "Rules", + "fieldMustBeSelected": "Field must be selected", + "field": "Field", + "select-1": "-- Select --", + "ruleOptions": "Rule Options", + "ok": "OK", + "allRulesMustMatch": "All rules must match", + "atLeastOneRuleMustMatch": "At least one rule must match", + "noRuleMayMatch": "No rule may match", + "equalTo": "Equal to", + "valueInColumnColNameIsEqualToValue": "Value in column \"{{colName}}\" is equal to \"{{value}}\"", + "matchWithSqlLike": "Match (with SQL LIKE)", + "valueInColumnColNameMatchesWithSqlLike": "Value in column \"{{colName}}\" matches (with SQL LIKE) \"{{value}}\"", + "matchWithRegularExpressions": "Match (with regular expressions)", + "valueInColumnColNameMatchesWithRegular": "Value in column \"{{colName}}\" matches (with regular expressions) \"{{value}}\"", + "alphabeticallyBefore": "Alphabetically before", + "valueInColumnColNameIsAlphabetically": "Value in column \"{{colName}}\" is alphabetically before \"{{value}}\"", + "alphabeticallyBeforeOrEqualTo": "Alphabetically before or equal to", + "valueInColumnColNameIsAlphabetically-1": "Value in column \"{{colName}}\" is alphabetically before or equal to \"{{value}}\"", + "alphabeticallyAfter": "Alphabetically after", + "valueInColumnColNameIsAlphabetically-2": "Value in column \"{{colName}}\" is alphabetically after \"{{value}}\"", + "alphabeticallyAfterOrEqualTo": "Alphabetically after or equal to", + "valueInColumnColNameIsAlphabetically-3": "Value in column \"{{colName}}\" is alphabetically after or equal to \"{{value}}\"", + "valueInColumnColNameIsEqualToValue-1": "Value in column \"{{colName}}\" is equal to {{value}}", + "lessThan": "Less than", + "valueInColumnColNameIsLessThanValue": "Value in column \"{{colName}}\" is less than {{value}}", + "lessThanOrEqualTo": "Less than or equal to", + "valueInColumnColNameIsLessThanOrEqualTo": "Value in column \"{{colName}}\" is less than or equal to {{value}}", + "greaterThan": "Greater than", + "valueInColumnColNameIsGreaterThanValue": "Value in column \"{{colName}}\" is greater than {{value}}", + "greaterThanOrEqualTo": "Greater than or equal to", + "valueInColumnColNameIsGreaterThanOrEqual": "Value in column \"{{colName}}\" is greater than or equal to {{value}}", + "on": "On", + "dateInColumnColNameIsValue": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is {{value}}", + "before": "Before", + "dateInColumnColNameIsBeforeValue": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is before {{value}}", + "beforeOrOn": "Before or on", + "dateInColumnColNameIsBeforeOrOnValue": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is before or on {{value}}", + "after": "After", + "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterValue": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is after {{value}}", + "afterOrOn": "After or on", + "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterOrOnValue": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is after or on {{value}}", + "onXthDayBeforeafterCurrentDate": "On x-th day before/after current date", + "dateInColumnColNameIsTheCurrentDate": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is the current date", + "dateInColumnColNameIsTheValuethDayAfter": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is the {{value}}-th day after the current date", + "dateInColumnColNameIsTheValuethDayBefore": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is the {{value}}-th day before the current date", + "beforeXthDayBeforeafterCurrentDate": "Before x-th day before/after current date", + "dateInColumnColNameIsBeforeTheCurrent": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is before the current date", + "dateInColumnColNameIsBeforeTheValuethDay": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is before the {{value}}-th day after the current date", + "dateInColumnColNameIsBeforeTheValuethDay-1": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is before the {{value}}-th day before the current date", + "beforeOrOnXthDayBeforeafterCurrentDate": "Before or on x-th day before/after current date", + "dateInColumnColNameIsBeforeOrOnThe": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is before or on the current date", + "dateInColumnColNameIsBeforeOrOnThe-1": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is before or on the {{value}}-th day after the current date", + "dateInColumnColNameIsBeforeOrOnThe-2": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is before or on the {{value}}-th day before the current date", + "afterXthDayBeforeafterCurrentDate": "After x-th day before/after current date", + "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterTheCurrentDate": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is after the current date", + "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterTheValuethDay": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is after the {{value}}-th day after the current date", + "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterTheValuethDay-1": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is after the {{value}}-th day before the current date", + "afterOrOnXthDayBeforeafterCurrentDate": "After or on x-th day before/after current date", + "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterOrOnTheCurrent": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is after or on the current date", + "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterOrOnTheValueth": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is after or on the {{value}}-th day after the current date", + "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterOrOnTheValueth-1": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is after or on the {{value}}-th day before the current date", + "isSelected": "Is selected", + "valueInColumnColNameIsSelected": "Value in column \"{{colName}}\" is selected", + "isNotSelected": "Is not selected", + "valueInColumnColNameIsNotSelected": "Value in column \"{{colName}}\" is not selected", + "keyEqualTo": "Key equal to", + "theSelectedKeyInColumnColNameIsEqualTo": "The selected key in column \"{{colName}}\" is equal to \"{{value}}\"", + "keyMatchWithSqlLike": "Key match (with SQL LIKE)", + "theSelectedKeyInColumnColNameMatchesWith": "The selected key in column \"{{colName}}\" matches (with SQL LIKE) \"{{value}}\"", + "keyMatchWithRegularExpressions": "Key match (with regular expressions)", + "theSelectedKeyInColumnColNameMatchesWith-1": "The selected key in column \"{{colName}}\" matches (with regular expressions) \"{{value}}\"", + "keyAlphabeticallyBefore": "Key alphabetically before", + "theSelectedKeyInColumnColNameIs": "The selected key in column \"{{colName}}\" is alphabetically before \"{{value}}\"", + "keyAlphabeticallyBeforeOrEqualTo": "Key alphabetically before or equal to", + "theSelectedKeyInColumnColNameIs-1": "The selected key in column \"{{colName}}\" is alphabetically before or equal to \"{{value}}\"", + "keyAlphabeticallyAfter": "Key alphabetically after", + "theSelectedKeyInColumnColNameIs-2": "The selected key in column \"{{colName}}\" is alphabetically after \"{{value}}\"", + "keyAlphabeticallyAfterOrEqualTo": "Key alphabetically after or equal to", + "theSelectedKeyInColumnColNameIs-3": "The selected key in column \"{{colName}}\" is alphabetically after or equal to \"{{value}}\"", + "value": "Value", + "valueMustNotBeEmpty": "Value must not be empty", + "valueMustBeANumber": "Value must be a number", + "numberOfDays": "Number of days", + "beforeAfter": "Before/After", + "beforeCurrentDate": "Before current date", + "afterCurrentDate": "After current date", + "numberOfDaysMustNotBeEmpty": "Number of days must not be empty", + "numberOfDaysMustBeANumber": "Number of days must be a number", + "emailAddress-1": "Email address", + "signupCountry": "Signup country", + "signUpDate": "Sign up date", + "testUser": "Test user", + "subscribed": "Subscribed", + "dropdown": "Dropdown", + "notSelected": "Not selected", + "anotherSubscriptionWithTheSameEmail": "Another subscription with the same email already exists.", + "subscriptionUpdated": "Subscription updated", + "subscriptionCreated": "Subscription created", + "itSeemsThatAnotherSubscriptionWithThe": "It seems that another subscription with the same email has been created in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew. Please note that your changes will be lost.", + "areYouSureYouWantToDeleteSubscriptionFor": "Are you sure you want to delete subscription for \"{{email}}\"?", + "deletingSubscription": "Deleting subscription ...", + "subscriptionDeleted": "Subscription deleted", + "editSubscription": "Edit Subscription", + "createSubscription": "Create Subscription", + "subscriptionStatus": "Subscription status", + "testUser?": "Test user?", + "ifCheckedThenThisSubscriptionCanBeUsed": "If checked then this subscription can be used for previewing campaign messages", + "erased": "[ERASED]", + "confirmUnsubscription": "Confirm Unsubscription", + "areYouSureYouWantToUnsubscribeEmail?": "Are you sure you want to unsubscribe {{email}}?", + "unsubscribingEmail": "Unsubscribing {{email}}", + "emailUnsubscribed": "{{email}} unsubscribed", + "confirmEmailBlacklisting": "Confirm Email Blacklisting", + "areYouSureYouWantToBlacklistEmail?": "Are you sure you want to blacklist {{email}}?", + "blacklistingEmail": "Blacklisting {{email}}", + "emailBlacklisted": "{{email}} blacklisted", + "allSubscriptions": "All subscriptions", + "subscriptionForm-1": "Subscription Form", + "exportAsCsv": "Export as CSV", + "addSubscriber": "Add Subscriber", + "unubscribed": "Unubscribed", + "usernameOrEmailMustNotBeEmpty": "Username or email must not be empty", + "processing-1": "Processing ...", + "ifTheUsernameEmailExistsInTheSystem": "If the username / email exists in the system, password reset link will be sent to the registered email.", + "pleaseEnterYourUsernameEmailAndTryAgain": "Please enter your username / email and try again.", + "passwordReset": "Password Reset", + "pleaseProvideTheUsernameOrEmailAddress": "Please provide the username or email address that is registered with your Mailtrain account.", + "weWillSendYouAnEmailThatWillAllowYouTo": "We will send you an email that will allow you to reset your password.", + "usernameOrEmail": "Username or email", + "sendEmail": "Send email", + "userNameMustNotBeEmpty": "User name must not be empty", + "passwordMustNotBeEmpty": "Password must not be empty", + "verifyingCredentials": "Verifying credentials ...", + "pleaseEnterYourCredentialsAndTryAgain": "Please enter your credentials and try again.", + "invalidUsernameOrPassword": "Invalid username or password.", + "forgotYourPassword?": "Forgot your password?", + "signIn": "Sign in", + "username": "Username", + "password": "Password", + "rememberMe": "Remember me", + "resettingPassword": "Resetting password ...", + "passwordReset-1": "Password reset", + "yourPasswordCannotBeReset": "Your password cannot be reset.", + "thePasswordResetTokenHasExpired": "The password reset token has expired.", + "clickHereToRequestANewPasswordResetLink": "Click here to request a new password reset link.", + "validatingPasswordResetToken": "Validating password reset token ...", + "thePasswordCannotBeReset": "The password cannot be reset", + "setNewPasswordFor": "Set new password for", + "resetPassword": "Reset password", + "parentNamespaceMustBeSelected": "Parent Namespace must be selected", + "namespaceUpdated": "Namespace updated", + "namespaceCreated": "Namespace created", + "thereHasBeenALoopDetectedInTheAssignment": "There has been a loop detected in the assignment of the parent namespace. This is most likely because someone else has changed the parent of some namespace in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew. Please note that your changes will be lost.", + "itSeemsThatTheParentNamespaceHasBeen": "It seems that the parent namespace has been deleted in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew. Please note that your changes will be lost.", + "deletingNamespace": "Deleting namespace ...", + "namespaceDeleted": "Namespace deleted", + "editNamespace": "Edit Namespace", + "createNamespace": "Create Namespace", + "parentNamespace": "Parent Namespace", + "namespaces": "Namespaces", + "namespaceName": "Namespace \"{{name}}\"", + "reportTemplateMustBeSelected": "Report template must be selected", + "exactlyOneItemHasToBeSelected": "Exactly one item has to be selected", + "atLeastCountItemsHaveToBeSelected": "At least {{ count }} item(s) have to be selected", + "atMostCountItemsCanToBeSelected": "At most {{ count }} item(s) can to be selected", + "reportParametersAreNotSelectedWaitFor": "Report parameters are not selected. Wait for them to get displayed and then fill them in.", + "reportUpdated": "Report updated", + "reportCreated": "Report created", + "unknownFieldTypeType": "Unknown field type \"{{type}}\"", + "deletingReport": "Deleting report ...", + "reportDeleted": "Report deleted", + "editReport": "Edit Report", + "createReport": "Create Report", + "reportTemplate-1": "Report Template", + "reportParameters": "Report parameters", + "loadingReportTemplate": "Loading report template...", + "processing-2": "Processing", + "view": "View", + "refreshReport": "Refresh report", + "reportGenerationFailed": "Report generation failed", + "regenerateReport": "Regenerate report", + "viewConsoleOutput": "View console output", + "reportTemplates": "Report Templates", + "reports": "Reports", + "reportName": "Report {{name}}", + "loadingReport": "Loading report ...", + "outputForReportName": "Output for report {{name}}", + "loadingReportOutput": "Loading report output ...", + "reportIsBeingGenerated": "Report is being generated", + "reportNotGenerated": "Report not generated", + "reportName-1": "Report \"{{name}}\"", + "output": "Output", + "templateName": "Template \"{{name}}\"", + "mimeTypeMustBeSelected": "MIME Type must be selected", + "syntaxErrorInTheUserFieldsSpecification": "Syntax error in the user fields specification", + "reportTemplateUpdated": "Report template updated", + "reportTemplateCreated": "Report template created", + "deletingReportTemplate": "Deleting report template ...", + "reportTemplateDeleted": "Report template deleted", + "editReportTemplate": "Edit Report Template", + "createReportTemplate": "Create Report Template", + "csv": "CSV", + "userSelectableFields": "User selectable fields", + "jsonSpecificationOfUserSelectableFields": "JSON specification of user selectable fields.", + "dataProcessingCode": "Data processing code", + "renderingTemplate": "Rendering template", + "writeTheBodyOfTheJavaScriptFunctionWith": "Write the body of the JavaScript function with signature <1>function(inputs, callback) that returns an object to be rendered by the Handlebars template below.", + "useHtmlWithHandlebarsSyntaxSee": "Use HTML with Handlebars syntax. See documentation <1>here.", + "blank": "Blank", + "openCounts": "Open counts", + "openCountsAsCsv": "Open counts as CSV", + "aggregatedOpenCounts": "Aggregated open counts", + "current": "(current)", + "administration": "Administration", + "users": "Users", + "globalSettings": "Global Settings", + "sendConfigurations": "Send configurations", + "logOut": "Log out", + "home": "Home", + "mailerTypeMustBeSelected": "Mailer type must be selected", + "verpHostnameMustNotBeEmpty": "VERP hostname must not be empty", + "sendConfigurationUpdated": "Send configuration updated", + "sendConfigurationCreated": "Send configuration created", + "deletingSendConfiguration": "Deleting send configuration ...", + "sendConfigurationDeleted": "Send configuration deleted", + "editSendConfiguration": "Edit Send Configuration", + "createSendConfiguration": "Create Send Configuration", + "emailHeader": "Email Header", + "defaultFromEmail": "Default \"from\" email", + "overridable": "Overridable", + "defaultFromName": "Default \"from\" name", + "defaultReplytoEmail": "Default \"reply-to\" email", + "xMailer": "X-Mailer", + "verpBounceHandling": "VERP Bounce Handling", + "verpStatus": "VERP status", + "serverHostname": "Server hostname", + "theVerpServerHostnameEgBouncesexamplecom": "The VERP server hostname, eg.", + "verpBounceHandlingServerHostnameThis": "VERP bounce handling server hostname. This hostname is used in the SMTP envelope FROM address and the MX DNS records should point to this server", + "disableSenderHeader": "Disable sender header", + "withDmarcTheReturnPathAndFromAddressMust": "With DMARC, the Return-Path and From address must match the same domain. By default we get around this by using the VERP address in the Sender header, with the side effect that some email clients diplay an ugly on behalf of message. You can safely disable this Sender header if you're not using DMARC or your VERP hostname is in the same domain as the From address.", + "mailtrainIsAbleToUseVerpBasedRoutingTo": "<0>Mailtrain is able to use VERP based routing to detect bounces. In this case the message is sent to the recipient using a custom VERP address as the return path of the message. If the message is not accepted a bounce email is sent to this special VERP address and thus a bounce is detected.", + "toGetVerpWorkingYouNeedToSetUpADnsMx": "<0>To get VERP working you need to set up a DNS MX record that points to your Mailtrain hostname. You must also ensure that Mailtrain VERP interface is available from port 25 of your server (port 25 usually requires root user privileges). This way if anyone tries to send email to someuser@verp-hostname then the email should end up to this server.", + "verpUsuallyOnlyWorksIfYouAreUsingYourOwn": "<0>VERP usually only works if you are using your own SMTP server. Regular relay services (SES, SparkPost, Gmail etc.) tend to remove the VERP address from the message.", + "verpBounceHandlingServerIsNotEnabled": "<0>VERP bounce handling server is not enabled. Modify your server configuration file and restart server to enable it.", + "sendConfigurations-1": "Send Configurations", + "labelMustNotBeEmpty": "{{label}} must not be empty", + "labelMustBeANumber": "{{label}} must be a number", + "genericSmtp": "Generic SMTP", + "zoneMta": "Zone MTA", + "amazonSes": "Amazon SES", + "doNotUseEncryption": "Do not use encryption", + "useTls –UsuallySelectedForPort465": "Use TLS – usually selected for port 465", + "useStarttls –UsuallySelectedForPort587": "Use STARTTLS – usually selected for port 587 and 25", + "usEastOhio": "US East (Ohio)", + "usEastNVirginia": "US East (N. Virginia)", + "usWestNCalifornia": "US West (N. California)", + "usWestOregon": "US West (Oregon)", + "africaCapeTown": "Africa (Cape Town)", + "asiaPacificHongKong": "Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)", + "asiaPacificMumbai": "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)", + "asiaPacificOsaka": "Asia Pacific (Osaka)", + "asiaPacificSeoul": "Asia Pacific (Seoul)", + "asiaPacificSingapore": "Asia Pacific (Singapore)", + "asiaPacificSydney": "Asia Pacific (Sydney)", + "asiaPacificTokyo": "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)", + "canadaCentral": "Canada (Central)", + "europeFrankfurt": "Europe (Frankfurt)", + "europeIreland": "Europe (Ireland)", + "europeLondon": "Europe (London)", + "europeMilan": "Europe (Milan)", + "europeParis": "Europe (Paris)", + "europeStockholm": "Europe (Stockholm)", + "middleEastBahrain": "Middle East (Bahrain)", + "southAmericaSaoPaulo": "South America (São Paulo)", + "builtinZoneMta": "Built-in ZoneMTA", + "dynamicConfigurationOfDkimKeysViaZoneMt": "Dynamic configuration of DKIM keys via ZoneMTA's Mailtrain plugin", + "dynamicConfigurationOfDkimKeysViaZoneMt-1": "Dynamic configuration of DKIM keys via ZoneMTA's HTTP config plugin", + "noDynamicConfigurationOfDkimKeys": "No dynamic configuration of DKIM keys", + "mailerSettings": "Mailer Settings", + "mailerType": "Mailer type", + "hostname": "Hostname", + "hostnameEgSmtpexamplecom": "Hostname, eg.", + "port": "Port", + "portEg465AutodetectedIfLeftBlank": "Port, eg. 465. Autodetected if left blank", + "encryption": "Encryption", + "enableSmtpAuthentication": "Enable SMTP authentication", + "usernameEgMyaccount@examplecom": "Username, eg.", + "advancedMailerSettings": "Advanced Mailer Settings", + "logSmtpTransactions": "Log SMTP transactions", + "allowSelfsignedCertificates": "Allow self-signed certificates", + "maxConnections": "Max connections", + "theCountOfMaxConnectionsEg10": "The count of max connections, eg. 10", + "theCountOfMaximumSimultaneousConnections": "The count of maximum simultaneous connections to make against the SMTP server (defaults to 5). This limit is per sending process.", + "maxMessages": "Max messages", + "theCountOfMaxMessagesEg100": "The count of max messages, eg. 100", + "theNumberOfMessagesToSendThroughASingle": "The number of messages to send through a single connection before the connection is closed and reopened (defaults to 100)", + "throttling": "Throttling", + "messagesPerHourEg1000": "Messages per hour eg. 1000", + "maximumNumberOfMessagesToSendInAnHour": "Maximum number of messages to send in an hour. Leave empty or zero for no throttling. If your provider uses a different speed limit (messages/minute or messages/second) then convert this limit into messages/hour (1m/s => 3600m/h). This limit is per sending process.", + "dynamicConfiguration": "Dynamic configuration", + "dkimSigning": "DKIM Signing", + "zoneMtaDkimApiKey": "ZoneMTA DKIM API key", + "secretValueKnownToZoneMtaForRequesting": "Secret value known to ZoneMTA for requesting DKIM key information. If this value was generated by the Mailtrain installation script then you can keep it as it is.", + "dkimDomain": "DKIM domain", + "leaveBlankToUseTheSenderEmailAddress": "Leave blank to use the sender email address domain.", + "dkimKeySelector": "DKIM key selector", + "signingIsDisabledWithoutAValidSelector": "Signing is disabled without a valid selector value.", + "dkimPrivateKey": "DKIM private key", + "beginsWithBeginRsaPrivateKey": "Begins with \"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\"", + "signingIsDisabledWithoutAValidPrivateKey": "Signing is disabled without a valid private key.", + "accessKey": "Access key", + "awsAccessKeyId": "AWS access key ID", + "accessSecret": "Access Secret", + "awsSecretAccessKey": "AWS secret access key", + "region": "Region", + "ifYouAreUsingZoneMtaThenMailtrainCan": "<0>If you are using ZoneMTA then Mailtrain can provide a DKIM key for signing all outgoing messages. Other services usually provide their own means to DKIM sign your messages.", + "doNotUseSensitiveKeysHereThePrivateKeyIs": "<0>Do not use sensitive keys here. The private key is not encrypted in the database.", + "globalSettingsSaved": "Global settings saved", + "adminEmail": "Admin email", + "thisEmailIsUsedAsTheMainContactAndAsA": "This email is used as the main contact and as a default email address if no email address is specified in list settings.", + "defaultHomepageUrl": "Default homepage URL", + "thisUrlWillBeUsedInListSubscriptionForms": "This URL will be used in list subscription forms if no homepage is specified in list settings.", + "trackingId": "Tracking ID", + "uaxxxxxxx": "UA-XXXXX-XX", + "enterGoogleAnalyticsTrackingCode": "Enter Google Analytics tracking code", + "googleMapsApiKey": "Google Maps API Key", + "xxxxxx": "XXXXXX", + "theMapOverviewInCampaignStatistics": "The map overview in campaign statistics requires a Google Maps API key. Please enter it here. If no key is given, Google may throttle map requests, which will result in occassional unavailability of the map in the campaign statistics.", + "frontpageShoutOut": "Frontpage shout out", + "htmlCodeShownInTheFrontPageHeaderSection": "HTML code shown in the front page header section", + "gpgSigning": "GPG Signing", + "privateKeyPassphrase": "Private key passphrase", + "passphraseForTheKeyIfSet": "Passphrase for the key if set", + "onlyFillThisIfYourPrivateKeyIsEncrypted": "Only fill this if your private key is encrypted with a passphrase", + "gpgPrivateKey": "GPG private key", + "beginsWithBeginPgpPrivateKeyBlock": "Begins with '-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----'", + "thisValueIsOptionalIfYouDoNotProvideA": "This value is optional. If you do not provide a private key GPG encrypted messages are sent without signing.", + "onlyMessagesThatAreEncryptedCanBeSigned": "<0>Only messages that are encrypted can be signed. Subsribers who have not set up a GPG public key in their profile receive normal email messages. Users with GPG key set receive encrypted messages and if you have signing key also set, the messages are signed with this key.", + "doNotUseSensitiveKeysHereThePrivateKey": "<0>Do not use sensitive keys here. The private key and passphrase are not encrypted in the database.", + "userMustNotBeEmpty": "User must not be empty", + "roleMustBeSelected": "Role must be selected", + "role": "Role", + "unshare": "Unshare", + "confirmUnsharing": "Confirm Unsharing", + "areYouSureYouWantToRemoveTheShareToUser": "Are you sure you want to remove the share to user \"{{username}}\"?", + "removingShareForUserUsername": "Removing share for user \"{{username}}\"", + "shareForUserUsernameRemoved": "Share for user \"{{username}}\" removed", + "addUser": "Add User", + "existingUsers": "Existing Users", + "areYouSureYouWantToRemoveTheSharingOfThe": "Are you sure you want to remove the sharing of the {{typeName}} \"{{name}}\"?", + "removingSharingOfTheTypeNameName": "Removing sharing of the {{typeName}} \"{{name}}\"", + "sharingOfTheTypeNameNameRemoved": "Sharing of the {{typeName}} \"{{name}}\" removed", + "sharesForUserUsername": "Shares for user \"{{username}}\"", + "namespace-1": "namespace", + "list-1": "list", + "template-1": "template", + "mosaicoTemplates": "Mosaico Templates", + "campaign-1": "campaign", + "customForms-2": "custom forms", + "report-1": "report", + "reportTemplate-2": "report template", + "sourceTemplateMustNotBeEmpty": "Source template must not be empty", + "templateUpdated": "Template updated", + "templateCreated": "Template created", + "deletingTemplate": "Deleting template ...", + "templateDeleted": "Template deleted", + "editTemplate": "Edit Template", + "createTemplate": "Create Template", + "cloneFromAnExistingTemplate": "Clone from an existing template", + "sourceTemplate": "Source template", + "warning!YouDoNotHaveNecessaryPermissions-2": "<0>Warning! You do not have necessary permissions to edit this template. Any changes that you perform here will be lost.", + "simple": "Simple", + "handlebars": "Handlebars", + "mosaicoTemplateMustBeSelected": "Mosaico template must be selected", + "changeMosaicoTemplate": "Change Mosaico Template", + "cancel": "Cancel", + "apply": "Apply", + "mosaico": "Mosaico", + "change": "Change", + "templateContentHtml": "Template content (HTML)", + "mosaicoTemplateDesigner": "Mosaico Template Designer", + "mosaicoWithPredefinedTemplates": "Mosaico with predefined templates", + "mosaicoTemplate-1": "Mosaico Template", + "grapesJs": "GrapesJS", + "grapesJsTemplateDesigner": "GrapesJS Template Designer", + "ckEditor4": "CKEditor 4", + "ckEditor4TemplateDesigner": "CKEditor 4 Template Designer", + "codeEditor": "Code Editor", + "codeEditorTemplateDesigner": "Code Editor Template Designer", + "mergeTagReference": "Merge tag reference", + "templateContentPlainText": "Template content (plain text)", + "warning!SwitchingTheMosaicoTemplateWorks": "<0>Warning! Switching the Mosaico template works only if the original and the new templates use the same fields. If they do not, your data will be lost. Please make sure you save your work before performing this operation.", + "mergeTagsAreTagsThatAreReplacedBefore": "\n <1>Merge tags are tags that are replaced before sending out the message. The format of the merge tag is the following: <1>[TAG_NAME] or <3>[TAG_NAME/fallback] where <5>fallback is an optional text value used when <7>TAG_NAME is empty.\n ", + "youCanUseAnyOfTheStandardMergeTagsBelow": "\n <1>You can use any of the standard merge tags below. In addition to that every custom field has its own merge tag. Check the fields of the list you are going to send to.\n ", + "mergeTagsAreTagsThatAreReplacedBefore-1": "\n <1>Merge tags are tags that are replaced before sending out the message. The format of the merge tag is the following: <1>{tg('TAG_NAME')}. \n ", + "theWholeMessageIsInterpretedAsHandlebars": "\n <1>The whole message is interpreted as Handlebars template (see <1> You can use any Handlebars blocks and expressions\n in the template. The merge tags form the root context of the Handlebars template.\n ", + "urlThatPointsToTheSubscribePageOfThe": "URL that points to the subscribe page of the first list in the campaign that allows public subscriptions", + "urlThatPointsToTheUnsubscribePage": "URL that points to the unsubscribe page", + "urlThatPointsToThePreferencesPageOfThe": "URL that points to the preferences page of the subscriber", + "urlToPreviewTheMessageInABrowser": "URL to preview the message in a browser", + "uniqueIdThatIdentifiesTheRecipient": "Unique ID that identifies the recipient", + "uniqueIdThatIdentifiesTheListUsedForThis": "Unique ID that identifies the list used for this campaign", + "uniqueIdThatIdentifiesTheListTheIndexIs0": "Unique ID that identifies the list. The <1>index is 0-based index of the list in the campaign. <3>LIST_ID_0 thus means the first list in the campaign.", + "theSameAsAboveButOnlyTakingIntoAccount": "The same as above, but only taking into account the lists for which public subscribe is enabled. <1>PUBLIC_LIST_ID_0 thus means the first public list in the campaign.", + "uniqueIdThatIdentifiesCurrentCampaign": "Unique ID that identifies current campaign", + "forRssCampaignsTheFollowingFurtherTags": "\n <1>For RSS campaigns, the following further tags can be used.\n ", + "rssEntryTitle": "RSS entry title", + "rssEntryDate": "RSS entry date", + "rssEntryLink": "RSS entry link", + "contentOfAnRssEntry": "Content of an RSS entry", + "rssEntrySummary": "RSS entry summary", + "rssEntryImageUrl": "RSS entry image URL", + "mailtrainCustomTagsTheCustomTagsCanBe": "Mailtrain custom tags. The custom tags can be passed in via <1>mt:entries-json element in RSS entry. The text contents of the elements is interpreted as JSON-formatted object..", + "toExtractTheTextFromHtmlClickHerePlease": "To extract the text from HTML click <1>here. Please note that your existing plaintext in the field above will be overwritten.", + "mosaicoTemplateUpdated": "Mosaico template updated", + "mosaicoTemplateCreated": "Mosaico template created", + "deletingMosaicoTemplate": "Deleting Mosaico template ...", + "mosaicoTemplateDeleted": "Mosaico template deleted", + "editMosaicoTemplate": "Edit Mosaico Template", + "createMosaicoTemplate": "Create Mosaico Template", + "warning!YouDoNotHaveNecessaryPermissions-3": "<0>Warning! You do not have necessary permissions to edit this Mosaico template. Any changes that you perform here will be lost.", + "blockThumbnails": "Block thumbnails", + "versafixOne": "Versafix One", + "mjmlSample": "MJML Sample", + "invalidMjml": "Invalid MJML", + "mjmlIsValid": "MJML is valid.", + "invalidMjml-1": "Invalid MJML.", + "templateContent": "Template content", + "validate": "Validate", + "mosaicoTemplateName": "Mosaico Template \"{{name}}\"", + "theseFilesArePubliclyAvailableViaHttpSo-1": "These files are publicly available via HTTP so that they can be linked to from the Mosaico template.", + "theseFilesWillBeUsedByMosaicoToSearchFor": "These files will be used by Mosaico to search for block thumbnails (the \"edres\" directory). Place here one file per block type that you have defined in the Mosaico template. Each file must have the same name as the block id. The file will be used as the thumbnail of the corresponding block.", + "theUserNameAlreadyExistsInTheSystem": "The user name already exists in the system.", + "userUpdated": "User updated", + "userCreated": "User created", + "theUsernameIsAlreadyAssignedToAnother": "The username is already assigned to another user.", + "theEmailIsAlreadyAssignedToAnotherUser-1": "The email is already assigned to another user.", + "deletingUser": "Deleting user ...", + "userDeleted": "User deleted", + "editUser": "Edit User", + "createUser": "Create User", + "userName": "User Name", + "repeatPassword": "Repeat Password", + "deleteUser": "Delete User", + "userName-1": "User \"{{name}}\"", + "shares": "Shares", + "subscriptionConfirmed": "Subscription Confirmed", + "listEmailAddressAlreadyRegistered": "{{list}}: Email Address Already Registered", + "listPleaseConfirmEmailChangeIn": "{{list}}: Please Confirm Email Change in Subscription", + "pleaseConfirmSubscription": "Please Confirm Subscription", + "listPleaseConfirmUnsubscription": "{{list}}: Please Confirm Unsubscription", + "listUnsubscriptionConfirmed": "{{list}}: Unsubscription Confirmed", + "invalidEmailAddressEmailMxRecordNotFound": "Invalid email address \"{{email}}\": MX record not found for domain", + "invalidEmailAddressEmailAddressDomainNot": "Invalid email address \"{{email}}\": Address domain not found", + "invalidEmailAddressEmailAddressDomain": "Invalid email address \"{{email}}\": Address domain name is required", + "invalidEmailAddressEmail": "Invalid email address \"{{email}}\"", + "mailerPasswordChangeRequest": "Mailer password change request", + "mailtrain": "Mailtrain", + "emailAddressChanged": "Email address changed", + "emailAddressNotSet": "Email address not set", + "nothingSeemsToBeChanged": "Nothing seems to be changed", + "anEmailWithFurtherInstructionsHasBeen": "An email with further instructions has been sent to the provided address", + "foundAddedMessagesNewCampaignMessages": "Found {{addedMessages}} new campaign messages from feed {{campaignId}}", + "foundNothingNewFromTheFeed": "Found nothing new from the feed", + "missingEmail": "Missing email", + "emailAddressAlreadyRegistered": "Email address already registered", + "weHaveReceivedASubscriptionRequestYour": "We have received a subscription request. Your email address is however already registered.", + "ifYouReceivedThisEmailByMistakeSimply": "If you received this email by mistake, simply delete it. Your existing subscription won't be affected.", + "ifYouWantToModifyYourSubscriptionThenYou": "If you want to modify your subscription then you can", + "manageYourPreferences": "manage your preferences", + "or": "or", + "unsubscribeHere": "unsubscribe here", + "returnToOurWebsite": "Return to our website", + "forQuestionsAboutThisListPleaseContact": "For questions about this list, please contact:", + "pleaseConfirmSubscriptionAddressChange": "Please Confirm Subscription Address Change", + "yesSubscribeMeToThisList": "Yes, subscribe me to this list", + "ifYouReceivedThisEmailByMistakeSimply-1": "If you received this email by mistake, simply delete it. You won't be subscribed unless you click the confirmation link above.", + "yesSubscribeThisEmailAddressToTheList": "Yes, subscribe this email address to the list", + "pleaseConfirmUnsubscription": "Please Confirm Unsubscription", + "yesUnsubscribeMe": "Yes. Unsubscribe me.", + "ifYouReceivedThisEmailByMistakeSimply-2": "If you received this email by mistake, simply delete it. You won't be unsubscribed if you don't click the confirmation link above.", + "yourSubscriptionToOurListHasBeen": "Your subscription to our list has been confirmed.", + "youAreNowUnsubscribed": "You Are Now Unsubscribed", + "weHaveRemovedYourEmailAddressFromOurList": "We have removed your email address from our list.", + "ifYouUnsubscribedByMistakeYouCan": "If you unsubscribed by mistake, you can re-subscribe at", + "emailAddress-2": "Email Address", + "wantToChangeIt?": "want to change it?", + "downloadSignatureVerificationKey": "Download signature verification key", + "beginsWithAnd#39BeginPgpPublicKeyBloc": "Begins with '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'", + "insertYourGpgPublicKeyHereToEncrypt": "Insert your GPG public key here to encrypt messages sent to your address (optional)", + "existingEmailAddress": "Existing Email Address", + "newEmailAddress": "New Email Address", + "youWillReceiveAConfirmationRequestToYour": "You will receive a confirmation request to your new email address that you need to accept before your email is actually changed", + "updateEmailAddress": "Update Email Address", + "updateProfile": "Update Profile", + "subscribeToList": "Subscribe to list", + "almostFinished": "Almost Finished", + "weNeedToConfirmYourEmailAddressTo": "We need to confirm your email address. To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you.", + "ifYouDontReceiveItPleaseCheckYourSpam": "If you don't receive it, please check your spam folder.", + "thankYouForSubscribing!": "Thank you for subscribing!", + "unsubscriptionConfirmed": "Unsubscription Confirmed", + "youHaveBeenRemovedFrom": "You have been removed from:", + "thePasswordMustBeAtLeastMinLength": "The password must be at least {{ minLength }} characters long", + "thePasswordMustBeFewerThanMaxLength": "The password must be fewer than {{ maxLength }} characters", + "thePasswordMayNotContainSequencesOfThree": "The password may not contain sequences of three or more repeated characters", + "thePasswordMustContainAtLeastOne": "The password must contain at least one lowercase letter", + "thePasswordMustContainAtLeastOne-1": "The password must contain at least one uppercase letter", + "thePasswordMustContainAtLeastOneNumber": "The password must contain at least one number", + "thePasswordMustContainAtLeastOneSpecial": "The password must contain at least one special character", + "extraThrottlingMailerSettings":"Extra throttling settings", + "throttlingWarmUpDays":"Warm-up interval", + "throttlingWarmUpDaysEg10":"Warm-up interval in days, e.g. 10", + "senderWarmUpPeriodInDays":"Gradually increase the volume each day until reaching your throttling settings.", + "throttlingWarmUpFrom":"Warm-up starting date", + "throttlingWarmUpFromDateInUnixTimestampEg1648735303000":"e.g. 1648735303000", + "senderWarmUpPeriodStartingDayInUnixTimestamp":"Set the starting date and time in Unix Epoch Format", + "enableSenderOnDaySun":"Sending emails on Sunday", + "enableSenderOnDayMon":"Sending emails on Monday", + "enableSenderOnDayTue":"Sending emails on Tuesday", + "enableSenderOnDayWed":"Sending emails on Wednesday", + "enableSenderOnDayThu":"Sending emails on Thursday", + "enableSenderOnDayFri":"Sending emails on Friday", + "enableSenderOnDaySat":"Sending emails on Saturday" +} From 3f6bd6541197eee0a09fb1f587271223b207c9cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hidaba Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2023 11:56:09 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 2/9] Update common.json --- locales/it_IT/common.json | 18 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/it_IT/common.json b/locales/it_IT/common.json index b9eb3b757..e3703a095 100644 --- a/locales/it_IT/common.json +++ b/locales/it_IT/common.json @@ -4,18 +4,18 @@ "personalAccessToken": "Personal access token", "accessTokenNotYetGenerated": "Access token not yet generated", "api": "API", - "resetAccessToken": "Reset Access Token", - "generateAccessToken": "Generate Access Token", - "notesAboutTheApi": "Notes about the API", - "getSubscribers": "Get subscribers", + "resetAccessToken": "Resetta il token di accesso", + "generateAccessToken": "Genera Token di accesso", + "notesAboutTheApi": "Notes per le API", + "getSubscribers": "Prendi sottoscritti", "queryParams": "Query params", - "yourPersonalAccessToken": "your personal access token", - "startPosition": "Start position", + "yourPersonalAccessToken": "il tuo token di accesso personale", + "startPosition": "Posizione partenza", "optionalDefault0": "optional, default 0", "limitEmailsCountInResponse": "limit emails count in response", - "optionalDefault10000": "optional, default 10000", - "example": "Example", - "addSubscription": "Add subscription", + "optionalDefault10000": "opzionale, default 10000", + "example": "Esempio", + "addSubscription": "Aggiungi sottoscrizione", "thisApiCallEitherInsertsANewSubscription": "This API call either inserts a new subscription or updates existing. Fields not included are left as is, so if you update only LAST_NAME value, then FIRST_NAME is kept untouched for an existing subscription.", "arguments": "arguments", "subscribersEmailAddress": "subscriber's email address", From 3ce0563efba35ee21ebb0423fec3a07509cfd964 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hidaba Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2023 11:58:39 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 3/9] Update common.json --- locales/it_IT/common.json | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/it_IT/common.json b/locales/it_IT/common.json index e3703a095..7206bc4f6 100644 --- a/locales/it_IT/common.json +++ b/locales/it_IT/common.json @@ -20,22 +20,22 @@ "arguments": "arguments", "subscribersEmailAddress": "subscriber's email address", "required": "required", - "subscribersFirstName": "subscriber's first name", - "subscribersLastName": "subscriber's last name", + "subscribersFirstName": "nome sottoscrittore", + "subscribersLastName": "cognome sottoscrittore", "subscribersTimezoneEgEuropeTallinnPstOr": "subscriber's timezone (eg. \"Europe/Tallinn\", \"PST\" or \"UTC\"). If not set defaults to \"UTC\"", "customFieldValueUseYesnoForOptionGroup": "custom field value. Use yes/no for option group values (checkboxes, radios, drop downs)", "additionalPostArguments": "Additional POST arguments", "setToYesIfYouWantToMakeSureTheEmailIs": "set to \"yes\" if you want to make sure the email is marked as subscribed even if it was previously marked as unsubscribed. If the email was already unsubscribed/blocked then subscription status is not changed", "setToYesIfYouWantToSendConfirmationEmail": "set to \"yes\" if you want to send confirmation email to the subscriber before actually marking as subscribed", - "responseExample": "Response example", - "removeSubscription": "Remove subscription", + "responseExample": "Risposta di esempio", + "removeSubscription": "Rimuovi Sottoscrizione", "thisApiCallMarksASubscriptionAs": "This API call marks a subscription as unsubscribed", - "deleteSubscription": "Delete subscription", + "deleteSubscription": "Cancella sottoscrizione", "thisApiCallDeletesASubscription": "This API call deletes a subscription", - "addNewCustomField": "Add new custom field", + "addNewCustomField": "aggiungi un campo personalizzato", "thisApiCallCreatesANewCustomFieldForA": "This API call creates a new custom field for a list.", - "fieldName": "field name", - "oneOfTheFollowingTypes": "one of the following types:", + "fieldName": "nome campo", + "oneOfTheFollowingTypes": "uno dei seguenti tipi:", "ifTheTypeIsOptionThenYouAlsoNeedTo": "If the type is 'option' then you also need to specify the parent element ID", "templateForTheGroupElementIfNotSetThen": "Template for the group element. If not set, then values of the elements are joined with commas", "ifNotVisibleThenTheSubscriberCanNotView": "if not visible then the subscriber can not view or modify this value at the profile page", From f525a5818e9b8de7dcdea3fb3df1dbdc858faa80 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hidaba Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2023 12:07:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 4/9] Update common.json --- locales/it_IT/common.json | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/it_IT/common.json b/locales/it_IT/common.json index 7206bc4f6..66259aa35 100644 --- a/locales/it_IT/common.json +++ b/locales/it_IT/common.json @@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ "ifNotVisibleThenTheSubscriberCanNotView": "if not visible then the subscriber can not view or modify this value at the profile page", "getListOfBlacklistedEmails": "Get list of blacklisted emails", "thisApiCallGetListOfBlacklistedEmails": "This API call get list of blacklisted emails.", - "filterByPartOfEmail": "filter by part of email", + "filterByPartOfEmail": "filtro per porzioni di email", "optionalDefault": "optional, default \"\"", - "addEmailToBlacklist": "Add email to blacklist", + "addEmailToBlacklist": "aggiungi email a blacklist", "thisApiCallEitherAddEmailsToBlacklist": "This API call either add emails to blacklist", - "emailAddress": "email address", - "deleteEmailFromBlacklist": "Delete email from blacklist", + "emailAddress": "Indirizzo email", + "deleteEmailFromBlacklist": "cancella email da blacklist", "thisApiCallEitherDeleteEmailsFrom": "This API call either delete emails from blacklist", "getTheListsAUserHasSubscribedTo": "Get the lists a user has subscribed to", "retrieveTheListsThatTheUserWithEmailHas": "Retrieve the lists that the user with :email has subscribed to.", From bd7b2206ec9d26db5920231bc5692a88b8cc6f0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hidaba Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2023 07:59:44 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 5/9] Update common.json --- locales/it_IT/common.json | 716 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 411 insertions(+), 305 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/it_IT/common.json b/locales/it_IT/common.json index 66259aa35..0cf478be1 100644 --- a/locales/it_IT/common.json +++ b/locales/it_IT/common.json @@ -16,336 +16,339 @@ "optionalDefault10000": "opzionale, default 10000", "example": "Esempio", "addSubscription": "Aggiungi sottoscrizione", - "thisApiCallEitherInsertsANewSubscription": "This API call either inserts a new subscription or updates existing. Fields not included are left as is, so if you update only LAST_NAME value, then FIRST_NAME is kept untouched for an existing subscription.", - "arguments": "arguments", - "subscribersEmailAddress": "subscriber's email address", - "required": "required", + "thisApiCallEitherInsertsANewSubscription": "Questa chiamata API effettua l'inserimento di una nuova sottoscrizione o l'aggiornamento di una già esistente. I campi non inclusi vengono lasciati invariati, quindi se si aggiorna solo il valore di LAST_NAME, il campo FIRST_NAME rimane intatto per una sottoscrizione esistente.", + "arguments": "argomenti", + "subscribersEmailAddress": "indirizzi email sottoscritti", + "required": "richiesto", "subscribersFirstName": "nome sottoscrittore", "subscribersLastName": "cognome sottoscrittore", - "subscribersTimezoneEgEuropeTallinnPstOr": "subscriber's timezone (eg. \"Europe/Tallinn\", \"PST\" or \"UTC\"). If not set defaults to \"UTC\"", - "customFieldValueUseYesnoForOptionGroup": "custom field value. Use yes/no for option group values (checkboxes, radios, drop downs)", - "additionalPostArguments": "Additional POST arguments", - "setToYesIfYouWantToMakeSureTheEmailIs": "set to \"yes\" if you want to make sure the email is marked as subscribed even if it was previously marked as unsubscribed. If the email was already unsubscribed/blocked then subscription status is not changed", - "setToYesIfYouWantToSendConfirmationEmail": "set to \"yes\" if you want to send confirmation email to the subscriber before actually marking as subscribed", + "subscribersTimezoneEgEuropeTallinnPstOr": "Fuso orario del sottoscrittore (ad esempio, "Europe/Rome", "PST" o "UTC"). Se non impostato, viene utilizzato "UTC" come valore predefinito.", + "customFieldValueUseYesnoForOptionGroup": "Valore del campo personalizzato. Utilizzare "sì/no" per i valori del gruppo di opzioni (caselle di controllo, radio, menu a discesa).", + "additionalPostArguments": "Ulteriori argomenti POST", + "setToYesIfYouWantToMakeSureTheEmailIs": "Imposta su "sì" se desideri assicurarti che l'email sia contrassegnata come iscritta anche se in precedenza era stata contrassegnata come non iscritta. Se l'email era già stata disiscritta/bloccata, lo stato di iscrizione non viene modificato", + "setToYesIfYouWantToSendConfirmationEmail": "Imposta su "sì" se desideri inviare un'email di conferma al sottoscrittore prima di contrassegnarlo effettivamente come iscritto", "responseExample": "Risposta di esempio", "removeSubscription": "Rimuovi Sottoscrizione", - "thisApiCallMarksASubscriptionAs": "This API call marks a subscription as unsubscribed", + "thisApiCallMarksASubscriptionAs": "Questa chiamata API contrassegna una sottoscrizione come non iscritta", "deleteSubscription": "Cancella sottoscrizione", - "thisApiCallDeletesASubscription": "This API call deletes a subscription", + "thisApiCallDeletesASubscription": "Questa chiamata API elimina una sottoscrizione", "addNewCustomField": "aggiungi un campo personalizzato", - "thisApiCallCreatesANewCustomFieldForA": "This API call creates a new custom field for a list.", + "thisApiCallCreatesANewCustomFieldForA": "Questa chiamata API crea un nuovo campo personalizzato per una lista.", "fieldName": "nome campo", "oneOfTheFollowingTypes": "uno dei seguenti tipi:", - "ifTheTypeIsOptionThenYouAlsoNeedTo": "If the type is 'option' then you also need to specify the parent element ID", - "templateForTheGroupElementIfNotSetThen": "Template for the group element. If not set, then values of the elements are joined with commas", - "ifNotVisibleThenTheSubscriberCanNotView": "if not visible then the subscriber can not view or modify this value at the profile page", - "getListOfBlacklistedEmails": "Get list of blacklisted emails", - "thisApiCallGetListOfBlacklistedEmails": "This API call get list of blacklisted emails.", - "filterByPartOfEmail": "filtro per porzioni di email", - "optionalDefault": "optional, default \"\"", - "addEmailToBlacklist": "aggiungi email a blacklist", - "thisApiCallEitherAddEmailsToBlacklist": "This API call either add emails to blacklist", + "ifTheTypeIsOptionThenYouAlsoNeedTo": "Se il tipo è 'opzione', è necessario specificare anche l'ID dell'elemento padre", + "templateForTheGroupElementIfNotSetThen": "Modello per l'elemento di gruppo. Se non impostato, i valori degli elementi vengono uniti con virgole", + "ifNotVisibleThenTheSubscriberCanNotView": "Se non è visibile, il sottoscrittore non può visualizzare o modificare questo valore nella pagina del profilo.", + "getListOfBlacklistedEmails": "Ottieni la lista delle email in blacklist", + "thisApiCallGetListOfBlacklistedEmails": "Questa chiamata API ottiene la lista delle email in blacklist.", + "filterByPartOfEmail": "Filtra per parte dell'email", + "optionalDefault": "Opzionale, default \"\"", + "addEmailToBlacklist": "Aggiungi email alla blacklist", + "thisApiCallEitherAddEmailsToBlacklist": "Questa chiamata API aggiunge email alla blacklist.", "emailAddress": "Indirizzo email", - "deleteEmailFromBlacklist": "cancella email da blacklist", - "thisApiCallEitherDeleteEmailsFrom": "This API call either delete emails from blacklist", - "getTheListsAUserHasSubscribedTo": "Get the lists a user has subscribed to", - "retrieveTheListsThatTheUserWithEmailHas": "Retrieve the lists that the user with :email has subscribed to.", - "getTheListsInANamespace": "Get the lists in a namespace", - "retrieveTheListsThatTheNamespaceWith": "Retrieve the lists that the namespace with :namespaceId has.", - "createList": "Create List", - "createsANewListOfSubscribers": "Creates a new list of subscribers.", + "deleteEmailFromBlacklist": "Elimina email dalla blacklist", + "thisApiCallEitherDeleteEmailsFrom": "Questa chiamata API elimina email dalla blacklist.", + "getTheListsAUserHasSubscribedTo": "Ottieni le liste a cui un utente si è iscritto", + "retrieveTheListsThatTheUserWithEmailHas": "Recupera le liste a cui l'utente con l'indirizzo email :email si è iscritto.", + "getTheListsInANamespace": "Ottieni le liste in un namespace", + "retrieveTheListsThatTheNamespaceWith": "Recupera le liste nel namespace con :namespaceId.", + "createList": "Crea lista", + "createsANewListOfSubscribers": "Crea una nuova lista di sottoscrittori.", "namespace": "Namespace", "namespace_plural": "Namespaces", - "unsubscription": "Unsubscription", - "onestepIeNoEmailWithConfirmationLink": "One-step (i.e. no email with confirmation link)", - "onestepWithUnsubscriptionFormIeNoEmail": "One-step with unsubscription form (i.e. no email with confirmation link)", - "twostepIeAnEmailWithConfirmationLinkWill": "Two-step (i.e. an email with confirmation link will be sent)", - "twostepWithUnsubscriptionFormIeAnEmail": "Two-step with unsubscription form (i.e. an email with confirmation link will be sent)", - "manualIeUnsubscriptionHasToBePerformedBy": "Manual (i.e. unsubscription has to be performed by the list administrator)", - "name": "Name", - "description": "Description", + "unsubscription": "Disiscrizione", + "onestepIeNoEmailWithConfirmationLink": "Un passaggio (cioè nessuna email con link di conferma)", + "onestepWithUnsubscriptionFormIeNoEmail": "Un passaggio con modulo di disiscrizione (cioè nessuna email con link di conferma)", + "twostepIeAnEmailWithConfirmationLinkWill": "Due passaggi (cioè verrà inviata un'email con link di conferma)", + "twostepWithUnsubscriptionFormIeAnEmail": "Due passaggi con modulo di disiscrizione (cioè verrà inviata un'email con link di conferma)", + "manualIeUnsubscriptionHasToBePerformedBy": "Manuale (cioè la disiscrizione deve essere effettuata dall'amministratore della lista)", + "name": "Nome", + "description": "Descrizione", "homepage": "Homepage", - "contactEmail": "Contact email", - "webAndEmailFormsAndTemplatesUsedIn": "Web and email forms and templates used in subscription management process.", - "representationOfSubscribersName": "Representation of subscriber's name", - "emptyCustomNoFields": "Empty / Custom (no fields)", - "nameOneField": "Name (one field)", - "firstNameAndLastNameTwoFields": "First name and Last name (two fields)", - "recipientsNameTemplate": "Recipients name template", - "doNotSendListUnsubscribeHeaders": "Do not send List-Unsubscribe headers", - "allowPublicUsersToSubscribeThemselves": "Allow public users to subscribe themselves", - "sendConfiguration": "send configuration", - "deleteList": "Delete List", - "deletesAListOfSubscribers": "Deletes a list of subscribers.", - "emptyObject": "Empty object", - "triggerFetchOfACampaign": "Trigger fetch of a campaign", - "forcesTheRssFeedCheckToImmediatelyCheck": "Forces the RSS feed check to immediately check the campaign with the given CID (in :campaignCid). It works only for RSS campaigns.", - "sendTransactionalEmail": "Send transactional email", - "sendSingleEmailByTemplateWithGiven": "Send single email by template with given templateId", - "idOfConfigurationUsedToCreateMailer": "ID of configuration used to create mailer instance. If omitted, the default system send configuration is used.", - "subject": "Subject", - "mapOfTemplateVariablesToReplace": "Map of template variables to replace", - "attachmentsFormatAsConsumedByNodemailer": "Attachments (format as consumed by nodemailer)", - "apiResponseIsAJsonStructureWithErrorAnd": "API response is a JSON structure with <1>error and <3>data properties. If the response <5>error has a value set then the request failed.", - "youNeedToDefineProperContentTypeWhen": "You need to define proper <1>Content-Type when making a request. You can either use <3>application/x-www-form-urlencoded for normal form data or <5>application/json for a JSON payload. Using <7>multipart/form-data is not supported.", - "emailMustNotBeEmpty": "Email must not be empty.", - "invalidEmailAddress": "Invalid email address.", - "theEmailIsAlreadyAssociatedWithAnother": "The email is already associated with another user in the system.", - "validationIsInProgress": "Validation is in progress...", - "fullNameMustNotBeEmpty": "Full name must not be empty", - "currentPasswordMustNotBeEmpty": "Current password must not be empty.", - "incorrectPassword": "Incorrect password.", - "passwordsMustMatch": "Passwords must match", - "updatingUserProfile": "Updating user profile ...", - "userProfileUpdated": "User profile updated", - "thereAreErrorsInTheFormPleaseFixThemAnd": "There are errors in the form. Please fix them and submit again.", - "yourUpdatesCannotBeSaved": "Your updates cannot be saved.", - "thePasswordIsIncorrectPossiblyJust": "The password is incorrect (possibly just changed in another window / session). Enter correct password and try again.", - "theEmailIsAlreadyAssignedToAnotherUser": "The email is already assigned to another user. Enter another email and try again.", + "contactEmail": "Email di contatto" + "webAndEmailFormsAndTemplatesUsedIn": "Moduli e modelli web ed email utilizzati nel processo di gestione delle iscrizioni.", + "representationOfSubscribersName": "Rappresentazione del nome del sottoscrittore", + "emptyCustomNoFields": "Vuoto / Personalizzato (nessun campo)", + "nameOneField": "Nome (un campo)", + "firstNameAndLastNameTwoFields": "Nome e Cognome (due campi)", + "recipientsNameTemplate": "Modello del nome dei destinatari", + "doNotSendListUnsubscribeHeaders": "Non inviare intestazioni di disiscrizione dalla lista", + "allowPublicUsersToSubscribeThemselves": "Consenti agli utenti pubblici di iscriversi autonomamente", + "sendConfiguration": "Invia configurazione", + "deleteList": "Elimina Lista", + "deletesAListOfSubscribers": "Elimina una lista di sottoscrittori.", + "emptyObject": "Oggetto vuoto", + "triggerFetchOfACampaign": "Attiva il recupero di una campagna", + "forcesTheRssFeedCheckToImmediatelyCheck": "Forza il controllo del feed RSS a verificare immediatamente la campagna con il CID specificato (in :campaignCid). Funziona solo per le campagne RSS.", + "sendTransactionalEmail": "Invia email transazionale", + "sendSingleEmailByTemplateWithGiven": "Invia una singola email utilizzando il modello con l'ID specificato", + "idOfConfigurationUsedToCreateMailer": "ID della configurazione utilizzata per creare l'istanza del mailer. Se omesso, verrà utilizzata la configurazione di invio predefinita del sistema.", + "subject": "Oggetto", + "mapOfTemplateVariablesToReplace": "Mappa delle variabili del modello da sostituire", + "attachmentsFormatAsConsumedByNodemailer": "Allegati (formato come consumato da nodemailer)", + "apiResponseIsAJsonStructureWithErrorAnd": "La risposta dell'API è una struttura JSON con le proprietà <1>error e <3>data. Se la proprietà <5>error ha un valore impostato, la richiesta è fallita.", + "youNeedToDefineProperContentTypeWhen": "Devi definire un <1>Content-Type adeguato quando effettui una richiesta. Puoi utilizzare <3>application/x-www-form-urlencoded per dati del modulo normale o <5>application/json per un payload JSON. L'uso di <7>multipart/form-data non è supportato.", + "emailMustNotBeEmpty": "L'email non deve essere vuota.", + "invalidEmailAddress": "Indirizzo email non valido.", + "theEmailIsAlreadyAssociatedWithAnother": "L'email è già associata a un altro utente nel sistema.", + "validationIsInProgress": "La convalida è in corso...", + "fullNameMustNotBeEmpty": "Il nome completo non deve essere vuoto", + "currentPasswordMustNotBeEmpty": "La password attuale non deve essere vuota.", + "incorrectPassword": "Password errata.", + "passwordsMustMatch": "Le password devono coincidere", + "updatingUserProfile": "Aggiornamento del profilo utente in corso...", + "userProfileUpdated": "Profilo utente aggiornato", + "thereAreErrorsInTheFormPleaseFixThemAnd": "Ci sono errori nel modulo. Per favore correggili e invia nuovamente.", + "yourUpdatesCannotBeSaved": "Le tue modifiche non possono essere salvate.", + "thePasswordIsIncorrectPossiblyJust": "La password è errata (forse è stata appena cambiata in un'altra finestra o sessione). Inserisci la password corretta e riprova.", + "theEmailIsAlreadyAssignedToAnotherUser": "L'email è già assegnata a un altro utente. Inserisci un'altra email e riprova.", "account": "Account", - "generalSettings": "General Settings", - "fullName": "Full Name", + "generalSettings": "Impostazioni generali", + "fullName": "Nome completo", "email": "Email", - "thisAddressIsUsedForAccountRecoveryIn": "This address is used for account recovery in case you loose your password", - "passwordChange": "Password Change", - "youOnlyNeedToFillOutThisFormIfYouWantTo": "You only need to fill out this form if you want to change your current password", - "currentPassword": "Current Password", - "newPassword": "New Password", - "confirmPassword": "Confirm Password", - "update": "Update", - "accountManagementIsNotPossibleBecause": "Account management is not possible because Mailtrain is configured to use externally managed users.", - "ifYouWantToChangeThePasswordUseThisLink": "If you want to change the password, use <1>this link.", - "emailMustNotBeEmpty-1": "Email must not be empty", - "theEmailIsAlreadyOnBlacklist": "The email is already on blacklist.", - "saving": "Saving ...", - "thereAreErrorsInTheFormPleaseFixThemAnd-1": "There are errors in the form. Please fix them and try again.", - "removeFromBlacklist": "Remove from blacklist", - "confirmRemovalFromBlacklist": "Confirm Removal From Blacklist", - "areYouSureYouWantToRemoveEmailFromThe": "Are you sure you want to remove {{email}} from the blacklist?", - "removingEmailFromTheBlacklist": "Removing {{email}} from the blacklist", - "emailRemovedFromTheBlacklist": "{{email}} removed from the blacklist", - "blacklist": "Blacklist", - "addEmailToBlacklist-1": "Add Email to Blacklist", - "addToBlacklist": "Add to Blacklist", - "blacklistedEmails": "Blacklisted Emails", - "createRegularCampaign": "Create Regular Campaign", - "createRssCampaign": "Create RSS Campaign", - "createTriggeredCampaign": "Create Triggered Campaign", - "editRegularCampaign": "Edit Regular Campaign", - "editRssCampaign": "Edit RSS Campaign", - "editTriggeredCampaign": "Edit Triggered Campaign", - "customContent": "Custom content", - "customContentClonedFromAnotherCampaign": "Custom content cloned from another campaign", - "template": "Template", - "template_plural": "Templates", - "customContentClonedFromTemplate": "Custom content cloned from template", + "thisAddressIsUsedForAccountRecoveryIn": "Questo indirizzo viene utilizzato per il recupero dell'account nel caso in cui si perda la password.", + "passwordChange": "Cambio Password", + "youOnlyNeedToFillOutThisFormIfYouWantTo": "È necessario compilare questo modulo solo se si desidera cambiare la password attuale.", + "currentPassword": "Password Attuale", + "newPassword": "Nuova Password", + "confirmPassword": "Conferma Password", + "update": "Aggiorna", + "accountManagementIsNotPossibleBecause": "La gestione dell'account non è possibile perché Mailtrain è configurato per utilizzare utenti gestiti esternamente.", + "ifYouWantToChangeThePasswordUseThisLink": "Se desideri cambiare la password, utilizza <1>questo link.", + "emailMustNotBeEmpty-1": "L'email non deve essere vuota", + "theEmailIsAlreadyOnBlacklist": "L'email è già nella lista nera.", + "saving": "Salvataggio in corso...", + "thereAreErrorsInTheFormPleaseFixThemAnd-1": "Ci sono errori nel modulo. Per favore correggili e riprova.", + "removeFromBlacklist": "Rimuovi dalla lista nera", + "confirmRemovalFromBlacklist": "Conferma Rimozione dalla Lista Nera", + "areYouSureYouWantToRemoveEmailFromThe": "Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere {{email}} dalla lista nera?", + "removingEmailFromTheBlacklist": "Rimozione di {{email}} dalla lista nera", + "emailRemovedFromTheBlacklist": "{{email}} rimosso dalla lista nera", + "blacklist": "Lista Nera", + "addEmailToBlacklist-1": "Aggiungi Email alla Lista Nera", + "addToBlacklist": "Aggiungi alla Lista Nera", + "blacklistedEmails": "Email in Lista Nera", + "createRegularCampaign": "Crea Campagna Regolare", + "createRssCampaign": "Crea Campagna RSS", + "createTriggeredCampaign": "Crea Campagna Triggered", + "editRegularCampaign": "Modifica Campagna Regolare", + "editRssCampaign": "Modifica Campagna RSS", + "editTriggeredCampaign": "Modifica Campagna Triggered", + "customContent": "Contenuto Personalizzato", + "customContentClonedFromAnotherCampaign": "Contenuto personalizzato clonato da un'altra campagna", + "template": "Modello", + "template_plural": "Modelli", + "customContentClonedFromTemplate": "Contenuto personalizzato clonato da un modello", "url": "URL", - "nameMustNotBeEmpty": "Name must not be empty", - "subjectLineMustNotBeEmpty": "\"Subject\" line must not be empty\"", - "sendConfigurationMustBeSelected": "Send configuration must be selected", - "fromEmailMustNotBeEmpty": "\"From\" email must not be empty", - "templateMustBeSelected": "Template must be selected", - "campaignMustBeSelected": "Campaign must be selected", - "typeMustBeSelected": "Type must be selected", - "tagLanguageMustBeSelected": "Tag language must be selected", - "urlMustNotBeEmpty": "URL must not be empty", - "rssFeedUrlMustBeGiven": "RSS feed URL must be given", - "campaignUpdated": "Campaign updated", - "campaignCreated": "Campaign created", - "rssFeedUrl": "RSS Feed Url", + "nameMustNotBeEmpty": "Il nome non deve essere vuoto", + "subjectLineMustNotBeEmpty": "La linea "Oggetto" non deve essere vuota", + "sendConfigurationMustBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionata una configurazione di invio", + "fromEmailMustNotBeEmpty": "L'email "Da" non deve essere vuota", + "templateMustBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionato un modello", + "campaignMustBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionata una campagna", + "typeMustBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionato un tipo", + "tagLanguageMustBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionato un linguaggio per il tag", + "urlMustNotBeEmpty": "L'URL non deve essere vuoto", + "rssFeedUrlMustBeGiven": "Deve essere fornito l'URL del feed RSS", + "campaignUpdated": "Campagna aggiornata", + "campaignCreated": "Campagna creata", + "rssFeedUrl": "URL Feed RSS", "id": "ID", - "type": "Type", - "override": "Override", - "fromName": "\"From\" name", - "fromEmailAddress": "\"From\" email address", - "replytoEmailAddress": "\"Reply-to\" email address", - "loadingSendConfiguration": "Loading send configuration ...", - "contentSource": "Content source", - "created": "Created", - "selectingATemplateCreatesACampaign": "Selecting a template creates a campaign specific copy from it.", - "campaign": "Campaign", - "campaign_plural": "Campaigns", - "contentOfTheSelectedCampaignWillBeCopied": "Content of the selected campaign will be copied into this campaign.", - "tagLanguage": "Tag language", - "renderUrl": "Render URL", - "ifAMessageIsSentThenThisUrlWillBePosTed": "If a message is sent then this URL will be POSTed to using Merge Tags as POST body. Use this if you want to generate the HTML message yourself. Example:", - "deletingCampaign": "Deleting campaign ...", - "campaignDeleted": "Campaign deleted", - "formCannotBeEditedBecauseTheCampaignIs": "Form cannot be edited because the campaign is currently being sent out. Wait till the sending is finished and refresh.", - "thisIsTheCampaignIdDisplayedToThe": "This is the campaign ID displayed to the subscribers", - "channel": "Channel", - "sendSettings": "Send settings", - "sendConfiguration-1": "Send configuration", - "sendConfiguration-1_plural": "Send configurations", - "subjectLine": "\"Subject\" line", - "customUnsubscribeUrl": "Custom unsubscribe URL", - "tracking": "Tracking", - "disableOpenedTracking": "Disable opened tracking", - "disableClickedTracking": "Disable clicked tracking", - "saveAndEditContent": "Save and edit content", - "save": "Save", - "saveAndLeave": "Save and leave", - "saveAndGoToStatus": "Save and go to status", - "delete": "Delete", - "warning!YouDoNotHaveNecessaryPermissions": "<0>Warning! You do not have necessary permissions to edit this campaign. Any changes that you perform here will be lost.", - "selectCampaignToBeCloned": "Select campaign to be cloned.", - "createCampaign": "Create Campaign", - "next": "Next", - "editCustomContent": "Edit Custom Content", - "customTemplateEditor": "Custom template editor", - "testSend": "Test send", - "status": "Status", - "sendingScheduled": "Sending scheduled", - "sending": "Sending", - "statistics": "Statistics", - "edit": "Edit", - "content": "Content", - "files": "Files", - "attachments": "Attachments", - "triggers": "Triggers", - "share": "Share", - "cloneCampaign": "Clone Campaign", - "regular": "Regular", + "type": "Tipo", + "override": "Sovrascrivi", + "fromName": "Nome "Da"", + "fromEmailAddress": "Indirizzo email "Da"", + "replytoEmailAddress": "Indirizzo email "Rispondi a"", + "loadingSendConfiguration": "Caricamento configurazione di invio...", + "contentSource": "Fonte del contenuto", + "created": "Creato", + "selectingATemplateCreatesACampaign": "La selezione di un modello crea una copia specifica della campagna da esso.", + "campaign": "Campagna", + "campaign_plural": "Campagne", + "contentOfTheSelectedCampaignWillBeCopied": "Il contenuto della campagna selezionata verrà copiato in questa campagna.", + "tagLanguage": "Linguaggio del tag", + "renderUrl": "URL di rendering", + "ifAMessageIsSentThenThisUrlWillBePosTed": "Se viene inviato un messaggio, questo URL verrà inviato tramite POST utilizzando i tag di unione come corpo POST. Usalo se desideri generare tu stesso il messaggio HTML. Esempio:", + "deletingCampaign": "Eliminazione campagna...", + "campaignDeleted": "Campagna eliminata", + "formCannotBeEditedBecauseTheCampaignIs": "Il modulo non può essere modificato perché la campagna è attualmente in fase di invio. Attendi fino a quando l'invio sarà completato e aggiorna.", + "thisIsTheCampaignIdDisplayedToThe": "Questo è l'ID della campagna visualizzato agli iscritti", + "channel": "Canale", + "sendSettings": "Impostazioni di invio", + "sendConfiguration-1": "Configurazione di invio", + "sendConfiguration-1_plural": "Configurazioni di invio", + "subjectLine": "Linea "Oggetto"", + "customUnsubscribeUrl": "URL di disiscrizione personalizzato", + "tracking": "Tracciamento", + "disableOpenedTracking": "Disabilita il tracciamento delle aperture", + "disableClickedTracking": "Disabilita il tracciamento dei clic", + "saveAndEditContent": "Salva e modifica il contenuto", + "save": "Salva", + "saveAndLeave": "Salva e lascia", + "saveAndGoToStatus": "Salva e vai allo stato", + "delete": "Elimina", + "warning!YouDoNotHaveNecessaryPermissions": "<0>Attenzione! Non hai le autorizzazioni necessarie per modificare questa campagna. Eventuali modifiche apportate qui andranno perse.", + "selectCampaignToBeCloned": "Seleziona la campagna da clonare.", + "createCampaign": "Crea Campagna", + "next": "Avanti", + "editCustomContent": "Modifica Contenuto Personalizzato", + "customTemplateEditor": "Editor del modello personalizzato", + "testSend": "Invio di prova", + "status": "Stato", + "sendingScheduled": "Invio pianificato", + "sending": "Invio", + "statistics": "Statistiche", + "edit": "Modifica", + "content": "Contenuto", + "files": "File", + "attachments": "Allegati", + "triggers": "Trigger", + "share": "Condividi", + "cloneCampaign": "Clona Campagna", + "regular": "Regolare", "rss": "RSS", - "triggered": "Triggered", - "campaigns": "Campaigns", - "campaignStatistics": "Campaign Statistics", - "total": "Total", - "delivered": "Delivered", - "blacklisted": "Blacklisted", - "bounced": "Bounced", - "complaints": "Complaints", - "unsubscribed": "Unsubscribed", - "opened": "Opened", - "clicked": "Clicked", - "quickReports": "Quick Reports", - "belowYouCanDownloadPremadeReportsRelated": "Below, you can download pre-made reports related to this campaign. Each link generates a CSV file that can be viewed in a spreadsheet editor. Custom reports and reports that cover more than one campaign can be created through <1>Reports functionality of Mailtrain.", - "uniqueVisitors": "Unique visitors", - "totalClicks": "Total clicks", - "campaignLinks": "Campaign links", - "subscriptionId": "Subscription ID", - "listId": "List ID", - "list": "List", - "list_plural": "Lists", - "listNamespace": "List namespace", - "opensCount": "Opens count", - "countries": "Countries", - "devices": "Devices", + "triggered": "Attivato", + "campaigns": "Campagne", + "campaignStatistics": "Statistiche della Campagna", + "total": "Totale", + "delivered": "Consegnato", + "blacklisted": "In Lista Nera", + "bounced": "Rimbalzato", + "complaints": "Reclami", + "unsubscribed": "Disiscritto", + "opened": "Aperto", + "clicked": "Cliccato", + "quickReports": "Rapporti Rapidi", + "belowYouCanDownloadPremadeReportsRelated": "Di seguito, puoi scaricare rapporti predefiniti relativi a questa campagna. Ciascun link genera un file CSV che può essere visualizzato in un editor di fogli di calcolo. Rapporti personalizzati e rapporti che coprono più di una campagna possono essere creati tramite la funzionalità <1>Reports di Mailtrain.", + "uniqueVisitors": "Visitatori Unici", + "totalClicks": "Clic Totali", + "campaignLinks": "Link della Campagna", + "subscriptionId": "ID Iscrizione", + "listId": "ID Lista", + "list": "Lista", + "list_plural": "Liste", + "listNamespace": "Namespace della Lista", + "opensCount": "Conteggio Aperture", + "countries": "Paesi", + "devices": "Dispositivi", "desktop": "Desktop", "tv": "TV", "tablet": "Tablet", - "phone": "Phone", + "phone": "Telefono", "bot": "Bot", - "car": "Car", + "car": "Auto", "console": "Console", - "distributionByDeviceType": "Distribution by device type", - "loadingChart": "Loading chart", - "deviceType": "Device type", - "count": "Count", - "unknown": "Unknown", - "distributionByCountry": "Distribution by country", - "country": "Country", - "detailedStatistics": "Detailed Statistics", - "listOfSubscribersThatOpenedTheCampaign": "List of subscribers that opened the campaign", - "subscriptionHasToBeSelectedToShowThe": "Subscription has to be selected to show the campaign for a test user.", - "previewCampaign": "Preview Campaign", - "preview": "Preview", - "close": "Close", - "previewAs": "Preview as", - "dateMustNotBeEmpty": "Date must not be empty", - "dateIsInvalid": "Date is invalid", - "timeMustNotBeEmpty": "Time must not be empty", - "timeIsInvalid": "Time is invalid", - "timezoneMustBeSelected": "Timezone must be selected", - "confirmLaunch": "Confirm launch", - "doYouWantToLaunchTheCampaign?": "Do you want to launch the campaign?", - "doYouWantToScheduleTheCampaignForLaunch?": "Do you want to schedule the campaign for launch?", - "confirmReset": "Confirm reset", - "doYouWantToResetTheCampaign?All": "Do you want to reset the campaign? All statistics and the track of delivered messages will be lost.", + "distributionByDeviceType": "Distribuzione per tipo di dispositivo", + "loadingChart": "Caricamento grafico", + "deviceType": "Tipo di Dispositivo", + "count": "Conteggio", + "unknown": "Sconosciuto", + "distributionByCountry": "Distribuzione per Paese", + "country": "Paese", + "detailedStatistics": "Statistiche Dettagliate", + "listOfSubscribersThatOpenedTheCampaign": "Elenco di iscritti che hanno aperto la campagna", + "subscriptionHasToBeSelectedToShowThe": "La sottoscrizione deve essere selezionata per mostrare la campagna a un utente di prova.", + "previewCampaign": "Anteprima Campagna", + "preview": "Anteprima", + "close": "Chiudi", + "previewAs": "Anteprima come", + "dateMustNotBeEmpty": "La data non deve essere vuota", + "dateIsInvalid": "La data non è valida", + "timeMustNotBeEmpty": "L'orario non deve essere vuoto", + "timeIsInvalid": "L'orario non è valido", + "timezoneMustBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionato un fuso orario", + "confirmLaunch": "Conferma l'avvio", + "doYouWantToLaunchTheCampaign?": "Vuoi avviare la campagna?", + "doYouWantToScheduleTheCampaignForLaunch?": "Vuoi pianificare l'avvio della campagna?", + "confirmReset": "Conferma reset", + "doYouWantToResetTheCampaign?All": "Vuoi resettare la campagna? Tutte le statistiche e il tracciato dei messaggi consegnati saranno persi.", "no": "No", - "yes": "Yes", - "sendStatus": "Send status", - "campaignIsScheduledForDelivery": "Campaign is scheduled for delivery.", - "campaignIsReadyToBeSentOut": "Campaign is ready to be sent out.", - "campaignIsBeingPausedPleaseWait": "Campaign is being paused. Please wait.", - "campaignIsBeingSentOut": "Campaign is being sent out.", - "allMessagesSent!HitContinueIfYouWantTo": "All messages sent! Hit \"Continue\" if you want to send this campaign to new subscribers.", - "allMessagesSent!": "All messages sent!", - "yourCampaignIsCurrentlyDisabledClick": "Your campaign is currently disabled. Click Enable button to start enable it.", - "yourCampaignIsCurrentlyDisabled": "Your campaign is currently disabled.", - "yourCampaignIsEnabledAndSendingMessages": "Your campaign is enabled and sending messages.", - "timezone": "Timezone", - "selectDateTimeAndATimezoneToDisplayThe": "Select date, time and a timezone to display the date and time with offset", - "scheduledDatetimeSeemsToBeInThePastIfYou": "Scheduled date/time seems to be in the past. If you schedule the send, campaign will be sent immediately.", - "sendLater": "Send later", - "scheduleDeliveryAtAParticularDatetime": "Schedule delivery at a particular date/time", - "date": "Date", - "time": "Time", - "enter24HourTimeInFormatHhmmEg1348": "Enter 24-hour time in format HH:MM (e.g. 13:48)", - "rescheduleSend": "Reschedule send", - "scheduleSend": "Schedule send", - "send": "Send", - "cancelScheduling": "Cancel scheduling", + "yes": "Sì", + "sendStatus": "Stato di invio", + "campaignIsScheduledForDelivery": "La campagna è programmata per la consegna.", + "campaignIsReadyToBeSentOut": "La campagna è pronta per essere inviata.", + "campaignIsBeingPausedPleaseWait": "La campagna è in pausa. Attendere prego.", + "campaignIsBeingSentOut": "La campagna è in fase di invio.", + "allMessagesSent!HitContinueIfYouWantTo": "Tutti i messaggi sono stati inviati! Premere "Continua" se si desidera inviare questa campagna ai nuovi iscritti.", + "allMessagesSent!": "Tutti i messaggi sono stati inviati!", + "yourCampaignIsCurrentlyDisabledClick": "La tua campagna è attualmente disabilitata. Fare clic su Abilita per abilitarla.", + "yourCampaignIsCurrentlyDisabled": "La tua campagna è attualmente disabilitata.", + "yourCampaignIsEnabledAndSendingMessages": "La tua campagna è abilitata e sta inviando messaggi.", + "timezone": "Fuso orario", + "selectDateTimeAndATimezoneToDisplayThe": "Selezionare data, ora e un fuso orario per visualizzare la data e l'ora con l'offset", + "scheduledDatetimeSeemsToBeInThePastIfYou": "La data/ora pianificata sembra essere nel passato. Se si programma l'invio, la campagna verrà inviata immediatamente.", + "sendLater": "Invia in seguito", + "scheduleDeliveryAtAParticularDatetime": "Pianificare la consegna in una data/ora specifica", + "date": "Data", + "time": "Ora", + "enter24HourTimeInFormatHhmmEg1348": "Inserire l'orario in formato 24 ore HH:MM (ad esempio, 13:48)", + "rescheduleSend": "Ripianifica l'invio", + "scheduleSend": "Pianifica l'invio", + "send": "Invia", + "cancelScheduling": "Annulla la pianificazione", "reset": "Reset", - "viewStatistics": "View statistics", - "pausing": "Pausing", - "pause": "Pause", - "continue": "Continue", - "enable": "Enable", - "disable": "Disable", - "segment": "Segment", - "campaignStatus": "Campaign Status", - "sent": "Sent", - "targetListssegments": "Target lists/segments", - "ifANewEntryIsFoundFromCampaignFeedANew": "If a new entry is found from campaign feed a new subcampaign is created of that entry and it will be listed here", + "viewStatistics": "Visualizza statistiche", + "pausing": "In pausa", + "pause": "Pausa", + "continue": "Continua", + "enable": "Abilita", + "disable": "Disabilita", + "segment": "Segmento", + "campaignStatus": "Stato della campagna", + "sent": "Inviato", + "targetListssegments": "Liste/segmenti target", + "ifANewEntryIsFoundFromCampaignFeedANew": "Se viene trovata una nuova voce dal feed della campagna, verrà creata una nuova sottocampagna di quella voce e verrà elencata qui", "test": " [Test]", - "sendingTestEmail": "Sending test email", - "listHasToBeSelected": "List has to be selected.", - "sendConfigurationHasToBeSelected": "Send configuration has to be selected.", - "subscriptionHasToBeSelected": "Subscription has to be selected.", - "listMustBeSelected": "List must be selected", - "segmentMustBeSelected": "Segment must be selected", - "singleTestUserOfTheCampaign": "Single test user of the campaign", - "allTestUsersOfTheCampaign": "All test users of the campaign", - "singleTestUserFromAList": "Single test user from a list", - "allTestUsersFromAListsegment": "All test users from a list/segment", - "selectToWhereYouWantToSendTheTest": "Select to where you want to send the test", - "subscribers": "Subscribers", - "subscription": "Subscription", - "useAParticularSegment": "Use a particular segment", - "prependToSubject": "Prepend to subject", - "appendToSubject": "Append to subject", - "sendTestEmail": "Send Test Email", - "idle": "Idle", - "scheduled": "Scheduled", - "paused": "Paused", - "finished": "Finished", - "inactive": "Inactive", - "active": "Active", - "remove": "Remove", - "insertNewEntryBeforeThisOne": "Insert new entry before this one", - "moveUp": "Move up", - "moveDown": "Move down", - "lists": "Lists", - "addList": "Add list", - "campaignName": "Campaign \"{{name}}\"", - "deliveredEmails": "Delivered Emails", - "complained": "Complained", - "subscribersThatComplained": "Subscribers that Complained", - "emailsThatBounced": "Emails that Bounced", - "subscribersThatUnsubscribed": "Subscribers that Unsubscribed", - "clicks": "Clicks", - "theseFilesArePubliclyAvailableViaHttpSo": "These files are publicly available via HTTP so that they can be linked to from the content of the campaign.", - "theseFilesWillBeAttachedToTheCampaign": "These files will be attached to the campaign emails as proper attachments. This means they count towards to the eventual size of the email.", - "triggerName": "Trigger \"{{name}}\"", - "create": "Create", - "valuesMustNotBeEmpty": "Values must not be empty", - "valueMustBeANonnegativeNumber": "Value must be a non-negative number", - "sourceCampaignMustNotBeEmpty": "Source campaign must not be empty", - "triggerUpdated": "Trigger updated", - "triggerCreated": "Trigger created", - "deletingTrigger": "Deleting trigger ...", - "triggerDeleted": "Trigger deleted", + "sendingTestEmail": "Invio di email di test", + "listHasToBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionata una lista.", + "sendConfigurationHasToBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionata una configurazione di invio.", + "subscriptionHasToBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionata una sottoscrizione.", + "listMustBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionata una lista", + "segmentMustBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionato un segmento", + "singleTestUserOfTheCampaign": "Singolo utente di test della campagna", + "allTestUsersOfTheCampaign": "Tutti gli utenti di test della campagna", + "singleTestUserFromAList": "Singolo utente di test da una lista", + "allTestUsersFromAListsegment": "Tutti gli utenti di test da una lista/segmento", + "selectToWhereYouWantToSendTheTest": "Selezionare dove si desidera inviare il test", + "subscribers": "Iscritti", + "subscription": "Iscrizione", + "useAParticularSegment": "Utilizza un segmento particolare", + "prependToSubject": "Aggiungi iniziale all'oggetto", + "appendToSubject": "Aggiungi alla fine dell'oggetto", + "sendTestEmail": "Invia Email di Test", + "idle": "Inattivo", + "scheduled": "Pianificato", + "paused": "In pausa", + "finished": "Completato", + "inactive": "Inattivo", + "active": "Attivo", + "remove": "Rimuovi", + "insertNewEntryBeforeThisOne": "Inserisci una nuova voce prima di questa", + "moveUp": "Sposta su", + "moveDown": "Sposta giù", + "lists": "Liste", + "addList": "Aggiungi lista", + "campaignName": "Campagna "{{name}}"", + "deliveredEmails": "Email consegnate", + "complained": "Hanno reclamato", + "subscribersThatComplained": "Iscritti che hanno reclamato", + "emailsThatBounced": "Email che sono rimbalzate", + "subscribersThatUnsubscribed": "Iscritti che si sono disiscritti", + "clicks": "Clic", + "theseFilesArePubliclyAvailableViaHttpSo": "Questi file sono disponibili pubblicamente tramite HTTP in modo da poter essere collegati dal contenuto della campagna.", + "theseFilesWillBeAttachedToTheCampaign": "Questi file verranno allegati alle email della campagna come allegati adeguati. Ciò significa che contribuiranno alla dimensione finale dell'email.", + "triggerName": "Trigger "{{name}}"", + "create": "Crea", + "valuesMustNotBeEmpty": "I valori non devono essere vuoti", + "valueMustBeANonnegativeNumber": "Il valore deve essere un numero non negativo", + "sourceCampaignMustNotBeEmpty": "La campagna di origine non deve essere vuota", + "triggerUpdated": "Trigger aggiornato", + "triggerCreated": "Trigger creato", + "deletingTrigger": "Eliminazione trigger ...", + + + User +"triggerDeleted": "Trigger deleted", "editTrigger": "Edit Trigger", "createTrigger": "Create Trigger", "entity": "Entity", @@ -447,6 +450,109 @@ "noMatchingRecordsFound": "No matching records found", "firs": "Firs", "last": "Last", + "triggerDeleted": "Trigger eliminato", + "editTrigger": "Modifica Trigger", + "createTrigger": "Crea Trigger", + "entity": "Entità", + "selectTheTypeOfTheTriggerRule": "Seleziona il tipo della regola di trigger.", + "triggerFires": "Il trigger si attiva", + "event": "Evento", + "selectTheEventThatTriggersSendingThe": "Seleziona l'evento che attiva l'invio della campagna.", + "enabled": "Abilitato", + "daysAfter": "Giorni dopo", + "updated": "Aggiornato", + "latestOpen": "Ultima apertura", + "latestClick": "Ultimo clic", + "notOpened": "Non aperto", + "notClicked": "Non cliccato", + "channelUpdated": "Canale aggiornato", + "channelCreated": "Canale creato", + "deletingChannel": "Eliminazione canale...", + "channelDeleted": "Canale eliminato", + "editChannel": "Modifica Canale", + "createChannel": "Crea Canale", + "campaignDefaults": "Predefiniti della campagna", + "campaignName-1": "Nome della campagna", + "campaignDescription": "Descrizione della campagna", + "warning!YouDoNotHaveNecessaryPermissions-1": "<0>Attenzione! Non hai le autorizzazioni necessarie per modificare questo canale. Eventuali modifiche apportate qui andranno perse.", + "channels": "Canali", + "channelName": "Canale "{{name}}"", + "countFileAdded": "{{count}} file aggiunto", + "countFileAdded_plural": "{{count}} file aggiunti", + "countFileReplaced": "{{count}} file sostituito", + "countFileReplaced_plural": "{{count}} file sostituiti", + "countFileIgnored": "{{count}} file ignorato", + "countFileIgnored_plural": "{{count}} file ignorati", + "countFileUploaded": "{{count}} file caricato", + "countFileUploaded_plural": "{{count}} file caricati", + "uploadingCountFile": "Caricamento di {{count}} file", + "uploadingCountFile_plural": "Caricamento di {{count}} file", + "fileUploadFailed": "Caricamento del file non riuscito:", + "noFilesToUpload": "Nessun file da caricare", + "deletingFile": "Eliminazione file...", + "fileDeleted": "File eliminato", + "deleteFileFailed": "Eliminazione file non riuscita:", + "size": "Dimensione", + "download": "Scarica", + "confirmFileDeletion": "Conferma l'eliminazione del file", + "areYouSureYouWantToDeleteTheFile?": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare il file?", + "dropCountFile": "Rilascia {{count}} file", + "dropCountFile_plural": "Rilascia {{count}} file", + "dropFilesHere": "Rilascia i file qui", + "loading": "Caricamento...", + "hints": "Suggerimenti", + "h": "h", + "min": "min", + "sec": "sec", + "openCalendar": "Apri calendario", + "select": "Seleziona", + "clear": "Cancella", + "someoneElseHasIntroducedModificationIn": "Qualcun altro ha apportato modifiche nel frattempo. Aggiorna la pagina per iniziare di nuovo con dati freschi. Nota che le tue modifiche saranno perse.", + "itSeemsThatSomeoneElseHasDeletedThe": "Sembra che qualcun altro abbia eliminato il namespace di destinazione nel frattempo. Aggiorna la pagina per iniziare di nuovo con dati freschi. Nota che le tue modifiche saranno perse.", + "itSeemsThatSomeoneElseHasDeletedThe-1": "Sembra che qualcun altro abbia eliminato l'entità nel frattempo.", + "customForms": "Moduli personalizzati", + "report": "Report", + "report_plural": "Report", + "reportTemplate": "Modello di report", + "reportTemplate_plural": "Modelli di report", + "mosaicoTemplate": "Modello di Mosaico", + "mosaicoTemplate_plural": "Modelli di Mosaico", + "user": "Utente", + "cannoteDeleteNameDueToTheFollowing": "Impossibile eliminare "{{name}}" a causa delle seguenti dipendenze:", + "andMore": "... e altro", + "cannotDeleteNameDueToHiddenDependencies": "Impossibile eliminare {{name}} a causa di dipendenze nascoste", + "confirmDeletion": "Conferma l'eliminazione", + "areYouSureYouWantToDeleteName?": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare "{{name}}"?", + "namespaceMustBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionato un namespace", + "sourceOnGitHub": "Sorgente su GitHub", + "authenticationSuccessful": "Autenticazione riuscita", + "logoutSuccessful": "Disconnessione riuscita", + "authenticationFailed": "Autenticazione fallita", + "sendTestEmail-1": "Invia e-mail di test", + "showHtml": "Mostra HTML", + "maximizeEditor": "Ingrandisci l'editor", + "mjml": "MJML", + "html": "HTML", + "disableWordWrap": "Disabilita il word wrap", + "enableWordWrap": "Abilita il word wrap", + "hidePreview": "Nascondi anteprima", + "showPreview": "Mostra anteprima", + "showMjml": "Mostra MJML", + "countEntriesSelected": "{{count}} voci selezionate.", + "noDataAvailableInTable": "Nessun dato disponibile nella tabella", + "showingStartToEndOfTotalEntries": "Mostrando da START a END di TOTAL voci", + "showing0To0Of0Entries": "Mostrando da 0 a 0 di 0 voci", + "filteredFromMaxTotalEntries": "(filtrato da MAX voci totali)", + "": "", + "-1": ",", + "showMenuEntries": "Mostra MENU voci", + "loading-1": "Caricamento...", + "processing": "Elaborazione...", + "search": "Cerca:", + "noMatchingRecordsFound": "Nessun record corrispondente trovato", + "firs": "Primo", + "last": "Ultimo", + "previous": "Previous", "activateToSortColumnAscending": ": activate to sort column ascending", "activateToSortColumnDescending": ": activate to sort column descending", From d17ea7abe833e6ce8c39df08691899ff6b782731 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hidaba Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2023 08:24:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 6/9] Update common.json --- locales/it_IT/common.json | 1533 +++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 715 insertions(+), 818 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/it_IT/common.json b/locales/it_IT/common.json index 0cf478be1..c241cf452 100644 --- a/locales/it_IT/common.json +++ b/locales/it_IT/common.json @@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ "required": "richiesto", "subscribersFirstName": "nome sottoscrittore", "subscribersLastName": "cognome sottoscrittore", - "subscribersTimezoneEgEuropeTallinnPstOr": "Fuso orario del sottoscrittore (ad esempio, "Europe/Rome", "PST" o "UTC"). Se non impostato, viene utilizzato "UTC" come valore predefinito.", - "customFieldValueUseYesnoForOptionGroup": "Valore del campo personalizzato. Utilizzare "sì/no" per i valori del gruppo di opzioni (caselle di controllo, radio, menu a discesa).", + "subscribersTimezoneEgEuropeTallinnPstOr": "Fuso orario del sottoscrittore (ad esempio, 'Europe/Rome', 'PST' o 'UTC'). Se non impostato, viene utilizzato 'UTC' come valore predefinito.", + "customFieldValueUseYesnoForOptionGroup": "Valore del campo personalizzato. Utilizzare 'sì/no' per i valori del gruppo di opzioni (caselle di controllo, radio, menu a discesa).", "additionalPostArguments": "Ulteriori argomenti POST", - "setToYesIfYouWantToMakeSureTheEmailIs": "Imposta su "sì" se desideri assicurarti che l'email sia contrassegnata come iscritta anche se in precedenza era stata contrassegnata come non iscritta. Se l'email era già stata disiscritta/bloccata, lo stato di iscrizione non viene modificato", - "setToYesIfYouWantToSendConfirmationEmail": "Imposta su "sì" se desideri inviare un'email di conferma al sottoscrittore prima di contrassegnarlo effettivamente come iscritto", + "setToYesIfYouWantToMakeSureTheEmailIs": "Imposta su 'sì' se desideri assicurarti che l'email sia contrassegnata come iscritta anche se in precedenza era stata contrassegnata come non iscritta. Se l'email era già stata disiscritta/bloccata, lo stato di iscrizione non viene modificato", + "setToYesIfYouWantToSendConfirmationEmail": "Imposta su 'sì' se desideri inviare un'email di conferma al sottoscrittore prima di contrassegnarlo effettivamente come iscritto", "responseExample": "Risposta di esempio", "removeSubscription": "Rimuovi Sottoscrizione", "thisApiCallMarksASubscriptionAs": "Questa chiamata API contrassegna una sottoscrizione come non iscritta", @@ -345,111 +345,6 @@ "triggerUpdated": "Trigger aggiornato", "triggerCreated": "Trigger creato", "deletingTrigger": "Eliminazione trigger ...", - - - User -"triggerDeleted": "Trigger deleted", - "editTrigger": "Edit Trigger", - "createTrigger": "Create Trigger", - "entity": "Entity", - "selectTheTypeOfTheTriggerRule": "Select the type of the trigger rule.", - "triggerFires": "Trigger fires", - "event": "Event", - "selectTheEventThatTriggersSendingThe": "Select the event that triggers sending the campaign.", - "enabled": "Enabled", - "daysAfter": "Days after", - "updated": "Updated", - "latestOpen": "Latest open", - "latestClick": "Latest click", - "notOpened": "Not opened", - "notClicked": "Not clicked", - "channelUpdated": "Channel updated", - "channelCreated": "Channel created", - "deletingChannel": "Deleting channel ...", - "channelDeleted": "Channel deleted", - "editChannel": "Edit Channel", - "createChannel": "Create Channel", - "campaignDefaults": "Campaign defaults", - "campaignName-1": "Campaign name", - "campaignDescription": "Campaign description", - "warning!YouDoNotHaveNecessaryPermissions-1": "<0>Warning! You do not have necessary permissions to edit this channel. Any changes that you perform here will be lost.", - "channels": "Channels", - "channelName": "Channel \"{{name}}\"", - "countFileAdded": "{{count}} file added", - "countFileAdded_plural": "{{count}} files added", - "countFileReplaced": "{{count}} file replaced", - "countFileReplaced_plural": "{{count}} files replaced", - "countFileIgnored": "{{count}} file ignored", - "countFileIgnored_plural": "{{count}} files ignored", - "countFileUploaded": "{{count}} file uploaded", - "countFileUploaded_plural": "{{count}} files uploaded", - "uploadingCountFile": "Uploading {{count}} file", - "uploadingCountFile_plural": "Uploading {{count}} files", - "fileUploadFailed": "File upload failed:", - "noFilesToUpload": "No files to upload", - "deletingFile": "Deleting file ...", - "fileDeleted": "File deleted", - "deleteFileFailed": "Delete file failed:", - "size": "Size", - "download": "Download", - "confirmFileDeletion": "Confirm file deletion", - "areYouSureYouWantToDeleteTheFile?": "Are you sure you want to delete the file?", - "dropCountFile": "Drop {{count}} file", - "dropCountFile_plural": "Drop {{count}} files", - "dropFilesHere": "Drop files here", - "loading": "Loading ...", - "hints": "Hints", - "h": "h", - "min": "min", - "sec": "sec", - "openCalendar": "Open calendar", - "select": "Select", - "clear": "Clear", - "someoneElseHasIntroducedModificationIn": "Someone else has introduced modification in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew with fresh data. Please note that your changes will be lost.", - "itSeemsThatSomeoneElseHasDeletedThe": "It seems that someone else has deleted the target namespace in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew with fresh data. Please note that your changes will be lost.", - "itSeemsThatSomeoneElseHasDeletedThe-1": "It seems that someone else has deleted the entity in the meantime.", - "customForms": "Custom forms", - "report": "Report", - "report_plural": "Reports", - "reportTemplate": "Report template", - "reportTemplate_plural": "Report templates", - "mosaicoTemplate": "Mosaico template", - "mosaicoTemplate_plural": "Mosaico templates", - "user": "User", - "cannoteDeleteNameDueToTheFollowing": "Cannote delete \"{{name}}\" due to the following dependencies:", - "andMore": "... and more", - "cannotDeleteNameDueToHiddenDependencies": "Cannot delete {{name}} due to hidden dependencies", - "confirmDeletion": "Confirm Deletion", - "areYouSureYouWantToDeleteName?": "Are you sure you want to delete \"{{name}}\"?", - "namespaceMustBeSelected": "Namespace must be selected", - "sourceOnGitHub": "Source on GitHub", - "authenticationSuccessful": "Authentication successful", - "logoutSuccessful": "Logout successful", - "authenticationFailed": "Authentication failed", - "sendTestEmail-1": "Send test e-mail", - "showHtml": "Show HTML", - "maximizeEditor": "Maximize editor", - "mjml": "MJML", - "html": "HTML", - "disableWordWrap": "Disable word wrap", - "enableWordWrap": "Enable word wrap", - "hidePreview": "Hide preview", - "showPreview": "Show preview", - "showMjml": "Show MJML", - "countEntriesSelected": "{{ count }} entries selected.", - "noDataAvailableInTable": "No data available in table", - "showingStartToEndOfTotalEntries": "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries", - "showing0To0Of0Entries": "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries", - "filteredFromMaxTotalEntries": "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)", - "": "", - "-1": ",", - "showMenuEntries": "Show _MENU_ entries", - "loading-1": "Loading...", - "processing": "Processing...", - "search": "Search:", - "noMatchingRecordsFound": "No matching records found", - "firs": "Firs", - "last": "Last", "triggerDeleted": "Trigger eliminato", "editTrigger": "Modifica Trigger", "createTrigger": "Crea Trigger", @@ -500,6 +395,9 @@ "dropCountFile_plural": "Rilascia {{count}} file", "dropFilesHere": "Rilascia i file qui", "loading": "Caricamento...", + + + "hints": "Suggerimenti", "h": "h", "min": "min", @@ -552,739 +450,738 @@ "noMatchingRecordsFound": "Nessun record corrispondente trovato", "firs": "Primo", "last": "Ultimo", - - "previous": "Previous", - "activateToSortColumnAscending": ": activate to sort column ascending", - "activateToSortColumnDescending": ": activate to sort column descending", - "customFormMustBeSelected": "Custom form must be selected", - "listUpdated": "List updated", - "listCreated": "List created", - "defaultMailtrainForms": "Default Mailtrain Forms", - "customFormsSelectFormBelow": "Custom Forms (select form below)", - "specifyUsingMergeTagsOfThisListHowTo": "Specify using merge tags of this list how to construct full name of the recipient. This full name is used as \"To\" header when sending emails.", - "selectHowTheNameOfASubscriberWillBe": "Select how the name of a subscriber will be represented. The fields in list will be created accordingly. You can always adjust the choice later by editing the list fields. If you select \"Empty / Custom\", provide a template below in \"Recipients name template\" that will be used as subscriber's name as it will appear in the emails' \"To\" field.", - "deletingList": "Deleting list ...", - "listDeleted": "List deleted", - "editList": "Edit List", - "thisIsTheListIdDisplayedToTheSubscribers": "This is the list ID displayed to the subscribers", - "contactEmailUsedInSubscriptionFormsAnd": "Contact email used in subscription forms and emails that are sent out. If not filled in, the admin email from the global settings will be used.", - "homepageUrlUsedInSubscriptionFormsAnd": "Homepage URL used in subscription forms and emails that are sent out. If not filled in, the default homepage from global settings will be used.", - "sendConfigurationThatWillBeUsedFor": "Send configuration that will be used for sending out subscription-related emails.", - "forms": "Forms", - "selectHowAnUnsuscriptionRequestBy": "Select how an unsuscription request by subscriber is handled.", - "unsubscribeHeader": "Unsubscribe header", - "theCustomFormUsedForThisListYouCanCreate": "The custom form used for this list. You can create a form <1>here.", - "fields": "Fields", - "segments": "Segments", - "imports": "Imports", - "customForms-1": "Custom Forms", - "mergeTagIsInvalidMayMustBeUppercaseAnd": "Merge tag is invalid. May must be uppercase and contain only characters A-Z, 0-9, _. It must start with a letter.", - "anotherFieldWithTheSameMergeTagExists": "Another field with the same merge tag exists. Please choose another merge tag.", - "groupHasToBeSelected": "Group has to be selected", - "defaultValueIsNotIntegerNumber": "Default value is not integer number", - "defaultValueIsNotAProperlyFormattedDate": "Default value is not a properly formatted date", - "defaultValueIsNotAProperlyFormatted": "Default value is not a properly formatted birthday date", - "defaultValueIsNotOneOfTheAllowedOptions": "Default value is not one of the allowed options", - "errorOnLineLine": "Error on line {{ line }}", - "fieldUpdated": "Field updated", - "fieldCreated": "Field created", - "notVisible": "not visible", - "beforeNameType": "before {{name}} ({{type}})", - "atEndOfList": "at end of list", - "fieldSettings": "Field settings", - "defaultValue": "Default value", - "defaultValueUsedWhenTheFieldIsEmpty": "Default value used when the field is empty.", - "options": "Options", - "dateFormat": "Date format", - "mmddyyyy": "MM/DD/YYYY", - "ddmmyyyy": "DD/MM/YYYY", - "yyyymmdd": "YYYY-MM-DD", - "mmdd": "MM/DD", - "ddmm": "DD/MM", + "previous": "Precedente", + "activateToSortColumnAscending": ": attiva per ordinare la colonna in ordine crescente", + "activateToSortColumnDescending": ": attiva per ordinare la colonna in ordine decrescente", + "customFormMustBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionato un modulo personalizzato", + "listUpdated": "Lista aggiornata", + "listCreated": "Lista creata", + "defaultMailtrainForms": "Moduli predefiniti di Mailtrain", + "customFormsSelectFormBelow": "Moduli personalizzati (seleziona il modulo qui sotto)", + "specifyUsingMergeTagsOfThisListHowTo": "Specifica usando i merge tag di questa lista come costruire il nome completo del destinatario. Questo nome completo viene utilizzato come intestazione \"A\" quando si inviano le email.", + "selectHowTheNameOfASubscriberWillBe": "Seleziona come il nome di un iscritto sarà rappresentato. I campi nella lista verranno creati di conseguenza. Puoi sempre modificare questa scelta successivamente modificando i campi della lista. Se selezioni \"Vuoto/Personalizzato\", fornisci un modello qui sotto in \"Modello del nome del destinatario\" che verrà utilizzato come nome del destinatario come apparirà nell'intestazione delle email \"A\".", + "deletingList": "Eliminazione lista...", + "listDeleted": "Lista eliminata", + "editList": "Modifica lista", + "thisIsTheListIdDisplayedToTheSubscribers": "Questo è l'ID della lista visualizzato agli iscritti", + "contactEmailUsedInSubscriptionFormsAnd": "Indirizzo email di contatto utilizzato nei moduli di iscrizione e nelle email inviate. Se non è compilato, verrà utilizzato l'email dell'amministratore dalle impostazioni globali.", + "homepageUrlUsedInSubscriptionFormsAnd": "URL della homepage utilizzato nei moduli di iscrizione e nelle email inviate. Se non è compilato, verrà utilizzata la homepage predefinita dalle impostazioni globali.", + "sendConfigurationThatWillBeUsedFor": "Invia la configurazione che verrà utilizzata per l'invio di email relative all'iscrizione.", + "forms": "Moduli", + "selectHowAnUnsuscriptionRequestBy": "Seleziona come gestire una richiesta di disiscrizione da parte dell'iscritto.", + "unsubscribeHeader": "Intestazione disiscrizione", + "theCustomFormUsedForThisListYouCanCreate": "Il modulo personalizzato utilizzato per questa lista. Puoi creare un modulo <1>qui.", + "fields": "Campi", + "segments": "Segmenti", + "imports": "Importazioni", + "customForms-1": "Moduli personalizzati", + "mergeTagIsInvalidMayMustBeUppercaseAnd": "Il merge tag non è valido. Deve essere in maiuscolo e contenere solo caratteri A-Z, 0-9, _. Deve iniziare con una lettera.", + "anotherFieldWithTheSameMergeTagExists": "Esiste un altro campo con lo stesso merge tag. Scegli un altro merge tag.", + "groupHasToBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionato un gruppo", + "defaultValueIsNotIntegerNumber": "Il valore predefinito non è un numero intero", + "defaultValueIsNotAProperlyFormattedDate": "Il valore predefinito non è una data formattata correttamente", + "defaultValueIsNotAProperlyFormatted": "Il valore predefinito non è una data di compleanno formattata correttamente", + "defaultValueIsNotOneOfTheAllowedOptions": "Il valore predefinito non è una delle opzioni consentite", + "errorOnLineLine": "Errore nella riga {{line}}", + "fieldUpdated": "Campo aggiornato", + "fieldCreated": "Campo creato", + "notVisible": "non visibile", + "beforeNameType": "prima di {{name}} ({{type}})", + "atEndOfList": "alla fine della lista", + "fieldSettings": "Impostazioni campo", + "defaultValue": "Valore predefinito", + "defaultValueUsedWhenTheFieldIsEmpty": "Valore predefinito utilizzato quando il campo è vuoto.", + "options": "Opzioni", + "dateFormat": "Formato data", + "mmddyyyy": "MM/GG/AAAA", + "ddmmyyyy": "GG/MM/AAAA", + "yyyymmdd": "AAAA-MM-GG", + "mmdd": "MM/GG", + "ddmm": "GG/MM", "mergeTag": "Merge Tag", - "group": "Group", - "belongsToCheckboxDropdownRadioGroup": "Belongs to checkbox / dropdown / radio group", - "containingGroup": "Containing group", - "selectGroupToWhichTheOptionsShouldBelong": "Select group to which the options should belong.", - "checkedLabel": "Checked label", - "labelThatWillBeDisplayedInListAnd": "Label that will be displayed in list and subscription when the option is checked", - "uncheckedLabel": "Unchecked label", - "labelThatWillBeDisplayedInListAnd-1": "Label that will be displayed in list and subscription when the option is unchecked", - "deletingField": "Deleting field ...", - "fieldDeleted": "Field deleted", - "editField": "Edit Field", - "createField": "Create Field", + "group": "Gruppo", + "belongsToCheckboxDropdownRadioGroup": "Appartiene a gruppo casella di controllo / menu a discesa / pulsante radio", + "containingGroup": "Gruppo contenente", + "selectGroupToWhichTheOptionsShouldBelong": "Seleziona il gruppo a cui dovrebbero appartenere le opzioni.", + "checkedLabel": "Etichetta selezionata", + "labelThatWillBeDisplayedInListAnd": "Etichetta che verrà visualizzata nell'elenco e nell'iscrizione quando l'opzione è selezionata", + "uncheckedLabel": "Etichetta non selezionata", + "labelThatWillBeDisplayedInListAnd-1": "Etichetta che verrà visualizzata nell'elenco e nell'iscrizione quando l'opzione non è selezionata", + "deletingField": "Eliminazione campo...", + "fieldDeleted": "Campo eliminato", + "editField": "Modifica campo", + "createField": "Crea campo", "mergeTag-1": "Merge tag", - "helpText": "Help text", - "requiredClientsideValidationOnly": "Required (client-side validation only)", - "fieldOrder": "Field order", - "listings": "Listings", - "selectTheFieldBeforeWhichThisFieldShould": "Select the field before which this field should appear in listings. To exclude the field from listings, select \"Not visible\".", - "subscriptionForm": "Subscription form", - "selectTheFieldBeforeWhichThisFieldShould-1": "Select the field before which this field should appear in new subscription form. To exclude the field from the new subscription form, select \"Not visible\".", - "managementForm": "Management form", - "selectTheFieldBeforeWhichThisFieldShould-2": "Select the field before which this field should appear in subscription management. To exclude the field from the subscription management form, select \"Not visible\".", - "youCanControlTheAppearanceOfTheMergeTag": "You can control the appearance of the merge tag with this template. The template\n uses handlebars syntax and you can find all values from <1>{'{{values}}'} array, for\n example <3>{'{{#each values}} {{this}} {{/each}}'}. If template is not defined then\n multiple values are joined with commas.", - "specifyTheOptionsToSelectFromInThe": "<0>Specify the options to select from in the following format:<1>key|label. For example:\n <2><0>au|Australia<3><0>at|Austria", - "defaultKeyEgAuUsedWhenTheFieldIsEmpty": "Default key (e.g. <1>au used when the field is empty.')", - "youCanControlTheAppearanceOfTheMergeTag-1": "You can control the appearance of the merge tag with this template. The template\n uses handlebars syntax and you can find all values from <1>{'{{values}}'} array.\n Each entry in the array is an object with attributes <3>key and <5>label.\n For example <7>{'{{#each values}} {{this.value}} {{/each}}'}. If template is not defined then\n multiple values are joined with commas.", - "youCanUseThisTemplateToRenderJsonValues": "You can use this template to render JSON values (if the JSON is an array then the array is\n exposed as <1>values, otherwise you can access the JSON keys directly).", - "text": "Text", - "website": "Website", - "multilineText": "Multi-line text", - "gpgPublicKey": "GPG Public Key", - "number": "Number", - "checkboxesFromOptionFields": "Checkboxes (from option fields)", - "radioButtonsFromOptionFields": "Radio Buttons (from option fields)", - "dropDownFromOptionFields": "Drop Down (from option fields)", - "radioButtonsEnumerated": "Radio Buttons (enumerated)", - "dropDownEnumerated": "Drop Down (enumerated)", - "birthday": "Birthday", - "jsonValueForCustomRendering": "JSON value for custom rendering", - "option": "Option", - "thePlaintextVersionForThisEmail": "The plaintext version for this email", + "helpText": "Testo di aiuto", + "requiredClientsideValidationOnly": "Obbligatorio (validazione solo lato client)", + "fieldOrder": "Ordine dei campi", + "listings": "Elenco", + "selectTheFieldBeforeWhichThisFieldShould": "Seleziona il campo prima del quale dovrebbe apparire questo campo negli elenchi. Per escludere il campo dagli elenchi, seleziona \"Non visibile\".", + "subscriptionForm": "Modulo di iscrizione", + "selectTheFieldBeforeWhichThisFieldShould-1": "Seleziona il campo prima del quale dovrebbe apparire questo campo nel nuovo modulo di iscrizione. Per escludere il campo dal nuovo modulo di iscrizione, seleziona \"Non visibile\".", + "managementForm": "Modulo di Gestione", + "selectTheFieldBeforeWhichThisFieldShould-2": "Seleziona il campo prima del quale dovrebbe apparire questo campo nel modulo di gestione. Per escludere il campo dal modulo di gestione dell'iscrizione, seleziona \"Non visibile\".", + "youCanControlTheAppearanceOfTheMergeTag": "Puoi controllare l'aspetto del tag di merge con questo modello. Il modello utilizza la sintassi di Handlebars e puoi trovare tutti i valori dall'array <1>{'{{values}}'}, ad esempio <3>{'{{#each values}} {{this}} {{/each}}'}. Se il modello non è definito, allora i valori multipli sono uniti con le virgole.", + "specifyTheOptionsToSelectFromInThe": "<0>Specifica le opzioni da selezionare nel seguente formato: <1>chiave|etichetta. Ad esempio:\n <2><0>au|Australia<3><0>at|Austria", + "defaultKeyEgAuUsedWhenTheFieldIsEmpty": "Chiave predefinita (ad esempio, <1>au utilizzata quando il campo è vuoto).", + "youCanControlTheAppearanceOfTheMergeTag-1": "Puoi controllare l'aspetto del tag di merge con questo modello. Il modello utilizza la sintassi di Handlebars e puoi trovare tutti i valori dall'array <1>{'{{values}}'}.\n Ogni voce nell'array è un oggetto con attributi <3>chiave e <5>etichetta.\n Ad esempio <7>{'{{#each values}} {{this.value}} {{/each}}'}. Se il modello non è definito, allora i valori multipli sono uniti con le virgole.", + "youCanUseThisTemplateToRenderJsonValues": "Puoi utilizzare questo modello per rappresentare i valori JSON (se il JSON è un array, l'array è esposto come <1>values, altrimenti puoi accedere direttamente alle chiavi JSON).", + "text": "Testo", + "website": "Sito Web", + "multilineText": "Testo Multilinea", + "gpgPublicKey": "Chiave Pubblica GPG", + "number": "Numero", + "checkboxesFromOptionFields": "Caselle di Controllo (da campi di opzioni)", + "radioButtonsFromOptionFields": "Pulsanti Radio (da campi di opzioni)", + "dropDownFromOptionFields": "Menu a Discesa (da campi di opzioni)", + "radioButtonsEnumerated": "Pulsanti Radio (enumerati)", + "dropDownEnumerated": "Menu a Discesa (enumerato)", + "birthday": "Compleanno", + "jsonValueForCustomRendering": "Valore JSON per la Rappresentazione Personalizzata", + "option": "Opzione", + "thePlaintextVersionForThisEmail": "La versione testuale per questa email", "layout": "Layout", - "formInputStyle": "Form Input Style", - "thisCssStylesheetDefinesTheAppearanceOf": "This CSS stylesheet defines the appearance of form input elements and alerts", - "webSubscribe": "Web - Subscribe", - "webConfirmSubscriptionNotice": "Web - Confirm Subscription Notice", - "mailConfirmSubscriptionMjml": "Mail - Confirm Subscription (MJML)", - "mailConfirmSubscriptionText": "Mail - Confirm Subscription (Text)", - "mailAlreadySubscribedMjml": "Mail - Already Subscribed (MJML)", - "mailAlreadySubscribedText": "Mail - Already Subscribed (Text)", - "webSubscribedNotice": "Web - Subscribed Notice", - "mailSubscriptionConfirmedMjml": "Mail - Subscription Confirmed (MJML)", - "mailSubscriptionConfirmedText": "Mail - Subscription Confirmed (Text)", - "webManagePreferences": "Web - Manage Preferences", - "webManageAddress": "Web - Manage Address", - "mailConfirmAddressChangeMjml": "Mail - Confirm Address Change (MJML)", - "mailConfirmAddressChangeText": "Mail - Confirm Address Change (Text)", - "webUpdatedNotice": "Web - Updated Notice", - "webUnsubscribe": "Web - Unsubscribe", - "webConfirmUnsubscriptionNotice": "Web - Confirm Unsubscription Notice", - "mailConfirmUnsubscriptionMjml": "Mail - Confirm Unsubscription (MJML)", - "mailConfirmUnsubscriptionText": "Mail - Confirm Unsubscription (Text)", - "webUnsubscribedNotice": "Web - Unsubscribed Notice", - "mailUnsubscriptionConfirmedMjml": "Mail - Unsubscription Confirmed (MJML)", - "mailUnsubscriptionConfirmedText": "Mail - Unsubscription Confirmed (Text)", - "webManualUnsubscribeNotice": "Web - Manual Unsubscribe Notice", - "privacyPolicy": "Privacy policy", - "general": "General", - "subscribe": "Subscribe", - "manage": "Manage", - "unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe", - "dataProtection": "Data protection", - "sourceCustomFormsMustNotBeEmpty": "sourceCustomFormsMustNotBeEmpty", - "listOfErrorsInTemplates": "List of errors in templates", - "customFormsUpdated": "Custom forms updated", - "customFormsCreated": "Custom forms created", - "deletingForm": "Deleting form ...", - "formDeleted": "Form deleted", - "editCustomForms": "Edit Custom Forms", - "createCustomForms": "Create Custom Forms", - "cloneFromExistingCustomForms": "Clone from existing custom forms", - "sourceCustomForms": "Source custom forms", - "formsPreview": "Forms Preview", - "listToPreviewOn": "List To Preview On", - "selectListWhoseFieldsWillBeUsedToPreview": "Select list whose fields will be used to preview the forms.", - "noteTheseLinksAreSolelyForAQuickPreview": "Note: These links are solely for a quick preview. To get the address of the subscription form, go to the list's subscribers and click on \"Subscription Form\".", - "formPreview": "Form preview:", - "refresh": "Refresh", - "closePreview": "Close preview", - "templates": "Templates", - "customFormsUseMjmlForFormattingSeeThe": "Custom forms use MJML for formatting. See the MJML documentation <1>here", - "createCustomForm": "Create Custom Form", - "fileMustBeSelected": "File must be selected", - "csvDelimiterMustNotBeEmpty": "CSV delimiter must not be empty", - "emailMappingHasToBeProvided": "Email mapping has to be provided", - "importSaved": "Import saved", + "formInputStyle": "Stile dell'Input del Modulo", + "thisCssStylesheetDefinesTheAppearanceOf": "Questo foglio di stile CSS definisce l'aspetto degli elementi di input del modulo e degli avvisi", + "webSubscribe": "Web - Iscriviti", + "webConfirmSubscriptionNotice": "Web - Avviso Conferma Iscrizione", + "mailConfirmSubscriptionMjml": "Mail - Conferma Iscrizione (MJML)", + "mailConfirmSubscriptionText": "Mail - Conferma Iscrizione (Testo)", + "mailAlreadySubscribedMjml": "Mail - Già Iscritto (MJML)", + "mailAlreadySubscribedText": "Mail - Già Iscritto (Testo)", + "webSubscribedNotice": "Web - Avviso Iscritto", + "mailSubscriptionConfirmedMjml": "Mail - Iscrizione Confermata (MJML)", + "mailSubscriptionConfirmedText": "Mail - Iscrizione Confermata (Testo)", + "webManagePreferences": "Web - Gestisci Preferenze", + "webManageAddress": "Web - Gestisci Indirizzo", + "mailConfirmAddressChangeMjml": "Mail - Conferma Cambio Indirizzo (MJML)", + "mailConfirmAddressChangeText": "Mail - Conferma Cambio Indirizzo (Testo)", + "webUpdatedNotice": "Web - Avviso Aggiornato", + "webUnsubscribe": "Web - Annulla Iscrizione", + "webConfirmUnsubscriptionNotice": "Web - Avviso Conferma Annullamento Iscrizione", + "mailConfirmUnsubscriptionMjml": "Mail - Conferma Annullamento Iscrizione (MJML)", + "mailConfirmUnsubscriptionText": "Mail - Conferma Annullamento Iscrizione (Testo)", + "webUnsubscribedNotice": "Web - Avviso Annullamento Iscrizione", + "mailUnsubscriptionConfirmedMjml": "Mail - Annullamento Iscrizione Confermato (MJML)", + "mailUnsubscriptionConfirmedText": "Mail - Annullamento Iscrizione Confermato (Testo)", + "webManualUnsubscribeNotice": "Web - Avviso Annullamento Manuale Iscrizione", + "privacyPolicy": "Informativa sulla Privacy", + "general": "Generale", + "subscribe": "Iscriviti", + "manage": "Gestisci", + "unsubscribe": "Annulla Iscrizione", + "dataProtection": "Protezione dei Dati", + "sourceCustomFormsMustNotBeEmpty": "Il campo delle Form personalizzate deve essere compilato", + "listOfErrorsInTemplates": "Elenco degli errori nei modelli", + "customFormsUpdated": "Form personalizzate aggiornate", + "customFormsCreated": "Form personalizzate create", + "deletingForm": "Eliminazione modulo...", + "formDeleted": "Modulo eliminato", + "editCustomForms": "Modifica Form Personalizzate", + "createCustomForms": "Crea Form Personalizzate", + "cloneFromExistingCustomForms": "Clona da form personalizzate esistenti", + "sourceCustomForms": "Form personalizzate sorgenti", + "formsPreview": "Anteprima dei Moduli", + "listToPreviewOn": "Elenco da anteprima", + "selectListWhoseFieldsWillBeUsedToPreview": "Seleziona l'elenco i cui campi verranno utilizzati per l'anteprima dei moduli.", + "noteTheseLinksAreSolelyForAQuickPreview": "Nota: questi link sono solo per una rapida anteprima. Per ottenere l'indirizzo del modulo di iscrizione, vai agli iscritti dell'elenco e clicca su \"Modulo di Iscrizione\".", + "formPreview": "Anteprima modulo:", + "refresh": "Aggiorna", + "closePreview": "Chiudi anteprima", + "templates": "Modelli", + "customFormsUseMjmlForFormattingSeeThe": "Le form personalizzate utilizzano MJML per la formattazione. Vedi la documentazione di MJML <1>qui", + "createCustomForm": "Crea Modulo Personalizzato", + "fileMustBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionato un file", + "csvDelimiterMustNotBeEmpty": "Il delimitatore CSV non deve essere vuoto", + "emailMappingHasToBeProvided": "Deve essere fornito il mapping dell'email", + "importSaved": "Importazione salvata", "file": "File", - "delimiter": "Delimiter", - "preparationInProgressPleaseWaitTillItIs": "Preparation in progress. Please wait till it is done or visit this page later.", - "––Select ––": "–– Select ––", - "eg": "e.g.:", - "checkImportedEmails": "Check imported emails", + "delimiter": "Delimitatore", + "preparationInProgressPleaseWaitTillItIs": "Preparazione in corso. Attendere finché non è completata o tornare in questa pagina più tardi.", + "––Select ––": "–– Seleziona ––", + "eg": "es.:", + "checkImportedEmails": "Controlla gli indirizzi email importati", "mapping": "Mapping", - "saveAndEditSettings": "Save and edit settings", - "saveAndRun": "Save and Run", - "deletingImport": "Deleting import ...", - "importDeleted": "Import deleted", - "editImport": "Edit Import", - "createImport": "Create Import", - "source": "Source", - "lastRun": "Last run", - "never": "never", - "detailedStatus": "Detailed status", - "row": "Row", - "reason": "Reason", - "importRunStatus": "Import Run Status", - "importName": "Import name", - "importSource": "Import source", - "runStarted": "Run started", - "runFinished": "Run finished", - "runStatus": "Run status", - "processedEntries": "Processed entries", - "newEntries": "New entries", - "failedEntries": "Failed entries", - "error": "Error", - "failedRows": "Failed Rows", - "started": "Started", - "processed": "Processed", - "new": "New", - "failed": "Failed", - "importStatus": "Import Status", - "actions": "Actions", - "start": "Start", - "stop": "Stop", - "importRuns": "Import Runs", - "csvFile": "CSV file", - "preparing": "Preparing", - "stopping": "Stopping", - "ready": "Ready", - "preparationFailed": "Preparation failed", - "running": "Running", - "starting": "Starting", - "basicImportOfSubscribers": "Basic import of subscribers", - "unsubscribeEmails": "Unsubscribe emails", - "listName": "List \"{{name}}\"", - "fieldName-1": "Field \"{{name}}\"", - "segmentName": "Segment \"{{name}}\"", - "importName-1": "Import \"{{name}}\"", - "run": "Run", - "customFormsName": "Custom Forms \"{{name}}\"", - "newRule": "New rule", - "segmentUpdated": "Segment updated", - "segmentCreated": "Segment created", - "deletingSegment": "Deleting segment ...", - "segmentDeleted": "Segment deleted", - "editSegment": "Edit Segment", - "createSegment": "Create Segment", - "segmentOptions": "Segment Options", - "toplevelMatchType": "Toplevel match type", - "addCompositeRule": "Add Composite Rule", - "addRule": "Add Rule", - "rules": "Rules", - "fieldMustBeSelected": "Field must be selected", - "field": "Field", - "select-1": "-- Select --", - "ruleOptions": "Rule Options", + "saveAndEditSettings": "Salva e Modifica Impostazioni", + "saveAndRun": "Salva ed Esegui", + "deletingImport": "Eliminazione importazione...", + "importDeleted": "Importazione eliminata", + "editImport": "Modifica Importazione", + "createImport": "Crea Importazione", + "source": "Origine", + "lastRun": "Ultima esecuzione", + "never": "mai", + "detailedStatus": "Stato dettagliato", + "row": "Riga", + "reason": "Motivo", + "importRunStatus": "Stato esecuzione importazione", + "importName": "Nome importazione", + "importSource": "Origine importazione", + "runStarted": "Esecuzione avviata", + "runFinished": "Esecuzione completata", + "runStatus": "Stato esecuzione", + "processedEntries": "Voci elaborate", + "newEntries": "Nuove voci", + "failedEntries": "Voci fallite", + "error": "Errore", + "failedRows": "Righe fallite", + "started": "Avviato", + "processed": "Elaborato", + "new": "Nuovo", + "failed": "Fallito", + "importStatus": "Stato importazione", + "actions": "Azioni", + "start": "Avvia", + "stop": "Arresta", + "importRuns": "Esecuzioni importazione", + "csvFile": "File CSV", + "preparing": "Preparazione", + "stopping": "Arresto", + "ready": "Pronto", + "preparationFailed": "Preparazione fallita", + "running": "In esecuzione", + "starting": "Avvio", + "basicImportOfSubscribers": "Importazione di base degli iscritti", + "unsubscribeEmails": "Email di Annullamento Iscrizione", + "listName": "Elenco \"{{name}}\"", + "fieldName-1": "Campo \"{{name}}\"", + "segmentName": "Segmento \"{{name}}\"", + "importName-1": "Importazione \"{{name}}\"", + "run": "Esegui", + "customFormsName": "Form Personalizzate \"{{name}}\"", + "newRule": "Nuova regola", + "segmentUpdated": "Segmento aggiornato", + "segmentCreated": "Segmento creato", + "deletingSegment": "Eliminazione segmento...", + "segmentDeleted": "Segmento eliminato", + "editSegment": "Modifica Segmento", + "createSegment": "Crea Segmento", + "segmentOptions": "Opzioni Segmento", + "toplevelMatchType": "Tipo di corrispondenza di primo livello", + "addCompositeRule": "Aggiungi Regola Composita", + "addRule": "Aggiungi Regola", + "rules": "Regole", + "fieldMustBeSelected": "Il campo deve essere selezionato", + "field": "Campo", + "select-1": "-- Seleziona --", + "ruleOptions": "Opzioni Regola", "ok": "OK", - 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"dateInColumnColNameIsAfterTheCurrentDate": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is after the current date", - "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterTheValuethDay": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is after the {{value}}-th day after the current date", - "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterTheValuethDay-1": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is after the {{value}}-th day before the current date", - "afterOrOnXthDayBeforeafterCurrentDate": "After or on x-th day before/after current date", - "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterOrOnTheCurrent": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is after or on the current date", - "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterOrOnTheValueth": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is after or on the {{value}}-th day after the current date", - "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterOrOnTheValueth-1": "Date in column \"{{colName}}\" is after or on the {{value}}-th day before the current date", - "isSelected": "Is selected", - "valueInColumnColNameIsSelected": "Value in column \"{{colName}}\" is selected", - "isNotSelected": "Is not selected", - 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"keyAlphabeticallyAfter": "Key alphabetically after", - "theSelectedKeyInColumnColNameIs-2": "The selected key in column \"{{colName}}\" is alphabetically after \"{{value}}\"", - "keyAlphabeticallyAfterOrEqualTo": "Key alphabetically after or equal to", - "theSelectedKeyInColumnColNameIs-3": "The selected key in column \"{{colName}}\" is alphabetically after or equal to \"{{value}}\"", - "value": "Value", - "valueMustNotBeEmpty": "Value must not be empty", - "valueMustBeANumber": "Value must be a number", - "numberOfDays": "Number of days", - "beforeAfter": "Before/After", - "beforeCurrentDate": "Before current date", - "afterCurrentDate": "After current date", - "numberOfDaysMustNotBeEmpty": "Number of days must not be empty", - "numberOfDaysMustBeANumber": "Number of days must be a number", - "emailAddress-1": "Email address", - "signupCountry": "Signup country", - "signUpDate": "Sign up date", - "testUser": "Test user", - "subscribed": "Subscribed", - "dropdown": "Dropdown", - "notSelected": "Not selected", - "anotherSubscriptionWithTheSameEmail": "Another subscription with the same email already exists.", - "subscriptionUpdated": "Subscription updated", - "subscriptionCreated": "Subscription created", - "itSeemsThatAnotherSubscriptionWithThe": "It seems that another subscription with the same email has been created in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew. Please note that your changes will be lost.", - "areYouSureYouWantToDeleteSubscriptionFor": "Are you sure you want to delete subscription for \"{{email}}\"?", - "deletingSubscription": "Deleting subscription ...", - "subscriptionDeleted": "Subscription deleted", - "editSubscription": "Edit Subscription", - "createSubscription": "Create Subscription", - "subscriptionStatus": "Subscription status", - "testUser?": "Test user?", - "ifCheckedThenThisSubscriptionCanBeUsed": "If checked then this subscription can be used for previewing campaign messages", - "erased": "[ERASED]", - "confirmUnsubscription": "Confirm Unsubscription", - "areYouSureYouWantToUnsubscribeEmail?": "Are you sure you want to unsubscribe {{email}}?", - "unsubscribingEmail": "Unsubscribing {{email}}", - "emailUnsubscribed": "{{email}} unsubscribed", - "confirmEmailBlacklisting": "Confirm Email Blacklisting", - "areYouSureYouWantToBlacklistEmail?": "Are you sure you want to blacklist {{email}}?", - "blacklistingEmail": "Blacklisting {{email}}", - "emailBlacklisted": "{{email}} blacklisted", - "allSubscriptions": "All subscriptions", - "subscriptionForm-1": "Subscription Form", - "exportAsCsv": "Export as CSV", - "addSubscriber": "Add Subscriber", - "unubscribed": "Unubscribed", - "usernameOrEmailMustNotBeEmpty": "Username or email must not be empty", - "processing-1": "Processing ...", - "ifTheUsernameEmailExistsInTheSystem": "If the username / email exists in the system, password reset link will be sent to the registered email.", - "pleaseEnterYourUsernameEmailAndTryAgain": "Please enter your username / email and try again.", - "passwordReset": "Password Reset", - "pleaseProvideTheUsernameOrEmailAddress": "Please provide the username or email address that is registered with your Mailtrain account.", - "weWillSendYouAnEmailThatWillAllowYouTo": "We will send you an email that will allow you to reset your password.", - "usernameOrEmail": "Username or email", - "sendEmail": "Send email", - "userNameMustNotBeEmpty": "User name must not be empty", - "passwordMustNotBeEmpty": "Password must not be empty", - "verifyingCredentials": "Verifying credentials ...", - "pleaseEnterYourCredentialsAndTryAgain": "Please enter your credentials and try again.", - "invalidUsernameOrPassword": "Invalid username or password.", - "forgotYourPassword?": "Forgot your password?", - "signIn": "Sign in", - "username": "Username", + "allRulesMustMatch": "Tutte le regole devono corrispondere", + "atLeastOneRuleMustMatch": "Deve corrispondere almeno una regola", + "noRuleMayMatch": "Nessuna regola può corrispondere", + "equalTo": "Uguale a", + "valueInColumnColNameIsEqualToValue": "Il valore nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è uguale a \"{{value}}\"", + "matchWithSqlLike": "Corrispondenza (con SQL LIKE)", + "valueInColumnColNameMatchesWithSqlLike": "Il valore nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" corrisponde (con SQL LIKE) a \"{{value}}\"", + "matchWithRegularExpressions": "Corrispondenza (con espressioni regolari)", + "valueInColumnColNameMatchesWithRegular": "Il valore nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" corrisponde (con espressioni regolari) a \"{{value}}\"", + "alphabeticallyBefore": "In ordine alfabetico prima di", + "valueInColumnColNameIsAlphabetically": "Il valore nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è in ordine alfabetico prima di \"{{value}}\"", + "alphabeticallyBeforeOrEqualTo": "In ordine alfabetico prima o uguale a", + "valueInColumnColNameIsAlphabetically-1": "Il valore nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è in ordine alfabetico prima o uguale a \"{{value}}\"", + "alphabeticallyAfter": "In ordine alfabetico dopo", + "valueInColumnColNameIsAlphabetically-2": "Il valore nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è in ordine alfabetico dopo \"{{value}}\"", + "alphabeticallyAfterOrEqualTo": "In ordine alfabetico dopo o uguale a", + "valueInColumnColNameIsAlphabetically-3": "Il valore nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è in ordine alfabetico dopo o uguale a \"{{value}}\"", + "valueInColumnColNameIsEqualToValue-1": "Il valore nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è uguale a {{value}}", + "lessThan": "Minore di", + "valueInColumnColNameIsLessThanValue": "Il valore nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è minore di {{value}}", + "lessThanOrEqualTo": "Minore o uguale a", + "valueInColumnColNameIsLessThanOrEqualTo": "Il valore nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è minore o uguale a {{value}}", + "greaterThan": "Maggiore di", + "valueInColumnColNameIsGreaterThanValue": "Il valore nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è maggiore di {{value}}", + "greaterThanOrEqualTo": "Maggiore o uguale a", + "valueInColumnColNameIsGreaterThanOrEqual": "Il valore nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è maggiore o uguale a {{value}}", + "on": "Su", + "dateInColumnColNameIsValue": "La data nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è {{value}}", + "before": "Prima", + "dateInColumnColNameIsBeforeValue": "La data nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è prima di {{value}}", + "beforeOrOn": "Prima o il", + "dateInColumnColNameIsBeforeOrOnValue": "La data nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è prima o il {{value}}", + "after": "Dopo", + "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterValue": "La data nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è dopo il {{value}}", + "afterOrOn": "Dopo o il", + "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterOrOnValue": "La data nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è dopo o il {{value}}", + "onXthDayBeforeafterCurrentDate": "Il giorno x prima/dopo la data corrente", + "dateInColumnColNameIsTheCurrentDate": "La data nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è la data corrente", + "dateInColumnColNameIsTheValuethDayAfter": "La data nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è il {{value}}-esimo giorno dopo la data corrente", + "dateInColumnColNameIsTheValuethDayBefore": "La data nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è il {{value}}-esimo giorno prima della data corrente", + "beforeXthDayBeforeafterCurrentDate": "Prima del x-esimo giorno prima/dopo la data corrente", + "dateInColumnColNameIsBeforeTheCurrent": "La data nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è prima della data corrente", + "dateInColumnColNameIsBeforeTheValuethDay": "La data nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è prima del {{value}}-esimo giorno dopo la data corrente", + "dateInColumnColNameIsBeforeTheValuethDay-1": "La data nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è prima del {{value}}-esimo giorno prima della data corrente", + "beforeOrOnXthDayBeforeafterCurrentDate": "Prima o il x-esimo giorno prima/dopo la data corrente", + "dateInColumnColNameIsBeforeOrOnThe": "La data nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è prima o il {{value}}-esimo giorno dopo la data corrente", + "dateInColumnColNameIsBeforeOrOnThe-1": "La data nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è prima o il {{value}}-esimo giorno prima della data corrente", + "dateInColumnColNameIsBeforeOrOnThe-2": "La data nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è prima o il {{value}}-esimo giorno prima della data corrente", + "afterXthDayBeforeafterCurrentDate": "Dopo il x-esimo giorno prima/dopo la data corrente", + "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterTheCurrentDate": "La data nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è dopo la data corrente", + "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterTheValuethDay": "La data nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è dopo il {{value}}-esimo giorno dopo la data corrente", + "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterTheValuethDay-1": "La data nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è dopo il {{value}}-esimo giorno prima della data corrente", + "afterOrOnXthDayBeforeafterCurrentDate": "Dopo o il x-esimo giorno prima/dopo la data corrente", + "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterOrOnTheCurrent": "La data nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è dopo o il giorno corrente", + "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterOrOnTheValueth": "La data nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è dopo o il {{value}}-esimo giorno dopo la data corrente", + "dateInColumnColNameIsAfterOrOnTheValueth-1": "La data nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è dopo o il {{value}}-esimo giorno prima della data corrente", + "isSelected": "È selezionato", + "valueInColumnColNameIsSelected": "Il valore nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è selezionato", + "isNotSelected": "Non è selezionato", + "valueInColumnColNameIsNotSelected": "Il valore nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" non è selezionato", + "keyEqualTo": "Chiave uguale a", + "theSelectedKeyInColumnColNameIsEqualTo": "La chiave selezionata nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è uguale a \"{{value}}\"", + "keyMatchWithSqlLike": "Corrispondenza chiave (con SQL LIKE)", + "theSelectedKeyInColumnColNameMatchesWith": "La chiave selezionata nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" corrisponde (con SQL LIKE) a \"{{value}}\"", + "keyMatchWithRegularExpressions": "Corrispondenza chiave (con espressioni regolari)", + "theSelectedKeyInColumnColNameMatchesWith-1": "La chiave selezionata nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" corrisponde (con espressioni regolari) a \"{{value}}\"", + "keyAlphabeticallyBefore": "Chiave in ordine alfabetico prima di", + "theSelectedKeyInColumnColNameIs": "La chiave selezionata nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è in ordine alfabetico prima di \"{{value}}\"", + "keyAlphabeticallyBeforeOrEqualTo": "Chiave in ordine alfabetico prima o uguale a", + "theSelectedKeyInColumnColNameIs-1": "La chiave selezionata nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è in ordine alfabetico prima o uguale a \"{{value}}\"", + "keyAlphabeticallyAfter": "Chiave in ordine alfabetico dopo", + "theSelectedKeyInColumnColNameIs-2": "La chiave selezionata nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è in ordine alfabetico dopo \"{{value}}\"", + "keyAlphabeticallyAfterOrEqualTo": "Chiave in ordine alfabetico dopo o uguale a", + "theSelectedKeyInColumnColNameIs-3": "La chiave selezionata nella colonna \"{{colName}}\" è in ordine alfabetico dopo o uguale a \"{{value}}\"", + "value": "Valore", + "valueMustNotBeEmpty": "Il valore non deve essere vuoto", + "valueMustBeANumber": "Il valore deve essere un numero", + "numberOfDays": "Numero di giorni", + "beforeAfter": "Prima/Dopo" + "beforeCurrentDate": "Prima della data corrente", + "afterCurrentDate": "Dopo la data corrente", + "numberOfDaysMustNotBeEmpty": "Il numero di giorni non deve essere vuoto", + "numberOfDaysMustBeANumber": "Il numero di giorni deve essere un numero", + "emailAddress-1": "Indirizzo email", + "signupCountry": "Paese di registrazione", + "signUpDate": "Data di registrazione", + "testUser": "Utente di prova", + "subscribed": "Iscritto", + "dropdown": "Menu a discesa", + "notSelected": "Non selezionato", + "anotherSubscriptionWithTheSameEmail": "Un'altra iscrizione con lo stesso indirizzo email esiste già.", + "subscriptionUpdated": "Iscrizione aggiornata", + "subscriptionCreated": "Iscrizione creata", + "itSeemsThatAnotherSubscriptionWithThe": "Sembra che un'altra iscrizione con lo stesso indirizzo email sia stata creata nel frattempo. Aggiorna la pagina per ricominciare. Nota che le tue modifiche saranno perse.", + "areYouSureYouWantToDeleteSubscriptionFor": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare l'iscrizione per \"{{email}}\"?", + "deletingSubscription": "Eliminazione iscrizione ...", + "subscriptionDeleted": "Iscrizione eliminata", + "editSubscription": "Modifica iscrizione", + "createSubscription": "Crea iscrizione", + "subscriptionStatus": "Stato iscrizione", + "testUser?": "Utente di prova?", + "ifCheckedThenThisSubscriptionCanBeUsed": "Se selezionato, questa iscrizione può essere utilizzata per la visualizzazione dei messaggi di campagna", + "erased": "[CANCELLATO]", + "confirmUnsubscription": "Conferma disiscrizione", + "areYouSureYouWantToUnsubscribeEmail?": "Sei sicuro di voler annullare l'iscrizione di {{email}}?", + "unsubscribingEmail": "Annullamento iscrizione di {{email}}", + "emailUnsubscribed": "{{email}} disiscritto", + "confirmEmailBlacklisting": "Conferma inserimento in lista nera email", + "areYouSureYouWantToBlacklistEmail?": "Sei sicuro di voler inserire in lista nera {{email}}?", + "blacklistingEmail": "Inserimento in lista nera di {{email}}", + "emailBlacklisted": "{{email}} inserito in lista nera", + "allSubscriptions": "Tutte le iscrizioni", + "subscriptionForm-1": "Modulo di iscrizione", + "exportAsCsv": "Esporta come CSV", + "addSubscriber": "Aggiungi iscritto", + "unubscribed": "Non iscritto", + "usernameOrEmailMustNotBeEmpty": "Nome utente o indirizzo email non devono essere vuoti", + "processing-1": "Elaborazione ...", + "ifTheUsernameEmailExistsInTheSystem": "Se il nome utente / indirizzo email esiste nel sistema, verrà inviato un collegamento per il ripristino della password all'indirizzo email registrato.", + "pleaseEnterYourUsernameEmailAndTryAgain": "Inserisci il tuo nome utente / email e riprova.", + "passwordReset": "Ripristino della password", + "pleaseProvideTheUsernameOrEmailAddress": "Fornisci il nome utente o l'indirizzo email registrato con il tuo account Mailtrain.", + "weWillSendYouAnEmailThatWillAllowYouTo": "Ti invieremo un'email che ti consentirà di reimpostare la tua password.", + "usernameOrEmail": "Nome utente o email", + "sendEmail": "Invia email", + "userNameMustNotBeEmpty": "Il nome utente non deve essere vuoto", + "passwordMustNotBeEmpty": "La password non deve essere vuota", + "verifyingCredentials": "Verifica delle credenziali ...", + "pleaseEnterYourCredentialsAndTryAgain": "Inserisci le tue credenziali e riprova.", + "invalidUsernameOrPassword": "Nome utente o password non validi.", + "forgotYourPassword?": "Hai dimenticato la password?" + "signIn": "Accedi", + "username": "Nome utente", "password": "Password", - "rememberMe": "Remember me", - "resettingPassword": "Resetting password ...", - "passwordReset-1": "Password reset", - "yourPasswordCannotBeReset": "Your password cannot be reset.", - "thePasswordResetTokenHasExpired": "The password reset token has expired.", - "clickHereToRequestANewPasswordResetLink": "Click here to request a new password reset link.", - "validatingPasswordResetToken": "Validating password reset token ...", - "thePasswordCannotBeReset": "The password cannot be reset", - "setNewPasswordFor": "Set new password for", - "resetPassword": "Reset password", - "parentNamespaceMustBeSelected": "Parent Namespace must be selected", - "namespaceUpdated": "Namespace updated", - "namespaceCreated": "Namespace created", - "thereHasBeenALoopDetectedInTheAssignment": "There has been a loop detected in the assignment of the parent namespace. This is most likely because someone else has changed the parent of some namespace in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew. Please note that your changes will be lost.", - "itSeemsThatTheParentNamespaceHasBeen": "It seems that the parent namespace has been deleted in the meantime. Refresh your page to start anew. Please note that your changes will be lost.", - "deletingNamespace": "Deleting namespace ...", - "namespaceDeleted": "Namespace deleted", - "editNamespace": "Edit Namespace", - "createNamespace": "Create Namespace", - "parentNamespace": "Parent Namespace", - "namespaces": "Namespaces", + "rememberMe": "Ricordami", + "resettingPassword": "Reimpostazione password...", + "passwordReset-1": "Reimpostazione password", + "yourPasswordCannotBeReset": "La tua password non può essere reimpostata.", + "thePasswordResetTokenHasExpired": "Il token di reimpostazione della password è scaduto.", + "clickHereToRequestANewPasswordResetLink": "Clicca qui per richiedere un nuovo link per la reimpostazione della password.", + "validatingPasswordResetToken": "Validazione del token di reimpostazione della password...", + "thePasswordCannotBeReset": "La password non può essere reimpostata", + "setNewPasswordFor": "Imposta una nuova password per", + "resetPassword": "Reimposta password", + "parentNamespaceMustBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionato un namespace genitore", + "namespaceUpdated": "Namespace aggiornato", + "namespaceCreated": "Namespace creato", + "thereHasBeenALoopDetectedInTheAssignment": "È stata rilevata una loop nella assegnazione del namespace genitore. Questo è probabilmente dovuto al fatto che qualcun altro ha modificato il namespace genitore nel frattempo. Aggiorna la pagina per ricominciare. Nota che le tue modifiche saranno perse.", + "itSeemsThatTheParentNamespaceHasBeen": "Sembra che il namespace genitore sia stato eliminato nel frattempo. Aggiorna la pagina per ricominciare. Nota che le tue modifiche saranno perse.", + "deletingNamespace": "Eliminazione namespace...", + "namespaceDeleted": "Namespace eliminato", + "editNamespace": "Modifica Namespace", + "createNamespace": "Crea Namespace", + "parentNamespace": "Namespace genitore", + "namespaces": "Namespace", "namespaceName": "Namespace \"{{name}}\"", - "reportTemplateMustBeSelected": "Report template must be selected", - "exactlyOneItemHasToBeSelected": "Exactly one item has to be selected", - "atLeastCountItemsHaveToBeSelected": "At least {{ count }} item(s) have to be selected", - "atMostCountItemsCanToBeSelected": "At most {{ count }} item(s) can to be selected", - "reportParametersAreNotSelectedWaitFor": "Report parameters are not selected. Wait for them to get displayed and then fill them in.", - "reportUpdated": "Report updated", - "reportCreated": "Report created", - "unknownFieldTypeType": "Unknown field type \"{{type}}\"", - "deletingReport": "Deleting report ...", - "reportDeleted": "Report deleted", - "editReport": "Edit Report", - "createReport": "Create Report", - "reportTemplate-1": "Report Template", - "reportParameters": "Report parameters", - "loadingReportTemplate": "Loading report template...", - "processing-2": "Processing", - "view": "View", - "refreshReport": "Refresh report", - "reportGenerationFailed": "Report generation failed", - "regenerateReport": "Regenerate report", - "viewConsoleOutput": "View console output", - "reportTemplates": "Report Templates", - "reports": "Reports", - "reportName": "Report {{name}}", - "loadingReport": "Loading report ...", - "outputForReportName": "Output for report {{name}}", - "loadingReportOutput": "Loading report output ...", - "reportIsBeingGenerated": "Report is being generated", - "reportNotGenerated": "Report not generated", + "reportTemplateMustBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionato un modello di report", + "exactlyOneItemHasToBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionato esattamente un elemento", + "atLeastCountItemsHaveToBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionato almeno {{count}} elemento/i", + "atMostCountItemsCanToBeSelected": "Possono essere selezionati al massimo {{count}} elemento/i", + "reportParametersAreNotSelectedWaitFor": "I parametri del report non sono selezionati. Attendi che vengano visualizzati e quindi compilali.", + "reportUpdated": "Report aggiornato", + "reportCreated": "Report creato", + "unknownFieldTypeType": "Tipo di campo sconosciuto \"{{type}}\"", + "deletingReport": "Eliminazione report...", + "reportDeleted": "Report eliminato", + "editReport": "Modifica Report", + "createReport": "Crea Report", + "reportTemplate-1": "Modello di Report", + "reportParameters": "Parametri del Report", + "loadingReportTemplate": "Caricamento modello di report...", + "processing-2": "Elaborazione", + "view": "Visualizza", + "refreshReport": "Aggiorna report", + "reportGenerationFailed": "Generazione del report fallita", + "regenerateReport": "Rigenera report", + "viewConsoleOutput": "Visualizza output della console", + "reportTemplates": "Modelli di Report", + "reports": "Report", + "reportName": "Report {{name}}" + "loadingReport": "Caricamento report...", + "outputForReportName": "Output per il report {{name}}", + "loadingReportOutput": "Caricamento output del report...", + "reportIsBeingGenerated": "Il report è in fase di generazione", + "reportNotGenerated": "Report non generato", "reportName-1": "Report \"{{name}}\"", "output": "Output", - "templateName": "Template \"{{name}}\"", - "mimeTypeMustBeSelected": "MIME Type must be selected", - "syntaxErrorInTheUserFieldsSpecification": "Syntax error in the user fields specification", - "reportTemplateUpdated": "Report template updated", - "reportTemplateCreated": "Report template created", - "deletingReportTemplate": "Deleting report template ...", - "reportTemplateDeleted": "Report template deleted", - "editReportTemplate": "Edit Report Template", - "createReportTemplate": "Create Report Template", + "templateName": "Modello \"{{name}}\"", + "mimeTypeMustBeSelected": "Il tipo MIME deve essere selezionato", + "syntaxErrorInTheUserFieldsSpecification": "Errore di sintassi nella specifica dei campi utente", + "reportTemplateUpdated": "Modello di report aggiornato", + "reportTemplateCreated": "Modello di report creato", + "deletingReportTemplate": "Eliminazione modello di report...", + "reportTemplateDeleted": "Modello di report eliminato", + "editReportTemplate": "Modifica Modello di Report", + "createReportTemplate": "Crea Modello di Report", "csv": "CSV", - "userSelectableFields": "User selectable fields", - "jsonSpecificationOfUserSelectableFields": "JSON specification of user selectable fields.", - "dataProcessingCode": "Data processing code", - "renderingTemplate": "Rendering template", - "writeTheBodyOfTheJavaScriptFunctionWith": "Write the body of the JavaScript function with signature <1>function(inputs, callback) that returns an object to be rendered by the Handlebars template below.", - "useHtmlWithHandlebarsSyntaxSee": "Use HTML with Handlebars syntax. See documentation <1>here.", - "blank": "Blank", - "openCounts": "Open counts", - "openCountsAsCsv": "Open counts as CSV", - "aggregatedOpenCounts": "Aggregated open counts", - "current": "(current)", - "administration": "Administration", - "users": "Users", - "globalSettings": "Global Settings", - "sendConfigurations": "Send configurations", - "logOut": "Log out", + "userSelectableFields": "Campi selezionabili dall'utente", + "jsonSpecificationOfUserSelectableFields": "Specifica JSON dei campi selezionabili dall'utente.", + "dataProcessingCode": "Codice di elaborazione dati", + "renderingTemplate": "Modello di rendering", + "writeTheBodyOfTheJavaScriptFunctionWith": "Scrivi il corpo della funzione JavaScript con la firma <1>function(inputs, callback) che restituisce un oggetto da renderizzare con il modello Handlebars qui sotto.", + "useHtmlWithHandlebarsSyntaxSee": "Usa HTML con la sintassi Handlebars. Vedi la documentazione <1>qui.", + "blank": "Vuoto", + "openCounts": "Conteggio aperti", + "openCountsAsCsv": "Conteggio aperti come CSV", + "aggregatedOpenCounts": "Conteggio aperti aggregato", + "current": "(attuale)", + "administration": "Amministrazione", + "users": "Utenti", + "globalSettings": "Impostazioni globali", + "sendConfigurations": "Configurazioni di invio", + "logOut": "Esci", "home": "Home", - "mailerTypeMustBeSelected": "Mailer type must be selected", - "verpHostnameMustNotBeEmpty": "VERP hostname must not be empty", - "sendConfigurationUpdated": "Send configuration updated", - "sendConfigurationCreated": "Send configuration created", - "deletingSendConfiguration": "Deleting send configuration ...", - "sendConfigurationDeleted": "Send configuration deleted", - "editSendConfiguration": "Edit Send Configuration", - "createSendConfiguration": "Create Send Configuration", - "emailHeader": "Email Header", - "defaultFromEmail": "Default \"from\" email", - "overridable": "Overridable", - "defaultFromName": "Default \"from\" name", - "defaultReplytoEmail": "Default \"reply-to\" email", + "mailerTypeMustBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionato il tipo di mailer", + "verpHostnameMustNotBeEmpty": "L'hostname VERP non deve essere vuoto", + "sendConfigurationUpdated": "Configurazione di invio aggiornata", + "sendConfigurationCreated": "Configurazione di invio creata", + "deletingSendConfiguration": "Eliminazione configurazione di invio...", + "sendConfigurationDeleted": "Configurazione di invio eliminata", + "editSendConfiguration": "Modifica Configurazione di Invio", + "createSendConfiguration": "Crea Configurazione di Invio", + "emailHeader": "Intestazione email", + "defaultFromEmail": "Email predefinita da \"mittente\"", + "overridable": "Sovrascrivibile", + "defaultFromName": "Nome predefinito da \"mittente\"", + "defaultReplytoEmail": "Email predefinita da \"rispondi a\"", "xMailer": "X-Mailer", - "verpBounceHandling": "VERP Bounce Handling", - "verpStatus": "VERP status", - "serverHostname": "Server hostname", - "theVerpServerHostnameEgBouncesexamplecom": "The VERP server hostname, eg.", - "verpBounceHandlingServerHostnameThis": "VERP bounce handling server hostname. This hostname is used in the SMTP envelope FROM address and the MX DNS records should point to this server", - "disableSenderHeader": "Disable sender header", - "withDmarcTheReturnPathAndFromAddressMust": "With DMARC, the Return-Path and From address must match the same domain. By default we get around this by using the VERP address in the Sender header, with the side effect that some email clients diplay an ugly on behalf of message. You can safely disable this Sender header if you're not using DMARC or your VERP hostname is in the same domain as the From address.", - "mailtrainIsAbleToUseVerpBasedRoutingTo": "<0>Mailtrain is able to use VERP based routing to detect bounces. In this case the message is sent to the recipient using a custom VERP address as the return path of the message. If the message is not accepted a bounce email is sent to this special VERP address and thus a bounce is detected.", - "toGetVerpWorkingYouNeedToSetUpADnsMx": "<0>To get VERP working you need to set up a DNS MX record that points to your Mailtrain hostname. You must also ensure that Mailtrain VERP interface is available from port 25 of your server (port 25 usually requires root user privileges). This way if anyone tries to send email to someuser@verp-hostname then the email should end up to this server.", - "verpUsuallyOnlyWorksIfYouAreUsingYourOwn": "<0>VERP usually only works if you are using your own SMTP server. Regular relay services (SES, SparkPost, Gmail etc.) tend to remove the VERP address from the message.", - "verpBounceHandlingServerIsNotEnabled": "<0>VERP bounce handling server is not enabled. Modify your server configuration file and restart server to enable it.", - "sendConfigurations-1": "Send Configurations", - "labelMustNotBeEmpty": "{{label}} must not be empty", - "labelMustBeANumber": "{{label}} must be a number", - "genericSmtp": "Generic SMTP", + "verpBounceHandling": "Gestione rimbalzi VERP", + "verpStatus": "Stato VERP", + "serverHostname": "Nome host del server", + "theVerpServerHostnameEgBouncesexamplecom": "Il nome host del server VERP, ad esempio", + "verpBounceHandlingServerHostnameThis": "Nome host del server di gestione dei rimbalzi VERP. Questo nome host è utilizzato nell'indirizzo SMTP nell'intestazione FROM e i record DNS MX dovrebbero puntare a questo server.", + "disableSenderHeader": "Disabilita l'intestazione mittente", + "withDmarcTheReturnPathAndFromAddressMust": "Con DMARC, il Return-Path e l'indirizzo From devono corrispondere allo stesso dominio. Per impostazione predefinita, risolviamo questo problema utilizzando l'indirizzo VERP nell'intestazione Mittente, con l'effetto collaterale che alcuni client di posta elettronica mostrano un messaggio antiestetico a nome di. Puoi disabilitare in modo sicuro questa intestazione Mittente se non stai utilizzando DMARC o se il nome host VERP è nello stesso dominio dell'indirizzo From.", + "mailtrainIsAbleToUseVerpBasedRoutingTo": "<0>Mailtrain è in grado di utilizzare il routing basato su VERP per rilevare i rimbalzi. In questo caso, il messaggio viene inviato al destinatario utilizzando un indirizzo VERP personalizzato come percorso di ritorno del messaggio. Se il messaggio non viene accettato, viene inviata una email di rimbalzo a questo speciale indirizzo VERP e quindi viene rilevato un rimbalzo.", + "toGetVerpWorkingYouNeedToSetUpADnsMx": "<0>Per far funzionare VERP, è necessario configurare un record MX DNS che punti al tuo nome host Mailtrain. Devi anche assicurarti che l'interfaccia VERP di Mailtrain sia disponibile dalla porta 25 del tuo server (la porta 25 richiede generalmente privilegi di utente root). In questo modo, se qualcuno cerca di inviare email a someuser@verp-hostname, l'email dovrebbe finire su questo server.", + "verpUsuallyOnlyWorksIfYouAreUsingYourOwn": "<0>VERP di solito funziona solo se stai utilizzando il tuo server SMTP. I servizi di inoltro regolari (SES, SparkPost, Gmail, ecc.) tendono a rimuovere l'indirizzo VERP dal messaggio.", + "verpBounceHandlingServerIsNotEnabled": "<0>Il server di gestione dei rimbalzi VERP non è abilitato. Modifica il tuo file di configurazione del server e riavvia il server per abilitarlo.", + "sendConfigurations-1": "Configurazioni di invio", + "labelMustNotBeEmpty": "{{label}} non deve essere vuoto", + "labelMustBeANumber": "{{label}} deve essere un numero", + "genericSmtp": "SMTP generico", "zoneMta": "Zone MTA", "amazonSes": "Amazon SES", - "doNotUseEncryption": "Do not use encryption", - "useTls –UsuallySelectedForPort465": "Use TLS – usually selected for port 465", - "useStarttls –UsuallySelectedForPort587": "Use STARTTLS – usually selected for port 587 and 25", - "usEastOhio": "US East (Ohio)", - "usEastNVirginia": "US East (N. Virginia)", - "usWestNCalifornia": "US West (N. California)", - "usWestOregon": "US West (Oregon)", - "africaCapeTown": "Africa (Cape Town)", - "asiaPacificHongKong": "Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)", - "asiaPacificMumbai": "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)", - "asiaPacificOsaka": "Asia Pacific (Osaka)", - "asiaPacificSeoul": "Asia Pacific (Seoul)", - "asiaPacificSingapore": "Asia Pacific (Singapore)", - "asiaPacificSydney": "Asia Pacific (Sydney)", - "asiaPacificTokyo": "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)", - "canadaCentral": "Canada (Central)", - "europeFrankfurt": "Europe (Frankfurt)", - "europeIreland": "Europe (Ireland)", - "europeLondon": "Europe (London)", - "europeMilan": "Europe (Milan)", - "europeParis": "Europe (Paris)", - "europeStockholm": "Europe (Stockholm)", - "middleEastBahrain": "Middle East (Bahrain)", - "southAmericaSaoPaulo": "South America (São Paulo)", - "builtinZoneMta": "Built-in ZoneMTA", - "dynamicConfigurationOfDkimKeysViaZoneMt": "Dynamic configuration of DKIM keys via ZoneMTA's Mailtrain plugin", - "dynamicConfigurationOfDkimKeysViaZoneMt-1": "Dynamic configuration of DKIM keys via ZoneMTA's HTTP config plugin", - "noDynamicConfigurationOfDkimKeys": "No dynamic configuration of DKIM keys", - "mailerSettings": "Mailer Settings", - "mailerType": "Mailer type", - "hostname": "Hostname", - "hostnameEgSmtpexamplecom": "Hostname, eg.", - "port": "Port", - "portEg465AutodetectedIfLeftBlank": "Port, eg. 465. Autodetected if left blank", - "encryption": "Encryption", - "enableSmtpAuthentication": "Enable SMTP authentication", - "usernameEgMyaccount@examplecom": "Username, eg.", - "advancedMailerSettings": "Advanced Mailer Settings", - "logSmtpTransactions": "Log SMTP transactions", - "allowSelfsignedCertificates": "Allow self-signed certificates", - "maxConnections": "Max connections", - "theCountOfMaxConnectionsEg10": "The count of max connections, eg. 10", - "theCountOfMaximumSimultaneousConnections": "The count of maximum simultaneous connections to make against the SMTP server (defaults to 5). This limit is per sending process.", - "maxMessages": "Max messages", - "theCountOfMaxMessagesEg100": "The count of max messages, eg. 100", - "theNumberOfMessagesToSendThroughASingle": "The number of messages to send through a single connection before the connection is closed and reopened (defaults to 100)", - "throttling": "Throttling", - "messagesPerHourEg1000": "Messages per hour eg. 1000", - "maximumNumberOfMessagesToSendInAnHour": "Maximum number of messages to send in an hour. Leave empty or zero for no throttling. If your provider uses a different speed limit (messages/minute or messages/second) then convert this limit into messages/hour (1m/s => 3600m/h). This limit is per sending process.", - "dynamicConfiguration": "Dynamic configuration", - "dkimSigning": "DKIM Signing", - "zoneMtaDkimApiKey": "ZoneMTA DKIM API key", - "secretValueKnownToZoneMtaForRequesting": "Secret value known to ZoneMTA for requesting DKIM key information. If this value was generated by the Mailtrain installation script then you can keep it as it is.", - "dkimDomain": "DKIM domain", - "leaveBlankToUseTheSenderEmailAddress": "Leave blank to use the sender email address domain.", - "dkimKeySelector": "DKIM key selector", - "signingIsDisabledWithoutAValidSelector": "Signing is disabled without a valid selector value.", - "dkimPrivateKey": "DKIM private key", - "beginsWithBeginRsaPrivateKey": "Begins with \"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\"", - "signingIsDisabledWithoutAValidPrivateKey": "Signing is disabled without a valid private key.", - "accessKey": "Access key", - "awsAccessKeyId": "AWS access key ID", - "accessSecret": "Access Secret", - "awsSecretAccessKey": "AWS secret access key", - "region": "Region", - "ifYouAreUsingZoneMtaThenMailtrainCan": "<0>If you are using ZoneMTA then Mailtrain can provide a DKIM key for signing all outgoing messages. Other services usually provide their own means to DKIM sign your messages.", - "doNotUseSensitiveKeysHereThePrivateKeyIs": "<0>Do not use sensitive keys here. The private key is not encrypted in the database.", - "globalSettingsSaved": "Global settings saved", - "adminEmail": "Admin email", - "thisEmailIsUsedAsTheMainContactAndAsA": "This email is used as the main contact and as a default email address if no email address is specified in list settings.", - "defaultHomepageUrl": "Default homepage URL", - "thisUrlWillBeUsedInListSubscriptionForms": "This URL will be used in list subscription forms if no homepage is specified in list settings.", - "trackingId": "Tracking ID", + "doNotUseEncryption": "Non utilizzare la crittografia", + "useTls –UsuallySelectedForPort465": "Usa TLS – di solito selezionato per la porta 465", + "useStarttls –UsuallySelectedForPort587": "Usa STARTTLS – di solito selezionato per le porte 587 e 25", + "usEastOhio": "Stati Uniti Est (Ohio)", + "usEastNVirginia": "Stati Uniti Est (Virginia Settentrionale)", + "usWestNCalifornia": "Stati Uniti Ovest (California Settentrionale)", + "usWestOregon": "Stati Uniti Ovest (Oregon)", + "africaCapeTown": "Africa (Città del Capo)", + "asiaPacificHongKong": "Asia-Pacifico (Hong Kong)", + "asiaPacificMumbai": "Asia-Pacifico (Mumbai)", + "asiaPacificOsaka": "Asia-Pacifico (Osaka)", + "asiaPacificSeoul": "Asia-Pacifico (Seul)", + "asiaPacificSingapore": "Asia-Pacifico (Singapore)", + "asiaPacificSydney": "Asia-Pacifico (Sydney)", + "asiaPacificTokyo": "Asia-Pacifico (Tokyo)", + "canadaCentral": "Canada (Centrale)", + "europeFrankfurt": "Europa (Francoforte)", + "europeIreland": "Europa (Irlanda)", + "europeLondon": "Europa (Londra)", + "europeMilan": "Europa (Milano)", + "europeParis": "Europa (Parigi)", + "europeStockholm": "Europa (Stoccolma)", + "middleEastBahrain": "Medio Oriente (Bahrein)", + "southAmericaSaoPaulo": "America del Sud (San Paolo)", + "builtinZoneMta": "ZoneMTA Incorporato", + "dynamicConfigurationOfDkimKeysViaZoneMt": "Configurazione dinamica delle chiavi DKIM tramite il plugin Mailtrain di ZoneMTA", + "dynamicConfigurationOfDkimKeysViaZoneMt-1": "Configurazione dinamica delle chiavi DKIM tramite il plugin di configurazione HTTP di ZoneMTA", + "noDynamicConfigurationOfDkimKeys": "Nessuna configurazione dinamica delle chiavi DKIM", + "mailerSettings": "Impostazioni mailer", + "mailerType": "Tipo di mailer", + "hostname": "Nome host", + "hostnameEgSmtpexamplecom": "Nome host, ad esempio", + "port": "Porta", + "portEg465AutodetectedIfLeftBlank": "Porta, ad esempio 465. Rilevata automaticamente se lasciata vuota", + "encryption": "Crittografia", + "enableSmtpAuthentication": "Abilita l'autenticazione SMTP", + "usernameEgMyaccount@examplecom": "Nome utente, ad esempio", + "advancedMailerSettings": "Impostazioni avanzate del mailer", + "logSmtpTransactions": "Registra le transazioni SMTP", + "allowSelfsignedCertificates": "Consenti certificati autofirmati", + "maxConnections": "Connessioni massime", + "theCountOfMaxConnectionsEg10": "Il conteggio delle connessioni massime, ad esempio 10", + "theCountOfMaximumSimultaneousConnections": "Il conteggio delle connessioni simultanee massime da effettuare verso il server SMTP (predefinito a 5). Questo limite è per processo di invio.", + "maxMessages": "Messaggi massimi", + "theCountOfMaxMessagesEg100": "Il conteggio dei messaggi massimi, ad esempio 100", + "theNumberOfMessagesToSendThroughASingle": "Il numero di messaggi da inviare attraverso una singola connessione prima che la connessione venga chiusa e riaperta (predefinito a 100)", + "throttling": "Limitazione", + "messagesPerHourEg1000": "Messaggi per ora, ad esempio 1000", + "maximumNumberOfMessagesToSendInAnHour": "Numero massimo di messaggi da inviare in un'ora. Lascia vuoto o zero per nessuna limitazione. Se il tuo provider utilizza un limite di velocità diverso (messaggi/minuto o messaggi/secondo), converti questo limite in messaggi/ora (1m/s => 3600m/h). Questo limite è per processo di invio.", + "dynamicConfiguration": "Configurazione dinamica", + "dkimSigning": "Firma DKIM", + "zoneMtaDkimApiKey": "Chiave API DKIM di ZoneMTA", + "secretValueKnownToZoneMtaForRequesting": "Valore segreto noto a ZoneMTA per richiedere informazioni sulla chiave DKIM. Se questo valore è stato generato dallo script di installazione di Mailtrain, puoi mantenerlo così com'è.", + "dkimDomain": "Dominio DKIM", + "leaveBlankToUseTheSenderEmailAddress": "Lascia vuoto per utilizzare il dominio dell'indirizzo email del mittente.", + "dkimKeySelector": "Selettore chiave DKIM", + "signingIsDisabledWithoutAValidSelector": "La firma è disabilitata senza un valore di selettore valido.", + "dkimPrivateKey": "Chiave privata DKIM", + "beginsWithBeginRsaPrivateKey": "Inizia con \"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\"", + "signingIsDisabledWithoutAValidPrivateKey": "La firma è disabilitata senza una chiave privata valida.", + "accessKey": "Chiave di accesso", + "awsAccessKeyId": "ID chiave di accesso AWS", + "accessSecret": "Segreto di accesso", + "awsSecretAccessKey": "Chiave di accesso segreta AWS", + "region": "Regione", + "ifYouAreUsingZoneMtaThenMailtrainCan": "<0>Se stai usando ZoneMTA, allora Mailtrain può fornire una chiave DKIM per firmare tutti i messaggi in uscita. Altri servizi di solito forniscono i propri mezzi per firmare DKIM i tuoi messaggi.", + "doNotUseSensitiveKeysHereThePrivateKeyIs": "<0>Non utilizzare chiavi sensibili qui. La chiave privata non è crittografata nel database.", + "globalSettingsSaved": "Impostazioni globali salvate", + "adminEmail": "Email dell'amministratore", + "thisEmailIsUsedAsTheMainContactAndAsA": "Questa email è utilizzata come contatto principale e come indirizzo email predefinito se non viene specificato un indirizzo email nelle impostazioni della lista.", + "defaultHomepageUrl": "URL predefinito della homepage", + "thisUrlWillBeUsedInListSubscriptionForms": "Questo URL verrà utilizzato nei moduli di iscrizione alla lista se nelle impostazioni della lista non viene specificata una homepage.", + "trackingId": "ID di tracciamento", "uaxxxxxxx": "UA-XXXXX-XX", - "enterGoogleAnalyticsTrackingCode": "Enter Google Analytics tracking code", - "googleMapsApiKey": "Google Maps API Key", + "enterGoogleAnalyticsTrackingCode": "Inserisci il codice di tracciamento di Google Analytics", + "googleMapsApiKey": "Chiave API di Google Maps", "xxxxxx": "XXXXXX", - "theMapOverviewInCampaignStatistics": "The map overview in campaign statistics requires a Google Maps API key. Please enter it here. If no key is given, Google may throttle map requests, which will result in occassional unavailability of the map in the campaign statistics.", + "theMapOverviewInCampaignStatistics": "La panoramica della mappa nelle statistiche delle campagne richiede una chiave API di Google Maps. Inseriscila qui. Se non viene fornita una chiave, Google potrebbe limitare le richieste alla mappa, con conseguente occasionali indisponibilità della mappa nelle statistiche delle campagne.", "frontpageShoutOut": "Frontpage shout out", - "htmlCodeShownInTheFrontPageHeaderSection": "HTML code shown in the front page header section", - "gpgSigning": "GPG Signing", - "privateKeyPassphrase": "Private key passphrase", - "passphraseForTheKeyIfSet": "Passphrase for the key if set", - "onlyFillThisIfYourPrivateKeyIsEncrypted": "Only fill this if your private key is encrypted with a passphrase", - "gpgPrivateKey": "GPG private key", - "beginsWithBeginPgpPrivateKeyBlock": "Begins with '-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----'", - "thisValueIsOptionalIfYouDoNotProvideA": "This value is optional. If you do not provide a private key GPG encrypted messages are sent without signing.", - "onlyMessagesThatAreEncryptedCanBeSigned": "<0>Only messages that are encrypted can be signed. Subsribers who have not set up a GPG public key in their profile receive normal email messages. Users with GPG key set receive encrypted messages and if you have signing key also set, the messages are signed with this key.", - "doNotUseSensitiveKeysHereThePrivateKey": "<0>Do not use sensitive keys here. The private key and passphrase are not encrypted in the database.", - "userMustNotBeEmpty": "User must not be empty", - "roleMustBeSelected": "Role must be selected", - "role": "Role", - "unshare": "Unshare", - "confirmUnsharing": "Confirm Unsharing", - "areYouSureYouWantToRemoveTheShareToUser": "Are you sure you want to remove the share to user \"{{username}}\"?", - "removingShareForUserUsername": "Removing share for user \"{{username}}\"", - "shareForUserUsernameRemoved": "Share for user \"{{username}}\" removed", - "addUser": "Add User", - "existingUsers": "Existing Users", - "areYouSureYouWantToRemoveTheSharingOfThe": "Are you sure you want to remove the sharing of the {{typeName}} \"{{name}}\"?", - "removingSharingOfTheTypeNameName": "Removing sharing of the {{typeName}} \"{{name}}\"", - "sharingOfTheTypeNameNameRemoved": "Sharing of the {{typeName}} \"{{name}}\" removed", - "sharesForUserUsername": "Shares for user \"{{username}}\"", + "htmlCodeShownInTheFrontPageHeaderSection": "Codice HTML mostrato nella sezione dell'intestazione della frontpage", + "gpgSigning": "Firma GPG", + "privateKeyPassphrase": "Passphrase chiave privata", + "passphraseForTheKeyIfSet": "Passphrase per la chiave se impostata", + "onlyFillThisIfYourPrivateKeyIsEncrypted": "Compila solo se la tua chiave privata è crittografata con una passphrase", + "gpgPrivateKey": "Chiave privata GPG", + "beginsWithBeginPgpPrivateKeyBlock": "Inizia con '-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----'", + "thisValueIsOptionalIfYouDoNotProvideA": "Questo valore è facoltativo. Se non fornisci una chiave privata, i messaggi GPG criptati vengono inviati senza firma.", + "onlyMessagesThatAreEncryptedCanBeSigned": "<0>Solo i messaggi criptati possono essere firmati. I sottoscrittori che non hanno configurato una chiave pubblica GPG nel loro profilo ricevono normali messaggi email. Gli utenti con una chiave GPG impostata ricevono messaggi criptati e, se hai anche impostato una chiave di firma, i messaggi sono firmati con questa chiave.", + "doNotUseSensitiveKeysHereThePrivateKey": "<0>Non utilizzare chiavi sensibili qui. La chiave privata e la passphrase non sono crittografate nel database.", + "userMustNotBeEmpty": "L'utente non deve essere vuoto", + "roleMustBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionato un ruolo", + "role": "Ruolo", + "unshare": "Annulla condivisione", + "confirmUnsharing": "Conferma l'annullamento della condivisione", + "areYouSureYouWantToRemoveTheShareToUser": "Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere la condivisione con l'utente \"{{username}}\"?", + "removingShareForUserUsername": "Rimozione della condivisione per l'utente \"{{username}}\"", + "shareForUserUsernameRemoved": "Condivisione per l'utente \"{{username}}\" rimossa", + "addUser": "Aggiungi utente", + "existingUsers": "Utenti esistenti", + "areYouSureYouWantToRemoveTheSharingOfThe": "Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere la condivisione del {{typeName}} \"{{name}}\"?", + "removingSharingOfTheTypeNameName": "Rimozione della condivisione del {{typeName}} \"{{name}}\"", + "sharingOfTheTypeNameNameRemoved": "Condivisione del {{typeName}} \"{{name}}\" rimossa", + "sharesForUserUsername": "Condivisioni per l'utente \"{{username}}\"", "namespace-1": "namespace", - "list-1": "list", - "template-1": "template", - "mosaicoTemplates": "Mosaico Templates", - "campaign-1": "campaign", - "customForms-2": "custom forms", + "list-1": "elenco", + "template-1": "modello", + "mosaicoTemplates": "Modelli Mosaico", + "campaign-1": "campagna", + "customForms-2": "moduli personalizzati", "report-1": "report", - "reportTemplate-2": "report template", - "sourceTemplateMustNotBeEmpty": "Source template must not be empty", - "templateUpdated": "Template updated", - "templateCreated": "Template created", - "deletingTemplate": "Deleting template ...", - "templateDeleted": "Template deleted", - "editTemplate": "Edit Template", - "createTemplate": "Create Template", - "cloneFromAnExistingTemplate": "Clone from an existing template", - "sourceTemplate": "Source template", - "warning!YouDoNotHaveNecessaryPermissions-2": "<0>Warning! You do not have necessary permissions to edit this template. Any changes that you perform here will be lost.", - "simple": "Simple", + "reportTemplate-2": "modello di report", + "sourceTemplateMustNotBeEmpty": "Il modello di origine non deve essere vuoto", + "templateUpdated": "Modello aggiornato", + "templateCreated": "Modello creato", + "deletingTemplate": "Eliminazione del modello...", + "templateDeleted": "Modello eliminato", + "editTemplate": "Modifica modello", + "createTemplate": "Crea modello", + "cloneFromAnExistingTemplate": "Clona da un modello esistente", + "sourceTemplate": "Modello di origine", + "warning!YouDoNotHaveNecessaryPermissions-2": "<0>Attenzione! Non hai le autorizzazioni necessarie per modificare questo modello. Qualsiasi modifica che effettui qui verrà persa.", + "simple": "Semplice", "handlebars": "Handlebars", - "mosaicoTemplateMustBeSelected": "Mosaico template must be selected", - "changeMosaicoTemplate": "Change Mosaico Template", - "cancel": "Cancel", - "apply": "Apply", + "mosaicoTemplateMustBeSelected": "Deve essere selezionato un modello Mosaico", + "changeMosaicoTemplate": "Cambia modello Mosaico", + "cancel": "Annulla", + "apply": "Applica", "mosaico": "Mosaico", - "change": "Change", - "templateContentHtml": "Template content (HTML)", - "mosaicoTemplateDesigner": "Mosaico Template Designer", - "mosaicoWithPredefinedTemplates": "Mosaico with predefined templates", - "mosaicoTemplate-1": "Mosaico Template", + "change": "Cambia", + "templateContentHtml": "Contenuto del modello (HTML)", + "mosaicoTemplateDesigner": "Progettazione modello Mosaico", + "mosaicoWithPredefinedTemplates": "Mosaico con modelli predefiniti", + "mosaicoTemplate-1": "Modello Mosaico", "grapesJs": "GrapesJS", - "grapesJsTemplateDesigner": "GrapesJS Template Designer", + "grapesJsTemplateDesigner": "Progettazione modello GrapesJS", "ckEditor4": "CKEditor 4", - "ckEditor4TemplateDesigner": "CKEditor 4 Template Designer", - "codeEditor": "Code Editor", - "codeEditorTemplateDesigner": "Code Editor Template Designer", - "mergeTagReference": "Merge tag reference", - "templateContentPlainText": "Template content (plain text)", - "warning!SwitchingTheMosaicoTemplateWorks": "<0>Warning! Switching the Mosaico template works only if the original and the new templates use the same fields. If they do not, your data will be lost. Please make sure you save your work before performing this operation.", - "mergeTagsAreTagsThatAreReplacedBefore": "\n <1>Merge tags are tags that are replaced before sending out the message. The format of the merge tag is the following: <1>[TAG_NAME] or <3>[TAG_NAME/fallback] where <5>fallback is an optional text value used when <7>TAG_NAME is empty.\n ", - "youCanUseAnyOfTheStandardMergeTagsBelow": "\n <1>You can use any of the standard merge tags below. In addition to that every custom field has its own merge tag. Check the fields of the list you are going to send to.\n ", - "mergeTagsAreTagsThatAreReplacedBefore-1": "\n <1>Merge tags are tags that are replaced before sending out the message. The format of the merge tag is the following: <1>{tg('TAG_NAME')}. \n ", - "theWholeMessageIsInterpretedAsHandlebars": "\n <1>The whole message is interpreted as Handlebars template (see <1> You can use any Handlebars blocks and expressions\n in the template. The merge tags form the root context of the Handlebars template.\n ", - "urlThatPointsToTheSubscribePageOfThe": "URL that points to the subscribe page of the first list in the campaign that allows public subscriptions", - "urlThatPointsToTheUnsubscribePage": "URL that points to the unsubscribe page", - "urlThatPointsToThePreferencesPageOfThe": "URL that points to the preferences page of the subscriber", - "urlToPreviewTheMessageInABrowser": "URL to preview the message in a browser", - "uniqueIdThatIdentifiesTheRecipient": "Unique ID that identifies the recipient", - "uniqueIdThatIdentifiesTheListUsedForThis": "Unique ID that identifies the list used for this campaign", - "uniqueIdThatIdentifiesTheListTheIndexIs0": "Unique ID that identifies the list. The <1>index is 0-based index of the list in the campaign. <3>LIST_ID_0 thus means the first list in the campaign.", - "theSameAsAboveButOnlyTakingIntoAccount": "The same as above, but only taking into account the lists for which public subscribe is enabled. <1>PUBLIC_LIST_ID_0 thus means the first public list in the campaign.", - "uniqueIdThatIdentifiesCurrentCampaign": "Unique ID that identifies current campaign", - "forRssCampaignsTheFollowingFurtherTags": "\n <1>For RSS campaigns, the following further tags can be used.\n ", - "rssEntryTitle": "RSS entry title", - "rssEntryDate": "RSS entry date", - "rssEntryLink": "RSS entry link", - "contentOfAnRssEntry": "Content of an RSS entry", - "rssEntrySummary": "RSS entry summary", - "rssEntryImageUrl": "RSS entry image URL", - "mailtrainCustomTagsTheCustomTagsCanBe": "Mailtrain custom tags. The custom tags can be passed in via <1>mt:entries-json element in RSS entry. The text contents of the elements is interpreted as JSON-formatted object..", - "toExtractTheTextFromHtmlClickHerePlease": "To extract the text from HTML click <1>here. Please note that your existing plaintext in the field above will be overwritten.", - "mosaicoTemplateUpdated": "Mosaico template updated", - "mosaicoTemplateCreated": "Mosaico template created", - "deletingMosaicoTemplate": "Deleting Mosaico template ...", - "mosaicoTemplateDeleted": "Mosaico template deleted", - "editMosaicoTemplate": "Edit Mosaico Template", - "createMosaicoTemplate": "Create Mosaico Template", - "warning!YouDoNotHaveNecessaryPermissions-3": "<0>Warning! You do not have necessary permissions to edit this Mosaico template. Any changes that you perform here will be lost.", - "blockThumbnails": "Block thumbnails", + "ckEditor4TemplateDesigner": "Progettazione modello CKEditor 4", + "codeEditor": "Editor di codice", + "codeEditorTemplateDesigner": "Progettazione modello di editor di codice", + "mergeTagReference": "Riferimento a tag di unione", + "templateContentPlainText": "Contenuto del modello (testo normale)", + "warning!SwitchingTheMosaicoTemplateWorks": "<0>Attenzione! La sostituzione del modello Mosaico funziona solo se il modello originale e il nuovo modello utilizzano gli stessi campi. In caso contrario, i tuoi dati verranno persi. Assicurati di salvare il tuo lavoro prima di eseguire questa operazione.", + "mergeTagsAreTagsThatAreReplacedBefore": "\n <1>I tag di unione sono tag che vengono sostituiti prima dell'invio del messaggio. Il formato del tag di unione è il seguente: <1>[NOME_TAG] o <3>[NOME_TAG/fallback] dove <5>fallback è un valore di testo facoltativo utilizzato quando <7>NOME_TAG è vuoto.\n ", + "youCanUseAnyOfTheStandardMergeTagsBelow": "\n <1>Puoi utilizzare uno qualsiasi dei tag di unione standard elencati di seguito. Inoltre, ogni campo personalizzato ha il proprio tag di unione. Verifica i campi della lista a cui stai per inviare.\n ", + "mergeTagsAreTagsThatAreReplacedBefore-1": "\n <1>I tag di unione sono tag che vengono sostituiti prima dell'invio del messaggio. Il formato del tag di unione è il seguente: <1>{tg('NOME_TAG')}. \n ", + "theWholeMessageIsInterpretedAsHandlebars": "\n <1>L'intero messaggio è interpretato come un modello Handlebars (vedi <1> Puoi utilizzare tutti i blocchi e le espressioni Handlebars nel modello. I tag di unione costituiscono il contesto radice del modello Handlebars.\n ", + "urlThatPointsToTheSubscribePageOfThe": "URL che punta alla pagina di iscrizione del primo elenco nella campagna che consente iscrizioni pubbliche", + "urlThatPointsToTheUnsubscribePage": "URL che punta alla pagina di annullamento dell'iscrizione", + "urlThatPointsToThePreferencesPageOfThe": "URL che punta alla pagina delle preferenze del sottoscrittore", + "urlToPreviewTheMessageInABrowser": "URL per la visualizzazione anteprima del messaggio in un browser", + "uniqueIdThatIdentifiesTheRecipient": "ID univoco che identifica il destinatario", + "uniqueIdThatIdentifiesTheListUsedForThis": "ID univoco che identifica l'elenco utilizzato per questa campagna", + "uniqueIdThatIdentifiesTheListTheIndexIs0": "ID univoco che identifica l'elenco. L'indice <1>è l'indice basato su zero dell'elenco nella campagna. <3>LIST_ID_0 significa quindi il primo elenco nella campagna.", + "theSameAsAboveButOnlyTakingIntoAccount": "La stessa cosa di cui sopra, ma tenendo conto solo degli elenchi per i quali è abilitata l'iscrizione pubblica. <1>PUBLIC_LIST_ID_0 significa quindi il primo elenco pubblico nella campagna.", + "uniqueIdThatIdentifiesCurrentCampaign": "ID univoco che identifica la campagna corrente", + "forRssCampaignsTheFollowingFurtherTags": "\n <1>Per le campagne RSS, possono essere utilizzati i seguenti ulteriori tag.\n ", + "rssEntryTitle": "Titolo dell'articolo RSS", + "rssEntryDate": "Data dell'articolo RSS", + "rssEntryLink": "Link dell'articolo RSS", + "contentOfAnRssEntry": "Contenuto di un articolo RSS", + "rssEntrySummary": "Sommario dell'articolo RSS", + "rssEntryImageUrl": "URL dell'immagine dell'articolo RSS", + "mailtrainCustomTagsTheCustomTagsCanBe": "Tag personalizzati Mailtrain. I tag personalizzati possono essere passati tramite l'elemento <1>mt:entries-json nell'articolo RSS. Il contenuto testuale degli elementi viene interpretato come oggetto in formato JSON.", + "toExtractTheTextFromHtmlClickHerePlease": "Per estrarre il testo dall'HTML, fai clic <1>qui. Nota che il testo normale esistente nel campo sopra verrà sovrascritto.", + "mosaicoTemplateUpdated": "Modello Mosaico aggiornato", + "mosaicoTemplateCreated": "Modello Mosaico creato", + "deletingMosaicoTemplate": "Eliminazione del modello Mosaico...", + "mosaicoTemplateDeleted": "Modello Mosaico eliminato", + "editMosaicoTemplate": "Modifica modello Mosaico", + "createMosaicoTemplate": "Crea modello Mosaico", + "warning!YouDoNotHaveNecessaryPermissions-3": "<0>Attenzione! Non hai le autorizzazioni necessarie per modificare questo modello Mosaico. Qualsiasi modifica che effettui qui verrà persa.", + "blockThumbnails": "Icone dei blocchi", "versafixOne": "Versafix One", - "mjmlSample": "MJML Sample", - "invalidMjml": "Invalid MJML", - "mjmlIsValid": "MJML is valid.", - "invalidMjml-1": "Invalid MJML.", - "templateContent": "Template content", - "validate": "Validate", - "mosaicoTemplateName": "Mosaico Template \"{{name}}\"", - "theseFilesArePubliclyAvailableViaHttpSo-1": "These files are publicly available via HTTP so that they can be linked to from the Mosaico template.", - "theseFilesWillBeUsedByMosaicoToSearchFor": "These files will be used by Mosaico to search for block thumbnails (the \"edres\" directory). Place here one file per block type that you have defined in the Mosaico template. Each file must have the same name as the block id. The file will be used as the thumbnail of the corresponding block.", - "theUserNameAlreadyExistsInTheSystem": "The user name already exists in the system.", - "userUpdated": "User updated", - "userCreated": "User created", - "theUsernameIsAlreadyAssignedToAnother": "The username is already assigned to another user.", - "theEmailIsAlreadyAssignedToAnotherUser-1": "The email is already assigned to another user.", - "deletingUser": "Deleting user ...", - "userDeleted": "User deleted", - "editUser": "Edit User", - "createUser": "Create User", - "userName": "User Name", - "repeatPassword": "Repeat Password", - "deleteUser": "Delete User", - "userName-1": "User \"{{name}}\"", - "shares": "Shares", - "subscriptionConfirmed": "Subscription Confirmed", - "listEmailAddressAlreadyRegistered": "{{list}}: Email Address Already Registered", - "listPleaseConfirmEmailChangeIn": "{{list}}: Please Confirm Email Change in Subscription", - "pleaseConfirmSubscription": "Please Confirm Subscription", - "listPleaseConfirmUnsubscription": "{{list}}: Please Confirm Unsubscription", - "listUnsubscriptionConfirmed": "{{list}}: Unsubscription Confirmed", - "invalidEmailAddressEmailMxRecordNotFound": "Invalid email address \"{{email}}\": MX record not found for domain", - "invalidEmailAddressEmailAddressDomainNot": "Invalid email address \"{{email}}\": Address domain not found", - "invalidEmailAddressEmailAddressDomain": "Invalid email address \"{{email}}\": Address domain name is required", - "invalidEmailAddressEmail": "Invalid email address \"{{email}}\"", - "mailerPasswordChangeRequest": "Mailer password change request", + "mjmlSample": "Esempio MJML", + "invalidMjml": "MJML non valido", + "mjmlIsValid": "MJML è valido.", + "invalidMjml-1": "MJML non valido.", + "templateContent": "Contenuto del modello", + "validate": "Convalida", + "mosaicoTemplateName": "Modello Mosaico \"{{name}}\"", + "theseFilesArePubliclyAvailableViaHttpSo-1": "Questi file sono pubblicamente accessibili tramite HTTP in modo che possano essere collegati dal modello Mosaico.", + "theseFilesWillBeUsedByMosaicoToSearchFor": "Questi file saranno utilizzati da Mosaico per cercare le miniature dei blocchi (la directory \"edres\"). Inserisci qui un file per tipo di blocco che hai definito nel modello Mosaico. Ogni file deve avere lo stesso nome dell'ID del blocco. Il file verrà utilizzato come miniatura del blocco corrispondente.", + "theUserNameAlreadyExistsInTheSystem": "Il nome utente esiste già nel sistema.", + "userUpdated": "Utente aggiornato", + "userCreated": "Utente creato", + "theUsernameIsAlreadyAssignedToAnother": "Il nome utente è già assegnato a un altro utente.", + "theEmailIsAlreadyAssignedToAnotherUser-1": "L'indirizzo email è già assegnato a un altro utente.", + "deletingUser": "Eliminazione utente...", + "userDeleted": "Utente eliminato", + "editUser": "Modifica Utente", + "createUser": "Crea Utente", + "userName": "Nome Utente", + "repeatPassword": "Ripeti Password", + "deleteUser": "Elimina Utente", + "userName-1": "Utente \"{{name}}\"", + "shares": "Condivisioni", + "subscriptionConfirmed": "Iscrizione confermata", + "listEmailAddressAlreadyRegistered": "{{list}}: Indirizzo Email Già Registrato", + "listPleaseConfirmEmailChangeIn": "{{list}}: Conferma Cambio Email nella Sottoscrizione", + "pleaseConfirmSubscription": "Conferma Sottoscrizione", + "listPleaseConfirmUnsubscription": "{{list}}: Conferma Annullamento Sottoscrizione", + "listUnsubscriptionConfirmed": "{{list}}: Annullamento Sottoscrizione Confermato", + "invalidEmailAddressEmailMxRecordNotFound": "Indirizzo email non valido \"{{email}}\": record MX non trovato per il dominio", + "invalidEmailAddressEmailAddressDomainNot": "Indirizzo email non valido \"{{email}}\": dominio dell'indirizzo non trovato", + "invalidEmailAddressEmailAddressDomain": "Indirizzo email non valido \"{{email}}\": il nome del dominio dell'indirizzo è richiesto", + "invalidEmailAddressEmail": "Indirizzo email non valido \"{{email}}\"", + "mailerPasswordChangeRequest": "Richiesta di Cambio Password del Mailer", "mailtrain": "Mailtrain", - "emailAddressChanged": "Email address changed", - "emailAddressNotSet": "Email address not set", - "nothingSeemsToBeChanged": "Nothing seems to be changed", - "anEmailWithFurtherInstructionsHasBeen": "An email with further instructions has been sent to the provided address", - "foundAddedMessagesNewCampaignMessages": "Found {{addedMessages}} new campaign messages from feed {{campaignId}}", - "foundNothingNewFromTheFeed": "Found nothing new from the feed", - "missingEmail": "Missing email", - "emailAddressAlreadyRegistered": "Email address already registered", - "weHaveReceivedASubscriptionRequestYour": "We have received a subscription request. Your email address is however already registered.", - "ifYouReceivedThisEmailByMistakeSimply": "If you received this email by mistake, simply delete it. Your existing subscription won't be affected.", - "ifYouWantToModifyYourSubscriptionThenYou": "If you want to modify your subscription then you can", - "manageYourPreferences": "manage your preferences", - "or": "or", - "unsubscribeHere": "unsubscribe here", - "returnToOurWebsite": "Return to our website", - "forQuestionsAboutThisListPleaseContact": "For questions about this list, please contact:", - "pleaseConfirmSubscriptionAddressChange": "Please Confirm Subscription Address Change", - "yesSubscribeMeToThisList": "Yes, subscribe me to this list", - "ifYouReceivedThisEmailByMistakeSimply-1": "If you received this email by mistake, simply delete it. You won't be subscribed unless you click the confirmation link above.", - "yesSubscribeThisEmailAddressToTheList": "Yes, subscribe this email address to the list", - "pleaseConfirmUnsubscription": "Please Confirm Unsubscription", - "yesUnsubscribeMe": "Yes. Unsubscribe me.", - "ifYouReceivedThisEmailByMistakeSimply-2": "If you received this email by mistake, simply delete it. You won't be unsubscribed if you don't click the confirmation link above.", - "yourSubscriptionToOurListHasBeen": "Your subscription to our list has been confirmed.", - "youAreNowUnsubscribed": "You Are Now Unsubscribed", - "weHaveRemovedYourEmailAddressFromOurList": "We have removed your email address from our list.", - "ifYouUnsubscribedByMistakeYouCan": "If you unsubscribed by mistake, you can re-subscribe at", - "emailAddress-2": "Email Address", - "wantToChangeIt?": "want to change it?", - "downloadSignatureVerificationKey": "Download signature verification key", - "beginsWithAnd#39BeginPgpPublicKeyBloc": "Begins with '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'", - "insertYourGpgPublicKeyHereToEncrypt": "Insert your GPG public key here to encrypt messages sent to your address (optional)", - "existingEmailAddress": "Existing Email Address", - "newEmailAddress": "New Email Address", - "youWillReceiveAConfirmationRequestToYour": "You will receive a confirmation request to your new email address that you need to accept before your email is actually changed", - "updateEmailAddress": "Update Email Address", - "updateProfile": "Update Profile", - "subscribeToList": "Subscribe to list", - "almostFinished": "Almost Finished", - "weNeedToConfirmYourEmailAddressTo": "We need to confirm your email address. To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you.", - "ifYouDontReceiveItPleaseCheckYourSpam": "If you don't receive it, please check your spam folder.", - "thankYouForSubscribing!": "Thank you for subscribing!", - "unsubscriptionConfirmed": "Unsubscription Confirmed", - "youHaveBeenRemovedFrom": "You have been removed from:", - "thePasswordMustBeAtLeastMinLength": "The password must be at least {{ minLength }} characters long", - "thePasswordMustBeFewerThanMaxLength": "The password must be fewer than {{ maxLength }} characters", - "thePasswordMayNotContainSequencesOfThree": "The password may not contain sequences of three or more repeated characters", - "thePasswordMustContainAtLeastOne": "The password must contain at least one lowercase letter", - "thePasswordMustContainAtLeastOne-1": "The password must contain at least one uppercase letter", - "thePasswordMustContainAtLeastOneNumber": "The password must contain at least one number", - "thePasswordMustContainAtLeastOneSpecial": "The password must contain at least one special character", - "extraThrottlingMailerSettings":"Extra throttling settings", - "throttlingWarmUpDays":"Warm-up interval", - "throttlingWarmUpDaysEg10":"Warm-up interval in days, e.g. 10", - "senderWarmUpPeriodInDays":"Gradually increase the volume each day until reaching your throttling settings.", - "throttlingWarmUpFrom":"Warm-up starting date", - "throttlingWarmUpFromDateInUnixTimestampEg1648735303000":"e.g. 1648735303000", - "senderWarmUpPeriodStartingDayInUnixTimestamp":"Set the starting date and time in Unix Epoch Format", - "enableSenderOnDaySun":"Sending emails on Sunday", - "enableSenderOnDayMon":"Sending emails on Monday", - "enableSenderOnDayTue":"Sending emails on Tuesday", - "enableSenderOnDayWed":"Sending emails on Wednesday", - "enableSenderOnDayThu":"Sending emails on Thursday", - "enableSenderOnDayFri":"Sending emails on Friday", - "enableSenderOnDaySat":"Sending emails on Saturday" + "emailAddressChanged": "Indirizzo email cambiato", + "emailAddressNotSet": "Indirizzo email non impostato", + "nothingSeemsToBeChanged": "Sembra che nulla sia stato cambiato", + "anEmailWithFurtherInstructionsHasBeen": "È stata inviata un'email con ulteriori istruzioni all'indirizzo fornito", + "foundAddedMessagesNewCampaignMessages": "Trovati {{addedMessages}} nuovi messaggi di campagna dal feed {{campaignId}}", + "foundNothingNewFromTheFeed": "Nessun nuovo elemento trovato dal feed", + "missingEmail": "Email mancante", + "emailAddressAlreadyRegistered": "Indirizzo email già registrato", + "weHaveReceivedASubscriptionRequestYour": "Abbiamo ricevuto una richiesta di sottoscrizione. Tuttavia, il tuo indirizzo email è già registrato.", + "ifYouReceivedThisEmailByMistakeSimply": "Se hai ricevuto questa email per errore, semplicemente cancellala. La tua sottoscrizione esistente non verrà influenzata.", + "ifYouWantToModifyYourSubscriptionThenYou": "Se desideri modificare la tua sottoscrizione, puoi", + "manageYourPreferences": "gestire le tue preferenze", + "or": "o", + "unsubscribeHere": "annullare la sottoscrizione qui", + "returnToOurWebsite": "Torna al nostro sito web", + "forQuestionsAboutThisListPleaseContact": "Per domande su questa lista, contattaci:", + "pleaseConfirmSubscriptionAddressChange": "Conferma Cambio Indirizzo Sottoscrizione", + "yesSubscribeMeToThisList": "Sì, iscrivimi a questa lista", + "ifYouReceivedThisEmailByMistakeSimply-1": "Se hai ricevuto questa email per errore, cancellala semplicemente. Non sarai iscritto a meno che non clicchi sul link di conferma sopra.", + "yesSubscribeThisEmailAddressToTheList": "Sì, iscrivi questo indirizzo email alla lista", + "pleaseConfirmUnsubscription": "Conferma Annullamento Sottoscrizione", + "yesUnsubscribeMe": "Sì. Annulla la mia sottoscrizione.", + "ifYouReceivedThisEmailByMistakeSimply-2": "Se hai ricevuto questa email per errore, cancellala semplicemente. Non sarai annullato dalla sottoscrizione se non clicchi sul link di conferma sopra.", + "yourSubscriptionToOurListHasBeen": "La tua sottoscrizione alla nostra lista è stata confermata.", + "youAreNowUnsubscribed": "Sei stato annullato dalla sottoscrizione", + "weHaveRemovedYourEmailAddressFromOurList": "Abbiamo rimosso il tuo indirizzo email dalla nostra lista.", + "ifYouUnsubscribedByMistakeYouCan": "Se ti sei disiscritto per errore, puoi ri-iscriverti su", + "emailAddress-2": "Indirizzo Email", + "wantToChangeIt?": "vuoi cambiarlo?", + "downloadSignatureVerificationKey": "Scarica la chiave di verifica della firma", + "beginsWithAnd#39BeginPgpPublicKeyBloc": "Inizia con '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'", + "insertYourGpgPublicKeyHereToEncrypt": "Inserisci qui la tua chiave pubblica GPG per cifrare i messaggi inviati al tuo indirizzo (opzionale)", + "existingEmailAddress": "Indirizzo Email Esistente", + "newEmailAddress": "Nuovo Indirizzo Email", + "youWillReceiveAConfirmationRequestToYour": "Riceverai una richiesta di conferma all'indirizzo email nuovo, che devi accettare prima che la tua email venga effettivamente cambiata", + "updateEmailAddress": "Aggiorna Indirizzo Email", + "updateProfile": "Aggiorna Profilo", + "subscribeToList": "Iscriviti alla lista", + "almostFinished": "Quasi Finito", + "weNeedToConfirmYourEmailAddressTo": "Dobbiamo confermare il tuo indirizzo email. Per completare il processo di sottoscrizione, fai clic sul link nell'email che ti abbiamo appena inviato.", + "ifYouDontReceiveItPleaseCheckYourSpam": "Se non la ricevi, controlla nella cartella dello spam.", + "thankYouForSubscribing!": "Grazie per la sottoscrizione!", + "unsubscriptionConfirmed": "Annullamento Sottoscrizione Confermato", + "youHaveBeenRemovedFrom": "Sei stato rimosso da:", + "thePasswordMustBeAtLeastMinLength": "La password deve contenere almeno {{ minLength }} caratteri", + "thePasswordMustBeFewerThanMaxLength": "La password deve contenere meno di {{ maxLength }} caratteri", + "thePasswordMayNotContainSequencesOfThree": "La password non può contenere sequenze di tre o più caratteri ripetuti", + "thePasswordMustContainAtLeastOne": "La password deve contenere almeno una lettera minuscola", + "thePasswordMustContainAtLeastOne-1": "La password deve contenere almeno una lettera maiuscola", + "thePasswordMustContainAtLeastOneNumber": "La password deve contenere almeno un numero", + "thePasswordMustContainAtLeastOneSpecial": "La password deve contenere almeno un carattere speciale", + "extraThrottlingMailerSettings":"Impostazioni aggiuntive di throttling", + "throttlingWarmUpDays":"Intervallo di avvio", + "throttlingWarmUpDaysEg10":"Intervallo di avvio in giorni, ad esempio 10", + "senderWarmUpPeriodInDays":"Aumenta gradualmente il volume ogni giorno fino a raggiungere le tue impostazioni di throttling.", + "throttlingWarmUpFrom":"Data di inizio dell'intervallo di avvio", + "throttlingWarmUpFromDateInUnixTimestampEg1648735303000":"ad esempio 1648735303000", + "senderWarmUpPeriodStartingDayInUnixTimestamp":"Imposta la data e l'ora di inizio in formato Unix Epoch", + "enableSenderOnDaySun":"Invio di email la domenica", + "enableSenderOnDayMon":"Invio di email il lunedì", + "enableSenderOnDayTue":"Invio di email il martedì", + "enableSenderOnDayWed":"Invio di email il mercoledì", + "enableSenderOnDayThu":"Invio di email il giovedì", + "enableSenderOnDayFri":"Invio di email il venerdì", + "enableSenderOnDaySat":"Invio di email il sabato" } From 82df60a7723610ab90ed8fcab0975871277c6a24 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hidaba Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2023 08:25:57 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 7/9] Add it_IT italian translate --- locales/extract.js | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/locales/extract.js b/locales/extract.js index 334782edf..88986f42b 100644 --- a/locales/extract.js +++ b/locales/extract.js @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ const deepKeys = require('deep-keys'); const localeMain = 'en-US/common.json'; const localeMainPrevious = 'en-US-last-run/common.json'; -const localeTranslations = ['es-ES/common.json', 'fr-FR/common.json', 'pt-BR/common.json', 'de-DE/common.json', 'ru-RU/common.json']; +const localeTranslations = ['es-ES/common.json', 'fr-FR/common.json', 'pt-BR/common.json', 'de-DE/common.json', 'ru-RU/common.json', 'it-IT/common.json']; const searchDirs = [ '../client/src', '../server', From ed15373c068f3c5262d197f366157658975df9ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hidaba Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2023 08:30:53 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 8/9] added Italian --- shared/langs.js | 5 +++++ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+) diff --git a/shared/langs.js b/shared/langs.js index 71c3311b1..f1f0c56bb 100644 --- a/shared/langs.js +++ b/shared/langs.js @@ -75,6 +75,11 @@ const langCodes = { getShortLabel: t => 'FK', getLabel: t => 'Fake', longCode: 'fk-FK' + }, + 'fk-FK': { + getShortLabel: t => 'IT', + getLabel: t => 'Fake', + longCode: 'it-IT' } } From ba9e55898414cfa79f2a612bf2df0186c843dae5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hidaba Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2023 08:31:31 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 9/9] Added Italian --- shared/langs.js | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/shared/langs.js b/shared/langs.js index f1f0c56bb..95fb4ba83 100644 --- a/shared/langs.js +++ b/shared/langs.js @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ const langCodes = { }, 'fk-FK': { getShortLabel: t => 'IT', - getLabel: t => 'Fake', + getLabel: t => 'Italiano', longCode: 'it-IT' } }