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Translate the website

deby edited this page Oct 1, 2016 · 1 revision

Thank you so much for your help!

We use a tool called POEditor. It's very easy to use!

If you have any question, feel free to ask. Contact us.

How does it work?

  • You can get more info about the context in the comments and ask questions in the comments as well: poeditor comments

  • If there are no comments, you can ask questions, or you can get an idea of the context by putting your mouse over the sentence. It will tell you the file in which the sentence is.

  • If there are different levels of politeness in your language, consider you're talking to a friend.

  • ​You should translate the terms the same way you would talk to a friend in your language about the game. For instance, if you say "Smile" and "idolized" without translating, then you shouldn't translate the terms. If you translate "card" orally, then you should translate.

  • For the terms you don't have to translate, thought it will work if you leave the field empty, we recommend you to rewrite the term in English. This way, you'll know which terms you still have to translate.

Important technical requirements

Any of these mistakes might make the site unusable in your language.

  • Be very careful with the special words such as %(length)s or %(counter)s. You have to write the same word between parentheses, and don't forget the % and s at the end. If it appears in the original sentence, it has to appear in your translated sentence.

  • When there are multiple tabs, fill the different tabs depending on the grammar that corresponds to that number. Make sure always include the same %(length)s (see previous statement).

  • Don't add extra spaces or carriage return at the end or beginning of the sentences.

  • You should have the exact same number of {} in your translation than in the original sentence.

  • Use the same punctuation (if there's no . at the end, don't add one, if there's one, don't forget it).

Update the site

The website is not updated automatically. Once you think you're done with a translation, or if you just want to check how it looks like before finishing the translation, ask an admin to update the translation.