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Intel Compiler Workaround

Martin Ueding edited this page Jun 26, 2017 · 1 revision

The Intel C++ 17 compiler seems to have a bug in a const-conversion. Namely it does not convert T ** to T const *const *, whereas GCC and LLVM do that. Also the standard says that this conversion should be done. This article is a summary of the Stack Overflow post where this problem has been triangulated.

Existing One-Flavor Code

In QPhiX, there are BLAS routines that take one or more spinors and work with them (e.g. scalar product or AXPY). The parameters that are read-only are taken as “pointer to const”, like this:

typedef float Spinor[3][4][2][8];

void blas_routine(Spinor *out, const Spinor *in) {
    std::cout << out << " " << in << "\n";

This has worked just fine, also with the Intel C++ 17 compiler. One full real example is the copySpinor function:

template <typename FT, int V, int S, bool compress>
void copySpinor(
    typename Geometry<FT, V, S, compress>::FourSpinorBlock *res,
    const typename Geometry<FT, V, S, compress>::FourSpinorBlock *src,
    const Geometry<FT, V, S, compress> &geom,
    int n_blas_simt)
    CopyFunctor<FT, V, S, compress> f(res, src);
    siteLoopNoReduction<FT, V, S, compress, CopyFunctor<FT, V, S, compress>>(
        f, geom, n_blas_simt);

Generalization for Multiple Flavors

In the course of generalizing this code to multiple flavors, the existing functionality was reused. Each function was overloaded to take an array of spinor pointers, like this:

template <typename FT, int V, int S, bool compress, int num_flav>
void copySpinor(
    typename Geometry<FT, V, S, compress>::FourSpinorBlock *res[num_flav],
    const typename Geometry<FT, V, S, compress>::FourSpinorBlock *src[num_flav],
    const Geometry<FT, V, S, compress> &geom,
    int n_blas_simt)
    for (uint8_t f = 0; f < num_flav; ++f) {
        copySpinor(res[f], src[f], geom, n_blas_simt);

The only difference in the argument list is the addition of the [num_flav] in the end. So res and src are now arrays of pointers to spinors. There is one little caveat: For function parameters, T[N] is the same as T[] and also equivalent to T *. Although there is this num_flav, the function still does not know the number of elements in the array. This has to be given as an explicit template argument when calling this function.

The Forbidden Conversion

The code above does not compile. The fundamental problem is that T ** cannot be converted to T const **. The reason is the following:

Create some array of pointers.

T **a;

Make the implicit conversion from T ** to T const **. This does not compile, but let's press on.

T const **b = a;

Create a pointer to T const. The values that c points to are really const. The values that b point to are mutable, we just have restricted that for a moment, which cannot be a bad thing, right?

T const *c;

Let the first pointer in b point to c. This is allowed, since *b is of type T const *, just like c.

b[0] = c;

Now try to change something that a points to. It should work, there is no const anywhere in a. But since we let did a[0] = c using the proxy b, a[0][0] points to a T const!.

T some_other_t;
a[0][0] = some_other_t;

This is the reason why the above conversion is forbidden.

The Allowed but Buggy Conversion

The solution to the whole problem is introducing another const:

T const *const *b = a;

Then we are not allowed to do b[0] = c any more, nothing bad can happen.

The above code with T const *const * works well when one actually has num_flav pointers to Spinor and num_flav pointers to Spinor const. However, in algorithms like the CG, one has a lot of mutable spinor fields that sometimes take the role of an input or an output argument. This means that Spinor ** is passed into the argument that expects Spinor const *const *.

With GCC that is no problem, it happily converts T ** to T const *const *. Intel C++ 17 does not do that, and this is where some workaround is needed until that conversion (allowed by the standard) is implemented. Intel has been notified of this bug by Martin on 2017-03-28, although no substantial feedback has been received so far.

Template Workaround

There are a few ways to work around this bug:

  • Write a const wrapper array for each argument before calling the functions. This is very tedious work for the caller. The magic should happen in the library, not in the client code.

  • Remove the whole const correctness throughout the code. This of course is a bad idea.

  • Add a non-const overload for each function parameter. There are a few functions with three spinor parameters, that would mean eight overloads. Also not maintainable.

The least worst solution is to let a template deduce the const parameter for us.

For the copySpinor function, it would like the following: Spinor1 is now a template argument that is expected be Spinor or Spinor const. This way every possible way will be covered:

template <typename FT,
          int V,
          int S,
          bool compress,
          int num_flav,
          typename Spinor1>
void copySpinor(
    typename Geometry<FT, V, S, compress>::FourSpinorBlock *res[num_flav],
    Spinor1 *const src[num_flav],
    const Geometry<FT, V, S, compress> &geom,
    int n_blas_simt)
    for (uint8_t f = 0; f < num_flav; ++f) {
        copySpinor(res[f], src[f], geom, n_blas_simt);

This does work. The only nuisance is that supplying a type other than Spinor or Spinor const will result in incomprehensible template error messages within this function. It will complain about the types that are fed into the old copySpinor functions because that only takes Spinor const for the second argument.

In order to make the error messages more useful to the user, I first used a static assertion to ensure that those types are the same:

static_assert(std::is_same<const Spinor, const S>::value,
              "Template parameter must be `const Spinor` or `Spinor`.");

This uses the compile time type traits. std::is_same<T1, T2>::value will only be true if the types are the same. Another trick is used is that const const S is just const S. Therefore this can directly check whether S is Spinor const or Spinor.

The error message of this is pretty direct and the user will see the failure the static assertion.

In the comments of the Stack Overflow post, it has been suggested to use std::enable_if for this. This uses SFINAE (Substitution Failure Is Not An Error), which is an emergent property of C++. enable_if<C, T> is a struct which has a member typedef T type, iff the condition C is true. Otherwise the struct does not have this member. For the return value (which shall be void), I use the enable_if together with the is_same. If the user puts in the wrong type for Spinor1, the is_same<>::value will evaluate to false. Then the enable_if<false, void> will not have the typedef void type member, therefore enable_if<false, void>::type will be a substitution falue. But that is not an error, it is just that this overload is taken out from the overload resolution. Therefore this function does not “exist” any more. The user will get the error that the function is not viable because it has been disabled due to the non-matching types of Spinor1 and what is required.

This is the final version of the is BLAS routine:

template <typename FT,
          int V,
          int S,
          bool compress,
          int num_flav,
          typename Spinor1>
typename std::enable_if<
    std::is_same<const typename Geometry<FT, V, S, compress>::FourSpinorBlock,
                 const Spinor1>::value,
    typename Geometry<FT, V, S, compress>::FourSpinorBlock *res[num_flav],
    Spinor1 *const src[num_flav],
    const Geometry<FT, V, S, compress> &geom,
    int n_blas_simt)
    for (uint8_t f = 0; f < num_flav; ++f) {
        copySpinor(res[f], src[f], geom, n_blas_simt);

Virtual Member Functions

Virtual functions and templates do not mix. Therefore this approach does not work for templates. One has to create an overload with const and without const for each argument. These are extra guarded with an #ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER. This way it will be more apparent that they are only needed to work around the limitation.

It looks as follows in the abstract solver interface:

    virtual void
    operator()(Spinor *x[num_flav],
               const Spinor *const rhs[num_flav],
               const double RsdTarget,
               int &niters,
               double &rsd_sq_final,
               unsigned long &site_flops,
               unsigned long &mv_apps,
               int isign,
               bool verboseP) = 0;

    virtual void
    operator()(Spinor *x[num_flav],
               Spinor *const rhs[num_flav],
               const double RsdTarget,
               int &niters,
               double &rsd_sq_final,
               unsigned long &site_flops,
               unsigned long &mv_apps,
               int isign,
               bool verboseP) {
                const_cast<Spinor const *const *>(rhs),

There is an explicit const_cast needed, which will add the const. Since there is a second const, nothing bad could happen, it just forces the Intel compiler to do the right thing.