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Troubleshooting Q&A

ev-mp edited this page Jan 4, 2018 · 37 revisions

WikiTroubleshooting Q&A

Camera not working\detected




Camera not working\detected

Q: How do I see which Intel RealSense cameras are connected?


$ lsusb | grep 8086


  1. Click the Win-Key+X keys
  2. Choose Device Manager
  3. Look under Imaging devices for "Intel RealSense" cameras

Q: I connected the camera to the USB port but it is not recognized

❗️ Make sure your camera is connected using USB 3.0 ❗️

If your camera is connected via USB 3.0, check to make sure your OS detects the camera (how?). The camera will not work without USB 3.0 (or higher)

Q: I'm using a virtual machine and the camera is not working

Due to the USB 3.0 translation layer between native hardware and virtual machine, the librealsense team does not support installation in a VM. If you do choose to try it, we recommend using VMware Workstation Player, and not Oracle VirtualBox for proper emulation of the USB3 controller.

Q: Camera gets stuck\hangs on windows

Related issues: Issue #303, Issue #129

When working on Windows 8.1, make sure you have KB3075872 and KB2919355 installed.

These patches address issues with Windows 8.1 video drivers. They should be resolved in Windows 10.


Q: Fatal error: libudev.h: when building from sources

From version 2.9.0 a new dependency third-party package libudev-dev has to be installed: sudo apt-get install libudev-dev See Release Notes for v2.9.0


Q: How do I enable librealsense logs?

To change the log level of LibRealSense logger, you need to set a local variable named LRS_LOG_LEVEL and initialize it with the desirable log level:


$ export LRS_LOG_LEVEL="<Log Level>"


> set LRS_LOG_LEVEL="<Log Level>"

<Log Level> can be either DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or FATAL

Q: GCC Internal Error

The gcc compiler issues the following error while compiling:

gcc: internal compiler error

This might indicate that you do not have enough memory or swap space on your machine. Try closing memory consuming applications, and if you are running inside a VM increase available RAM to at least 2 GB.

Q: I ran the udev rules script but Linux still get Permission denied

First, try re-installing udev rules located in librealsense source directory: sudo cp config/99-realsense-libusb.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger

If the issue persists, the cause might be due to the fact that your user is not part of the plugdev group.

Q: dmesg shows: uvcvideo: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel

This is a standard warning issued since Kernel 4.4-30+, it is only a notification and does not affect module's functionality.

Q: sudo modprobe uvcvideo produces dmesg: uvc kernel module is not loaded

This issue is caused since the patched module kernel version is incompatible with the resident kernel. Verify the actual kernel version with uname -r. Revert and proceed from Make Ubuntu Up-to-date step from the Linux installation guide.

Q: script fails with fatal error: openssl/opensslv.h

This is usually caused due to a missing dependency. Install openssl package from Video4Linux backend preparation step


Q: Git returns access timeout when I try to clone the repository

git.launchpad... access timeout

This usually happens when your computer is behind a firewall, try to configure git to use the appropriate proxy server


Q: CMake shows an error when I try to build with Python bindings

The following message appears:

Could NOT find PythonInterp (missing: PYTHON_EXECUTABLE)

Please check the following:

Python config failure: Python is 32-bit, chosen compiler is 64-bit

If this message appears you should install python 64 bit