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fvanroie edited this page Feb 2, 2020 · 23 revisions

Page Layout

You can define the layout of the pages by creating a special file on the SPIFFS file system. This layout is read each time HASP starts up. You can upload this file (and other resource assets like fonts and images) in the web interface Configuration > HASP Settings.


The layout of the pages is defined in the /pages.jsonl file. It uses the JSON Lines format with one json object on per line. Each line should contain exactly one valid json object and end with a line-break \n (not a comma).

The file is interpreted line-by-line. When a malformed line is encountered, the processing of the rest of the file stops. If you are missing objects, check the logs to see which line was processed last. You probably have a typo in the following line which blocks parsing the rest of the file.

| Note: The complete file in its entirety is not a valid json file. Each individual line however must be a valid json object. The file extension is .jsonl and not .json.


Each individual line defines one object on a page and the line has the json format. The order of objects dictates the layer on the page from bottom to top.

Example Objects


These are the common properties shared among all objects:

Property Value Required Default Description
page 0-255 yes n/a ID of the page the object appears on
id 0-255 yes n/a ID of the object on this page
objid 0-255 yes n/a ID of the object type (see below)
x int16 no 0 horizontal position on the page
y int16 no 0 vertical position on the page
w int16 no 0 width of the object
h int16 no 0 height of the object
enable true/false no true object is clickable
hidden true/false no false object is hidden
opacity 0-100 no 100 % that the object is opaque

The maximum number of pages and objects is limited by the memory available in the MCU.

"page":254 specifies that the object is on every page. It can be used for example to specify a static menu bar. You can still hide the object on select pages if needed. Objects on this page appear on top of any objects on the underlying page.


If any of the required page, id or objid properties are missing -and the line is still valid json- then it is interpreted as a comment and skipped.

Example comments

{"comment":" ----------- Page 2 layout ------------"}
{"page3":" ---- My Awesome Color Picker Layout ----"}

| Note: If the line is not valid json, the parsing of the rest of the file is also stopped.

Blank Lines

Blank lines are allowed for readability and are ignored.

Object Types

Each object type is an ID that indicates which object type that line represents. Besides the common properties listed above, each object type can have specific properties.



Property Value Required Default Description
toggle boolean no true When enabled, creates a toggle-on/toggle-off button. If false, creates a normal button



Property Value Required Default Description
val int16 no 0 The value: 1 for checked, 0 for unchecked
txt string no "Checkbox" The label of the checkbox

Text Label


Property Value Required Default Description
txt string no "Text" The text of the label
{"page":2,"id":1,"objid":12,"h":24,"w":120,"txt":"\ufe05 Icon Demo"}



Property Value Required Default Description
speed int16 no 1000 The time for 1 furn in ms
direction int16 no 100 0 for clockwise, 1 for counter-clockwise
thickness int16 no dep. on theme The width of the arcline



Property Value Required Default Description
val uint16 no 0 The selected color in RBG565 format



Property Value Required Default
min int16 no 0
max int16 no 100
val int16 no 0

Double Slider


Property Value Required Default
min int16 no 0
max int16 no 100
val int16 no 0



Property Value Required Default
min int16 no 0
max int16 no 100
val int16 no 0



Property Value Required Default
min int16 no 0
max int16 no 100
val int16 no 0



Property Value Required Default
val int16 no 0

LED Indicator


Property Value Required Default Description
val int16 no 0 0 for off, 1 for on
brightness int16 no 50 The brightness of the indicator when off

Drop-down List


Property Value Required Default
min int16 no 0
max int16 no 100
val int16 no 0



Property Value Required Default
min int16 no 0
max int16 no 100
val int16 no 0

Example file

This is a real-world demo pages.jsonl file:

{"comment":"---------- Page 0 ----------"}
{"objid":10,"id":1,"page":0,"x":10,"y":45,"w":220,"h":55,"toggle":"TRUE","txt":"Toggle Me \uf0a6"}
{"objid":11,"id":2,"page":0,"x":10,"y":100,"w":220,"h":55,"txt":"Checkbox 1"}
{"objid":12,"id":3,"page":0,"x":10,"y":10,"w":220,"h":30,"txt":"Text Label 1","align":1,"padh":50}
{"objid":50,"id":6,"page":0,"x":10,"y":150,"w":150,"txt":"\uf007 Option 1\n\uf007 Option 2\n\uf007 Option 3"}
{"comment":"---------- Page 1 ----------"}
{"objid":12,"id":10,"page":1,"x":0,"y":0,"w":70,"h":50,"parentid":5,"txt":"\uf00c OK"}
{"comment":"---------- Page 2 ----------"}
{"comment":"---------- Page 3 ----------"}
{"comment":"---------- Page 254 ----------"}
{"objid":10,"id":1,"page":254,"x":0,"y":270,"w":75,"h":50,"opacity":100,"txt":"\uF053 Prev"}
{"objid":10,"id":2,"page":254,"x":75,"y":270,"w":90,"h":50,"opacity":100,"txt":"\uF015 Home"}
{"objid":10,"id":3,"page":254,"x":165,"y":270,"w":75,"h":50,"opacity":100,"txt":"Next \uF054"}
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