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Growth Ranking > Knowledge > R

Updated: 2024-09-21   /   Tips:English projects refer to those with documents in English, usually displayed in the readme / wiki / official website.

# Repository Description Stars Average daily growth Updated
1 qinwf/awesome-R A curated list of awesome R packages, frameworks and software. 5963 2 2024-06-02
2 rapidspeciation/biodiversity_genomics_course biodiversity genomics course by Nicol Rueda, Karin Näsvall and Joana Meier from the Wellcome Sanger Institute 40 1 2024-09-09
3 rmcelreath/intro_to_stan_stancon2024 Introductory tutorial on the Stan language 20 1 2024-09-09
4 geocompx/geocompr Geocomputation with R: an open source book 1527 1 2024-09-20
5 rmcelreath/rethinking Statistical Rethinking course and book package 2137 1 2024-08-23
6 milos-agathon/deforestation-maps Welcome to this tutorial where you'll learn how to map deforestation using Global Forest Change data (2001-2023) from GLAD. In this repo, we'll cover: 1. Fetching forest cover and tree loss data for ... 7 1 2024-09-15
7 briatte/awesome-network-analysis A curated list of awesome network analysis resources. 3512 1 2024-06-13
8 gesiscss/awesome-computational-social-science A list of awesome resources for Computational Social Science 522 1 2024-08-11
9 hadley/r4ds R for data science: a book 4519 1 2024-09-02
10 RamiKrispin/vscode-r A Tutorial for Setting R Development Environment with VScode, Dev Containers, and Docker 241 1 2024-07-28
11 EmilHvitfeldt/r-color-palettes Comprehensive list of color palettes available in R ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 1515 1 2024-08-15
12 rstudio/vetiver-r Version, share, deploy, and monitor models 180 0 2024-07-19
13 lchihara/MathStatsResamplingR Data sets and code for the textbook Mathematical Statistics with Resamping and R 10 0 2024-09-04
14 sneumann/CAMERA This is the git repository matching the Bioconductor package CAMERA: Collection of annotation related methods for mass spectrometry data 11 0 2024-04-02
15 wch/rgcookbook R Graphics Cookbook 281 0 2024-07-09
16 teunbrand/gguidance A 'ggplot2' extension that focusses on expanding the plotter's arsenal of guides, such as axes, legends and colour bars. It brings various improvements to existing guides by re-implementation, as ... 89 0 2024-09-16
17 cobriant/tidyverse_koans The Koans walk you along the path to enlightenment in order to learn the tidyverse, from dplyr to ggplot2 to purrr. I designed the koans for a 400 level econometrics course, so some extra attention go ... 13 0 2024-03-31
18 gshmueli/ptsf-R-3e Data and R code for textbook Practical Time Series Forecasting with R, 3rd edition 7 0 2024-04-30
19 sdellicour/seraphim R package for studying environmental rasters and phylogenetic informed movements 29 0 2024-09-14
20 mlr-org/mlr3extralearners Extra learners for use in mlr3. 88 0 2024-09-17
21 brry/course R programming courses material 19 0 2024-04-16
22 ncsuSEAL/Bayesian_LSP A Bayesian hierarchical model that quantifies long-term annual land surface phenology from sparse time series of vegetation indices. 43 0 2024-04-16
23 FunGeST/Palimpsest An R package for studying mutational signatures and structural variant signatures along clonal evolution in cancer. 68 0 2024-05-23
24 tkolisnik/pyRforest pyRforest: A comprehensive R package for genomic data analysis featuring scikit-learn Random Forests in R 7 0 2024-08-20
25 lter/ssecr Synthesis Skills for Early Career Researchers (SSECR) course 14 0 2024-09-20
26 selva86/datasets A collection of datasets of ML problem solving 681 0 2024-05-19
27 ropensci-review-tools/spaceout Holds A More Spacious Styleguide 9 0 2024-05-14
28 millacarmona/morphospace A package for people who can’t visualize morphospaces good and who wanna learn to do other geometric morphometrics stuff good too. 6 0 2024-09-07
29 gasparrini/CTS-smallarea A tutorial on the case time series design for small-area analysis 12 0 2024-07-14
30 hamidghaedi/Methylation_Analysis Comprehensive tutorial for differential methylation analysis, differential variability analysis and integrative analysis 18 0 2024-05-02
31 krmaas/bioinformatics random collection of scripts used to process sequences 8 0 2024-06-14
32 OHDSI/TheBookOfOhdsi The Book of OHDSI repository 105 0 2024-09-16
33 DOSull/Spatial-Analysis-and-Modelling Course materials for GISC 422 Spatial Analysis and Modelling 13 0 2024-04-02
34 wviechtb/course_oor Repo for the 'Open Online Introduction to R Course' 54 0 2024-05-02
35 ncss-tech/aqp Algorithms for Quantitative Pedology 54 0 2024-09-06
36 csortu/MDAuR Scripts and data for book: Molecular Data Analysis using R 8 0 2024-06-24
37 pbs-assess/csasdown 📖 An R package for creating CSAS reports in PDF or Word format with R Markdown and bookdown 46 0 2024-09-11
38 xihaoli/STAARpipeline-Tutorial The tutorial for performing single-/multi-trait association analysis of whole-genome/whole-exome sequencing (WGS/WES) studies using FAVORannotator, STAARpipeline and STAARpipelineSummary 24 0 2024-07-26
39 alexpkeil1/qgcomp QGcomp (quantile g-computation): estimating the effects of exposure mixtures. Works for continuous, binary, and right-censored survival outcomes. Flexible, unconstrained, fast and guided by modern cau ... 32 0 2024-07-01
40 hneth/ds4psy Data science for psychologists (ds4psy): R package supporting book and course 21 0 2024-08-13
41 OHDSI/EmpiricalCalibration An R package for performing empirical calibration of observational study estimates 10 0 2024-09-04
42 l-magnificence/Mime Machine learning-based integration model with elegant performance 66 0 2024-07-26
43 tdhock/animint-book Learn how to create animated interactive ggplots using the animint2 R package 8 0 2024-06-08
44 NickCH-K/Econometrics A Swirl course for introductory econometrics 66 0 2024-03-25
45 hadley/mastering-shiny Mastering Shiny: a book 1333 0 2024-06-20
46 samuel-marsh/scCustomize R package with collection of functions created and/or curated to aid in the visualization and analysis of single-cell data using R. 201 0 2024-09-18
47 luca-scr/GA An R package for optimization using genetic algorithms 91 0 2024-09-12
48 lgnbhl/polyglot 🎓Use the R Console as an interactive learning environment 28 0 2024-09-12
49 worldbank/rsocialwatcher A Social Data Collector for Facebook Marketing API 6 0 2024-05-07
50 OHDSI/Hades Health Analytics Data-to-Evidence Suite (HADES): A collection of R packages for performing analytics against the Common Data Model. 23 0 2024-09-20
51 dlab-berkeley/R-Fundamentals D-Lab's 4 part, 8 hour introduction to R Fundamentals. Learn how to create variables and functions, manipulate data frames, make visualizations, use control flow structures, and more, using R in RStud ... 29 0 2024-04-29
52 vituri/awesome-julia A curated list of Julia packages, resources, books and so on 22 0 2024-04-18
53 EvolEcolGroup/pastclim An R package providing helper functions to interact with timeseries of worldwide climate reconstructions 34 0 2024-09-20
54 pbreheny/hdrm High-Dimensional Regression Modeling [book] 7 0 2024-08-27
55 saezlab/decoupleR R package to infer biological activities from omics data using a collection of methods. 188 0 2024-07-21
56 ropensci/bowerbird Keep a collection of sparkly data resources 47 0 2024-09-11
57 mblstamps/stamps2024 Materials for the STAMPS 2024 course at the MBL in Woods Hole, MA, USA 6 0 2024-07-19
58 carpentries/workbench-template-rmd TEMPLATE for R Markdown lessons 11 0 2024-09-17
59 hugaped/MBNMAtime R package for time-course Model-Based Network Meta-Analysis 6 0 2024-08-06
60 yjunechoe/ggcolormeter A ggplot2 color/fill legend guide extension in the style of a dashboard meter 18 0 2024-09-20
61 ctross/chessbase An R database of 1.12 million chess opening sequences: A 43-year time-series of game-play from 42,644 Chess players linked in annually-resolved game-playing networks 7 0 2024-06-25
62 mar-wir/StanDDM A collection of different Drift Diffusion Models implemented in the probabilistic programming language Stan. 46 0 2024-07-10
63 rstudio/pins-r Pin, discover, and share resources 311 0 2024-08-27
64 mdsr-book/mdsr Complement to CRC Press book Modern Data Science with R 39 0 2024-08-19
65 k3jph/phonics-in-r Phonetic Spelling Algorithms in R 28 0 2024-05-12
66 mca91/EconometricsWithR 📖An interactive companion to the well-received textbook 'Introduction to Econometrics' by Stock & Watson (2015) 467 0 2024-04-15
67 HerveAbdi/data4PCCAR data4PCCAR: A R-collection of data sets and tools to illustrate Abdi & Beaton (2021) Principal Component and Correspondence Analyses with R. 10 0 2024-07-19
68 NEONScience/NEON-IS-data-processing Next generation data processing algorithms and pipeline components for (most) NEON TIS and AIS data products. 11 0 2024-09-20
69 STIMALiU/AdvRCourse Course in advanced R programming 29 0 2024-07-03
70 fernandoPalluzzi/SEMgraph Causal Structure Learning and Network Analysis with Structural Equation Modeling. 21 0 2024-07-19
71 akgold/do4ds A book on DevOps for Data Scientists with CRC Press. 85 0 2024-03-29
72 hail2thief/juanr A collection of datasets for teaching. 13 0 2024-09-05
73 JimDuggan/explore_or Supporting Repository for text book Exploring Operations Research with R 13 0 2024-04-20
74 jpfitzinger/tidyfit An extension to the R tidyverse for automated ML. The package allows fitting and cross validation of linear regression and classification algorithms on grouped data. 13 0 2024-06-07
75 BioDataScience-Course/BioDataScience A Series of Learnr Documents to study Biological Data Science 6 0 2024-09-15
76 trr266/carbonfood Repository for the study "How Does Carbon Footprint Information Affect Consumer Choice? A Field Experiment" 7 0 2024-03-26
77 andresgmejiar/lbmech A Package to Study the Mechanics of Landscape and Behavior 7 0 2024-08-25
78 davetang/machine_learning Machine learning in R 30 0 2024-06-28
79 dgkf/testex Add tests and assertions in-line in R package examples 23 0 2024-04-15
80 bryanhanson/LearnPCA Functions, Data Sets and Vignettes to Aid in Learning Principal Components Analysis (PCA) 10 0 2024-05-17
81 yanshuotan/st5209-2024 Course repo for NUS ST5209/X in Semester II 2023/2024 19 0 2024-04-15
82 mhahsler/streamMOA Interface for data stream clustering algorithms implemented in the MOA (Massive Online Analysis) framework. 12 0 2024-08-27
83 FelixAnalytix/YouTube All code of FelixAnalytix's tutorials 22 0 2024-08-25
84 Novartis/Causal-inference-in-RCTs This repository contains code examples for several methods in a Causal Inference in RCTs short course. 20 0 2024-06-07
85 max-alletsee/rstudio-themes A collection of themes for RStudio 236 0 2024-07-04
86 aoles/RBioFormats 📚 R interface to the Bio-Formats library 23 0 2024-05-01
87 ddotta/tablexlsx R package to export data frames from R to xlsx workbook 16 0 2024-06-22
88 matloff/fasteR Fast Lane to Learning R! 967 0 2024-08-08
89 rjdverse/rjd3toolkit Utility package for R access to JDemetra+ version 3.x algorithms 6 0 2024-08-09
90 Shujun-Xu/Analyze-Survey-Data-with-R Coursework A Survey-weighted Exploratory Analysis of NHANES data 8 0 2024-07-04
91 miraisolutions/techguides Technical guidelines around R programming 14 0 2024-08-14
92 harrelfe/rmsc Regression Modeling Strategies Course 5 0 2024-06-03
93 eddelbuettel/dang A collection of utility functions for R 10 0 2024-08-21
94 xiaolei-lab/rMVP 📮 A Memory-efficient, Visualization-enhanced, and Parallel-accelerated Tool For Genome-Wide Association Study 266 0 2024-09-19
95 yukiyanai/rgamer rgamer: An R package for teaching and learning game theory 52 0 2024-06-14
96 njlyon0/dndR Dungeons & Dragons Functions for Players and Dungeon Masters 17 0 2024-05-06
97 samanthacsik/EDS-240-data-viz Course website for EDS 240 - Data Visualization & Communication (MEDS @ Bren UCSB) 6 0 2024-08-27
98 speciationgenomics/scripts Scripts for analysis used during the course 78 0 2024-04-30
99 carpentries/pegboard R6 classes for exploring the content Carpentries Lessons 📐 6 0 2024-06-25
100 nanxstats/RECA Relevant Component Analysis for Supervised Distance Metric Learning 7 0 2024-04-26
101 CDCgov/Rnssp A Signature R package for the National Syndromic Surveillance Program (NSSP) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A collection of tools, classes and functions that supports the Com ... 37 0 2024-08-27
102 masiraji/tabledown This is a companion R package for the book "Basic & Advanced Psychometrics in R"[Work in Progress] 6 0 2024-05-02
103 ericdunipace/RcppCGAL Package to link to CGAL (Computational Geometry Algorithms Library) header files. Downloads CGAL version 5.6.1 on install. 10 0 2024-07-05
104 drisso/learn2count Structure learning based for zero-inflated negative binomial data 10 0 2024-07-11
105 ICI3D/RTutorials ICI3D R tutorials 13 0 2024-06-27
106 hypebright/async_shiny Examples to implement asynchronous programming in Shiny ✨ 63 0 2024-09-03
107 rOpenSpain/spanishoddata Access national high-quality and open-access datasets on movement patterns derived from mobile telephone datasets 21 0 2024-09-07
108 jbferet/prosail R package dedicated to the PROSAIL canopy reflectance model. The package allows running PROSAIL in direct and inverse modes, with various inversion strategies. A tutorial can be found on the gitlab we ... 17 0 2024-09-19
109 epiverse-trace/epi-training-kit An e-learning strategy for training on analysis, modelling and response to outbreaks and epidemics in Latin-America and the Caribbean 6 0 2024-07-11
110 bonifazi/TuttiFrutti TuttiFrutti is a collection of R functions and R scripts for various utilities and tools with a focus on animal breeding and genomics. 7 0 2024-08-05
111 StatisticsNZ/open-data-api A guide to accessing the Stats NZ Open Data API 24 0 2024-05-18
112 gingfacekillah/Financial-Modelling-in-R A collection of scripts for modelling financial markets & options in R. 37 0 2024-08-04
113 bcgov/bcgovr An R package to automate set up and sharing of R projects in bcgov GitHub following bcgov guidelines 34 0 2024-09-15
114 BIMIB-DISCo/VERSO Viral Evolution ReconStructiOn (VERSO). The manuscript of the method is available at: 7 0 2024-09-20
115 abodein/timeOmics Time-Course Multi-Omics data integration 24 0 2024-04-09
116 ttomrp/SVAR-IV Package and test files for SVARIV. Used for Masters thesis, "Oil Price and the Stock Market: A Structural VAR Model Identified with an External Instrument" 7 0 2024-05-09
117 tpyork/hgen-612 Course content for HGEN-612 11 0 2024-05-03
118 Genentech/psborrow2 psborrow2: Bayesian Dynamic Borrowing Simulation Study and Analysis 16 0 2024-09-16
119 sib-swiss/single-cell-training SIB course on single cell transcriptomics by mostly using the Seurat pipeline 76 0 2024-08-28
120 JBGruber/paperboy A comprehensive (eventually) collection of webscraping scripts for news media sites 38 0 2024-07-17
121 emf-creaf/indicspecies Studying the statistical relationship between species and groups of sites 8 0 2024-08-22
122 cynkra/munch Functions for working with the historicized list of communes of Switzerland. 6 0 2024-09-14
123 umccr/gpgr 📚 Genomics Platform Group Reporter 8 0 2024-08-20
124 ncchung/jackstraw Statistical Inference for Unsupervised Learning 15 0 2024-09-16
125 BIMIB-DISCo/TRONCO Repository of the TRanslational ONCOlogy library, which includes various algorithms (such as CAPRESE and CAPRI) and the Pipeline for Cancer Inference (PICNIC). 28 0 2024-09-20
126 mlr-org/mlr3learners Recommended learners for mlr3 89 0 2024-09-09
127 phuse-org/BioCelerate Search scripts intended to be used to query and collate information from SEND datasets which can then be utilized by the searcher for their own cross-study analysis. 6 0 2024-04-16
128 kiat/R-Examples R Code Examples for Data Analytics 39 0 2024-07-25
129 SimonDedman/ Machine-learning Boosted Regression Tree software suite for species distribution modelling in R 18 0 2024-07-05
130 skhiggins/ra_guide Guidelines for research assistants 31 0 2024-07-05
131 rdpeng/ProgrammingAssignment2 Repository for Programming Assignment 2 for R Programming on Coursera 833 0 2024-08-14
132 dgromer/apa Format output of statistical tests in R according to APA guidelines 28 0 2024-05-14
133 EpiModel/ARTnet Network and Epidemic Parameterization with the ARTnet Study Data 10 0 2024-09-18
134 ThinkR-open/fakir Create Fake Data in R for tutorials 132 0 2024-08-22
135 elixir-europe-training/ELIXIR-TrP-FAIR-training-handbook Train-the-trainer handbook for making training materials FAIR 20 0 2024-09-17
136 milos-agathon/esa-land-cover Harnessing the power of ESA’s satellite data and Microsoft’s Planetary Computer STAC API, we’re crafting detailed maps of land cover using R. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast or a city lover, our tu ... 8 0 2024-05-30
137 stephenslab/fastTopics Fast algorithms for fitting topic models and non-negative matrix factorizations to count data. 75 0 2024-07-09
138 montilab/nf-gwas-pipeline A Nextflow Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) Pipeline 30 0 2024-05-07
139 bnicenboim/bcogsci Datasets and models included in the book "An Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis for Cognitive Science". 15 0 2024-08-24
140 jcoliver/biodiversity-sdm-lesson Introductory lesson to generate range maps for butterfly-host plant interactions and predict distributional shifts using publicly available biodiversity data and data science tools 14 0 2024-08-08
141 lorenzwalthert/styler.yours A template repository for creating third-party style guides for {styler} 6 0 2024-07-29
142 martinmodrak/modelling-in-stan-2024 Materials for the course on Bayesian model building run at Second Faculty of Medicine at Charles University in Prague 9 0 2024-05-06
143 friendly/matlib Matrix Functions for Teaching and Learning Linear Algebra and Multivariate Statistics 65 0 2024-09-20
144 Fanyi177/Effects-of-Diets-on-Risks-of-Cancer-and-the-Mediating-role-of-Metabolites Effects of Adherence to Mediterranean and MIND Diets, and the Mediating Effect of Metabolites on Risks of Overall and 22 Specific Cancers: a cohort study in UK Biobank 6 0 2024-04-10
145 irinagain/Awesome-CGM List of CGM datasets 162 0 2024-06-07
146 tesselle/kairos ⌛ Analysis of Chronological Patterns from Archaeological Count Data 15 0 2024-08-26
147 r-lidar/lidRbook The lidR package tutorials book 📖 20 0 2024-08-19
148 EmilHvitfeldt/paletteer 🎨🎨🎨 Collection of most color palettes in a single R package 917 0 2024-06-24
149 chaisemartinPackages/did_multiplegt_dyn Stata R Estimation of event-study Difference-in-Difference (DID) estimators in designs with multiple groups and periods, and with a potentially non-binary treatment that may increase or decrea ... 22 0 2024-06-19
150 nrennie/capital-bikeshare-report Example of a parameterised Quarto report relating to Capital Bikeshare data. 7 0 2024-04-16
151 sol-eng/python-examples Examples of using Python with Posit Connect 61 0 2024-08-29
152 kchaz/CausalCourseNotes Course notes on causal inference 16 0 2024-09-17
153 picasa/generate Personal collection of helper functions for algorithmic art. 8 0 2024-08-18
154 rbslandau/Data_analysis Repo for course Tools for complex data analysis 11 0 2024-07-15
155 hyunsooseol/snowCluster This module allows users to analyze k-means & hierarchical clustering, and visualize results of Principal Component, Correspondence Analysis, Discriminant analysis, Decision tree, Multidimensional sca ... 8 0 2024-08-24
156 mdozmorov/Aging_clock Data and papers related to epigenetic clocks predicting age 18 0 2024-04-30
157 NCEAS/nceas-training Training materials and modules from R-based data science short courses at NCEAS 13 0 2024-09-18
158 evolgeniusteam/R-for-bioinformatics R course for bioinformatics 54 0 2024-09-18
159 schochastics/graphlayouts new layout algorithms for network visualizations in R 274 0 2024-07-02
160 flrsh-dev/flrsh-lessons {flrsh} lessons 10 0 2024-05-26
161 wincowgerDEV/OpenSpecy-package Analyze, Process, Identify, and Share, Raman and (FT)IR Spectra 23 0 2024-09-14
162 zackbatist/open-archaeo A list of open source archaeological software and resources 86 0 2024-09-13
163 wush978/supc The Self-Updating Process Clustering Algorithms 9 0 2024-09-20
164 doehm/alone Collection of datasets from the Alone survival TV series 13 0 2024-09-06
165 celphin/RepeatOBserverV1 An R package to visualize chromosome scale repeat patterns and predict centromere locations. 19 0 2024-09-11
166 AndreasFischer1985/code-snippets miscellaneous code snippets 21 0 2024-07-13
167 fpmassam/Small-things Where I share little projects 9 0 2024-05-22
168 eitsupi/querying-with-prql A book that demonstrates how to perform typical table data operations using PRQL and DuckDB. 20 0 2024-06-22
169 rstudio/shinyapps-package-dependencies Collection of bash scripts that install R package system dependencies 79 0 2024-05-22
170 ceopinio/ceo-estimacions Scripts to estimate vote share and seat allocation from the Barometre of the CEO 7 0 2024-04-26
171 yanlesin/SEC13Flist Returns a data frame with SEC Official List of Section 13F Securities for given Year and Quarter by parsing official list 7 0 2024-07-06
172 PHBS/StoFin PHBS Stochastic Finance Course Website 27 0 2024-03-25
173 OlssonF/NEON-forecast-challenge-workshop Repository of materials for the tutorial 'Can you predict the future? Introduction to the NEON Forecasting Challenge'. 9 0 2024-07-19
174 rte-antares-rpackage/antaresEditObject Edit an Antares study 8 0 2024-09-20
175 pgomba/MDPI_explorer A simple package to explore MDPI´s articles by journal. A series of functions help to obtain lists of papers, obtain data from them (turnaround times, special issues and articles types) and create sum ... 19 0 2024-09-20
176 xuyiqing/lalonde Replications data and code for "LaLonde (1986) after Nearly Four Decades: Lessons Learned" 14 0 2024-06-14
177 cran/kernlab ❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. kernlab — Kernel-Based Machine Learning Lab 21 0 2024-08-14
178 elkronos/public_examples Publicly shared code 13 0 2024-09-19
179 Metropolitan-Council/councilR A curated collection of commonly used templates, color palettes, functions, and more! 6 0 2024-03-26
180 christopherkenny/geomander Geographic Tools for Studying Gerrymandering 14 0 2024-06-30
181 PPBDS/primer.tutorials Tutorials for Preceptor's Primer for Bayesian Data Science 8 0 2024-09-19
182 Silviculturalist/forester A collection of forest science and forestry functions, data and vignettes. Intended to follow a standardised form of structures, variable names. Do you want to add something, but don't have a GitHub? ... 12 0 2024-04-18
183 lnnrtwttkhn/version-control-book Source code for the Version Control Book, a guide to Git for scientists 7 0 2024-09-17
184 mattansb/Hierarchical-Linear-Models-foR-Psychologists Lesson files for Hierarchical Linear Models for Psychologists. 11 0 2024-08-06
185 OHDSI/PheValuator An R package for evaluating phenotype algorithms. 17 0 2024-09-03
186 ggobi/tourr A implementation of tour algorithms in R 65 0 2024-09-13
187 mrc-ide/reactidd This repository supports epidemiological and disease-dynamic analyses of data from the REal Time Assessment of Community Transmission (REACT) study. It includes both code and data. For code-related en ... 15 0 2024-05-09
188 elipousson/sharepointr 👉 A R package to work with SharePoint files using {Microsoft365R} methods 25 0 2024-08-11
189 weecology/portalr A collection of functions to summarize the Portal Data 11 0 2024-09-19
190 dlab-berkeley/R-Deep-Learning Workshop (6 hours): Deep learning in R using Keras. Building & training deep nets, image classification, transfer learning, text analysis, visualization 120 0 2024-04-09
191 mlr-org/mlr3tuningspaces Collection of search spaces for hyperparameter optimization in the mlr3 ecosystem 13 0 2024-08-18
192 YouSayData/DSR_Intermediate Repository for the "Data Science with R: Intermediate" course 6 0 2024-06-07
193 miicTeam/miic_R_package Learning causal or non-causal graphical models using information theory 26 0 2024-09-18
194 rstudio/ Source documents to generate the website 61 0 2024-09-19
195 nfj1380/mrIML Multivariate (multi-response) ensemble learning 6 0 2024-09-16
196 survival-lumc/ValidationCompRisks Code repository for the manuscript 'Validation of the performance of competing risks prediction models: a guide through modern methods' (2023, BMJ) 24 0 2024-09-17
197 plantphys/spectratrait A tutorial R package for illustrating how to fit, evaluate, and report spectra-trait PLSR models. The package provides functions to enhance the base functionality of the R pls package, identify an opt ... 11 0 2024-06-19
198 dkesada/dbnR Gaussian dynamic Bayesian networks structure learning and inference based on the bnlearn package 44 0 2024-06-20
199 pharmaverse/examples End to end examples of pharmaverse packages for common safety clinical reporting analyses 6 0 2024-09-20
200 milos-agathon/3d-elevation-inset-maps In this repo, we're diving deep into the realm of 3D elevation maps with inset maps, also known as study area maps. We'll harness the power of ggplot2 and rayshader in R to transform your data into st ... 6 0 2024-05-31

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