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Growth Ranking > Knowledge > Groovy

Updated: 2024-09-21   /   Tips:English projects refer to those with documents in English, usually displayed in the readme / wiki / official website.

# Repository Description Stars Average daily growth Updated
1 kiegroup/jenkins-pipeline-shared-libraries This repository contains shared libraries used across different KIE Jenkins pipeline scripts. 25 0 2024-09-05
2 puzzle/jenkins-pipeline-shared-libraries Shared functionality for Jenkins Pipeline Groovy scripts. 10 0 2024-07-31
3 apwide/apwide-jenkins-shared-lib Jenkins shared library to interact with Jira from pipeline 9 0 2024-09-03
4 dalet-oss/flex-scripting-examples To demonstrate how to write Flex scripts in an IDE environment 6 0 2024-09-04
5 dexman545/GitCraft Generatre a repo of decompiled MC. Do not share the generated repo. 16 0 2024-06-22
6 stainlessai/jenkins-semci A semantic versioning shared library for Jenkins pipelines 8 0 2024-03-31
7 tracetronic/jenkins-library Jenkins shared library for your CX automation workflows. 8 0 2024-09-13
8 egonw/ons-wikidata Open Notebook for Wikidata scripts 3 0 2024-08-31
9 DevMadhup/Jenkins_SharedLib This repository has Jenkins Shared Library 3 0 2024-08-26
10 Hubbitus/groovy-test-examples Groovy findings, snippets, examples. Mostly for memorize and sharing. 4 0 2024-07-06
11 cloudogu/ces-build-lib Jenkins pipeline shared library adding features for Maven, Gradle, Docker, SonarQube, Git and others 74 0 2024-09-20
12 Naveiras-Lab/MarrowQuant MarrowQuant is a user-friendly algorithm for the quantification of H&E bone marrow tissue biopsies in whole slide images, implemented as a series of QuPath Scripts. Keywords: Digital Pathology, Whole ... 5 0 2024-04-19
13 chrismld/jenkins-pipeline-tutorial Jenkins Pipeline Tutorial 6 0 2024-05-28
14 infofabrik/reportserver-samples Useful scripting examples for ReportServer 4 0 2024-09-17
15 keptn-sandbox/keptn-jenkins-library Jenkins shared library for integrating Keptn Use Cases with your Jenkins Pipelines 9 0 2024-09-17
16 DEFRA/ffc-jenkins-pipeline-library FFC Jenkins shared library 13 0 2024-09-20
17 gabriel-rodrigues-f/btp-samples Useful code snippets for use in SAP Cloud Integration integrations 3 0 2024-08-29
18 electronicvisions/jenlib Jenlib is a shared library offering various helpers and abstractions for Jenkins CI instances. 11 0 2024-05-01
19 lucas-sancere/QuPath_Codes Collection of some groovy scripts for QuPath. Public repo but made mostly for personal use. 5 0 2024-07-10
20 lmagyar/homeassistant-addon-samba-interface Restores interfaces configuration for the official Home Assistant Samba add-on 21 0 2024-09-12
21 Antiz96/Linux-Server Linux servers/services installations, configurations, ansible playbooks and customizations/preferences (with config/dotfiles). 3 0 2024-09-19
22 HariSekhon/Jenkins Jenkins CI/CD - Advanced Jenkinsfile & Groovy Shared Library of reusable functions and pipelines - AWS, GCP, Docker, Kubernetes, ArgoCD, Slack notifications, Git Merge, Terraform, Cloudflare, Jenkins ... 61 0 2024-09-04
23 hmcts/cnp-jenkins-library Shared jenkins library 29 0 2024-09-18
24 opendevstack/ods-jenkins-shared-library Shared Jenkins library which all ODS projects & components use - provisioning, SonarQube code scanning, Nexus publishing, OpenShift template based deployments and repository orchestration 70 0 2024-09-20
25 cloudogu/gitops-build-lib Jenkins pipeline shared library for automating deployments via GitOps 31 0 2024-09-20
26 colinbut/jenkins-pipelines A collection of different types of Jenkinsfile (Pipeline as Code) 15 0 2024-08-26
27 paulk-asert/groovy-data-science Some Data Science examples using Groovy 36 0 2024-07-01
28 boxboat/dockhand-jenkins Upstream Jenkins Shared Library to Build, Promote, and Deploy Docker images 36 0 2024-08-07
29 engswee/flashpipe-demo FlashPipe Examples Repository 4 0 2024-09-18
30 snyk-labs/snyk-cicd-integration-examples Examples of integrating the Snyk CLI into a CI/CD system 78 0 2024-04-02
31 daluobai-devops/jenkins-shared-library Jenkins Pipeline Extending with Shared Libraries 38 0 2024-09-18
32 apache/netbeans-jenkins-lib Apache NetBeans Shared Jenkins Pipeline 5 0 2024-09-20
33 University-of-Strathclyde-LTE-Team/moodle-plugin-ci-jenkins A Jenkins shared library for running moodle-plugin-ci 2 0 2024-05-30
34 elcicd/el-CICD A Jenkins shared library that powers el-CICD pipelines. 5 0 2024-08-21
35 evry-ace/jenkins-ace-library Ace Shared Library for Jenkins Pipeline 7 0 2024-09-09
36 shasait/cipa Jenkins SharedLib - Continuous Integration Pipeline Activities 2 0 2024-09-12
37 techiescamp/jenkins-shared-library A Jenkins shared library code examples with Jenkinfiles 36 0 2024-09-04
38 stchar/pipeline-sharedlib-testharness JenkinsPipelineUnit test harness for a Jenkins Shared Library 42 0 2024-07-08
39 jenkins-infra/pipeline-library Collection of custom steps and variables for our Jenkins instance(s) 290 0 2024-09-10
40 pentaho/pentaho-jenkins-shared-library Jenkins shared library for the Pentaho stack builds 7 0 2024-08-26
41 d3scomp/NPRG014 Supplementary materials for the course of "Concepts of Modern Programming Languages" (NPRG014) taught at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. 24 0 2024-09-15
42 Ableton/python-pipeline-utils Jenkins shared pipeline library for Python-related utilities 25 0 2024-09-09
43 networkupstools/jenkins-dynamatrix A shared library to do a sort of matrix build based on available swarm agent labels 3 0 2024-08-02
44 nubenetes/awesome-kubernetes A curated list of awesome references collected since 2018. 608 0 2024-09-01
45 trishagee/spock-testing-demo Simple project to show how to use Spock to test Java code 20 0 2024-07-25
46 coreos/coreos-ci-lib Jenkins pipeline shared library for CoreOS continuous integration 10 0 2024-06-21
47 guicamest/GDuplicate-Finder GDuplicate Finder - A Groovy way to find duplicates among your computer and network shares! 30 0 2024-09-20
48 mschuchard/jenkins-devops-libs Collection of Jenkins Pipeline shared libraries for common DevOps software. 129 0 2024-09-13
49 hoto/jenkinsfile-examples Executable examples of Jenkinsfiles. 218 0 2024-09-19
50 RedHatInsights/insights-pipeline-lib Jenkins shared library used by the Insights team at Red Hat 15 0 2024-09-16
51 firstBitMarksistskaya/jenkins-lib Jenkins shared library для 1С:Предприятие 8 159 0 2024-09-12
52 nebula-plugins/gradle-lint-plugin A pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns of misuse or deprecations in Gradle scripts. 768 0 2024-09-11
53 bahmanm/stockperson Practical exercises to learn a programming language 2 0 2024-09-12
54 ssadedin/groovy-ngs-utils A collection of utilities for working with next generation (MPS) sequencing data in Groovy 13 0 2024-08-27
55 couchbaselabs/sdkbuild-jenkinsfiles Collection of Jenkinsfiles for sdkbuild 5 0 2024-09-17

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