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zaven edited this page Mar 9, 2019 · 8 revisions

Treetracker-Admin API



Welcome to the treetracker-admin wiki!


  • GreenStand Admin
  • Tree planting project managers
  • Administrators funding tree planting operations.


  • Verify planting efforts
  • Pay planters
  • Create Reports and share trees data

Fundamental Questions we are answering:

  • Who planted what number and species of trees where?
  • How long is it surviving?
  • What are the primary factors determining it’s survival?
  • How much have we paid for each data point (tree image)

Short Term Goals:

Scan Photos with filters based on

  • Time Range
  • Proximity
  • Users
  • Species
  • Organization

Create Badge


  • Link tree to a donor's account

Remove image/data point from scanning images based on

  • Image quality
  • Duplicate photos of the same tree in the same area (Possibly by highlighting an area of the map and seeing each image and images related to it based on proximity)


  • Create Species
  • Tag individual trees with species

Mid Term Goals

Ability to

  • link updated images of trees together over time
  • export data
  • tag tree/images with amount funds paid

Long Term goals

Project management

  • Create planter accounts
  • Assign planters to projects / organizations
  • Project configuration / organization white label
  • Payout management for planters / collectors

#Planting accounting

  • Mark amount invested in specific tree and funds remaining for that specific tree (this needs to be discussed, could be done on an accounting side)

Planting planning

  • Notify planters to check on particular trees
  • Species mixture and layout
  • Collection of forest products
  • Coordination of collection
  • Coordination of pickup

Tree Updates

  • Data quality / linking tree updates to correct tree using GPS
  • Identify Tree Growth
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