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File metadata and controls

81 lines (79 loc) · 4.72 KB

Explanation of columns in flatfiles

Column name Description
CuspID GeoNet event identification number
Origin time Origin time of earthquake in UTC
Record Record name
Mw Moment magnitude
MwUncert Uncertainty in moment magnitude estimate
TectClass Tectonic classification, either 'crustal', 'interface' or 'slab'
Mech Focal mechanism, as defined by McVerry et al., (2006)
S → strike-slip, with rake angle δ, −33 ≤ δ ≤ 33, 147 ≤ δ ≤ 180, −180 ≤ δ ≤ −147
N → normal, −146 ≤ δ ≤ −34
R → reverse, 67 ≤ δ ≤ 123
O → oblique with a reverse component, 34 ≤ δ ≤ 66, 124 ≤ δ ≤ 146
U → unknown
PreferredFaultPlane 1 if one fault plane orientation is preferred out of the two conjugate fault planes in the moment tensor
0 if the preferred fault plane is unknown
Strike Strike angle (degrees)
If PreferredFaultPlane = 1, this is the likely fault strike, otherwise it is only one of two possible strikes
Dip Dip angle (degrees)
Rake Rake angle (degrees)
Location Reference for the preferred location
special → special studies (see references)
geonet → standard GeoNet catalogue
nlloc → relocation using the NonLinLoc algorithm
simulps → relocation using the SimulPS algorithm
irisdmc → the IRIS DMC catalogue (mostly for older events)
HypLat Hypocenter latitude
HypLon Hypocenter longitude
StationLat Latitude of recording station
StationLon Longitude of recording station
HypN Northing of hypocenter in NZMG co-ordinates (metres)
HypE Easting of hypocenter in NZMG co-ordinates (metres)
StationN Northing of recording station in NZMG co-ordinates (metres)
StationE Easting of recording station in NZMG co-ordinates (metres)
LENGTH_km Inferred rupture length along strike (km)
WIDTH_km Inferred down-dip rupture width (km)
Repi_km Epicentral distance (km)
Rhyp_km Hypocentral distance (km)
Rjb_km Joyner-Boore distance (km)
Rrup_km Closest distance from station to rupture plane (km)
Rx_km Hanging wall distance metric Rx (km)
Ry_km Hanging wall distance metric Ry (km)
Rvol_km Volcanic path distance (km)
HypDepth_km Hypocenter depth (km)
ZTOR_km Depth to top of rupture plane (km)
HWFW Hanging wall flag
hw → Station located on hanging wall
fw → Station located on foot wall
nu → No hanging wall effects
SiteCode GeoNet station identifier
SiteClass1170 NZS1170.5:2004 site classification
Vs30 Time-averaged shear-wave velocity in the top 30 m (m/s)
Vs30Uncert Quality of VS30 estimate
Tsite Low-strain fundamental site period (s)
TsiteUncert Quality of Tsite estimate
Z1 Depth below ground surface to a shear-wave velocity of 1 km/s (m)
Z1Uncert Quality of Z1 estimate
Directivity Identified directivity pulse
1 → pulse-like motions have been identified
0 → pulse-like motions have not been identified
Pulse_or Orientation of identified directivity pulse
either equals the component orientation in degrees, or -99999 if not applicable
Pulse_T Period of identified directivity pulse
either equals the period in seconds, or -99999 if not applicable
S_Trigger_Flag Flag indicating whether the recording triggered between the P and S arrivals
1 → the recording triggered after the P-arrival (beginning of recording may not be captured)
0 → a clear P-arrival was observed
fcButterHP Corner frequency of Butterworth high-pass filter (Hz)
finiLP Initiation frequency of the low-pass sinuosoidal transition filter (Hz)
fmin Minimum usable frequency of the recording (Hz)
fmax Maximum usable frequency of the recording (Hz)
References Published references associated with the event location, moment tensor, fault plane solution etc.

The columns of ground motion data then follow. For example ‘f100.0000SA_RotD50’ is the spectral acceleration for a SDOF oscillator with resonant frequency of 100 Hz, and the definition of horizontal component is RotD50. Ground motion values of -99999 represent oscillator frequencies outside the minimum usable frequency of a given recording. PSA values are given in units of g, peak ground velocities are given in m/s and Fourier amplitudes are in g · s. For the significant duration flatfile, the data are provided for D5−75%, D5−95% and D20−80%, for the two as-recorded horizontal components (H1 and H2), as well as for the geometric mean (GM). All duration data are provided in units of seconds.