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238 lines (163 loc) · 5.89 KB


See docs for starter pack.

Set up local chains

To start two local blockchains, so we can test, run the following commands in three different consoles. These are long-living commands and will keep running indefinitely

# in one console
# in another console

When you are done running tests, you can run the following in any console to shut down the chains:


Setup binaries

Build the project.

yarn install
yarn build

Link the binaries so you can reference them w/o specifying the full path.

yarn link

Now, ibc-setup and ibc-relayer binaries should be available. If you run to a permission error by any chance, fix it.

chmod u+x ./build/binary/ibc-setup/index.js
chmod u+x ./build/binary/ibc-relayer/index.js

CLI quick start

This is just mean for manual testing with the local CI chains defined in demo/registry.yaml. First get some keys:

ibc-setup init --src local_wasm --dest local_gaia # initializes home directory at: ~/.ibc-setup
ibc-setup keys list

Then edit manual/consts.ts and place your keys in those address variables.

  • exports.gaiaAddress = 'cosmos1y6m4llfs0ruxr0p67cs748vrv40ryh9r0gaqvd';
  • exports.wasmdAddress = 'wasm1q6cggcxghka0yj88927zqs6d2pdq58wnkptx52';
vi src/lib/manual/consts.ts

Send some coins to the relayer accounts to get started:

yarn build && yarn test:unit ./src/lib/manual/fund-relayer.spec.ts

Now you should see an updated balance, and can make an ics20 channel:

ibc-setup balances # show relayer account balances
ibc-setup ics20 # creates clients, connections and channels

For example:

Created channel:
  network-1: transfer/channel-21 (connection-0)
  network-2: custom/channel-10 (connection-0)

Now we have a channel, let's send some packets. Go back to manual/consts.ts place the proper channel ids from in the channels object. Make sure to place the channel that was listed next to (custom) on the top part. Then run a task to generate packets:

yarn build && yarn test:unit ./src/lib/manual/create-packets.spec.ts

With a connection, channel, and packets, let's start the relayer:

ibc-relayer start


You must have the local blockchains running for the tests to pass.

Manually building, linting and testing:

yarn build
yarn test

# linting happens while testing, you can run it alone like this
yarn test:lint

Automatic build and test (you must watch build, as test setup watches for js changes). Code will be build and tests run everytime you save a file:

# in one console
yarn watch:build

# in another console
yarn watch:test

Test Framework

I am using Ava here simply because that was automatically set up with the TypeScript helper. Rather than immediately rush to the well-known jasmine from CosmJS, I tried it out and so far like the functionality. Nice test watcher, clean error messages, and clickable links right to the failing source. Let's try this out a bit on this project.

You will want to read how to write tests and maybe a little the list of valid assertions before coding.


To re-build the protobuf definitions, first look at scripts/proto/env and ensure you have set the desired Cosmos SDK tag there (eg. v0.41.0). After that, run:


This will overwrite the data in src/codec with newly generated definitions. We delete the folder first to avoid outdated artifacts, meaning any manual changes will be lost.

Maintain a clean changelog

We use changesets to keep track of changes between the releases. A changeset is a markdown file that describes changes made. Every pull request must contain a changeset.

Create a changeset

Use interactive CLI to quickly generate a changeset:

yarn changeset

NOTE: Since we don't follow the semver yet, please mark every change as a patch.

Alternatively, you can create a new file with whatever name and .md extension under the .changeset directory with the following contents:

"@confio/relayer": patch

The summary of your change goes here.

How to write a changeset summary

Borrowed from the changesets docs.

While not every changeset is going to need a huge amount of detail, a good idea of what should be in a changeset is:

  • WHAT the change is
  • WHY the change was made
  • HOW a consumer should update their code (if it's a breaking change)

Skip changeset validation

A changeset is always required, however, sometimes you may want to merge your pull request without it. For example, while fixing a typo.

To pass the changeset validation, create an empty changeset with a CLI:

yarn changeset --empty

Or add it manually: .changeset/


Aggregate the changesets

Before release, it's important to utilize the changesets. To do so, run:

yarn changeset version

The command will:

  • write to changelog
  • remove changesets
  • bump package version

Inspect your changes with:

git status
git diff

Useful npm scripts

Rebuild on every change.

yarn watch:build

Auto linter and prettier fix.

yarn fix