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Retrieval-augmented generation to improve math question-answering: trade-offs between groundedness and human preference

arXiv License

This repository contains analysis code, prompts, surveys, figures, and data for the paper "Retrieval-augmented generation to improve math question-answering: trade-offs between groundedness and human preference".

This repository forks the llm-math-education package.

Cite the paper using the CITATION.cff file and dropdown:

Zachary Levonian, Chenglu Li, Wangda Zhu, Anoushka Gade, Owen Henkel, Millie-Ellen Postle, and Wanli Xing. 2023. Retrieval-augmented Generation to Improve Math Question-Answering: Trade-offs Between Groundedness and Human Preference. In NeurIPS’23 Workshop on Generative AI for Education (GAIED), New Orleans, USA. DOI:


Primary code contributor:

Local development setup

This project uses make and Poetry to manage and install dependencies.

On Windows, you'll need to use WSL and maybe make some other changes.

Python development

Use make install to install all needed dependencies (including the pre-commit hooks and Poetry).

You'll probably need to manually add Poetry to your PATH, e.g. by updating your .bashrc (or relevant equivalent):

export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"

Run tests

make test

Run Jupyter Lab

make jupyter

Which really just runs poetry run jupyter lab, so feel free to customize your Jupyter experience.

Other useful commands

  • poetry run <command> - Run the given command, e.g. poetry run pytest invokes the tests.
  • poetry add <package> - Add the given package as a dependency. Use flag -G dev to add it as a development dependency.

Other notes

Poster figures

Some logos are present in the posters directory.

The Digital Harbor Foundation logo was created using rsvg-convert, installed via brew.

I manually adjusted the source svg (dhf-logo-vector-blue.svg) to use DHF blue (#0091c9) rather than black (#010101).

brew install librsvg
rsvg-convert -d 150 -p 150 -h 2in figures/dhf-logo-vector-blue.svg > figures/dhf-poster-logo.png

Converting the system diagram (converted from as an SVG, with embedded fonts):

rsvg-convert -d 150 -p 150 -h 4in figures/system-diagram.svg > figures/system-diagram-poster.png