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69 lines (58 loc) · 4.86 KB

Development Machine Setup

  1. Install DASYLab 202x

  2. Clone this repo.

  3. Simlink python dependencies into the appropriate DASYLab directories.

    • <REPO_ROOT>\digilent_waveforms to <DASYLAB_DIR>\python\Lib\site-packages\digilent_waveforms

    • <REPO_ROOT>\digilent_waveforms_dasylab to <DASYLAB_DIR>\python\Lib\site-packages\digilent_waveforms_dasylab

    • <REPO_ROOT>\digilent_waveforms_dasylab\python_dependencies\debugpy to <DASYLAB_DIR>\python\Lib\site-packages

    • <REPO_ROOT>\digilent_waveforms to <DASYLAB_DIR>\pool\files\digilent_waveforms

    • <REPO_ROOT>\digilent_waveforms_dasylab to <DASYLAB_DIR>\pool\files\digilent_waveforms_dasylab

    • <REPO_ROOT>\dasylab\build\script-package\digilent.dly to <DASYLAB_DIR>\pool\files\digilent.dly

    • Example powershell commands:

      • cmd /c mklink /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\DASYLab 2022.1_en\python\Lib\site-packages\digilent_waveforms" "C:\git\digilent\sw-waveforms-dasylab-module\digilent_waveforms"

      • cmd /c mklink /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\DASYLab 2022.1_en\python\Lib\site-packages\digilent_waveforms_dasylab" "C:\git\digilent\sw-waveforms-dasylab-module\digilent_waveforms_dasylab"

      • cmd /c mklink /d "C:\git\digilent\sw-waveforms-dasylab-module\python_dependencies\debugpy" "C:\git\digilent_waveforms_dasylab\python_dependencies\debugpy"

      • cmd /c mklink /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\DASYLab 2022.1_en\pool\files\digilent_waveforms" "C:\git\digilent\sw-waveforms-dasylab-module\digilent_waveforms"

      • cmd /c mklink /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\DASYLab 2022.1_en\pool\files\digilent_waveforms_dasylab" "C:\git\digilent\sw-waveforms-dasylab-module\digilent_waveforms_dasylab"

      • cmd /c mklink "C:\Program Files (x86)\DASYLab 2022.1_en\pool\files\digilent.dly" "C:\git\digilent\sw-waveforms-dasylab-module\dasylab\build\script-package\digilent.dly"

  4. Place a script block on the DASYLab worksheet and select Only outputs

  5. Click Load

  6. Select <REPO_ROOT>\ file

  7. Click OK

  8. Save the worksheet.

Development process

  1. Open the DASYLab worksheet <REPO_ROOT>\Digilent WaveForms Module.DSB
  2. Make changes to
  3. Reload the python file to get the changes.
    1. On the DASYLab worksheet, double click the Script Module named DWF
    2. Click Load
    3. Select <REPO_ROOT>\
    4. Click OK
  4. Run the worksheet.
  5. Repeat setps 3-4


  1. Export the module(s)
    • In DASYLab, open a script module, click export, click OK. This exports the module to <REPO_ROOT>\dasylab\build\script-module
    • Note - Make sure to clear <REPO_ROOT>\dasylab\build\script-module\. If you change names in DASYLab script module export dialog you'll end up with multiple copies in this directory and things will break.
  2. Create a script package
    • in DASYLAB, click Options>>Create Script Package.... Click OK. This exports the script package to <REPO_ROOT>\dasylab\build\script-package
  3. Use DASYLab configurator to create the extension package
    • Open DASYLab configurator, click Create Package, open <REPO_ROOT>\dasylab\digilent=package-definition.dlpdef. Make changes, build, save, test.


  1. Double click the script module on the DASYLab worksheet
  2. Click Export

Developer Notes

  • DASYLab looks for python imports in <DASYLAB_DIR>\python\Lib\site-packages\. In order to minimize name collisions it is best to place all python dependencies in a subdirectory and include the subdirectory when importing.
    • Ex. lives in .\digilent_waveforms_dasylab\ rather than at the project root and imported with from digilent_waveforms_dasylab._version import __version__
  • Needs verification - DASYLab appears to cache python dependencies at start time. Therefor if you make changes to a python module that is symlinked into <DASYLAB_DIR>\python\Lib\site-packages\ the changes won't take effect until DASYLab is restarted.


  1. Set DEBUG = True in this will start the debug listener.
  2. Open the DASYLab script module and load the python file.
  3. DASYLab creates a temp file that contains the script in %AppData%\Local\Temp\dasylab\script\<SCRIPT_NAME>.py. This is the python file that DASYLab will execute, and therefore the file you need to open in VSCode for debugging.
  • Note: Adding something like pathMappings in launch.json may make it so you can debug directly in the source directory, but a quick test didn't work.
  1. Set VSCode to use the DASYLab python interpreter
    • Ctrl + Shift + P
    • Python: Select interpreter
    • Browse to \python\python.exe
  2. In VSCode run the Attach to DASYLab debug profile
  3. Set break points, etc and trigger callbacks in DASYLab