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L2 Learning


This is the last exercise of our Basic L2 Switch series. In the first exercise we implemented a very basic l2 forwarding switch, then in the second exercise we made the switch a bit more realistic and added the feature of forwarding packets for unknown and broadcast destinations.

In this exercise we will add the cherry on the cake. We will make the switch a bit smarter and add the capability of learning Mac addresses to port mappings autonomously, as a regular L2 switch would do. Thus, we will not need to add manually the mac_address to output_port mapping as we were doing in the previous exercises. Instead, now we will leave that table empty, and will let the switch (with the help of a controller) fill it automatically.

L2 learning works as follows:

  1. For every packet the switch receives, it checks if it has seen the src_mac address before. If its a new mac address, it sends to the controller a tuple with (mac_address, ingress_port). The controller receives the packet and adds two rules into the switch's tables. First it tells the switch that src_mac is known. Then, in another table it adds an entry to map the mac address to a port (this table would be the same we used in the previous exercises).

  2. The switch also checks if the dst_mac is known (using a normal forwarding table), if known the switch forwards the packet normally, otherwise it broadcasts it. This second part of the algorithm has been already implemented in the previous exercise.

In this exercise we will implement a learning switch. For that we need a controller code, and instruct the switch to send the (mac, port) tuple to the controller. For the sake of learning, we will show you two different ways of sending packets to the controller.

Before Starting

For this exercise the files we provide you are:

  • p4app_cpu.json and p4app_digest.json: two p4 utils configuration files. They define the same star topology used in previous exercises. p4app_cpu.json has an extra option enabled, cpu_port which tells P4 utils to add an extra port to connect with the controller.

  • p4src/l2_learning_copy_to_cpu.p4 and p4src/l2_learning_digest.p4: p4 program skeletons. Each skeleton will be used for one version of the solution.

  • since there is not much documentation on how to write controllers with P4 utils, we provide you some useful skeleton that you just have to fill with the l2 algorithm.

Notes about p4app.json

Unlike in previous exercises, for this exercise we do not need the automatic ARP table population at each host. Actually, during this exercise we want to disable this feature. Once our switches get the feature of broadcasting packets ARP requests will be sent everywhere and thus ARP tables will be filled without any problem.

To disable automatic ARP population we added the following line to the topology section of the p4app.json:

"auto_arp_tables": false

Note that p4app_cpu.json adds a cpu_port: true option to s1. This will make P4 utils add an extra port to s1, this port then will be used by the controller to receive control plane packets.

Note: This option is already disabled in the provided configuration files.

Furthermore, during this exercise you will need to use the --conf option when calling p4run. By default, if you do not specify anything it tries to find a configuration file named p4app.json, which has to be located in the same path. Since in this exercise we provided you with two different configuration files you will have call it as follows:

sudo p4run --conf <json conf file>

You can find all the documentation about p4app.json in the p4-utils documentation.

Implementing L2 Learning

For this exercise we will also use two different techniques, as described above. Since the learning switch also need to flood unknown packets you will be able to reuse code from the previous exercise (however, all the step will be listed in the TODOS).

Learning Switch: cloning packets to controller

To complete this exercise we will need to clone packets. When a learning packet needs to be sent to the controller the switch will have to make a copy of the packet, send it to the controller, and then continue the pipeline normally with the original packet. In order to help you with the cloning part, a section in the new Simple Switch documentation explains how to clone packets using the simple switch target.

Your tasks are:

  1. Read the documentation section that talks about packet cloning.

  2. Define a cpu_t header that will be added to our original packet. This header needs two fields, one for the source mac address, and one for the input port (48 and 16 bits respectively). Remember to cast the standard_metadata.ingress_port before assigning it to this header field.

  3. Cloned packets get all the metadata reset. If we want to be able to know the ingress_port for our cloned packet we will need to put that in a metadata field.

  4. Add the new header to the headers struct.

  5. Define a normal forwarding table, and call it dmac. The table should match to the packet's destination mac address, and call a function forward that sets the output port. Set NoAction as default. Copy this from the previous exercise.

  6. Define a table named broadcast that matches to ingress_port and calls the action set_mcast_grp which sets the multicast group for the packet, if needed. Define also the set_mcast_grp action. Copy this from the previous exercise.

  7. Define a third and new table (and name it smac). This new table will be used to match source mac addresses. If there is a match nothing should happen, if there is a miss, an action mac_learn should be called. The mac_learn action should set the metadata field you defined in 3 to standard_metadata.ingress_port and call clone3 with CloneType.I2E and mirroring ID = 100.

  8. Write the apply logic. First apply the smac table. Then the dmac and if it does not have a hit, apply the broadcast table.

  9. When you call clone3 the packet gets copied to the egress pipeline. Here you have to do several things.

    • First check that the instance_type is equal to 1 (which means that the packet is an ingress clone).
    • Now you will use the cpu header you defined in 2 to add the learning information we want to send to the controller. To enable the header you need to set it valid using setValid(). Fill the cpu headers fields with the mac source port and ingress_port.
    • Finally set the hdr.ethernet.etherType to 0x1234. The controller uses to filter packets.
  10. Emit the new header you created (only valid headers are put back to the packet).

  11. Implement the controllers learning function:

    At this point you will have your P4 program ready. Now is time to implement the controller. However, since we did not explain how to write controller code using the P4 utils library we will provide you an almost complete solution. You will only need to implement a function called learn. The controller will handle automatically for you the following:

    1. Reset the switch state.
    2. Add Broadcast groups automatically.
    3. Add the mirror session ID and map it to the CPU_PORT.
    4. It will listen for learning packets and will parse them.

    Look for the learn function in the controller program The function learn will be automatically called by the controller when the switch sends a packet to it. As a parameter it receives a list of tuples with (src_macs, ingress_ports). Use the method self.controller.table_add() to populate the smac and dmac tables accordingly. The table_add does the same than the CLI table_add command line.

Testing your solution

Once you have the l2_learning_copy_to_cpu.p4 program finished you can test its behaviour:

  1. Start the topology (this will also compile and load the program).

    sudo p4run --conf p4app_cpu.json
  2. Start the controller in another terminal window:

    sudo python s1 cpu

    We tell the controller from which switch listen from. The cpu parameter tells the controller which technique it should use to receive packets. In this case, sniffing an ethernet port.

  3. Ping between all hosts using the cli, and check that you have complete connectivity:

    *** Starting CLI:
    mininet> pingall
    *** Ping: testing ping reachability
    h1 -> h2 h3 h4
    h2 -> h1 h3 h4
    h3 -> h1 h2 h4
    h4 -> h1 h2 h3
    *** Results: 0% dropped (12/12 received)
  4. Verify that the switch table was populated:

    simple_switch_CLI --thrift-port 9090
    Obtaining JSON from switch...
    Control utility for runtime P4 table manipulation
    RuntimeCmd: table_dump dmac

Learning Switch: using packet digest

Now we will solve the same exercise but using the extern digest. To do this you should be able to reuse a big part of the copy_to_cpu solution.

Your tasks are:

  1. Read the simple switch digest documentation section.

  2. Define a struct variable with a mac source address and ingress_port fields (48 and 16 bits respectively). Originally the ingress_port field is 9 bits, you will have to cast it to 16 bit so the controller can decode it.

  3. Add the newly created struct into the metadata fields.

  4. Copy the ingress pipeline from the previous exercise. This time you only need to modify the mac_learn action. Now instead of cloning the packet you need to save the (src_mac_address, ingress_port) into the metadata struct you created in 2. And then digest the packet, as explained in the documentation.

  5. Copy the ingress control logic from the previous exercise.

Testing your solution

Once you have the l2_learning_digest.p4 program finished you can test its behaviour:

  1. Start the topology (this will also compile and load the program).

    sudo p4run --conf p4app_digest.json
  2. Start the controller in another terminal window:

    sudo python s1 digest

    We tell the controller from which switch listen from. The digest parameter tells the controller which technique it should use to receive packets. In this case it will use the nanomsg socket to receive digests.

From now you can do the same than in the previous section.

Notes about the controller

Even though we provide you with the controller code almost finished, you should make the effort and try to understand it. This controller code has some good examples of how to receive CPU packets, how to receive digested packets, how to populate tables, how to automatically add the multicast groups, etc.

The implementation of the controller heavily uses two features from p4-utils. The Topology object and the SimpleSwitchAPI object:

  1. Topology object: when a topology is created with p4run all the useful topology information is encoded in a the topolog.db file which can be then loaded by the p4-utils Topology object. Using this object you can get rich information about the topology. To check when is this object used in the controller's code look for self.topology. Documentation regarding this will be released soon.

  2. SimpleSwitchAPI: the simple switch API is python object that connects to a switch thrift server and provides you a Python API that is able to do the same than the simple_switch_CLI. However, the advantage here is that you can dynamically read, add and modify entries in the switch without having to use a CLI.

Testing your solution with multi switch topologies

If you managed to finish the above exercises, now you can test your solution with bigger networks (they must not contain loops). Build a topology with several switches and run a controller for all of them, you should also be able to ping amongst all hosts.

Some notes on debugging and troubleshooting

We have added a small guideline in the documentation section. Use it as a reference when things do not work as expected.