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3274 lines (2300 loc) · 120 KB

File metadata and controls

3274 lines (2300 loc) · 120 KB


Title: Record

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]

Description: A representation of a structured record in an database.

1. [Required] Property Record > conf

Title: The confidence of the evidence

Type number
Required Yes

Description: This value represents a score to the data item. Items originating from databases will typically have a score 1.0, while items resulting from an NLP model may have a value between 0.0 and 1.0.

Minimum N/A
Maximum N/A
2. [Required] Property Record > prov

Title: Provenance

Type array
Required Yes

Description: A list of provenance items.

Array restrictions
Min items N/A
Max items N/A
Items unicity False
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
ProvenanceItem A representation of an object provenance.

2.1. Record > prov > ProvenanceItem

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/ProvenanceItem

Description: A representation of an object provenance.

2.1.1. [Optional] Property Record > prov > ProvenanceItem > type

Title: The provenance type

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: Any string representing the type of provenance, e.g. sentence, table, or doi.

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1 Property Record > prov > ProvenanceItem > type > anyOf > item 0
Type string
Required No Property Record > prov > ProvenanceItem > type > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No
2.1.2. [Optional] Property Record > prov > ProvenanceItem > text

Title: Evidence of the provenance

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: A text representing the evidence of the provenance, e.g. the sentence text or the content of a table cell

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1 Property Record > prov > ProvenanceItem > text > anyOf > item 0
Type string
Required No Property Record > prov > ProvenanceItem > text > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No
2.1.3. [Optional] Property Record > prov > ProvenanceItem > reference

Title: Reference to the provenance object

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: Reference to another object, e.g. record, statement, URL, or any other object that identifies the provenance

Any of(Option)
item 1 Property Record > prov > ProvenanceItem > reference > anyOf > Identifier
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/Identifier

Description: Unique identifier of a Docling data object. [Required] Property Record > prov > ProvenanceItem > reference > anyOf > Identifier > type

Title: Type

Type string
Required Yes

Description: A string representing a collection or database that contains this data object. [Required] Property Record > prov > ProvenanceItem > reference > anyOf > Identifier > value

Title: Value

Type string
Required Yes

Description: The identifier value of the data object within a collection or database. [Required] Property Record > prov > ProvenanceItem > reference > anyOf > Identifier > _name

Title: _Name

Type string
Required Yes

Description: A unique identifier of the data object across Docling, consisting of the concatenation of type and value in lower case, separated by hash (#).

Must match regular expression ^.+#.+$ Test Property Record > prov > ProvenanceItem > reference > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No
2.1.4. [Optional] Property Record > prov > ProvenanceItem > path

Title: The location of the provenance within the referenced object

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: A path that locates the evidence within the provenance object identified by the reference field using a JSON pointer notation, e.g., #/main-text/5 to locate the main-text paragraph at index 5

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1 Property Record > prov > ProvenanceItem > path > anyOf > item 0
Type string
Required No Property Record > prov > ProvenanceItem > path > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No
2.1.5. [Optional] Property Record > prov > ProvenanceItem > span

Title: The location of the item in the text/table

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: location of the item in the text/table referenced by the path, e.g., [34, 67]

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1 Property Record > prov > ProvenanceItem > span > anyOf > item 0
Type array of integer
Required No
Array restrictions
Min items 2
Max items 2
Items unicity False
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
item 0 items - Record > prov > ProvenanceItem > span > anyOf > item 0 > item 0 items
Type integer
Required No Property Record > prov > ProvenanceItem > span > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No
3. [Required] Property Record > file-info
Type object
Required Yes
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/FileInfoObject

Description: Filing information for any data object to be stored in a Docling database.

3.1. [Required] Property Record > file-info > filename

Title: Filename

Type string
Required Yes

Description: The name of a persistent object that created this data object

3.2. [Optional] Property Record > file-info > filename-prov

Title: Filename-Prov

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: The provenance of this data object, e.g. an archive file, a URL, or any other repository.

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1

3.2.1. Property Record > file-info > filename-prov > anyOf > item 0

Type string
Required No

3.2.2. Property Record > file-info > filename-prov > anyOf > item 1

Type null
Required No
3.3. [Required] Property Record > file-info > document-hash

Title: Document-Hash

Type string
Required Yes

Description: A unique identifier of this data object within a collection of a Docling database

4. [Required] Property Record > description
Type object
Required Yes
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/RecordDescription

Description: Additional record metadata, including optional collection-specific fields.

4.1. [Required] Property Record > description > logs

Title: Logs

Type array
Required Yes

Description: Logs that describe the ETL tasks applied to this record.

Array restrictions
Min items N/A
Max items N/A
Items unicity False
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
Log Log entry to describe an ETL task on a document.

4.1.1. Record > description > logs > Log

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/Log

Description: Log entry to describe an ETL task on a document. [Optional] Property Record > description > logs > Log > task

Title: Task

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: An identifier of this task. It may be used to identify this task from other tasks of the same agent and type.

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1 Property Record > description > logs > Log > task > anyOf > item 0
Type string
Required No Property Record > description > logs > Log > task > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No [Required] Property Record > description > logs > Log > agent

Title: Agent

Type string
Required Yes

Description: The Docling agent that performed the task, e.g., CCS or CXS. [Required] Property Record > description > logs > Log > type

Title: Type

Type string
Required Yes

Description: A task category. [Optional] Property Record > description > logs > Log > comment

Title: Comment

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: A description of the task or any comments in natural language.

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1 Property Record > description > logs > Log > comment > anyOf > item 0
Type string
Required No Property Record > description > logs > Log > comment > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No [Required] Property Record > description > logs > Log > date

Title: Date

Type string
Required Yes
Format date-time

Description: A string representation of the task execution datetime in ISO 8601 format.

4.2. [Optional] Property Record > description > publication_date

Title: Publication date

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: The date that best represents the last publication time of a record.

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1

4.2.1. Property Record > description > publication_date > anyOf > item 0

Type string
Required No
Format date-time

4.2.2. Property Record > description > publication_date > anyOf > item 1

Type null
Required No
4.3. [Optional] Property Record > description > collection
Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: The collection information of this record.

Any of(Option)
item 1

4.3.1. Property Record > description > collection > anyOf > CollectionRecordInfo

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/CollectionRecordInfo

Description: Information of a collection of type Record. [Optional] Property Record > description > collection > anyOf > CollectionRecordInfo > name

Title: Name

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: Name of the collection.

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1 Property Record > description > collection > anyOf > CollectionRecordInfo > name > anyOf > item 0
Type string
Required No Property Record > description > collection > anyOf > CollectionRecordInfo > name > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No [Required] Property Record > description > collection > anyOf > CollectionRecordInfo > type

Title: Type

Type const
Required Yes

Description: The collection type.

Must be one of:

  • "Record" Specific value: "Record" [Optional] Property Record > description > collection > anyOf > CollectionRecordInfo > version

Title: Version

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: The version of this collection model.

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1 Property Record > description > collection > anyOf > CollectionRecordInfo > version > anyOf > item 0
Type string
Required No
Must match regular expression ^(?P<major>0|[1-9]\d*)\.(?P<minor>0|[1-9]\d*)\.(?P<patch>0|[1-9]\d*)(?:-(?P<prerelease>(?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\.(?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(?:\+(?P<buildmetadata>[0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?$ Test Property Record > description > collection > anyOf > CollectionRecordInfo > version > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No [Optional] Property Record > description > collection > anyOf > CollectionRecordInfo > alias

Title: Alias

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: A list of tags (aliases) for the collection.

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1 Property Record > description > collection > anyOf > CollectionRecordInfo > alias > anyOf > item 0
Type array of string
Required No
Array restrictions
Min items N/A
Max items N/A
Items unicity False
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
item 0 items - Record > description > collection > anyOf > CollectionRecordInfo > alias > anyOf > item 0 > item 0 items
Type string
Required No Property Record > description > collection > anyOf > CollectionRecordInfo > alias > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No

4.3.2. Property Record > description > collection > anyOf > item 1

Type null
Required No
4.4. [Optional] Property Record > description > acquisition
Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: Information on how the document was obtained, for data governance purposes.

Any of(Option)
item 1

4.4.1. Property Record > description > acquisition > anyOf > Acquisition

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/Acquisition

Description: Information on how the data was obtained. [Required] Property Record > description > acquisition > anyOf > Acquisition > type

Title: Type

Type enum (of string)
Required Yes

Description: The method to obtain the data.

Must be one of:

  • "API"
  • "FTP"
  • "Download"
  • "Link"
  • "Web scraping/Crawling"
  • "Other" [Optional] Property Record > description > acquisition > anyOf > Acquisition > date

Title: Date

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: A string representation of the acquisition datetime in ISO 8601 format.

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1 Property Record > description > acquisition > anyOf > Acquisition > date > anyOf > item 0
Type string
Required No
Format date-time Property Record > description > acquisition > anyOf > Acquisition > date > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No [Optional] Property Record > description > acquisition > anyOf > Acquisition > link

Title: Link

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: Link to the data source of this document.

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1 Property Record > description > acquisition > anyOf > Acquisition > link > anyOf > item 0
Type string
Required No
Format uri
Min length 1 Property Record > description > acquisition > anyOf > Acquisition > link > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No [Optional] Property Record > description > acquisition > anyOf > Acquisition > size

Title: Size

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: Size in bytes of the raw document from the data source.

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1 Property Record > description > acquisition > anyOf > Acquisition > size > anyOf > item 0
Type integer
Required No
Minimum ≥ 0 Property Record > description > acquisition > anyOf > Acquisition > size > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No

4.4.2. Property Record > description > acquisition > anyOf > item 1

Type null
Required No
5. [Required] Property Record > subject
Type object
Required Yes
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/Subject

Description: A representation of a subject.

5.1. [Required] Property Record > subject > display_name

Title: Display Name

Type string
Required Yes

Description: Name of the subject in natural language. It can be used for end-user applications to display a human-readable name. For instance, B(2) Mg(1) for MgB2 or International Business Machines for IBM

5.2. [Optional] Property Record > subject > display_image

Title: Display Image

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: Image representing the subject. It can be used for end-user applications.For example, the chemical structure drawing of a compound or the eight bar IBM logo for IBM.

Any of(Option)
item 1

5.2.1. Property Record > subject > display_image > anyOf > S3Reference

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/S3Reference

Description: References an s3 resource. [Required] Property Record > subject > display_image > anyOf > S3Reference > __ref_s3_data

Title: Ref S3 Data

Type string
Required Yes



5.2.2. Property Record > subject > display_image > anyOf > item 1

Type null
Required No
5.3. [Required] Property Record > subject > type

Title: Type

Type string
Required Yes

Description: Main subject type. For instance, material, material-class, material-device, company, or person.

5.4. [Required] Property Record > subject > names

Title: Names

Type array
Required Yes

Description: List of given names for this subject. They may not be unique across different subjects.

Array restrictions
Min items N/A
Max items N/A
Items unicity False
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
SubjectNameIdentifier Identifier of subject names.

5.4.1. Record > subject > names > SubjectNameIdentifier

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/SubjectNameIdentifier

Description: Identifier of subject names. [Required] Property Record > subject > names > SubjectNameIdentifier > type

Title: Type

Type string
Required Yes

Description: A string representing a collection or database that contains this data object. [Required] Property Record > subject > names > SubjectNameIdentifier > value

Title: Value

Type string
Required Yes

Description: The identifier value of the data object within a collection or database. [Required] Property Record > subject > names > SubjectNameIdentifier > _name

Title: _Name

Type string
Required Yes

Description: A unique identifier of the data object across Docling, consisting of the concatenation of type and value in lower case, separated by hash (#).

Must match regular expression ^.+#.+$ Test
5.5. [Optional] Property Record > subject > identifiers

Title: Identifiers

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: List of unique identifiers in database. For instance, the PubChem ID of a record in the PubChem database.

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1

5.5.1. Property Record > subject > identifiers > anyOf > item 0

Type array
Required No
Array restrictions
Min items N/A
Max items N/A
Items unicity False
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
Identifier Unique identifier of a Docling data object. Record > subject > identifiers > anyOf > item 0 > Identifier
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/Identifier

Description: Unique identifier of a Docling data object. [Required] Property Record > subject > identifiers > anyOf > item 0 > Identifier > type

Title: Type

Type string
Required Yes

Description: A string representing a collection or database that contains this data object. [Required] Property Record > subject > identifiers > anyOf > item 0 > Identifier > value

Title: Value

Type string
Required Yes

Description: The identifier value of the data object within a collection or database. [Required] Property Record > subject > identifiers > anyOf > item 0 > Identifier > _name

Title: _Name

Type string
Required Yes

Description: A unique identifier of the data object across Docling, consisting of the concatenation of type and value in lower case, separated by hash (#).

Must match regular expression ^.+#.+$ Test

5.5.2. Property Record > subject > identifiers > anyOf > item 1

Type null
Required No
5.6. [Optional] Property Record > subject > labels

Title: Labels

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: List of labels or categories for this subject.

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1

5.6.1. Property Record > subject > labels > anyOf > item 0

Type array of string
Required No
Array restrictions
Min items N/A
Max items N/A
Items unicity False
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
item 0 items - Record > subject > labels > anyOf > item 0 > item 0 items
Type string
Required No

5.6.2. Property Record > subject > labels > anyOf > item 1

Type null
Required No
6. [Optional] Property Record > attributes

Title: Attributes

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null
Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1

6.1. Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0

Type array
Required No
Array restrictions
Min items N/A
Max items N/A
Items unicity False
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
Attribute Attribute model that describes a list of characteristics.

6.1.1. Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/Attribute

Description: Attribute model that describes a list of characteristics. [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > conf

Title: Confidence

Type number
Required Yes

Description: The confidence level of this attribute characteristics.

Minimum N/A
Maximum N/A [Optional] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov

Title: Provenance

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: The sources of this attribute characteristics.

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1 Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0
Type array
Required No
Array restrictions
Min items N/A
Max items N/A
Items unicity False
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
ProvenanceItem A representation of an object provenance. Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0 > ProvenanceItem
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/ProvenanceItem

Description: A representation of an object provenance. [Optional] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0 > ProvenanceItem > type

Title: The provenance type

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: Any string representing the type of provenance, e.g. sentence, table, or doi.

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1 Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0 > ProvenanceItem > type > anyOf > item 0
Type string
Required No Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0 > ProvenanceItem > type > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No [Optional] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0 > ProvenanceItem > text

Title: Evidence of the provenance

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: A text representing the evidence of the provenance, e.g. the sentence text or the content of a table cell

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1 Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0 > ProvenanceItem > text > anyOf > item 0
Type string
Required No Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0 > ProvenanceItem > text > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No [Optional] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0 > ProvenanceItem > reference

Title: Reference to the provenance object

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: Reference to another object, e.g. record, statement, URL, or any other object that identifies the provenance

Any of(Option)
item 1 Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0 > ProvenanceItem > reference > anyOf > Identifier
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/Identifier

Description: Unique identifier of a Docling data object. [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0 > ProvenanceItem > reference > anyOf > Identifier > type

Title: Type

Type string
Required Yes

Description: A string representing a collection or database that contains this data object. [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0 > ProvenanceItem > reference > anyOf > Identifier > value

Title: Value

Type string
Required Yes

Description: The identifier value of the data object within a collection or database. [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0 > ProvenanceItem > reference > anyOf > Identifier > _name

Title: _Name

Type string
Required Yes

Description: A unique identifier of the data object across Docling, consisting of the concatenation of type and value in lower case, separated by hash (#).

Must match regular expression ^.+#.+$ Test Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0 > ProvenanceItem > reference > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No [Optional] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0 > ProvenanceItem > path

Title: The location of the provenance within the referenced object

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: A path that locates the evidence within the provenance object identified by the reference field using a JSON pointer notation, e.g., #/main-text/5 to locate the main-text paragraph at index 5

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1 Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0 > ProvenanceItem > path > anyOf > item 0
Type string
Required No Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0 > ProvenanceItem > path > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No [Optional] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0 > ProvenanceItem > span

Title: The location of the item in the text/table

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: location of the item in the text/table referenced by the path, e.g., [34, 67]

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1 Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0 > ProvenanceItem > span > anyOf > item 0
Type array of integer
Required No
Array restrictions
Min items 2
Max items 2
Items unicity False
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
item 0 items - Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0 > ProvenanceItem > span > anyOf > item 0 > item 0 items
Type integer
Required No Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 0 > ProvenanceItem > span > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > prov > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates

Title: Predicates

Type array
Required Yes

Description: A list of characteristics (type, value, and name).

Array restrictions
Min items N/A
Max items N/A
Items unicity False
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
Predicate Model for a predicate. Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/Predicate

Description: Model for a predicate. [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > key
Type object
Required Yes
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/PredicateKey

Description: Model for the key (unique identifier) of a predicate. [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > key > name

Title: Name

Type string
Required Yes

Description: Name of the predicate key. [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > key > type

Title: Type

Type string
Required Yes

Description: Type of predicate key. [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > value
Type object
Required Yes
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/PredicateValue

Description: Model for the value of a predicate. [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > value > name

Title: Name

Type string
Required Yes

Description: Name of the predicate value (actual value). [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > value > type

Title: Type

Type string
Required Yes

Description: Type of predicate value. [Optional] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > numerical_value
Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null
Any of(Option)
item 1 Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > numerical_value > anyOf > NumericalValue
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/NumericalValue

Description: Model for numerical values. [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > numerical_value > anyOf > NumericalValue > min

Title: Min

Type number
Required Yes [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > numerical_value > anyOf > NumericalValue > max

Title: Max

Type number
Required Yes [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > numerical_value > anyOf > NumericalValue > val

Title: Val

Type number
Required Yes [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > numerical_value > anyOf > NumericalValue > err

Title: Err

Type number
Required Yes [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > numerical_value > anyOf > NumericalValue > unit

Title: Unit

Type string
Required Yes Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > numerical_value > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No [Optional] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > numerical_value_si
Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null
Any of(Option)
item 1 Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > numerical_value_si > anyOf > NumericalValue
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/NumericalValue

Description: Model for numerical values. [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > numerical_value_si > anyOf > NumericalValue > min

Title: Min

Type number
Required Yes [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > numerical_value_si > anyOf > NumericalValue > max

Title: Max

Type number
Required Yes [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > numerical_value_si > anyOf > NumericalValue > val

Title: Val

Type number
Required Yes [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > numerical_value_si > anyOf > NumericalValue > err

Title: Err

Type number
Required Yes [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > numerical_value_si > anyOf > NumericalValue > unit

Title: Unit

Type string
Required Yes Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > numerical_value_si > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No [Optional] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > nominal_value
Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null
Any of(Option)
item 1 Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > nominal_value > anyOf > NominalValue
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/NominalValue

Description: Model for nominal (categorical) values. [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > nominal_value > anyOf > NominalValue > value

Title: Value

Type string
Required Yes Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > nominal_value > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No [Optional] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > text_value
Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null
Any of(Option)
item 1 Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > text_value > anyOf > TextValue
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/TextValue

Description: Model for textual values. [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > text_value > anyOf > TextValue > value

Title: Value

Type string
Required Yes Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > text_value > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No [Optional] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > boolean_value
Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null
Any of(Option)
item 1 Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > boolean_value > anyOf > BooleanValue
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/BooleanValue

Description: Model for boolean values. [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > boolean_value > anyOf > BooleanValue > value

Title: Value

Type boolean
Required Yes Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > boolean_value > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No [Optional] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > datetime_value
Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null
Any of(Option)
item 1 Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > datetime_value > anyOf > DatetimeValue
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/DatetimeValue

Description: Model for datetime values. [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > datetime_value > anyOf > DatetimeValue > value

Title: Value

Type string
Required Yes
Format date-time Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > datetime_value > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No [Optional] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > geopoint_value
Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null
Any of(Option)
item 1 Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > geopoint_value > anyOf > GeopointValue
Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/GeopointValue

Description: A representation of a geopoint (longitude and latitude coordinates). [Required] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > geopoint_value > anyOf > GeopointValue > value

Title: Value

Type array of number
Required Yes
Array restrictions
Min items 2
Max items 2
Items unicity False
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
value items - Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > geopoint_value > anyOf > GeopointValue > value > value items
Type number
Required No [Optional] Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > geopoint_value > anyOf > GeopointValue > conf

Title: Conf

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null
Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1 Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > geopoint_value > anyOf > GeopointValue > conf > anyOf > item 0
Type number
Required No
Minimum N/A
Maximum N/A Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > geopoint_value > anyOf > GeopointValue > conf > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 0 > Attribute > predicates > Predicate > geopoint_value > anyOf > item 1
Type null
Required No

6.2. Property Record > attributes > anyOf > item 1

Type null
Required No
7. [Optional] Property Record > _name

Title: Name

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: A short description or summary of the record.

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1

7.1. Property Record > _name > anyOf > item 0

Type string
Required No

7.2. Property Record > _name > anyOf > item 1

Type null
Required No
8. [Optional] Property Record > identifiers

Title: Identifiers

Type combining
Required No
Additional properties [Any type: allowed]
Default null

Description: A list of unique identifiers of this record in a database.

Any of(Option)
item 0
item 1

8.1. Property Record > identifiers > anyOf > item 0

Type array
Required No
Array restrictions
Min items N/A
Max items N/A
Items unicity False
Additional items False
Tuple validation See below
Each item of this array must be Description
Identifier Unique identifier of a Docling data object.

8.1.1. Record > identifiers > anyOf > item 0 > Identifier

Type object
Required No
Additional properties [Not allowed]
Defined in #/$defs/Identifier

Description: Unique identifier of a Docling data object. [Required] Property Record > identifiers > anyOf > item 0 > Identifier > type

Title: Type

Type string
Required Yes

Description: A string representing a collection or database that contains this data object. [Required] Property Record > identifiers > anyOf > item 0 > Identifier > value

Title: Value

Type string
Required Yes

Description: The identifier value of the data object within a collection or database. [Required] Property Record > identifiers > anyOf > item 0 > Identifier > _name

Title: _Name

Type string
Required Yes

Description: A unique identifier of the data object across Docling, consisting of the concatenation of type and value in lower case, separated by hash (#).

Must match regular expression ^.+#.+$ Test

8.2. Property Record > identifiers > anyOf > item 1

Type null
Required No