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Noitilities is a Noita modding library focused on providing a wide variety of features with minimal overhead and excess files loaded through a modules system.

Installation and usage

The library may be installed and used in one of two methods, both with benefits and drawbacks. The first method is placing an independent instance of the library in your mod, while the second is sharing an external copy among other mods.

Independent library

  • The independent library must be placed inside your mod, but will never be updated without your input. You can confidently use it without needing users to install external additional mods.

  • To install, download the library or add it as a submodule to your own mod's repo, anywhere in your mod folder. Initialize the library's dynamic file path system by inserting this line in your init.lua file:

  • You may then load the required modules inside your files with a comma separated list of module names:

    dofile_once("FILEPATH/TO/LIBRARY/NL_ModuleLoader.lua").DofileModules({"ModuleName", "ModuleName2"})

Shared library

  • The shared library mod must be installed by the user from any of the following links:

  • Using the shared library, you must keep your mod maintained as features may be deprecated or rewritten, rendering old code useless and broken. With the shared library, you can access all features of the library without needing to include it in your mod, saving file size while other mods use the same version.

  • While not strictly necessary, you are encouraged to put a check in your init.lua file to make sure the library is loaded:

    if not ModIsEnabled("Noitilities") then --[[ Optional code to warn users ]] return end
  • You may then load the required modules inside your files with a comma separated list of module names:

    dofile_once("Mods/Noitilities/NL_ModuleLoader.lua").DofileModules({"ModuleName", "ModuleName2"})


  • Modules are single files used to organize and separate the contents of the library. With the Modules system, you don't need to load every single function for irrelevant content just to use one feature. Below each module and it's functionality will be listed.


  • The Vec2 Module allows users to manipulate and work with 2 dimensional vectors with ease, which are frequently used in noita's 2D world environment. The Module provides a Vec2 class, which can be used to perform many operations on 2D vectors. It also provides easy creation of Vec2 tables, from angle and distance values or x and y values. In the context of this example, and when working with vectors as a whole, any single dimensional number (such as 2, 6, -5, 3) is a scalar, while multiple dimensional numbers (such as 2,5; 8,3; 7,0) are vectors.

    Method Use Description
    New, y) Returns a new vector from 2 scalars
    Add vec2 + vec2 Returns vector a plus vector b
    Sub vec2 - vec2 Returns vector a minus vector b
    Mul vec2 * scalar Returns the vector cross product of vector a and b
    Div vec2 / vec2 Returns vector a divided by vector b
    DotProduct vec2 * vec2 Returns the scalar dot product of vector a and b
    Abs vec2:Abs() Returns the absolute vector a
    Magnitude vec2:Magnitude() Returns the scalar length of vector a
    MagnitudeSquared vec2:MagnitudeSquared() Returns the scalar length of vector a before being square rooted (more performant)
    Normalize vec2:Normalize() Returns the unit vector of vector a normalized
    Equals comparison vec2 == vec2 Returns true if vectors a and b are identical
    Tostring tostring(vec2) Returns the vector formatted as '(x, y)'
    Call vec2(x, y) Returns a new vector from 2 scalars
    Unary sub -vec2 returns the vector flipped 180 degrees
    -- Load the module

    -- Get entity coordinates
    local entity_id = GetUpdatedEntityID()
    local x, y = EntityGetTransform(entity_id)

    -- Create a Vec2 using the coordinates
    local position = Vec2:NewFromCoords(x, y)
    -- Will output the values of 'x, y'

    -- Create a vec2 using a distance and an angle in degrees
    local target = Vec2:NewFromDeg(25, 30)
    -- Will output the values of '27.18, 12.67'

    -- Create a vec2 using a distance and an angle in radians
    local offset = Vec2:NewFromRad(50, math.pi/4)
    -- Will output the values '0.5, 0.6'

    -- Add Vectors
    local target_final_add = target + offset
    -- Will output the values '57.006, 47.855'

    -- Multiply Vector with a Scalar
    local target_final_msc = target * 2
    -- Will output the values '43.302, 25'


ECS Static Class

The ECS Module provides wrappers for some of the common operations performed on entities and components. The module is split into three classes - Entity, Component, and the static ECS class.

Static properties

Field Description
Player Returns the Player entity as an Entity object

Static methods

Method Use Description
FromID ECS:FromID(entity_id) Creates an Entity object based on a pre-existing entity ID.
Load ECS:Load(filepath, x, y) Identical to EntityLoad(), but returns an Entity object instead of an ID.`
WithTag ECS:WithTag(tag) Returns an array of Entity objects that have the specified tag.
WithName ECS:WithName(name) Returns an Entity object that has the specified name, or nil if none is found.
InRadius ECS:InRadius(x, y, radius, tag?) Returns an array of Entity objects that are within the given radius. A tag to search for can be optionally given.
Closest ECS:Closest(x, y, tag?) Returns the closest Entity. If tag is given, returns the closest Entity with the given tag.

Entity class

Instance properties

Field Description
transform (readonly) Returns the entities current transform as a table containing x, y, rotation, scale_x, scale_y
name (readonly) Returns the Entity's name
tags (readonly) Returns an array of the Entity's tags
filepath (readonly) Returns the Entity's filepath
parent (readonly) Returns the Entity's parent, or nil
children (readonly) Returns an array of the Entity's children, or nil
<ComponentName> (readonly) Returns the Entity's component with the given name, or an array of multiple components, or nil

Instance methods

Method Use Description
SetTransform Entity:SetTransform(newTransform) Sets the Entity's transform, taking a table with x, y, rotation, scale_x, scale_y
AddChild Entity:AddChild(entity_id) Adds a child to the Entity. Entity can be an ID, or another Entity object
Deparent Entity:Deparent() Removes the Entity from it's parent, if it has one.
Kill Entity:Kill() Kills the Entity
AddComponent Entity:AddComponent(type, data) Adds a component of type type, with data data.
Damage Entity:Damage(amount, type, desc, rag_fx, imp_x, imp_y, entity_responsible, pos_x, pos_y, knockback_force) Damages the Entity
Ingest Entity:Ingest(material, amount) Ingests the given material