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Animations in JavaScript - D3.js

Library that uses HTML, CSS and SVG to bring data to life.

Setting Up


  • Basic HTML knowledge
    • What a div tag is
  • Basic CSS knowledge
    • Assigning colors to div tags
  • Basic JS knowledge
    • Creating functions and mathematical operations

Getting Started

Add this in the HTML box

<div id="frame"></div>

We just created an empty container called frame

Add this in the CSS box

#frame {
  background-color : #eee;

Here we are setting the background color of the frame container to be gray

Initial Setup

Add this in JavaScript box

var box ="#frame")
            .attr("width", 900)
            .attr("height", 600);

We created a variable box where we get d3 to select the #frame and change its width to 900px and height to 600px

Creating a Circle

Add this new code in the javascript box

var box ="#frame")
            .attr("width", 900)
            .attr("height", 600);
box.append("circle")         // make a circle
   .style("stroke", "white") // make the circle border white
   .attr("r", 40)            // radius 40. You can make it bigger
   .attr("cx", 150)          // position at x
   .attr("cy", 150);         // position at y
  • This creates a new circle with border color white
  • The radius of the circle is 40px
  • And we place it 150px to the right and 150px down from the top left of the screen

Click Run!


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Our First Animation!

Modify the lines you just wrote:

   .style("stroke", "white")
   .attr("r", 40)
   .attr("cx", 150)
   .attr("cy", 150)   // no semicolon here
   .on("mouseover", bounce); // new line

We are telling it to bounce when we move our mouse over it.

But What is Bounce?

   .style("stroke", "white")
   .attr("r", 40)
   .attr("cx", 150)
   .attr("cy", 150)   // no semicolon here
   .on("mouseover", bounce); // new line
function bounce()
{     // we select our circle
    .transition()     // start changing the circle
    .attr("r", 100)   // change radius to 100
    .duration(1000)   // for 1 second
    .ease("elastic"); // like an elastic band
  • Creates a function calld bounce
  • We make it have a radius of 100px for 1 second
  • And we use a built-in effect called elastic

Click Run!


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Lets Make it Dance!

We add a new function dance right after the function bounce

function dance()
{          // select the circle
    .transition()          // start animating
    .attr("r", 50)         // change radius to 50
    .duration(1000)        // for 1 second
    .ease("elastic")       // like an elastic band
    .each("end", bounce);  // and then call bounce function

And change this line to call dance function

.on("mouseover", dance); // dance instaed of bounce
  • Here, we create a function called dance
  • This function changes the radius to 50px for 1 second
  • And it calls the bounce function
    • The bounce function changes the radius to 100px again


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The Fun Part

Lets create a new function marker

function marker()
  var arrow = d3.mouse(this);
  box.append("circle")                // add new circle
     .attr("cx", arrow[0])            // new x coordinate
     .attr("cy", arrow[1])            // new y coordinate
     .style("stroke", "gray")         // make circle border gray
     .transition()                    // start animating
     .duration(1000)                  // for 1 second
     .attr("r", 80)                   // change radius to 80
     .style("stroke-opacity", 0.001)  // start fading previous circles
     .remove();                       // then remove older circles
  • The function marker gets the mouse's x and y position
  • Then we set the marker's color to gray
  • We start animating the screen for 1 second where we change the circle radius to 80px
  • After 1 second, we start fading the previous circles and then remove them from the screen

Modify these lines

Change this

   .style("stroke", "white")
   .attr("r", 100)
   .attr("cx", 150)
   .attr("cy", 150)
   .on("mouseover", dance);

To this

   .style("stroke", "white")
   .attr("r", 100)
   .attr("cx", 150)
   .attr("cy", 150)
   .on("mouseover", dance);

Modify these lines

var box ="#frame")
            .attr("width", 900)
            .attr("height", 600)      // no semicolon
            .on("mousemove", marker); // add this new line

Now we just call the marker function everytime the mouse moves

Click Run!


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Bonus Points

Change the background-color of the frame to black and hit run!

#frame {
  background-color : black;


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Double Bonus - Add Colors

var i = 0;                          // new variable
var color = d3.scale.category20c(); // new variable

function marker() {
  var arrow = d3.mouse(this);

     .attr("cx", arrow[0])
     .attr("cy", arrow[1])
     .attr("r", 1e-6)             // new line
     .style("stroke", color(++i)) // changed
     .attr("r", 80)
     .style("stroke-opacity", 0.001)


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Extra Credit

Convert the JSFiddle page to HTML, CSS and Javascript document