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File metadata and controls

320 lines (241 loc) · 8.88 KB


Upgrade to easybook 4.4

Renamed parsing_item to active_item

Access to the specific item being parsed/decorated/transformed is no longer exclusive of the parsing methods. Therefore, publishing.parsing_item variable is renamed to publishing.active_item in Application.php.


The slugger options are now passed to the slugify() method instead of the slugger constructor. This way you can use different slugger options for the same book.



$slugger = new Easybook\Util\Slugger($app, '-', '', false);


$app->get('slugger')->slugify($string2, array('unique' => false));

Available options:

'separator' => '-'  // used between words and instead of illegal characters
'prefix'    => ''   // prefix to be appended at the beginning of the slug
'unique'    => true // should this slug be unique across the entire book?

New events

easybook 4.4 adds two new events:

  • PRE_DECORATE, notified just before an item is going to be decorated with the appropriate template.
  • POST_DECORATE, notified just after an item has been decorated with the appropriate template.

Updated BaseEvent event

BaseEvent has been modified to include two new getter/setter methods. Now you don't have to create a new event class to perform basic operations on the active item:

public function getItem()
    return $this->app['publishing.active_item'];

public function setItem($item)
    $this->app->set('publishing.active_item', $item);

Upgrade to easybook 4.2

1. Books can now define their own labels and titles for each edition

Explained in the custom labels and titles section of the documentation.

2. auto_label configuration option no longer exists

This option enabled/disabled labels for all the elements types of the book: chapters, appendices, figures, ...

This option has been replaced by the much more powerful labels option, which defines the element types for which labels are added:

    # ...
            # no label for any element
            labels:  []
            # ...
            # labels are only added for chapter and appendices headings
            labels:  ['appendix', 'chapter']
            # ...
            # besides chapter and appendices headings, labels are also added
            # to tables and images captions
            labels: ['appendix', 'chapter', 'figure`, `table`]

figure and table aren't content types, but special values used only in labels option.

3. Default labels for appendices have been modified

Appendix labels - before:

    appendix: ['Appendix {{ item.number }} ', '', '', '', '', '']

Appendix labels - after:

        - 'Appendix {{ item.number }}'
        - '{{ item.counters[0:2]|join(".") }}' # 1.1
        - '{{ item.counters[0:3]|join(".") }}' # 1.1.1
        - '{{ item.counters[0:4]|join(".") }}' #
        - '{{ item.counters[0:5]|join(".") }}' #
        - '{{ item.counters[0:6]|join(".") }}' #

4. Some label parameters have been renamed

The main parameters available for each label are now grouped under item variable. Other special parameters may also exist for some labels, as explained in the documentation.

Chapter labels - before:

        - 'Chapter {{ item.number }} '
        - '{{ counters[0:2]|join(".") }}' # 1.1
        - '{{ counters[0:3]|join(".") }}' # 1.1.1
        - '{{ counters[0:4]|join(".") }}' #
        - '{{ counters[0:5]|join(".") }}' #
        - '{{ counters[0:6]|join(".") }}' #

Chapter labels - after:

         - 'Chapter {{ item.number }} '
         - '{{ item.counters[0:2]|join(".") }}' # 1.1
         - '{{ item.counters[0:3]|join(".") }}' # 1.1.1
         - '{{ item.counters[0:4]|join(".") }}' #
         - '{{ item.counters[0:5]|join(".") }}' #
         - '{{ item.counters[0:6]|join(".") }}' #

Figure and image labels - before:

    figure: 'Figure {{ item.number }}.{{ counter }}'
    table:  'Table {{ item.number }}.{{ counter }}'

Figure and image labels - after:

    figure: 'Figure {{ element.number }}.{{ item.number }}'
    table:  'Table {{ element.number }}.{{ item.number }}'

5. Images are now decorated with their own Twig template

<div class="figure">
    {{ item.content }}

{% if item.caption != '' %}
    <p class="caption"><strong>{{ item.label }}</strong> {{ item.caption }}</p>
{% endif %}

You can tweak the previous design creating a figure.twig template in your own theme. If you want to maintain the previous no-decoration design, just create in your book the template Resources/Templates/figure.twig with the following content:

{{ item.content }}

6. Tables are now decorated with their own Twig template

<div class="table">
{% if item.caption != '' %}
    <p class="caption"><strong>{{ item.label }}</strong> {{ item.caption }}</p>
{% endif %}

    {{ item.content }}

You can tweak the previous design creating a table.twig template in your own theme. If you want to maintain the previous no-decoration design, just create in your book the template Resources/Templates/table.twig with the following content:

{{ item.content }}

7. It's no longer necessary to define a default content

Previous versions of easybook required that every content type had a default content, just in case book config hadn't defined it. This also simplifies the creation of custom content types.

Now easybook only defines sensible default contents for title, license and edition content type. The other empty defeault files have been deleted.

Documentation has been updated to better explain how to define a custom content type.

8. Added eight new content types

easybook has added eight new content types (afterword, conclusion, epilogue, foreword, glossary, introduction, preface, prologue).

This means that you no longer need to define a custom content type if you need any of the new content types. Moreover, eight new default labels, titles and templates have been defined for the new contents.

9. Added list-of-figures and list-of-tables content types

easybook has added two new content types: lof (list of figures) and lot (list of tables). You can easily add these types on your books:

    # ...
        # ...
        - { element: lof }
        - { element: lot }

figure.twig and table.twig have been modified to add an id attribute necessary for linking tables and images.

Two new templates have been created: lof.twig and lot.twig and two new default titles have been defined for all supported languages.

10. Code listings are now decorated with their own Twig template

<div class="code {{ item.language }}">
{{ item.content }}

You can tweak the previous design creating a code.twig template in your own theme. If you want to maintain the previous no-decoration design, just create in your book the template Resources/Templates/code.twig with the following content:

{{ item.content }}

11. Added syntax highlighting for code listings

easybook now can highlight any code listing. Just add the programming, markup or configuration language as the first line of the listing.

Code listing with no syntax highlighting:

public function onStart(BaseEvent $event)
    $event->app->set('app.timer.start', microtime(true));

Code listing with syntax highlighting:

public function onStart(BaseEvent $event)
    $event->app->set('app.timer.start', microtime(true));

easybook uses the GeSHi library to highlight the code listings. Therefore, it supports more than 200 programming languages ​([php], [java], [c], [javascript], [ruby], [python], [perl], [erlang], [haskell], ...), markup languages ​​([html], [yaml], [xml], ...) and configuration ([ini], [apache], ...).

12. Added ePub support

Read the updated documentation for details, but in short you can now define editions of type epub which generates .epub version 2 books:

    # ...
            format:         epub
            highlight_code: false
            include_styles: true
            labels:         ['appendix', 'chapter']  # labels also available for: "figure", "table"
                deep:       1
                elements:   ["appendix", "chapter", "part"]