From 3991518139b5bedd193b5bac93adfef229f4ee34 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: joshbaker22 <> Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2023 09:08:37 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Update help.tcl add a number of missing commands, alphabetize existing commands. --- src/tclscripts/mged/help.tcl | 45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/tclscripts/mged/help.tcl b/src/tclscripts/mged/help.tcl index a1a246ceb1..8921505b68 100644 --- a/src/tclscripts/mged/help.tcl +++ b/src/tclscripts/mged/help.tcl @@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ set mged_help_data(ae) $helplib_data(vo_aet) set mged_help_data(ae2dir) {{[-i] az el} {return direction vector using inputed azimuth and elevation}} set mged_help_data(analyze) {{[arbname]} {analyze faces of ARB}} set mged_help_data(apropos) {{keyword} {finds commands whose descriptions contain the given keyword}} -set mged_help_data(aproposlib) {{keyword} {finds library commands whose descriptions contain the given keyword}} set mged_help_data(aproposdevel) {{keyword} {finds commands used for development whose descriptions contain the given keyword}} +set mged_help_data(aproposlib) {{keyword} {finds library commands whose descriptions contain the given keyword}} set mged_help_data(arb) {{name rot fb} {make arb8, rotation + fallback}} set mged_help_data(arced) {{a/b ...anim_command...} {edit matrix or materials on combination's arc}} set mged_help_data(area) {{[endpoint_tolerance]} {calculate presented area of view (use ev -wT)}} @@ -100,9 +100,10 @@ set mged_help_data(build_region) {{[-a region_number] tag start end} {build a re set mged_help_data(c) $helplib_data(wdb_comb_std) set mged_help_data(cat) $helplib_data(wdb_cat) set mged_help_data(cc) {{name constraint_expression} {create a constraint based on the expression}} +set mged_help_data(cd) {{directory} {change current working directory}} set mged_help_data(center) $helplib_data(vo_center) set mged_help_data(check) $helplib_data(dgo_check) -set mged_help_data(closedb) {{} {close any open database}} +set mged_help_data(clear) {{} {clear the command window}} set mged_help_data(clone) {{[-abhimnprtv] } {clone allows user to quickly create copies of objects Options: @@ -121,6 +122,7 @@ Options: -r - Specifies the rotation (in degrees) around x, y, and z axes. -t - Specifies translation between each copy. -v - Prints version info.}} +set mged_help_data(closedb) {{} {close any open database}} set mged_help_data(color) $helplib_data(wdb_color) set mged_help_data(comb) $helplib_data(wdb_comb) set mged_help_data(comb_color) {{comb R G B} {assign a color to a combination (like 'mater')}} @@ -134,6 +136,7 @@ set mged_help_data(db_glob) {{cmd_string} {globs cmd_string against the MGED dat resulting in an expanded command string}} set mged_help_data(dbconcat) $helplib_data(wdb_concat) set mged_help_data(dbfind) $helplib_data(wdb_find) +set mged_help_data(dbfindtree) {{} {find and display the full path to all combinations that reference objects}} set mged_help_data(dbupgrade) {{[-f|-help] [upgrade|cancel|help]} {upgrade your database to the current format}} set mged_help_data(dbversion) {{} {return the database version}} set mged_help_data(debug) {{args} {control BRL-CAD library debugging settings}} @@ -156,15 +159,19 @@ Example: e_id 1000 2000 3000-4000}} set mged_help_data(eac) {{air_code(s)} {display all regions with given air code(s) (i.e., numbers >=0)}} set mged_help_data(echo) {{[text]} {echo arguments back}} set mged_help_data(edcodes) {{[-n] object(s)} {edit region ident codes. only reports matches without renaming with the -n option.}} +set mged_help_data(edcolor) {{} {edit the color table}} set mged_help_data(edcomb) {{combname [regionflag regionID airID los% materialID]} {edit combination record info}} set mged_help_data(edgedir) {{[delta_x delta_y delta_z]|[rot fb]} {define direction of ARB edge being moved}} +set mged_help_data(edit) {{[subcommand][options] object} {edit object using subcommands}} set mged_help_data(edmater) {{comb(s)} {edit combination materials}} +set mged_help_data(env) {{} {show environment variables}} +set mged_help_data(eqn) {{A B C} {planar equation coefficients}} set mged_help_data(erase) {{} {remove objects from the screen}} set mged_help_data(ev) $helplib_data(dgo_ev) -set mged_help_data(eqn) {{A B C} {planar equation coefficients}} +set mged_help_data(exists) {{[-c -e -n -p -v] object} {Checks to see if object exists}} set mged_help_data(exit) {{} {exit}} -set mged_help_data(extrude) {{#### distance} {extrude dist from face}} set mged_help_data(expand) $helplib_data(wdb_expand) +set mged_help_data(extrude) {{#### distance} {extrude dist from face}} set mged_help_data(eye_pt) $helplib_data(vo_eye) set mged_help_data(facedef) {{####} {define new face for an arb}} set mged_help_data(facetize) {{[-mntT] [-P#] new_obj old_obj(s)} {convert objects to faceted BOT objects (or NMG for -n option, with -m for marching cubes) at current tol}} @@ -172,14 +179,16 @@ set mged_help_data(form) $helplib_data(wdb_form) set mged_help_data(fracture) {{NMGsolid [prefix]} {fracture an NMG solid into many NMG solids, each containing one face}} set mged_help_data(g) $helplib_data(wdb_group) set mged_help_data(garbage_collect) {{} {eliminate unused space in database file}} +set mged_help_data(gdiff) {{[-h][-g #][-l|-r|-b][-G][-S] left_object right_object} {compare two objects}} set mged_help_data(get) $helplib_data(wdb_get) +set mged_help_data(gqa) {{[options] object} {check and analyze geometry}} set mged_help_data(graph) {{} {query and manipulate properties of the graph that corresponds to the currently opened .g database}} set mged_help_data(gui) {{[-config b|c|g] [-d display_string] [-gd graphics_display_string] [-dt graphics_type] [-id name] [-c -h -j -s]} {create display/command window pair}} set mged_help_data(help) {{[command(s)]} {give usage message for given command(s)}} -set mged_help_data(helplib) {{[library_command(s)]} {give usage message for given library command(s)}} set mged_help_data(helpdevel) {{[command(s)]} {give usage message for given developer command(s)}} +set mged_help_data(helplib) {{[library_command(s)]} {give usage message for given library command(s)}} set mged_help_data(hide) $helplib_data(wdb_hide) set mged_help_data(history) {{[-delays]} {list command history}} set mged_help_data(i) $helplib_data(wdb_instance) @@ -195,12 +204,14 @@ set mged_help_data(keep) $helplib_data(wdb_keep) set mged_help_data(keypoint) {{[x y z | reset]} {set/see center of editing transformations}} set mged_help_data(kill) $helplib_data(wdb_kill) set mged_help_data(killall) $helplib_data(wdb_killall) +set mged_help_data(killrefs) {{[-n] } {kill all references to objects}} set mged_help_data(killtree) $helplib_data(wdb_killtree) set mged_help_data(knob) {{[-e -i -m -v] [-o v/m/e/k] [zap|zero|(x|y|z|X|Y|Z|S|ax|ay|az|aX|aY|aZ|aS|xadc|yadc|ang1|ang2|distadc [val])]} {emulate knob twist (e.g. knob x 1)}} set mged_help_data(l) $helplib_data(wdb_list) -set mged_help_data(labelvert) {{object[s]} {label vertices of wireframes of objects}} set mged_help_data(labelface) {{object[s]} {label faces of wireframes of objects}} +set mged_help_data(labelvert) {{object[s]} {label vertices of wireframes of objects}} set mged_help_data(lc) {{[-d|-m|-s] [-r] [-z] [-0|-1|-2|-3|-4|-5] [-f {fileName}] {groupName}} {list codes within a group or combination}} +set mged_help_data(lc) {{[options] object} {check/analyze/validate the given object}} set mged_help_data(listeval) $helplib_data(wdb_listeval) set mged_help_data(loadtk) {{[DISPLAY]} {initializes the Tk window library}} set mged_help_data(loadview) {{file} {load view from raytrace script file}} @@ -211,8 +222,9 @@ set mged_help_data(lt) $helplib_data(wdb_lt) set mged_help_data(M) {{1|0 xpos ypos} {invoke a traditional MGED mouse event}} set mged_help_data(make) {{-t | name } {create a primitive}} set mged_help_data(make_pnts) {{object_name path_and_filename file_format units_or_conv_factor default_diameter} {creates a point-cloud}} +set mged_help_data(man) {{[command]} {open the BRL-CAD manual}} set mged_help_data(match) $helplib_data(wdb_match) -set mged_help_data(mater) {{comb [material]} {assign/delete material to combination}} +set mged_help_data(mater) {{comb [material]} {assign/delete shader, color, inheritance, or material/density to a combination}} set mged_help_data(material) {{[options]} {Creates materials and allows assigning of properties. Options: @@ -239,11 +251,13 @@ set mged_help_data(nirt) $helplib_data(dgo_nirt) set mged_help_data(nmg_collapse) $helplib_data(wdb_nmg_collapse) set mged_help_data(nmg_fix_normals) {{NMG object} {Attempt to fix the normals of an NMG object.}} set mged_help_data(nmg_simplify) $helplib_data(wdb_nmg_simplify) +set mged_help_data(npush) {{[-h][-?][-v][-f][-x][-r][-s][-d #] object} {push/move matrices in the tree heirarchy}} set mged_help_data(oed) {{path_lhs path_rhs} {go from view to object_edit of path_lhs/path_rhs}} set mged_help_data(opendb) {{[-f] [database.g] [y|n]} {close any currently open .g file and open the specified database.g file, or return the name of the currently open geometry database. A trailing 'y' or 'n' indicates whether to create a new database if one does not already exist. A -f option specifies that binary-incompatible v4 files should have their endianness flipped.}} set mged_help_data(orientation) $helplib_data(vo_orient) set mged_help_data(orot) {{[-i] xdeg ydeg zdeg} {rotate object being edited}} set mged_help_data(oscale) {{factor} {scale object by factor}} +set mged_help_data(oerlaps_tool) {{[-F][overlaps_file]} {launch the overlaps tool}} set mged_help_data(overlay) $helplib_data(dgo_overlay) set mged_help_data(p) {{dx [dy dz]} {set parameters}} set mged_help_data(pathlist) $helplib_data(wdb_pathlist) @@ -251,21 +265,25 @@ set mged_help_data(paths) $helplib_data(wdb_paths) set mged_help_data(permute) {{tuple} {permute vertices of an ARB}} set mged_help_data(plot) {{[-float] [-zclip] [-2d] [-grid] [out_file] [|filter]} {make UNIX-plot of view}} set mged_help_data(png) {{[-c r/g/b] [-s size] file} {save graphics window to PNG image file}} +set mged_help_data(postscript) {{[-f font] [-t title] [-c creator] [-s size in inches] [-l linewidth] file} {creates a postscript file of the current view}} set mged_help_data(prcolor) $helplib_data(wdb_prcolor) set mged_help_data(prefix) {{new_prefix object(s)} {prefix each occurrence of object name(s)}} set mged_help_data(press) {{button_label} {emulate button press}} set mged_help_data(prj_add) {{ [-t] [-b] [-n] shaderfile [image_file] [image_width] [image_height]} {Appends image filename + current view parameters to shaderfile}} set mged_help_data(preview) {{[-v] [-o imagename.ext] [-d sec_delay] [-D start frame] [-K last frame] rt_script_file} {preview new style RT animation script}} -set mged_help_data(postscript) {{[-f font] [-t title] [-c creator] [-s size in inches] [-l linewidth] file} {creates a postscript file of the current view}} -set mged_help_data(pull) $helplib_data(wdb_pull) +set mged_help_data(process) {{[subcommands]} {List and manage currently running subprocesses}} +set mged_help_data(ps) {{} {List currently running subprocesses}} +set mged_help_data(pull) $helplib_data(wdb_pull) set mged_help_data(push) $helplib_data(wdb_push) set mged_help_data(put) $helplib_data(wdb_put) +set mged_help_data(put_comb) {{comb_name color shader inherit boolean_expr is_region [regionID airID materialID los]} {create a combination with the values assigned}} set mged_help_data(putmat) {{a/b {I | m0 m1 ... m16}} {replace matrix on combination's arc}} +set mged_help_data(pwd) {{} {print the current working directory}} set mged_help_data(q) {{} {quit}} +set mged_help_data(qorot) {{x y z dx dy dz theta} {rotate object being edited about specified vector}} set mged_help_data(qray) $helplib_data(dgo_qray) set mged_help_data(query_ray) $helplib_data(dgo_nirt) set mged_help_data(quit) {{} {quit}} -set mged_help_data(qorot) {{x y z dx dy dz theta} {rotate object being edited about specified vector}} set mged_help_data(qvrot) {{dx dy dz theta} {set view from direction vector and twist angle}} set mged_help_data(r) $helplib_data(wdb_region) set mged_help_data(rcc-blend) {{rccname newname thickness [b|t]} {create a blend at an end of an rcc}} @@ -295,8 +313,8 @@ set mged_help_data(rrt) {{prog [options]} {invoke prog with view}} set mged_help_data(rt) $helplib_data(dgo_rt) set mged_help_data(rt_gettrees) $helplib_data(wdb_rt_gettrees) set mged_help_data(rtabort) $helplib_data(dgo_rtabort) -set mged_help_data(rtcheck) $helplib_data(dgo_rtcheck) set mged_help_data(rtarea) $helplib_data(dgo_rtarea) +set mged_help_data(rtcheck) $helplib_data(dgo_rtcheck) set mged_help_data(rtedge) $helplib_data(dgo_rtedge) set mged_help_data(rtweight) $helplib_data(dgo_rtweight) set mged_help_data(savekey) {{file [time]} {save keyframe in file}} @@ -319,7 +337,9 @@ set mged_help_data(shells) $helplib_data(wdb_shells) set mged_help_data(showmats) $helplib_data(wdb_showmats) set mged_help_data(size) $helplib_data(vo_size) set mged_help_data(solids) {{file object(s)} {make ascii summary of solid parameters}} +set mged_help_data(source) {{file} {read and execute an external file}} set mged_help_data(sph-part) {{sph1name sph2name newname} {create a part from two sph's}} +set mged_help_data(stat) {{[options]} {report information about the current database}} set mged_help_data(status) {{[state|Viewscale|base2local|local2base| toViewcenter|Viewrot|model2view|view2model| model2objview|objview2model|help]} {get view status}} @@ -342,6 +362,7 @@ set mged_help_data(vars) {{[var=opt]} {get/set mged variables}} set mged_help_data(vdraw) {{write|insert|delete|read|length|send [args]} {draw custom data into the wireframe view}} set mged_help_data(view) {{center|size|eye|ypr|quat|aet} {get/set view parameters (local units).}} set mged_help_data(viewdir) {{[-i]} {return direction vector based on current view}} +set mged_help_data(viewsize) {{[view_size]} {sets the size of the current viewing cube}} set mged_help_data(vnirt) {{x y} {trace a single ray from x y}} set mged_help_data(voxelize) {{[-s "dx dy dz"] [-d n] [-t f] new_obj old_obj [old_obj2 old_obj3 ...]} {convert object to its constituent voxels, i.e.the RPPs which approximate it. @@ -356,9 +377,9 @@ set mged_help_data(vquery_ray) {{x y} {trace a single ray from x y}} set mged_help_data(vrot) $helplib_data(vo_vrot) set mged_help_data(wcodes) {{filename object(s)} {write region ident codes to filename}} set mged_help_data(whatid) $helplib_data(wdb_whatid) +set mged_help_data(which_shader) {{Shader(s)} {lists all combinations using the given shaders}} set mged_help_data(whichair) $helplib_data(wdb_whichair) set mged_help_data(whichid) $helplib_data(wdb_whichid) -set mged_help_data(which_shader) {{Shader(s)} {lists all combinations using the given shaders}} set mged_help_data(who) $helplib_data(dgo_who) set mged_help_data(wmater) {{filename comb(s)} {write combination materials to filename}} set mged_help_data(x) $helplib_data(dgo_solid_report)