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Alberto Calderón Queimadelos edited this page Feb 16, 2018 · 24 revisions

Welcome to the Madrid's Consul wiki!

Flaky Tests handling:

Test localhost on mobile/tablet

  1. Check your computer IP (i.e.
  2. Launch rails server rails server -b
  3. On your device open and test

Upload file to shared folder across preproduction or production servers

For a given FILENAME, FOLDERS structure, and ENV (decidepre/decidepro)

  1. Create the FOLDERS structure
ssh ENV
cd participacion/shared/public/system
  1. Upload file
scp FILENAME.pdf deploy@ENV:/aytomad/app/participa/participacion/shared/public/system/FOLDERS/FILENAME.pdf
  1. Get the url... something like


If you get an error while trying to ssh a server or do a capistrano deployment, you may have to ssh the proxy again:

ssh decideproxy ssh-add

To do a deploy to an ENV (preproduction/production):

  1. Cleanup releases
cap ENV deploy:cleanup
  1. Run the deploy script (preproduction will deploy master branch, production will deploy stable)
cap ENV deploy

To deploy an specific branch to an ENV:

cap ENV deploy branch=BRANCH_NAME

Execute Rake tasks on servers

bin/rake csv:export RAILS_ENV=preproduction

Execute Rails Console on server

ssh decidepre
cd participacion/current
bin/rails c preproduction

Consul => Madrid pull

Check current status with:

Ensure you have a consul remote like:

$ git remote -v
consul [email protected]:consul/consul.git (fetch)
consul [email protected]:consul/consul.git (push)
origin [email protected]:AyuntamientoMadrid/consul.git (fetch)
origin [email protected]:AyuntamientoMadrid/consul.git (push)

  1. Create new branch from master and merge consul's master branch:
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout -b upstream
git fetch consul
git merge consul/master
  1. Fix any merge conflicts, and git push
  2. Fill PR description with included Consul's PR links and Consul pull ⬇️ title
  3. After merging that PR, open a new one from master to stable with title Deploy to Pro 🚀:

Refresh sitemap

rake sitemap:refresh:no_ping

Download server logs to your machine

scp deploy@decidepro:~/participacion/current/log/production.log ~/your_local_directory

Clone this wiki locally