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ATIONet - POS - Mercado Pago Transaction Protocol Specification v1.1

Document Information
File: AN-POS_Transaction_Protocol-Spec
Doc Version: 1.1
Release Date: 28, June 2022
Author: ATIONet LLC
Change Log
Ver. Date Change Summary
1.1 28, June 2022 Initial version.




This specification is intended to document ATIONet’s POS Protocol with Mercado Pago integration messaging format and related features required for the systems applying for integration with ATIONet. The following sections provide descriptions of the messages themselves, the expected behavior for each supported transaction type and a common ground for the functionality of each relevant item.


Version 1.0 of this document covers a particular version of ATIONet’s Host protocol. Although feature’s descriptions are generally not related to a particular version of the protocol, some changes may apply which would be specifically commented and identified on each feature’s description paragraph.

Data Security

To validate the source of transactions and data encryption, the ATIONet Native Transaction Protocol relies on a SSL connection between the Site’s Terminal or Site’s Controller and the ATIONet Host. The SSL connection is established for each request/response pair, using a certificate property of ATIONet, meaning that each request must include a system-type user and password on the Header. The user will be matched against the related ATIONet actor for each message.

Users to be used on the Transaction Protocol messaging will be created by authorized users via ATIONet Console.

At this time there is no provisioning to distribute or update certificates or thumbprints thru a system interface. This information will be provided at request of the Controller’s vendor during the integration project.

Error Handling

Success/failure exits on the POS Transaction Protocol will be handled via HTTP status codes.

Successful request will get a HTTP 200 and the resulting response.

Any interaction with the API will return a single JSON-formatted item with the “Response Code” and “Response Text”. The body of these responses will never be empty.

Failure to process the request will be indicated by an HTTP 400’s range status code. The body will contain a single JSON-formatted item with the “ResponseCode”, “ResponseMessage” and “ResponseError” fields.

  • ResponseCode: Will contain a unique code for that specific error
  • ResponseMessage: A short message describing the error
  • ResponseError: Will contain the stack trace of the error, this helps debug process.

Sample JSON body

{“ResponseCode”:”40001”,”ResponseMessage”:”Site not Found”,”ResponseError”:""}

Possible values for ResponseCode:

ResponseCode ResponseMessage
0 Received command is not a valid POS Protocol command
1 Site Id is null or empty
2 Unable to confirm transaction due to invalid parameters or status
3 Action given for transaction code is invalid
4 Transaction amount is zero or negative
5 Missing parameters for transaction creation request
6 Error during serialization/processing of request. Trace is sent as part of message
7 Given parameters are invalid for request
8 Unable to confirm order payment
9 Site has no Access Token and it's required for operation
10 Order has no aproved payments.
100 Requested Site Id was not found
102 The given site has a refund pending on one of it's fuel points


This cloud module contains 2 main components, the one that talks to the controllers and the one that talks to Mercado Pago. Both are HTTPS web APIs.


Controllers API

Supported Commands

Code Name Description
C Send Transaction Message sent by the controller containing new sales generated at the POS
A Get Status This is the message that the controller sends to get news
B Confirm Status This is the message that the controller sends to confirm that the received status in message A was processed OK
U Update Transaction Message sent from the POS to clear or cancel transactions

Verb: POST



  • Accept-Encoding: gzip
  • Authorization: Basic user:password

Command Flow Without Payment Notification URL


Command flow with payment notification URL


Send Transaction (C)

Request Body:

 "transaction_code": "C",
 "site_id": "123456",
 "pump_id": "7",
 "order": {
    "collector_id": 178106235,
    "items": [
        "title": " $500.00 de Premium",
        "description": "$500.00 de Premium",
        "quantity": 1.0,
        "unit_price": 500.00,
	"total_amount": 500.00,
    "external_reference": "45ea80da",
    "url": "pos notification valid url"
    "loyalty": null

Response Body:

If the HTTP response code is different than 200, then the following structure is return


Note: If pump is in a particular error (for instance reverse pending), a particular and specific ResponseCode (same error_code returned in GetStatus) must be returned. See Error Handling section for more details.

Get Status (A)

Request Body:


Response Body:

[{“pump_id":"7","external_reference":"975321", “action”: “P”, “payment_type”: “Mercado Pago”, “paymentObject”:”<serializedobject>”},
{“pump_id”:”10”, ”action”:”E”,“error_code”:”102”}]
Field Description
pump_id The pump where the sale was done
external_reference The sale number provided by the controller in the command "C"
action If the response does not have Action, it indicates that the payment was not processed. if “P”, the transaction has been paid. If “E”, the controller needs to set pump as in ERROR in the cloud and controlles must avoid sending any command until it is fixed. Same error must be returned as a response to every GetStatus request until it is fixed.
payment_type It will be present only if action is “P”. It is the payment type used to pay. See table below for possible values.
paymentObject It will be present only if action is “P”. It is a serialized string representation of the Payment Object provided by Mercado Pago.
error_code It will be present only if action is “E”. It is an error code that represent a particular error on a particular pump. Note: Same error_code must be returned by the cloud as a response to every GetStatus request until it is fixed.

Possible values for payment_type:

Payment_type Description
Mercado Pago Transaction was paid through Mercado Pago.

Confirm Status (B)

Request Body:

{"transaction_code":"B","site_id":"123456","pump_id":"7", "external_reference":"974423", “status”:”OK}

Response Body:

If the HTTP response code is different than 200, then the following structure is return


Special Case 1:

If pump is in a particular error (for instance reverse pending), a particular and specific ResponseCode (same error_code returned in GetStatus) must be returned. See Error Handling section for more details.

Special Case 2:

If the POS receives a “P” action requiring Payment of sale but Payment Object status is not approved, the POS will not send ConfirmStatus because it must not pay the sale. Instead, it will unlock the sale and notify the cloud by sending Update Transaction (U) with Clear (C) action to make the sale available for future QR scanning.

Update Transaction (U)

Request Body:

{"transaction_code": "U", "site_id": "123456", "pump_id": "7", “action”: <“X” or “C”> }

Response Body:

If the HTTP response code is different than 200, then the following structure is return


Cleaning Sale Cache (Action = C) Sale should be cleared on the cloud on the following cases 1. If a new transaction is started in the pump (only with Fueling state) 2. If a sale is paid locally from POS or other application If there are no sales on the cache related to Site_ID + Pump_ID cloud should answer with status 200

Cancel Transaction (Action = X) The payment will be cancelled. This sends a refund message to the virtual wallet If there are no sales on the cache related to Site_ID + Pump_ID cloud should answer with status 200

Note: If pump is in a particular error (for instance reverse pending), a particular and specific ResponseCode (same error_code returned in GetStatus) must be returned. See Error Handling section for more details.

Mercado Pago API

Mercado Pago API reference:

Objects references

Order object

Field Name Type Condition Descriptions/Field Value(s)
collector_id Long Required Identificador de la cuenta de Mercado Pago a la que se le acreditarán los pagos.
sponsor_id Long Required Identificador de una cuenta de Mercado Pago que integra la solución.
external_reference String Required Referencia para sincronizar con tu sistema.
url String Optional URL a la cual se enviarán las notificaciones, definida por el integrador. Para utilizar esta opción, será necesario contar con la configuración de la autenticación en la suscripción de la network. En caso de no suministrar la url, se deberá efectuar el GetStatus para obtener la información del pago
items Array Required Lista de los productos, donde cada item es un object con los siguientes campos
loyalty Object Required Datos necesarios para sumar puntos en un determinado programa de fidelización

Items object

Field Name Type Condition Descriptions/Field Value(s)
title String Required Nombre del producto.
quantity Entero Required Cantidad de este producto.
unit_price Decimal Required Precio unitario del producto.
total_amount Decimal Required Monto total del item.

Loyalty object

Field Name Type Condition Descriptions/Field Value(s)
program String Required Programa de fidelización (serviclub, payback, etc.)
transaction_id String Required Número de transacción.
invoice_number String Required Número de comprobante.
transaction_date String Required Fecha y hora de la transacción (ISO 8601).
transaction_amount Decimal Required Importe total de la transacció.
store_id String Required Identificador único del negocio (identificador de estación de servicio o APIES).
products Array Required Lista de los productos comprados con los siguientes atributos
code String Required Código del producto.
quantity Decimal o entero Required Por ejemplo 20.50 litros.
unit_price Decimal Required Precio unitario del producto.
unit String Required Unidad de medida si aplica (litre, etc.)
cashier_identification Object Required Datos del empleado
type String Required Tipo de documento (DNI, INE, etc.)
number String Required Id de documento.
period String Required Número del período.
shift String Required Número del turno.
affinity_plan String Required Plan de afinidad.