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24sevenoffice Restful API for NodeJS

24sevenoffice ( is a cloud based ERP solution that is very popular and have a solid customer base.

One of the primary issues when integrating with their API ( is that its primarly a SOAP based API and only natively support C#.NET and PHP.

This project is targeted to provide a NodeJS based RESTful API to access all the services of 24sevenoffice API.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Project
  2. Issue the following command to create the .env file in you local enviornment. .env file is used to configure your local development enviornment.
cp .env.example .env
  1. You need to create a 24sevenoffice comunity account and apply for a application ID in order to work with the 24sevenoffice API. Follow instructions given in to create the community user account and apply and get an application ID. NB: Please note you will need these details to contunue from this point onwards

  2. After creating an community user account and obtaining an application Id, fill the values for the enviornment variables defined in your local .env file.

API_APP_ID='<your app id>'
COMMUNITY_24SEVENOFFICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL='<your community account email>'
COMMUNITY_24SEVENOFFICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD='<your community account password>'
  1. In order to test the API, please issue the following command to run the tests
npm run tests

All tests should run successfully.

Using 24sevenoffice-nodejs-rest-api

Following code shows how easy it is to connect and use the 24sevenoffice-nodejs-rest-api. The following example shows how to create a new product category. Note that we are using ES6 notation.

import { get24SevenAuthSessionId } from '../../services/soap.client.js';
import { service24seven } from '../../services/coreService.js';

const [authError, sessionId] = await get24SevenAuthSessionId(); // Authenticate the user (defined in the .env file) and get a session id
if(authError) console.log('Error occured when authenticating', authError);

// define the URL of the soap webservice you want to connect.
const productServiceUrl = '';

// Create a parameter object, based on the data type definitions given in
const paramObject = {
  categories: [
      Category: {
        Id: 5,
        Name: 'Test Transporter',
        IncVat: true,
        Currency: '',
// call the service and get the results
const [error, results] = await service24seven(productServiceUrl, 'SaveCategories', paramObject, sessionId);
console.log(error); // error should be undefined in a successfull call
console.log(results); // see the result json object

Tested Services

At the moment, We have tested with the following services, you can look into these test files to get na idea on how to use 24sevenoffice-nodejs-rest-api to connect to 24sevenoffice.

  1. Product Service (
  2. Company/Customer Service (
  3. Invoice Service ( You will find a test file correspoinding to each services in the test folder.

Other Notes for Development

To test inidividual test file, for example to test the soap.client.test.js, issue the following command

./node_modules/.bin/mocha --require babel-core/register --timeout 10000 --exit  test/services/soap.client.test.js

If you want to create the services using TDD, use the following command to run the tests in watch mode

./node_modules/.bin/mocha --require babel-core/register --timeout 10000 --exit --watch  test/services/soap.client.test.js