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MicroC Parser

The goal of this assignment is to implement a parser for MicroC. For your implementation you must use ocamllex for implementing the scanner and menhir for the parser.

MicroC syntax

The syntax is a small variant of the syntax of the C language.

Lexical elements

  • Identifiers starts with a letter or an underscore and then can contain letters, underscore and numbers, e.g., i, _local_var, string_of_int32;

  • Integer literals are sequence of digits (integers are 32bit values), e.g., 32, 1024, 3232;

  • Character literals have the form 'c' where c is a character, e.g., a, A, 1;

  • Boolean literals are true and false;

  • Keywords are: if, return, else, for, while, int, char, void, NULL, bool;

  • Operators are: &, +, -, *, /, %, =, ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=, &&, ||, !

  • Other symbols: (, ), {, }, [, ], &, ;

  • Comments:

    • //... single line comments;
    • /* ... */ multi line comments.

The operators have the following precedence and associativity:

right    =             /* lowest precedence */
left     ||
left     &&
left     ==  != 
nonassoc >  <  >=  <=
left     +  - 
left     *  /  %
nonassoc !  &
nonassoc [             /* highest precedence  */


Here is an ambiguous grammar for MicroC where tokens with no semantic values are enclosed between quotes, e.g., "(", whereas tokens with semantic values are capitalized, e.g., INT. As usual the operator * means zero or more occurrences, + means one or more occurrences, and ? means at most one.

Program ::= Topdecl* EOF

Topdecl ::= Vardecl ";"  | Fundecl

Vardecl ::= Typ Vardesc

Vardesc ::= ID | "*" Vardesc | "(" Vardesc ")" | Vardesc "[" "]" | Vardesc "[" INT "]" 

Fundecl ::= Typ ID "("((Vardecl ",")* Vardecl)? ")" Block

Block ::= "{" (Stmt | Vardecl ";")* "}"

Typ ::= "int" | "char" | "void" | "bool" 

Stmt ::= "return" Expr ";" | Expr ";" | Block | "while" "(" Expr ")" Block 
    |    "for" "(" Expr? ";" Expr? ";" Expr? ")" Block
    |    "if" "(" Expr ")" Stmt "else" Stmt  | "if" "(" Expr ")" Stmt

Expr ::= RExpr | LExpr

LExpr ::= ID | "(" LExpr ")" | "*" LExpr | "*" AExpr | LExpr "[" Expr "]"

RExpr ::= AExpr | ID "(" ((Expr ",")* Expr)? ")" | LExpr "=" Expr | "!" Expr 
    |  "-" Expr | Expr BinOp Expr 

BinOp ::= "+" | "-" | "*" | "%" | "/" | "&&" | "||" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "==" | "!="

AExpr ::= INT | CHAR | BOOL | "NULL" | "(" RExpr ")" | "&" LExpr

Requirement to build the code

The code requires:

  • OCaml >= 4.10.1
  • Menhir >= 20200624
  • ppx_deriving >= 4.5

You can install the required dependencies via opam

$ opam install menhir ppx_deriving

Here, you can the documentation of ppx_deriving.

Building the code

Typing make will generate a microcc.native executable:

$ make

To clean-up the folder, run:

$ make clean

Directory structure

Here is a description of content of the repository

src/                               <-- The source code lives here
Makefile                           <-- Driver for `make` (uses OCB)
_tags                              <-- OCamlBuild configuration
tests/                             <-- Some programs to test your implementation

The source code

The src/ directory provides:                       <-- Definition of the abstract syntax tree of MicroC                   <-- The file from which build the executable             <-- Module that interact with the parser                      <-- Utility module  
parser.mly                   <-- Menhir specification of the grammar 
scanner.mll                  <-- ocamllex specification of the scanner