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File metadata and controls

108 lines (78 loc) · 4.08 KB

Setup on new machine


  1. Download and install Docker Desktop
  2. Download and install Node JS
  3. Download and install Git
  4. Clone the cns-connector-service repository
  5. Install the following npm packages globally:
    1. typescript
    2. cpx

Only for Developers:

  1. Download and install VS Code
  2. Optional: install the VS Code extension Tasks

How to run

To run a single Business Connector instance, execute the following command:

docker compose -f .dev/docker-compose.debug.yml -f .dev/docker-compose.debug.[env].yml up --build

(replace [env] with dev, stage or prod, depending on which Backbone environment you want the Business Connector to run in)

After a few seconds you should see the following output:

bc-api-1-stage             | [2021-01-25T11:27:40.788] [INFO] Transport.Transport - Transportinitialized
bc-api-1-stage             | [2021-01-25T11:27:41.241] [INFO] HttpServerModule - Listening on port 80
bc-api-1-stage             | [2021-01-25T11:27:41.241] [INFO] Runtime - Started all modules.

You can access the Swagger UI of the Business Connector under http://localhost:3000/docs.

How to debug

Do NOT execute the steps from the previous chapter.

  1. Execute the VS Code task Compile
  2. Execute the VS Code task Run 1 and select the appropriate Backbone environment and components to start.
  3. Wait until you see the following output on the console:
    bc-api-1-stage             | [2021-01-25T11:27:40.788] [INFO] Transport.Transport - Transport initialized
    bc-api-1-stage             | [2021-01-25T11:27:41.241] [INFO] HttpServerModule - Listening on port 80
    bc-api-1-stage             | [2021-01-25T11:27:41.241] [INFO] Runtime - Started all modules.
  4. To attach the debugger, switch to the VS Code "Run" view, select the Run configuration "Attach to BC 1" and click the Run button.

If you're running on Linux (or wsl), every time you save a file, the server is restarted, as long as you don't cancel the Compile task.

If you're running on Windows you have to execute the Restart task after you saved a file. This is because when mounting a folder from the Windows file system into a Linux Docker container, the file system events are not being mapped properly.

Deploy an image to the "public" registry


install zx with npm i -g zx and make sure it is in your path

How to run

  1. on linux run ./scripts/publishVersionToPublic.mjs on windows you can run zx ./scripts/publishVersionToPublic.mjs
  2. answer the questions (specify a source and target tag and verify the images)

e.g. Deploying tag "2.2.2" to tag 2.2.2

> ./scripts/publishVersionToPublic.mjs
What source image tag should be deployed? 2.2.2
What target image tag should be deployed (leave empty for "2.2.2")?
Deploying "" to ""
Continue? y/n y
$ docker pull
latest: Pulling from bc
cbdbe7a5bc2a: Pulling fs layer

e.g. Deploying tag "2.2.5" to tag "latest"

> ./scripts/publishVersionToPublic.mjs
What source image tag should be deployed? 2.2.5
What target image tag should be deployed (leave empty for "2.2.2")? latest
Deploying "" to ""
Continue? y/n y
$ docker pull
latest: Pulling from bc
cbdbe7a5bc2a: Pulling fs layer

Connector SDK development


  • run npx lerna bootstrap (this will symlink the SDK in the node_modules of the BC)
  • run lerna run build to build the changes for the BC


The SDK is published, when you merge the project to master while having changed the package version.